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FINMGT- 3103

Create the contribution and relevance of the document in understanding the grand narrative of Philippine
history of the primary source TRAVELOGUE Antonio Figafetta's First voyage around the world.

Create the relevance of the document in present time.

(Travelogue) Antonio Pigafetta's First Voyage Around the World While-reading activity.

Contribution and Relevance of the Document in Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine
It was essential for Filipino historians to be aware of Magellan's first voyage around the globe since it provided
them with additional information about the inhabitants, native flora and animals, sites, traditions, and customs
of the Philippines in 1521. These facts included information on the locations' geography, climate, vegetation,
fauna, and native population. He even formed a bond with the monarch and the prince so that he could
immerse himself in their culture while traveling the oceans and recording his data as thoroughly as he could. It
provided historians with thorough descriptions of how our Filipino ancestors lived, clothed, behaved, and
utilized natural resources, which was a useful contribution.
In 1521, Antonio Pigafetta wrote about the inhabitants of the Philippines, describing the tribes and kings of the
islands where they still resided. With the help of these accounts, we also learned that Ferdinand Magellan's
explorations brought Catholicism to the Philippine archipelago for the first time.

Relevance of the Document to the Present Time

The document is significant in the present because it opened doors in the places they passed through, allowing
individuals, ideas, and goods to enter and exit. It created enduring commercial relations between the East and
the West. Additionally, it promoted the exchange of a wide range of knowledge with the local population,
including scientific, cultural, religious, behavioral, and even details about their surroundings and natural
resources. Pigafetta and his notebook, which survived and reported the finding of the western passage to the
Moluccas, made a significant contribution to how the Spaniards learned about these places. In addition, the
fleet encountered unfamiliar land and people along the way, including the Marianas archipelago on the
opposite side of the Pacific and the Philippines, which were approximately three hundred miles to the west.
Furthermore, Magellan's journey is significant since it was the first to completely round the globe and gave rise
to the International Date Line. The first globalization of our world may also be regarded to have begun at that
time. In conclusion, Antonio Pifagetta's journal entry solidified the confirmation of the finding of a useful way
into the Pacific that led to the Spice Islands.

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