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Prof. Pontoriero, Roberto


1- What is a neologism?

2- Identify and explain the word formation processes involved in the underlined words.
a- You are wearing a raincoat and your sunglasses? What a combination!
b- Oh no, my bike is broken! I’ll have to take the bus.
c- Have a look at the Email I sent you. It’s got the information you want about glamping.
d- Teddy, Billy and Charlie are coming dinner tonight.
e- I love broccoli; I don’t know any person who doesn’t like it.
f- This is unfreakingbelievable!

3- Identify and classify the free and bound morphemes in the following sentences. Explain.

a- When I got to my house, the cat was sleeping peacefully under my bed.

b- The singer’s voice was beautiful during the concert last night.

4- Explain the referential and the associative meaning of the word ROSE.

5- Using semantic features, how would you explain the oddness in these sentences?

a- The fish sang a song.

b- The chair raced down the street.

6- Identify the semantic roles of the noun phrases in the following sentence.

The chef cooked with his new pan a delicious meal in the restaurant and he took it from the kitchen to
the saloon; the food was delicious and the customers were marvelled.

7- Which is the lexical relationship between each pair of words:

a- assemble / disassemble
b- damp / moist
c- deep / shallow
d- dog / schnauzer
e- furniture / table
f- married / sing
g- move / run
h- peace / piece
i- pen / pen
j- absent / present
k- appear / disappear
l- fail / pass
m- swallow / swallow

8- Are the underlined words in these sentences best described as examples of polysemy or metonymy?

a- The crown announced a new tax policy, and the press was quick to react.

b- The bank by the river is a great place to relax and read a book.

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