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How can young people be better supported to thrive in green jobs?

Green jobs are aimed to significantly maintain quality of the environment, they help with improving
energy and raw materials efficiency. Those jobs can bring high carbon to low carbon by promoting
environment friendly. They have direct positive impact on the planet.

There are few green jobs sectors, such as: agriculture, manufacturing, research, fisheries, forests,
renewable energy and tourism. Some examples of green jobs are: solar panel installer, recycling plant
technician, electric vehicle engineer, energy analyst

Young people can be better supported by being provided with suitable education and greater
opportunities. They should be more involved in such jobs and also be involved with right people who are
professional, that way the progress can manage to be showing. Educational systems should focus more
on embedding sustainable development and providing young people counsel so they can be better in
green jobs. They usually don’t feel prepared to participate and there are few people who actually feel
competent in doing these jobs. And the fact is most of young people were affected by climate change
but only one in three feel that their education has prepared them to address the impacts.

For green jobs strategic thinking, research, analysis and leadership are needed, as for skills environment
and ecosystem management skills. There aren’t so many young people who know how to manage green
jobs without guidance and that’s the problem cause later on, the planet is going to rely on young people
and their skills. I think that countries should start thinking about putting green jobs knowledge into
schools and preparing people for the future happenings cause this is the important time for people to
understand how green jobs are actually serious. They are concerned about the future of the planet and
how can they beneficial to the world.

Personally I think that young people are very intelligent but at this moment, we live in the world where
you can learn online and finish all your work online, most of the time people actually work from home.
That also might be a problem for the newer generations cause they aren’t used to being practical and
hard working and that affecting the world cause there won’t be people to do jobs like green jobs.
Younger people are working newer jobs and probably aren’t capable of doing green jobs the right way
without being taught the right way. More green jobs can be created by letting young people be
productive and supported in their job cause younger generations tend to be creative and productive
though if not they get bored easily. Also in some jobs people like to hire younger people more than
older ones cause younger ones tend to be more active and are better help which is great opportunity for
young people cause they are usually looking for jobs to earn some money while working a nice job

With just support, time, guidance and education, young people will be able to thrive in green jobs as
much as needed

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