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cow waste

What is biomethane?it is a liquid oil or solid?? how u get the biomethane?what the process relate to produce biomethane?does it hot harm to the earth?it is save the cost for people?what the benefit to use it

THERMINOLOGY OF BIOMETHANE Biomethane is biogas upgraded to pipeline and vehicle quality by separating most of the carbon dioxide from the methane to increase the energy content of the fuel to meet the required specifications and remove the impurities. Biomethane can be processed into compressed natural gas (CNG) or the more energy-dense liquefied natural gas (LNG) for natural gas vehicles.

Raw material
Cow dung is the undigested residue of plant matter which has passed through the animal's gut


cow waste process

-Cow waste is the undigested residue of plant matter which has passed through the animal's gut -The resultant faecal matter is rich in minerals. -Colour ranges from greenish to blackish, often darkening in colour soon after exposure to air.

Celllulose Carbohydrate

Pathway process of cow waste

Figure 2.0 The digestive system of a cow includes four stomachs. The rumen is similar to a lake with a river running through one corner.

Reticulum and ruminants The reticulum and the rumen are the first two stomachs of ruminants. The contents of the reticulum is mixed with that of the rumen almost continuously (once every minute ), share a dense population of micro-organisms (bacteria, protozoa, and fungi)

Omasum The third stomach or omasum is round. It has a capacity of about 10 liters. The omasum is a small organ with great absorption capacity. It allows the recycling of water and minerals such as sodium and phosphorus which return to the rumen through the saliva. Since the modes of digestion in the rumen and the abomasum differ drastically, the omasum acts as an organ of transition between these two organs.

Abomasum The fourth stomach is the abomasum. This stomach is like the stomach of non-ruminants. It secretes a strong acid and many digestive enzymes. In non-ruminants, ingested feeds are first digested in the abomasum. However, the material entering the abomasum of a ruminant is made up primarily of unfermented feed particles, some end-products of microbial fermentation and microbes which grew in the rumen

Small intestine (digestion and absorbtion) Secretion of digestive enzymes by the small intestine, the liver and the pancreas. Enzymatic digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Absorption of some water, minerals and products of digestion: glucose, amino acids and fatty acids.

Cecum (fermentation) and large intestine

A usually small microbial population ferments the unabsorbed products of digestion. Absorption of water and feces formation

Explanation of chemical reaction that occur in digestive system of the cow.

-p/s =I not completed this process completely bcoz I still find out the information about the reaction.sorry this process I will bring it tomorrow.if u have their information so u can put it ok.n by the way,please repair the upper page about biomethane.i don have an idea to make it more creative n any information else to put


Manure collection Manure processing and separation Digester stage Gas upgrade Pipe injection

Dung or cow waste may also be collected and used to produce biogas to generate electricity and heat. The gas is rich in methane and is used in rural areas of India/Pakistan and elsewhere to provide a renewable and stable source of electricity Cow dung is also used to line the floor and walls of buildings owing to its insect repellent properties for some types of insects (not flies or dung beetles). Example central Africa, Maasai villages have burned cow dung inside to repel mosquitos. In cold places, cow dung is used to line the walls of rustic houses as a cheap thermal insulator. also an optional ingredient in the manufacture of adobe mud brick housing depending on the availability of materials at hand. minimizing pollution and diversifying energy sources. reduce greenhouse gas emissions

During combustion, biomethane is converted to carbon dioxide (a 21 times greenhouse gas savings) The biomethane that is burned as fuel in place of fossil fuels produces less greenhouse gas than the fuel it replaced. Switching to biomethane improves air quality, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, improves water quality and strengthens rural economies.
To quickly achieve the full potential of biomethane, the federal and state governments must support development of the technology, markets, programmatic infrastructure and regulatory environment that will allow rapid use of this practical, domestic energy resource.

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