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Creating a group project to make a video advertisement using CapCut involves

planning, collaboration, and execution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you organize
and carry out this project effectively:

Project Overview

Objective: Create a 60sec to 2mins video advertisement for RBC.


 College
 Senior High

Tools Needed:

 CapCut App: Free video editing software on PC.

 Smartphones or Cameras: For shooting video clips.
 Google Drive or Dropbox: For file sharing.

Group Roles:

1. Project Manager: Oversees the project, ensures deadlines are met.

2. Scriptwriter: Develops the video script and plans the storyboard.
3. Videographers: Shoot the video content.
4. Editors: Assemble and edit the video clips using CapCut.
5. Sound Engineer: Manages the audio aspects including background music and
6. Marketing Strategist: Plans how the video will be used and shared.

Step 1: Pre-Production

 Scriptwriting: Develop a script that conveys the message of the advertisement

clearly. Include dialogue, voice-overs, and scene descriptions.
 Storyboarding: Create a storyboard that visually outlines each scene, based on
the script. Use simple sketches or digital tools to map out shots.
 Planning: Schedule the filming dates, locations, and necessary equipment.
Determine any props or extras needed for the video.

Step 2: Production

 Filming: Videographers capture all required footage, adhering to the storyboard.

Ensure good lighting and stable shooting to reduce editing workload.
 Voice Recording: If using voice-overs, record them clearly and in a noise-free

Step 3: Post-Production

 Downloading CapCut: Ensure all editors have CapCut installed on their devices.
 Video Editing:
1. Import the clips into CapCut.
2. Cut and arrange the clips according to the storyboard.
3. Add transitions and effects to enhance the visual flow.
4. Insert text overlays for additional information or call to action.
5. Sync voice-overs and ensure the timing aligns with the video.
6. Add background music, ensuring it complements the visual content and
adheres to copyright rules.
 Feedback: Share the initial version with the group via Google Drive or Dropbox.
Collect feedback and make necessary adjustments.

Step 4: Finalization

 Final Edits: Apply final corrections based on group feedback.

 Exporting the Video: Export the final product from CapCut in the appropriate
format (usually MP4).
 Review: Conduct a final group viewing to ensure everyone approves.

Step 5
: Distribution

 Marketing Plan Execution: Follow the strategy developed by the marketing

strategist to share the video across various platforms like social media, email, or

Project Timeline:

 Day 1: Concept development, scriptwriting, and storyboarding.

 Day 2: Filming and gathering all video and audio materials.
 Day 3: Video editing and first round of feedback.
 Day 4: Final edits, final approval, and distribution planning.
 Day 5: Launch the video as per the marketing strategy.

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