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1. Make sure you know the words below.

1. speed dialing швидкий набір

2. a voice mail голосова пошта

3. consequences наслідки

4. a text смс

5. an occasion можливість, випадок

6. manners манери

7. a law закон

8. an obligation борг, обов'язок

9. dairy products молочні продукти

10. engaged / busy зайнятий

11. hand-held портативний, ручний

12. to dial набирати номер

13. to call back передзвонювати

14. to hang up класти слухавку

15. to text (txt) відправляти смс

16. to annoy дратувати

17. to allow дозволяти

18. to behave поводитися

19. to consider вважати, думати

20. to complain about скаржитися на кого-то / что-то

21. to interrupt переривати, втручатися (в розмову)

22. to be allergic to мати алергію на щось

23. apart from не кажучи про, не рахуючи


2. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Must, have to, should (obligation). Study the table below.

3. Answer the questions from the questionnaire.


4. Complete the sentences below with appropriate word or phrase from the box.

speed engaged/busy message ring tone dial voice mail hands free hang call back
switch off text

5. Look at the picture and answer the questions below.

6. Match these sentences with their meanings.


7. Circle the correct form.

8. Complete the second sentence with two or three words so it means the same as the first.

9. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Read the definition of manners.

Then look at phrases 1-8. Are these laws (or against the law) or just good/bad manners? Mark
M (manners) or L (law).

10. Make sentences with…


11. LISTENING PRACTICE. Listen to five people talking about things that annoy them about
mobiles. Match the speakers with what they say. (Recording 3.1).


1. Make sure you know the words below.

1. amazement здивування, збентеження

2. flavouring заправка, надання смаку, спеції

3. a grunt рохкання, бурчання

4. a tip чайові

5. a pedestrian crossing пішохідний перехід

6. a favour послуга

7. an entrance вхід

8. rude грубий

9. changeable мінливий

10. prohibited заборонений

11. disgusting огидний

12. magnificent чудовий, чудовий

13. to bother турбувати, набридати

14. to pour наливати

15. to step on smth наступати на щось

16. to pass передавати

17. to make a noise шуміти

18. to swallow ковтати

19. to attract somebody’s attention привертати чиюсь увагу

20. to wear a seatbelt пристібатися

21. to hoot гудіти, подавати звуковий сигнал

22. afterwards пізніше, після

23. For goodness' sake! Заради Бога! Заради всього святого!

24. to make sure переконуватися


2. Look at the postcard. What does it say about the English?

3. Comment on the title of the article. Have you ever experienced a culture shock?

4. Read the article Culture shock and tick the sentence whish say what the article is about.

5. Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true) of F (false). Correct the wrong sentences.

6. Now cover the text. Can you complete the phrases with the missing verbs?

7. Are people in your country more like Miranda or Alexander?

8. LISTENING PRACTICE. Listen to four people who have lived in England answering the
question “Are English people too polite?” Do they say yes or no? If yes, what do they think the
English should do? (Recording 3.3).

9. Listen again and answer the questions.


1. Make sure you know the words below.

1. an appearance зовнішність

2. an ID card посвідчення особи

3. a photo booth фотокабінка

4. a research/study дослідження

5. a celebrity знаменитість

6. a film director кінорежисер

7. a presenter провідний

8. an official чиновник, службовець

9. a wig перука

10. a ponytail «Кінський хвіст» (жіноча зачіска)

11. a beard борода

12. a moustache вуса

13. a fringe чуб

14. a background походження

15. a trouser suit брючний костюм

16. a priest священик

17. an accountant бухгалтер

18. a special feature особлива риса

19. embarrassed збентежений, зніяковілий

20. hideous огидний

21. bald лисий

22. handsome красивий (про чоловіків)

23. plain негарний

24. masculine мужоподібний, чоловічий

25. unfeminine нежіночно

26. to make an effort прикладати зусилля

27. to vary різнитися, варіювати

28. to renew відновлювати, знаходити знову

29. to be proud of smth пишатися чимось


30. to feel pleased with yourself бути задоволеним собою

31. to feel unhappy with yourself бути незадоволеним собою

32. to confess зізнаватися

33. deliberately навмисно

34. on the other hand з іншого боку

2. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Must, may, might, can’t (deduction). Study the table below.

3. Answer the questions below.

4. Read the first paragraph of the article and answer the questions.

5. Now read the rest of the article.


6. Look at the highlighted words in the text and choose the correct meaning.

7. HOW WORDS WORK. Look at two sentences from the text:


8. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Describing people.


9. Complete the sentences with a suitable word.


10. Look at the photo of the three women. Who do you think is who?

11. Read the texts. Match texts A-C with the photos. Answer the questions below.

12. Look at the highlighted phrases in the texts and answer the questions.

13. Match the sentences.

14. Complete the sentence with might/may (not), must, or can’t.

15. Complete the sentences with must, might/may, or can’t.


16. LISTENING PRACTICE. Look at the man in the photo and answer the questions. Use must,
might/may, or can’t.

17. Listen to the first part of the interview and check your answers. Were you right?
(Recording 3.4).

18. Listen again and make notes under the headings below.

19. Now listen to the second part of the interview and answer the questions. (Recording 3.5).

20. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Answer the questions below.

21. Give answers to the questions below.

22. Have you ever described a criminal to police? Look at the four men and listen. Who is the bank
robber? (Recording 3.6).


1. Make sure you know the words below.

1. a hip стегно

2. a tune мелодія

3. an ability здатність

4. a failure невдаха, невдача

5. a limb кінцівка

6. a disabled інвалід

7. scuba-diving підводне плавання з аквалангом

8. still нерухомий

9. challenging важкий, що вимагає зусиль, багатообіцяючий

10. bored нудьгуючий

11. boring нудний

12. embarrassed збентежений, зніяковілий

13. disappointed розчарований

14. disappointing те, що розчаровує

15. frustrated засмучений

16. frustrating те, що засмучуючий

17. tiring виснажливий

18. tired втомлений

19. frightened наляканий

20. frightening жахаючий

21. promising багатообіцяючий

22. determined рішучий

23. able-bodied працездатний

24. thrilled схвильований

25. amazed вражений, здивований

26. to reverse давати задній хід

27. to manage зуміти зробити (що-небудь)

28. to be able to do smth могти, бути в змозі, в силах щось робити

29. to recover одужувати


30. to carry on продовжувати

31. to tear (tore, torn) рвати, відривати

32. to take up братися за щось, займатися чимось

33. to give up відмовитися, кинути

34. to accept визнавати, миритися (з чимось)

35. to abandon кидати, припиняти

36. properly правильно, належним чином

37. obviously очевидно

38. as long as поки, до тих пір; якщо

39. on smb’s own cамостійно

40. out loud вголос

2. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Can, could, be able to (ability and possibility). Study the table below.

3. Look at the title of the lesson, which is the first half of a well-known saying. Look at the
different second halves below. Which do you think is the real saying? Which do you think is
the best advice?

4. Think about a good (or bad) learning experience you have had. Make questions from the
prompts below. Tell about your experience answering these questions.

5. Read the article about people who have tried (but failed) to learn something. Complete the text
with these phrases.

6. Look at the definition of be able to. What other verb is it similar to?

7. Complete with the correct form of be able to.


8. Complete with can/can’t, or could/couldn’t where possible. If not, use a form of be able to.

9. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. –ed/ -ing adjectives. Look at the picture. What can you see?

10. Answer the questions about the picture in exercise 9.

11. Without looking back in text in exercise 3, underline the correct adjectives in these phrases.

12. Complete the adjectives with – ed or – ing.

13. Answer the questions in exercise 12.


15. Can you think of anyone you know or a famous person who has been successful in very
difficult circumstances?

16. Read about Natalie and Bethany. Complete the chart.


17. LISTENING PRACTICE 1. Listen to five speakers describing a learning experience. Match
the speakers (1 – 5) with the pictures (A – E). (Recording 3.9).

18. Listen again and complete the sentences with between one and three words.

1. Complete the second sentence with two words so that it means the same as the first. Contracted
forms, e.g. isn’t, count as one word.


2. Complete the description.


3. Complete with an adjective from a bold word.

4. Complete with one word.


5. Read the article and choose a, b, or c.


6. Listen and circle the correct answer. (Recording 3.16).

7. Listen and complete the form with the missing information. (Recording 3.17).


1. Make sure you know the words below.

1. a purpose мета
2. chemistry хімія
3. geography географія
4. history історія
5. information technology інформатика
6. literature література
7. mathematics (maths) математика
8. physics фізика
9. biology біологія
10. a boarding school закритий навчальний заклад, школа-інтернат
11. a nursery school (kindergarten) дитячий садок
12. a primary school початкова школа
13. a private school приватна школа
14. a religious school духовне училище
15. a secondary school середня школа
16. a state school державна школа
17. a graduate випускник
18. a pupil учень
19. a head teacher старший викладач, викладач-методист (завуч),
директор школи
20. a uniform форма
21. discipline дисципліна
22. a timetable розклад
23. a term семестр
24. a subject предмет
25. a mark/a grade оцінка
26. a canteen буфет, їдальня
27. a spreadsheet електронна таблиця
28. a bell дзвінок
29. encouraging підбадьорюючий, що підтримує
30. enthusiastic захоплений
31. imaginative творчий, оригінальний, обдарований багатою

32. knowledgeable добре інформований, розумний
33. patient терплячий
34. strict суворий, вимогливий
35. tolerant терпимий, толерантний
36. dazed здивований
37. to look smth up шукати щось (напр. в довіднику)
38. to invent винаходити, придумувати
39. to behave поводитися, вчиняти
40. to fail зазнавати невдачі
41. to revise перевіряти, повторювати
42. to interrogate розпитувати, випитувати
43. to do up застібати ґудзики
44. to give in здаватися
45. in return у відповідь, натомість, в свою чергу
46. slightly злегка
47. unless якщо ні, поки не, якщо тільки, хіба тільки
48. as soon as як тільки
2. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. First conditional and future time clauses. Study the table below.

3. Discuss the questions below.

4. What can you remember about your first day at school? How did you feel? What did you do?
What did you think of the teachers?

5. Look at the picture below. What do you think this teacher is like?

6. Check you understand the meaning of the words in the box. Is each one the quality of a good or
a bad teacher?

7. Choose the correct words in the italics.

8. LISTENING PRACTICE 1. Listen to two people discussing their teachers. Write the subjects
the teachers taught. (Recording 4.1).

9. Listen again. Make notes about each teacher’s good/bad qualities. Add any further

10. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Think about a good (or bad) teacher from your past. Use
the questions to help you tell about him/her.


12. Match the words and definitions.


13. Match the sentences and pictures.

14. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Answer the questions from the questionnaire.

15. Look at the photo. What’s unusual about one of the pupils?

16. Read the introduction. Why did Damian Whitworth go back to school? What kind of school
did he go?

17. Read Damian’s diary for one of the days he spent back at school. Does he think school is easier
or harder now?

18. Read the text again and put the phrases A – H in the correct places.

19. Look at each heading (French, Maths, etc.) and say if this is the same, similar, or different
from the secondary school you went (or go to). Say why.

20. Answer the questions.

21. LISTENING PRACTICE 2. Charlotte and Viktor are waiting for their exam results. Listen to
Charlotte and answer the questions 1-5. (Recording 4.2). Then do the same for Viktor.
(Recording 4.3).

22. Listen and complete the sentences. (Recording 4.4).

23. Listen to Charlotte and Victor. (Recording 4.5). Did they pass or fail? What grade did they
get? What are they going to do?

24. Complete with the word or expression from the list.


25. Complete with the present simple or will.

26. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Choose five sentences beginnings from the list below and
make true sentences about yourself.

27. Look at the list of topics below. Decide if you agree or disagree, and give at least three reasons.
Use USEFUL LANGUAGE to present your thoughts.

28. LISTENING PRACTICE 3. Look at this extract from a TV guide and the photo and answer
the questions.

29. Listen to a TV critic talking about the programme That’ll Teach’Em. Were you surprised?
(Recording 4.6).

30. Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).



1. Make sure you know the words below.

49. a vertebra хребець

50. a block of flats/an apartment багатоквартирний будинок
building (US)
51. a cottage котедж, дача
52. a detached house особняк, окремий будинок
53. a terraced house таунхаус (малоповерховий будинок, що стоїть в
ряду таких же будинків, з'єднаних один з одним
бічними стінами)
54. an inhabitant житель, мешканець
55. a suburb околиця, передмістя
56. a village село
57. a residential area житловий район
58. a balcony балкон
59. a chimney димохід
60. a garage гараж
61. a gate ворота
62. a path стежка, доріжка
63. a roof дах
64. steps сходи (зовні будинку)
65. a washbasin умивальник
66. a sink раковина
67. a bedside table нічний столик
68. a coffee table журнальний столик
69. an armchair крісло
70. a chest of drawers комод
71. blinds жалюзі
72. speakers колонки
73. a rug килимок
74. a carpet килим
75. a cupboard буфет, шафа для посуду
76. a cup and a saucer чашка і блюдце
77. a kettle чайник

78. a saucepan каструля

79. a freezer морозильна камера
80. a cooker кухонна плита
81. an oven духова шафа
82. a frying pan сковорідка
83. a food processor кухонний комбайн
84. a pillow подушка
85. a sheet простирадло
86. a blanket ковдра
87. a wardrobe шафа
88. a bath ванна
89. a mirror дзеркало
90. an alarm (clock) будильник
91. a towel рушник
92. a towel rail вішалка для рушників
93. an entrance вхід
94. a patio патіо (відкритий внутрішній двір)
95. airy повітряний
96. upstairs нагорі, на верхньому поверсі, вгору (по сходах)

2. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Second conditional. Study the table below.


3. Write second conditional sentences.

4. First or second conditional? Complete the sentences.


5. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Tell your teacher:

6. Choose three of the sentence beginnings below and complete them in a way which is true for
you. Say why.

7. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Houses. Do you like your house? Have you used any magazines
or professional help for decorating your house? Look at the cover of Ideal Home magazine.
Which room is it? How many things in the room can you name?

8. Types of houses.

9. Where people live. Match the sentences.


10. Parts of house. Match the words and pictures.

11. Furniture. Put two words in each column.

12. Look at the pictures and study more words for thing we have in the house.

13. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. You have just moved into a new flat. For the first six
month you can have only six of the following. Which would you choose, and why?

14. Answer the questions below.

15. Have you ever visited the house where a famous person was born or lived? Where was it?
What do you especially remember about it?

16. Read the article about Casa Azul. Which part of the house are these things connected to? Why
are they mentioned?

17. Match the highlighted words with their meaning.


18. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Tell the teacher about Your dream house.

19. LISTENING PRACTICE. Listen to four people describing their ‘dream house’. Match the
speakers 1-4 and the pictures. (Recording 4.9).

20. Listen again and match the people with what they say.

1. Make sure you know the words below.

97. a close friend близький друг

98. a colleague колега
99. to argue сперечатися, сваритися
100. to get on well добре ладити
101. to keep in touch підтримувати зв'язок
102. to lose touch втратити зв'язок з кимось
103. to have a lot in common мати багато спільного
104. to list вносити в список, складати список
105. to reveal відкривати
106. to edit редагувати, змінювати форму або зміст
107. to tend мати тенденцію, тяжіти
108. to get rid of позбавлятися
109. to make an excuse (for) вибачатися

2. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Usually and used to.

Study the table below.


Complete the text with the phrases below.

4. Think of a close friend of yours. Answer the questions below.

5. Have you ever tried to get in touch with an old friend? Why? Did you succeed?

6. Read about the Friends Reunited website and answer the questions.

7. Now read about two people who registered on the website. Who did they want to meet? Why?
Complete the text with the sentences below.

8. Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrase.

9. Complete with used to in and a verb from the list.


10. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Tell about the following things. Give as much information
as possible.

11. LISTENING PRACTICE 1. Read the text about Carol again. Now listen to her talking about
what happened next. Was the meeting a success? (Recording 4.11).

12. Listen again and answer questions 1-5.

13. Read the text about Alex again. Now listen to him talking about what happened next. Was the
meeting a success? (Recording 4.12).

14. Listen again and answer questions 6-10.


15. How often do you see your really good friends? Would you like to see them more often? Do you
spend much time with people you don’t really like?

16. Now read the magazine article. What does ‘edit your friends’ mean?

17. Now read the article again. Choose the best summary of each paragraph, a, b, or c.

18. Do you agree with the article? Do you need to ‘edit your friends’?

19. HOW WORDS WORK. Look at these expressions with get which have appeared in this lesson.
Match them with their meanings A-G.

20. Complete the questions with get or an expression with get. Then answer the questions.

21. COMMUNICATION PRACTICE. Look at the statements and tell whether you agree or
disagree with them. Think about your reasons. Try to give real examples from your own
experience or of people you know.

Use the phrases below to help you.

22. LISTENING PRACTICE 2. Now listen to three people talking. (Recording 4.13).

23. Listen again. Do they agree or disagree with the statements? What are their reasons? What
examples do they give?


1. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb in brackets.

2. Choose a, b, or c.

3. Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.

4. Complete the sentences.

5. Fill each gap with one word.


6. Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn’t say).


7. Listen and choose the correct answer a, b, or c. (Recording 4.18).

8. Listen to a conversation between two men talking about a ‘flat share’ and complete the missing
information. (Recording 4.19).

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