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УДК 811.111 (075.9)

ББК 81.2 Англ.
Т 41

Кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач В.А. Лашкул
(Національний університет біоресурсів та
природокористування України)

Розглянуто і схвалено цикловою комісією іноземних мов, протокол № 2

від 14.09.2015.

Рекомендовано методичною радою Київського міжнародного

університету, протокол № 3 від 26.10.2014.

Коромисел М.В.
English for a Speaking Club. Англійська для розмовного клубу: Посібник
для проведення розмовних клубів англійською мовою. – К.: «ФОП Павлюк»,
2014. - 33 с.

Посібник призначено для проведення розмовних клубів з англійської

мови. Може бути використаний як на мовних курсах, так і в класах шкіл,
коледжах та вищих навчальних закладах.

1. Appearances 5
2. Beliefs 6
3. Decisions 7
4. English 9
5. Family 10
6. Geography 12
7. Honesty 13
8. Ideas 15
9. Jobs 16
10. Kindness 18
11. Love 20
12. Money 21
13. Predictions 23
14. Responsibilities 24
15. School 26
16. Food and Meals 27
17. Shopping 29
18. Leisure time activities 31
19. Travelling 33
20. Health 34

Посібник складається з 20 тем, які можна використовувати у
довільному порядку в залежності від інтересів навчальної групи. В кожну
тему входять запитання, твердження-думки для обговорення та слова і фрази,
що рекомендуються для використання.
Вдалою стратегією поведінки викладача під час навчання усного
мовлення іноземною мовою є техніка, за якої викладач слухає студента і
лише занотовує граматичні та лексичні помилки, а також вдалі та невдалі
фрази. Тільки після закінчення відповіді викладач переходить до аналізу
усного тексту студента, не забуваючи підкреслювати і зразки правильного
оформлення думки. Звертаючи увагу на помилки, викладач не видає одразу
правильний варіант, а лише підказує зону помилки, наприклад: час дієслова
(past simple), артикль (article), або повторює помилкові слово чи фразу з
питальною інтонацією (“I’m student?”). Такий метод не порушуватиме
безперервність процесу говоріння, і оптимальніше забезпечуватиме хід усної
практики. Крім того, рекомендуємо викладачам уникати постановки
загальних питань (yes/no-questions) і користуватися виключно спеціальними
питаннями (wh-questions).
Посібник є складовою системи вправ імерсійного методу, розробленого
викладачем мовної школи «Language for us» і описаного в дослідницькій
статті наукового журналу «Молодий вчений» [1]. Основні положення методу:
1) заняття ведуться виключно іноземною мовою;

2) викладач не перебиває студента під час говоріння;

3) вивчення іноземної мови базується на виконанні вправ, спрямованих
на формування у студентів навичок говоріння і слухання;
4) викладач виступає у ролі організатора, партнера (співрозмовника) та
5) форма заняття – парна та фронтальна робота.


Tasks and questions

1. How do you make your initial judgments of people before you speak to them?
2. What do you think about:
a) a man who wears an earring in one ear?
b) a woman who wears heavy make-up?
c) a man with long hair?
d) a woman with an earring in her nose?
e) a man with a beard or mustache?
3. The first time I met … he / she was so …
4. How important is physical attractiveness?
5. Why do women wear make-up?
6. Write your arguments for and against the following:
I would / I would never … in a street, because … .
a. Look at myself in a shop window.
b. Shout at or argue with my partner.
c. Eat while walking along.
d. Kiss my partner.
e. Spit.
f. Cry.
7. ‘Appearances are deceptive.’ Discuss.
Words and phrases
to use make- to improve the way you look
up to attract to look more physically
smb attractive to become a social
to consider smth convention
immoral to look a natural look
younger a rise in
to put smb off cosmetics to be
to be the normal popular
thing to be good- to disguise
looking to be horrible
to give better to give a quick
marks to be more glance to get
likely to affectionate
to have self-confidence to bear your age well

to worry about + ing-form


Tasks and questions

1. What do you associate with the word ‘belief’?

2. How much have your fundamental beliefs changed in the last 5/10/15 years?
3. Write your opinion: We all need something to believe in.
4. Write your definitions: altruism, atheism, capitalism, communism,
fanaticism, fatalism, feminism, hedonism, materialism, optimism, pessimism,

5. How superstitious are you?
6. What do you think brings good / bad luck?
7. Facts that used to be beliefs.
Words and phrases
to have their origin Canc
in primitive people er
rites and Leo
ceremonies to Virgo
make sense of Libra
to be a connection Scorp
between supernatural io
beings Sagittarius (the
events Archer) to invent

Capricorn (the Goat) smth

Aquarius (the Water- a guardian

carrier) Pisces (Fishes) angel to

Aries (the protect smb to

Ram) Taurus avert smth

(the Bull) to revolve around the

Gemini (the Twins) sun strange ideas


Tasks and questions

1. What are the most important decisions we have to make in our life?
2. What is the most important decision you have ever had to make in your life?

3. Dilemmas. Make your choice:
a) being extremely ugly and very intelligent, or incredibly beautiful but particularly
b) never seeing your family again, or never seeing any of your friends again?

c) having twenty exciting eventful years ahead of you, or forty fairly routine years?
d) a beautiful house but miles from anywhere or an average house near to
everything you want?
e) a month in Alaska or a month in the Sahara?

f) two weeks visiting ten different towns or two weeks in one particular interesting
g) a life of permanently following your head or permanently following your heart?

4. How would your life be different now if you had been born of the opposite sex?
5. What would you do to resolve the following situations?
a Your English teacher has lost all interest in teaching your class. All you ever do
is grammar, reading and listening exercises.
b Your family has had a grocery store for more than 50 years. Recently, a
supermarket has opened 100 metres down the road.
c You are a police officer and you have just arrested a woman for stealing food
from a supermarket. On the way to the police station she tells you that in the
previous two weeks she’s lost her purse, her dog has been run over and her sister
has been involved in a car accident.
Phrases and words
to choose to offer discounts
smth to to attract
decide to customers to let
to change smb go
smth to to be law-
explore a city abiding to be in
to motivate trouble to ask

smb to close for help
to reduce prices


Tasks and questions

1. Why do you think many modern languages borrow many words from English?
2. How do you feel about English being the universal language? Discuss
advantages and disadvantages.
3. Try to convince that English is most suitable for being a world language.
Remember to give examples to illustrate your points.
Words and phrases

advanced technology to coin new words

to adopt as the world to squash two words into
language the number of one to clip the ends of
speakers economic words
advantages communication to convert verbs into
to invent a language nouns cases and gender
to put two words together to form the plural



Tasks and questions

1. Introduce yourself:

2. How important is family in our society?

3. What is a perfect family for you?
4. What roles should the mother and father play in a family?
5. What influence have your parents had on your life? What values have they
instilled in you?

6. What differences have you noticed between family life in Britain/America and
family life in your own country?
7. Describe your perfect life partner in terms of starting a family.

8. Why are divorce rates constantly increasing in the Western world?

9. What is more important for you – a career or a family?
10. Compare your life now with your life a few years ago (I used to …) using the
following topics: my home, my friends, my family, my hairstyle, my character, my
studies, my clothes, my holidays, my appearance, my hobbies and interests.
Words and phrases

a family life an
to support smb adult
to look after to
smb share
to expect smb to do to raise
smth to be a top children to be
priority accepted to
to see an increase in grow up
smth economic factors to take care of smb
to be a breadwinner / to bring home to maintain some
the bacon / to provide for your family independence to be a perfect
to work on equal terms match
personal compatibility


Tasks and questions
1. Students draw quick outlines of any countries. The other students try to guess
what countries they are using: I think it is … . It looks like … . This could / must

2. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
3. What do you think are the effects of geographical location on people’s lives
and personalities? Try to give examples.
4. What are the implications (advantages / disadvantages) of living: in a remote
mountain village / in a desert / in a third world country / near a nuclear power
station / near a river which often floods?
5. What are the problems that people face in different parts of the world? Areas to
be focused on: food, shelter, defence, health, religion and death, industry and trade,
6. What do you know about the local history of your native town / city?
Words and phrases
to settle / to be ten minutes
settlements to away to be
dwell accessible
inhabitants a way of living
to grow up easy-going /
in open friendly reserved
beautiful nature


Tasks and questions
1. What do you prefer in a person and why? Put the four in order of priority:
honesty / sincerity, intelligence, sense of humour, good looks.
2. Why do some people steal?

3. Try to remember situations when you behaved in a dishonest way.

4. How honest are you?
5. How can you tell that someone is lying? Why do people lie? How bad is lying?
6. Who do we lie most often to and what is it that we lie about?
7. In what situations would it be convenient to tell a white lie?
8. Practice telling white lies for the following situations:
a. Your mother buys you a revolting jumper.
b. A new friend invites you for dinner. You’re doing nothing but you don’t want to
c. You don’t like the lunch your friend is treating you to.

9. ‘Promises are made to be broken’. Discuss.

10. True or false? Explain your choice.
a. You never cheated at school.
b. More boys cheat than girls.
c. It is wrong to report on a cheat.
Words and phrases
to buy a ticket to upset smb
to get smb to do a compulsive
smth to borrow liar to spot a lie
smth eye-
to promise contact

an intention to do smth your

to over/undercharge smb for voice to

smth to copy books/CDs sound

to cheat in an exam to convince smb of smth
to scratch smth

to trick to be
smb deceptive
permissio tactful
n to tell a to tell the
lie a truth a secret
white lie to rat on smb
to avoid smth


Tasks and questions

1. Think of novel uses for the following things: TV remote control, zip, magnet,
tennis racket, rubber. The grammar construction to be used: … could be used +
( to- infinitive / for -ing form).
2. What are your / your parents’ / your friends’ fixed ideas?
3. What do you think is immoral?
4. ‘There is only one truth.’ Discuss.
5. Design the school of the future.
6. What would seem strange to a tribesman travelling to Europe? Key words:
to think, things, time.

Words and phrases

to switch smth off to believe in the existence of

bad to originate from
memories to campaign against
the Bible to be accepted scientific fact
Darwin’s theory

to be in direct contradiction with


Tasks and questions

1. Which jobs:
a. can be done by robots
b. no longer exist
c. require absolutely no intelligence
d. have low salaries but high prestige
e. require very long training
f. will be most needed in the future
g. are over/underpaid
h. young children typically want to do
i. can be done from home
j. you would really hate to do
k. have recently been created?
Discuss and dispute your answers.

2. What is your concept of ‘work’?

3. Apart from school or your job what else do you consider to be work?
4. What do you think about the jobs of a housewife, actor, pop star, novelist?
5. What make people choose their future profession?
6. If you had enough money never to have to work again, what would you do
7. Writing.
(a) My ideal job.
(b) A day in the life of a … .
(c) How I would resolve unemployment.
8. Write a letter to the managing director of one these companies, trying to
convince them to change the company policy:
a. a pharmaceutical company which tests its beauty products on animals

b. a multinational which trades with the governments of politically oppressed

c. a company whose products can be used for military purposes

d. a fast food chain that opens ‘restaurants’ in beautiful squares in the old quarters
of towns
9. What are the reasons why people are dismissed?

10. How dishonest are the following situations:

a. making personal photocopies on the company’s photocopier
b. lying about your qualifications at a job interview
c. a woman at a job interview who does not say that she is two months pregnant
d. phoning up to say you’re ill, when you’re not, to get a day off
e. taking longer breaks that are authorized
f. drinking alcohol and smoking if your company pays for your health insurance
Words and phrases
easy to work long hours
boring to involve technical work

tiring to be unfairly dismissed
useful for to be sacked for /
responsib after unethical bahaviour
le to sign a
to be hard work contract to be
to do the same allowed to
task Nap Now


Tasks and questions

1. What can make you give your blood, your time or your money to an unknown
2. What birthday/wedding/Christmas gifts do you usually give to your friends?
3. What would you do in the following situations?
(a) You see a young woman attacked by two men.
(b) You find a big amount of money on your way home.
(c) You see an old lady struggling to cross the street with some heavy bags.
(d) At a party there’s one more chocolate left on the plate.
(e) You run over a cat on your bike.
(f) A neighbour’s car alarm goes off in the middle of the night.
(g) You are driving along a country road in the dead of night. A bedraggled person
of unknown sex tries to flag you down.
(h) You see someone suspicious hanging around outside a neighbour’s door.

(i) You see a teenager stealing some sweets from a shop.

4. ‘Charity begins at home’. Discuss.
5. Think of well-known people who do charitable work.
6. Every human being deserves a share of the world’s resources. Discuss.
7. There’s no point to give money to beggars they only spend it on alcohol.
8. What do you know about the Red Cross?
Words and phrases
to scream to calm smb down
to manage to to take smb to the doctor /
escape to watch vet to put ear plugs in
transfixed to do to rush round to
nothing investigate to drive past
to call the police to feel guilty
to return smth to a noble motive
smb to protect smb heartless
to get involved behaviour
to risk being killed to be motivated by pure
to care about altruism to open a house for
smb/smth to be a the …
noble altruist a volunteer / to volunteer to do
to ignore smb smth voluntary organization
to offer smb to do
to be protected by
smth to carry on international

doing smth agreement

11. LOVE

Tasks and questions

1. List different types of love and different ways of showing love (love for …).
2. List three things you love and hate doing. Explain why.
3. Think of things that you have ever done, do or would do for love.
4. What do you think about a marriage contract? What does it include?
5. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Discuss.
6. How important is friendship between partners?
7. Women should never make the first move. Discuss.
8. Describe different methods of meeting people you feel attracted to.
9. How is a man / a woman in love like?
10. How to find a good life partner?
12. Love is just a physical attraction. Discuss.
13. Why do some people stop loving?
Words and phrases
to be obsessed by to say ‘no’
smb to be loved up to start / to have / to be in a relationship
to present smb with with smb
smth to go out a marriage of convenience
to be seeing smb to be available

to go on a date with to break up with
smb to give up your smb to be common
job/career to move practice to sign an
house / town agreement to
to persuade smb to do stipulate smth
smth to follow smb to avoid smth
to be a good
to move in together
match to be a
to marry smb. for love good catch


Tasks and questions

1. How different are currencies?
2. Imagine you are given $1m to be spent in a specific way. Prepare a project.
3. Say your opinion on “Money makes the world go around.”
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using alternatives to money?
5. What would be the consequences of a world without money? How would it
help to combat poverty?
6. What are the advantages of using a bartering system?
7. How do people get rich?

8. How does money affect and change people?
9. Say your opinion on “Money is the root of all evil.”
10. What will you do if:
a. someone asks you to lend them $100.
b. after one week, they haven’t returned your $100.
c. you win $1m in a lottery.
d. you find a wallet full of dollars.
e. you haven’t had a raise in salary for a long time.
11. What can’t money buy?
12. What are your spending habits?
Words and phrases
not to pay
es back to
coi demand
ns to remind smb of
to improve your town smth to invest
to design a dream to give smth to charity
house to go on a spending
to start your own spree to contact smb
business to serve as to hand smth in to the
smth police to pocket smth
to use smth instead of to confront your
smth to offer smth in boss to bring a
exchange to avoid smth subject up
to amass to work your way up to
wealth to make
a source of income
a fortune to be
worth smth
to refuse


Tasks and questions

1. Write down and read out three predictions about your classmates using the
future simple. The other students try to guess who the predictions might relate to.
2. Write down a few predictions for life in 1,000 years.

3. Sketch a plan of your native town/city in 50 years’ time.

4. Describe a day in your life five years from now.
5. Would you rather live a hundred years into the future or back into the past.
6. Do you believe in fortune-telling. What are the methods.
7. True or false:
a. I will be happier in 10 years’ time than I am now.
b. In 10/20 years I will have the same best friends.
c. In 10 years I will have achieved all of my most important ambitions.
d. I will still be living in the same place in five years’ time.
Words and phrases
racial to foresee
discrimination war to come true
to end
smth to
rage travel

unhappine communicati
ss to on palm-
relieve reading to
to provide experience of test a method
smth space trips to be likely to
to ensure smth


Tasks and questions

1. Discuss the responsibilities of the people in the relationships listed below:
a. doctors and patients
b. teachers and students
c. celebrities and their fans
d. police and the community
e. politicians and the electorate
f. citizens and their nation
g. husband and wife
h. parents and children
2. Which jobs demand great responsibility and why?
3. ‘We are born responsible, we do not become responsible.’ Discuss.
4. ‘We are totally responsible for what happens in our lives – we should never
blame other people or circumstances for our own mistakes and misfortunes.’
5. ‘Responsibility educates.’ Discuss.
6. ‘A doctor refused to treat a patient whose heavy smoking had caused his health
problems. The doctor felt that money was much better spent on non-smokers
whose chances of long-term survival were much greater.’ Justify or condemn.
7. How irresponsible are these people?
a. A mother who smokes while pregnant.
b. Parents who let their children watch cruel and violent film.
c. Someone who drives at 200 kph on the motorway.
d. A group of people climbing on a difficult mountain despite a bad weather
e. People who leave cans, plastic bottles, bags, Styrofoam cups etc. on beaches
and other places of natural beauty.
f. Someone who drinks a bottle of wine and then drives.

Words and phrases

to be responsible / accountable to drink alcohol
for in real life to get a driving
to be stipulated / regulated by English license to vote
law to buy cigarettes
the right age to be aware of
to have children smth to favour
to come home at smth / -ing to steal
night to act to take smb to
to decide on your court to fine smb
own your actions $50
to own a gun to get over a
drink and drive problem to make

amends for


Tasks and questions

1. What is the best / worst thing about school?
2. What is the funniest / saddest thing that has ever happened to you at school?
3. Who was your best teacher?
4. Choose the most important subjects, rank them and explain your choice.
5. You are a member of the board of governors of a school. You have to cut down
on expenses. Think about the consequences of your actions.
6. Try to come up with a definition of an ideal teacher.

7. What do you learn from your parents that you don’t from your teachers?
8. What difference does it make for you to be taught by a male or female teacher?
9. What is the difference between having a young inexperienced teacher and an
old experienced one? List the advantages and disadvantages.
10. When is your teacher wrong?

11. What subjects are the easiest and most difficult to teach?
12. Act out one of these role-plays.
(a) Child telling parents that he/she’s failed an exam.
(b) Child telling parent that he/she wants to leave school and get a job.
(c) Teacher telling parent that child does not study hard enough.
(d) Teacher telling student how important studying all subjects is.

13. How effective are exams?

14. What is the best way to revise for an exam?
15. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you in an exam?
Words and phrases
ability to reduce
to jump classes
to sack
to be admitted
to to teach a smb
subject to
to copy down into your
book to study for exams
to swot smth up


Tasks and questions

1. Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of dining out. Do you like to eat
out? What kinds of restaurants do you like? Describe a dinner in a restaurant you
have ever visited (choosing a place, asking for a menu, deciding on food, ordering,

paying the bill).

2. Do you like to cook? What dishes do you cook? Give the instruction how to
cook them. Write a recipe.
3. Describe individual or national eating customs. Describe your favourite meal
and that you saw somewhere else.
4. Who can describe any stereotypical characteristics of various ethnic cuisines?

5. Make a list of foods which are considered healthy and those which are not.
Decide on five tips for eating well.
6. Food is the only thing that feeds. Discuss.

Words and phrases

to be fond of fish fast /junk food
dishes not to care for to put on / to gain (to lose)
meat weight extensive menu
to feel like eating / drinking the main
tea to have square meals course
to keep to a diet leftovers
to be a good cook / to be good at to have a
cooking snack to peel
to cut smth. into slices potatoes to
to pour / put some slice a potato
water to let the water
boil go Dutch / split the bill.


Tasks and questions

1. What kinds of shop do you prefer shopping in?
2. Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of doing the shopping alone or with
someone else.
3. What kind of shopper are you: a spender or a saver?

4. What do you think is the best way to find a bargain?

5. What is your opinion of credit cards and other systems that replace cash?
6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a commercially-oriented culture.
What are some problems that consumers and business people face?
7. What is the policy of returning items in stores?

8. Does advertising promote business? What is your own attitude to commercials?
How to use them not to annoy the general public?
Words and phrases

to go on a shopping to do the shopping / to go

spree consumerism shopping to wrap up
to take size S in T- to be in great
shirts to pay in cash demand to be all
to be on the rage
special to be to try smth. on
on sale high-heeled
to have in shoes at the
stock a shop grocer’s
window to call in at a
window- shop to run out
shopping to of
splash the plastic to pay to the
to be broke cashier stale bread
a large selection of tough meat
goods to haggle over to be tight-fisted /
the price to follow the stingy small change
a shop assistant


Tasks and questions

1. What’s your favourite pastime?
2. What do you do when you are in low spirits?
3. How do you like to spend your weekends / holidays?
4. How do you like to celebrate your birthday / the New Year party?
5. Have you ever heard about unusual ways of celebrating birthday parties /
other holidays?
6. How would you like to celebrate your wedding party.
7. What kind of people do you like to socialize / mix with? What kind
of conversation do you like?
8. How important is cinema?

9. Why do some people go to the theatre?

10. What is the purpose of music? What role does music play in your life? What is
your favourite kind of music?
11. If you could choose one musical instrument to play brilliantly, what would
you choose?
12. Have your musical tastes changed since you were young? In what way?
How can musical tastes influence a person’s behaviour?
13. Do you know any extraordinary museums or art galleries?

14. The art of conversation and the habit of reading and writing are dying. People
are becoming more and more lookers and listeners and less and less doers and
talkers. Discuss.
15. It is necessary to do the sports regularly. How important is sport?

16. How dangerous are extreme sports?

Words and phrases
to be a success / a articles
failure to be awarded excavatio
Oscar ns to
to release a film exhibit to
to be a cinema- keep fit to
goer subtitles exercise
the plot to help fight

to be set in stress to cause

to be worth seeing / an injury to do

visiting to be a must-read yoga bungee

a character jumping car

to play from the sheet
music to sing to the piano
a catchy tune

19. Travelling

Tasks and questions

1. Travelling is one way of lengthening life. Discuss.
2. Why do some people travel? What are the benefits and difficulties of travel?
3. Which do you prefer, travelling by bus, by train or by plane? Give your reasons.
4. What do you put into your suitcase when you travel?
5. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go for a holiday?
6. Describe some of your travelling experiences.
7. What tourist sites are you familiar with in your city?
8. Your friend is a nervous person. He is afraid of travelling by plane. Make
him sure that flying is probably one of the safest ways of travel.
Words and phrases

to travel on business / for pleasure / a round-the-world

in search of health cruise a seaside resort
to broaden the buffet
mind to see the to go sightseeing
world a single (return)
to go on / to take a trip ticket to hitch-hike
to go on / to make a
journey a walking / a hike in the woods

sightseeing tour


Tasks and questions

1. The first wealth is health. Discuss.
2. What do you do to stay healthy.
3. Why should you go to see a doctor when you are unwell?
4. What do you do if you catch a cold?
5. What about the untraditional medicine? Any true stories?
6. Why do some people drink, smoke, use drugs, go on chocolate or caffeine
7. What are some causes of diseases?

Words and phrases

healthcare to make out a
a sick prescription to take care
person to of oneself
be ill with to undergo an
to have a stomach / head ache operation a drug

a new cure for a cough addict

pull out a tooth

to treat a patient to fill a
to take a tooth to
medicine one gargle
tea-spoonful to be short-
pills sighted to be
after- long-sighted to
effects to wear spectacles
be X-rayed to be inoculated against
to pass a blood test to have a sore throat

1. Коромисел Т. М. Імерсійний метод під час викладання іноземних мов на
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2. Тимофєєв В. А. Шляхи оптимізації традиційних методів викладання
іноземних мов у вищих професійних навчальних закладах. // Наукові записки
Київського університету туризму, економіки і права. – К.: КУТЕП, 2014. –
Випуск 16. – С. 338-347.
3. Byrd, Donald R. H. React interact: situations for communication. – NY.:
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4. Discussions from A to Z. Advanced. – Cambridge University Press, 1999. – 113
5. Discussions from A to Z. Intermediate. – Cambridge University Press, 1997. –
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Надруковано «ФОП Павлюк Г.Г.»
020000, Київ, вул. Генерала Жмаченка, 2


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