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1 The Beginning of Industrialization

Industrial Revolution Begins in Britain (1700) Water Transportation

Agricultural Revolution Paved the Way Robert Fulton ordered a steam engine from Boulton
Wealthy landowners enclosed their land with fences and and Watt, and built Clermont (steamboat).
hedges. Road Transportation
Enclosure movement: In 1800, John McAdam (Scottish engineer) equipped
 Landowners tried new agricultural methods. road beds with a layer of large stones for drainage.
 Large landowners forced small farmers to give The Railway Age Begin
up farming and move to cities.
Steam-Driven Locomotives
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill in 1701 it allows one
to sow seed in well-spaced rows at specific depths. In 1804, Richard Trevithick haul ten tons of iron over
Rotating Crops nearly ten miles of track in a steam-driven locomotive.

Crop rotation is one of the best developments by George Stephenson builds some 20 engines for mine
scientific farmers. operations in northern England. He began to work on
the world’s first railroad line.
Robert Bakewell increased his mutton output by
allowing only his best sheep to breed, other farmers The Liverpool-Manchester Railroad (1830)
followed Bakewell’s lead. Between 1700-1786, the
weight of lambs climbed from 18-50 pounds. In 1829, choose the best locomotive for use on the new
line. Five engines entered the competition, designed by
Why the Industrial Revolution Began in England Stephenson and his son.
Industrialization process of developing machines Railroads Revolutionize Life in Britain
Locomotive 4 major effect:
Business people, Britain’s highly developed banking
system also contributed to industrialization.  Giving a cheap way to transport products
Factors of production are the resources needed to  Created hundreds of thousands of new jobs
produce to goods and services that the industrial  Boosted agricultural and fishing industries
revolution required (land, labor, and capital).  Making travel easier
Inventions Spur Industrialization 2 Industrialization
Changes in the Textile Industry Industrialization Changes Life
Major invention had modernized the cotton industry. Industrial Cities Rise
In 1722, John Kay made a flying shuttle that sped back Urbanization city building and movement of people to
and forth on wheels. cities.
In 1764, James Hargreaves invented the spinning
London was the country’s most important city. During
wheel (spinning jenny).
the 1800s population exploded providing a vast labor
In 1769, Richard Arkwright invented the water frame. pool by 1800
In 1779, Samuel Crompton combined the spinning
jenny and water frame to produce a spinning mule.
In 1787, Edmund Cartwright’s power loom sped up
Wealthy textile merchants set up machines in large
buildings called factories it needed waterpower so the
first ones were built near rivers and streams.
In 1793, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which
multiplied the amount of cotton that could be cleaned.
Improvements in Transportation
Watts’s Steam Engine
In 1765, James Watt make the steam engine work
faster and more efficiently.
In 1774, Watt joined Matthew Boulton (entrepreneur)
he paid Watt a salary to build better engines.

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