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Дорогий друже!

В твоїх руках не звичайний шкільний підручник. Забудь про довгі нудні тексти та незрозумілі завдан-
ня! Пора відмовитись від застарілих “сухих” підручників. Ти тримаєш книгу, на кожній сторінці якої ве-
деться живий діалог вчителя з  учнем. Я  вважаю, що саме в  такому спілкуванні криється секрет
успіху наших учнів на тестах ЗНО.
Давай познайомимось! Мене звати Дмитро Бондар. Я  – генеральний директор освітньої компанії
ZNOUA, головне завдання якої – дати кожній дитині в Україні можливість вступити до навчального закла-
ду своєї мрії, тим самим змінити своє майбутнє на краще! Нашій групі компаній в цьому році виповнилося
вже 10 років! ZNOUA – це наша нова компанія, з якою ми прагнемо змінити майбутнє кожної дитини!
Навіщо я звертаюсь до тебе? Перш за все, я хочу особисто познайомитись. Бо мені важливо знати
твою думку! Що  б це не було: порада, зауваження, критика чи пропозиція  – сміливо можеш
ділитися зі мною. Саме з твоєю допомогою команда ZNOUA буде змінювати та удосконалювати цей під-
ручник. Адже навчаючи інших, ми вчимося самі!
Створення компанії ZNOUA  – це моя відповідь на питання “Якщо не я, то хто?”. Зараз поясню, що
мається на увазі. Неймовірно, але факт – система освіти в тому вигляді, в якому вона представлена зараз
в Україні, була сформована ще у 17 столітті! Уяви собі, ці застарілі методи та підходи досі застосовуються
у наших школах. Однак час летить, і у 2004 році в Україні почала формуватися система зовнішнього неза-
лежного оцінювання – ЗНО.
Я вважаю, що це крок назустріч новим можливостям для українських школярів. Однак невирішеним
лишилось одне питання: система контролю за освітою модернізується, то чому ж сама система освіти стоїть
на місці? Щоб вирішити цю проблему, я звернувся до сучасних технологій, а також зібрав по-
зитивну команду найкращих викладачів! Так з’явилась компанія ZNOUA. Наші підходи реально
працюють, і це підтверджується високими результатами наших учнів на тестах ЗНО!
Я розумію, яка величезна відповідальність лежить на наших курсах. Успішне завершення школи та
вступ до омріяного вузу – це перші важливі кроки в твоєму дорослому житті. Ми обіцяємо тобі ефективну
підготовку та високі результати, однак якщо під час навчання у нас ти відчуєш будь‑які незручності чи
проблеми, будь ласка, зв’яжись зі мною!
Я гарантую, що особисто вислухаю твої зауваження та ідеї. Адже моє головне завдання ‑ полегшити та
прискорити процес твоєї підготовки до ЗНО.
Ти завжди можеш написати мені на пошту або подзвонити на прямий телефонний
номер (050) 462‑84‑14. Також мене легко знайти в Skype: bondardmitriy.
Щиро дякую тобі за зроблений вибір та довіру до компанії ZNOUA. Я з нетерпінням чекаю можливості
особисто поспілкуватися з тобою!

Дмитро Бондар,
Генеральний директор компанії ZNOUA
+38(050)462-84-14 | | Skype: bondardmitriy

MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 5
Lesson 1. Present Simple/Continuous 6
Lesson 2. State verbs 19

MODULE 2. Describing people 33

Lesson 3. Past Simple; Past Continuous 34
Lesson 4. Irregular verbs 47
Lesson 5. Used to/be used to/get used to 59

MODULE 3. Food 67
Lesson 6. Countable/uncountable nouns 68
Lesson 7. Nouns + singular/plural verb forms Present Perfect;
Present Perfect Continuous 79
Lesson 8. REVISION 92

MODULE 4. Travelling 105

Lesson 9. Definite/indefinite articles 106
Lesson 10. Geographical use of articles 120
Lesson 11. Modal verbs of physical and mental ability 129

MODULE 5. Leisure time 143

Lesson 12. Modal verbs of obligation and prohibition 144
Lesson 13. Modal verbs of possibility/probability and deduction 153
Lesson 14. Modals/tenses revision 164
Lesson 15. Nouns revision 175

Appendix 1. Nouns/Verbs/Adjectives + prepositions 191

Appendix 2. Writing samples 195
Appendix 3. Irregular verbs 203

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 3
L1 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

Module 1.

My life.
Daily routine
In this module you will…

• Talk about your own daily activities and your lifestyle

• Read about the role of social networks in our life
• Learn how to use Present Simple and Present Continuous

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 5
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Read the statements below and say whether you agree or disagree.

1. An average teenager’s day is filled with texting, school and Internet in the evening.
2. Teenagers are not fond of sports any more.
3. Health means nothing to an average teenager.

Vocabulary list
Daily routine wash/rinse face ������������� apology �������������������
brush teeth�������������������� watch (TV) ����������������� balloon��������������������
clean apartment/house ��������� have a barbecue������������� bank balance��������������
comb hair ��������������������� be away�������������������� bell�����������������������
cook/make dinner �������������� tidy up��������������������� belongings�����������������
do the housework�������������� a.m. ����������������������� birth����������������������
do the laundry����������������� p.m. ����������������������� habit����������������������
do the washing up�������������� daily����������������������� mind����������������������
dry face/yourself ��������������� weekly��������������������� • His mind was on other things.
feed the baby������������������ Adjectives • Would you mind if I called
get dressed�������������������� active���������������������� tomorrow?
go out������������������������� afraid���������������������� • I don`t mind.
hang out/chill out�������������� alone����������������������� • Mind your head.
go to the gym������������������ asleep���������������������� • Who`s minding the baby for
go to work/school��������������� awake���������������������� you?
have a cup of coffee������������� awful ���������������������� pardon��������������������
do the ironing ����������������� born ����������������������� sleep����������������������
listen to (the radio) ������������ dusty ���������������������� surname ������������������
make a bed�������������������� glad������������������������ weekday ������������������
make lunch ������������������� Verbs weekend ������������������
plant/water flowers ������������ advise���������������������� attic ����������������������
put on make-up���������������� allow����������������������� blanket �������������������
(re)charge your cell phone������� apologise������������������� bucket ��������������������
set the alarm������������������ behave��������������������� curtain��������������������
shave������������������������� believe (in God) ������������ drawer��������������������
surf the web������������������� belong ��������������������� dryer����������������������
take a bath�������������������� call for (I`ll call for you at 7)�� goggles��������������������
have a lie-in ������������������� chat����������������������� mop�����������������������
take a nap��������������������� feel like doing smth. �������� broom���������������������
oversleep���������������������� wish����������������������� pillow���������������������
take/have a shower������������� boost your confidence�������� pillow case ����������������
take the bus (to school) ��������� get a buzz (out of sth) ������� rag �����������������������
map out one’s day�������������� give an opinion �������������
text friends�������������������� give sth a go���������������� Prepositional phrases
work out ���������������������� take sth on board ����������� at all����������������������
wake up/get up ���������������� Nouns at first��������������������
walk the dog������������������� (cigarette) lighter����������� at last���������������������
wipe�������������������������� (internet) access ������������ at least��������������������
scrub ������������������������� (parrot) cage���������������� at once��������������������
vacuum ����������������������� advice���������������������� at present�����������������
wash the dishes���������������� alarm clock����������������� at the same time�����������
answer phone��������������� up to date�����������������

6 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L1 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

Vocabulary Practice
Before we start
In pairs, answer the questions:
1. When do you normally get up?
2. What do you have for breakfast?
3. How do you go to school? When do you arrive at school?
4. How many lessons do you usually have a day?
5. How many lessons do you have on Friday?
6. Where do you have lunch?
7. What do you do after school? What do you do in the afternoon? Who do you have lunch with?
8. What do you do after supper?
9. What do you do before you go to bed? When do you go to bed?

Exercise 1.

Match the phrases in A with their opposites in B

A. Read the text. What changes does Skye

B. Read the text again. Mark the sentenc-
•her daily routine •her friends •her es T (true) or F (false).
hobbies •her home •her school
1. Skye's grandmother lives in a large
My name is Skye Winter-Fox and I'm city. �������������������������������
sixteen. After a year in Woodley Bridge
with my gran, I now live in the city again 2. Skye's parents no longer work abroad.
with my patents. My parents usually �����������������������������������
travel abroad a lot for their jobs, but now
they work in London. I'm really happy to 3. Skye's grandmother always comes to
be home with my mum and dad again. I visit at weekends. ������������������
sometimes stay with my gran at weekends.
Her home is really nice but quite small. At 4. Skye likes writing songs with her
my parents' house, I have a big bedroom friends. ����������������������������
and so there's more space to hang out
with my friends. I love taking photos of 5. Jay lives near Skye. ����������������
my classmates. When I'm on my own, I
also like writing songs. I start my new
school, Belmont Academy, on Monday. My
neighbour, Jay, goes to the same school.
We get on really well. My friend Dan also
starts there on Monday. Dan's going to
Belmont Academy because his mum wants
him to go to an international school. Dan's
not worried at all, but I am. I hope my first
day goes OK!

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 7
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Exercise 2.

Look at the list below and rank the stressful situations from 1 to 9, where 1 is the most
stressful and 9 the least stressful. Compare your list to your partners and talk about
the situations.
a. being stuck in a traffic jam A. To me, going to the dentist is the most
b. doing the housework stressful situation. I can`t stand drills!
c. waiting in a queue for a long lime
What about you?
d. being late for school/work
e. missing the bus/train to school/work
f. walking home alone at night B. Well, I hate being stuck in traffic jams. I
g. going to the dentist really get stressed when I have to sit and
h. taking an exam wait for ages.
i. not being able to sleep at night

Exercise 3.

What do you think about challenges? Read about Ice Bucket Challenge. Would you do
it? Why/why not?

The Ice Bucket Challenge is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone`s
head. It`s done to encourage people to donate money for research on a serious disease called ALS.

Your friend has invited you to do the Ice Bucket Challenge. How do you feel? Does it
make you get out of your comfort zone?

Exercise 4.

A. Complete the verbs in the phrases, the B. Read the blog post. Choose the correct
blog post will help you do it. option.

give an opinion
How to get out of your comfort zone!
g________ sth a go
ch________ your routine
m________ plans It’s the start of a new school year.
b_________ your confidence Everyone’s getting back into their ‘normal’
h_________ an adventure routine, so it seems like a good time to
g_________ a buzz (out of sth) challenge yourself.
t_________ sth on board

Here’s a simple idea. Why not surprise

yourself and change / make your daily
routine? You could travel a different way to
school. You never know - you might have
/ make an adventure! Why not eat your
meals in a different place or get up early
and do some yoga? Our brains have / get a
buzz out of change, so it helps you to enjoy
your day and focus on what you’re doing.

8 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L1 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

I love making videos, but I was always too Exercise 5.

shy to share them. Then last month I made
myself post my work online. Now people like A. Work in groups and discuss the
to comment, give / get their opinions and questions below.
criticise, but I don't mind. Good comments
make / boost my confidence, but I try to take / • How important are these things in
get on board negative comments too. Marco your interaction with other people:
∙∙ your phone
∙∙ social-networking sites
∙∙ other forms of online communication?

• In what ways do you use them?

• Have these things improved your social

life? Why/ Why not?

B. Read the article. Find the words or

sentences in the article that tell you
I tried this idea on my the things below.
birthday: allow a friend
to boost / make plans 1. The author is always close to his phone
for you! Your friend and laptop. (para. 1)
chooses a place to go. My phone and laptop are within con-
You have to see a film stant touching distance.
you wouldn't normally
choose or try a new 2. He receives news from his friends on-
activity. I was really line throughout the day. (para. 2)
excited about my day -
and a bit anxious too. 3. He has friends that he has known for
But I decided to hove years. (para. 2)
/ give it a go and now
I have a new hobby: 4. He is not the only person who feels
juggling! Carry. lonely in this way. (para. 3)

C. Let`s write 5 challenges for our class 5. His phone is not helping his relation-
and get out of our comfort zone=)! ship with his friends. (para. 3)

6. It’s not easy for his girlfriend to get his
attention. (para. 4)

Thursday 7. He talks to friends online when he

should be waking. (para. 5)
8. His friend did not concentrate filly when
Saturday he was watching Rihanna play. (para. 6)

The challenge is considered ‘done’ when 9. He and his friends can’t give up social
you post a story on the instagram. media. (para. 7)

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 9
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

We may have 750 friends online, but we are lonely

He spends his life emailing, texting and 4. Social networking and the internet has
tweeting. So why does Andy Jones feel made me need to scroll through something
so isolated? constantly. I`ll be due at the pub at 9p.m.
At 8.50 p.m. I`ll still be sitting on my bed
1. Whatever I`m doing, wherever I am, I`ll tell thumbing online. Then it’s 9.30, then it’s clos-
you about it. My phone and my laptop are ing time and I’m still in my flat. Alone in the
within constant touching distance, whether dark, I download albums, then another, but
I’m eating, drinking, in the shower, at a barely listen to them; the thrill is looking for
gig or watching the football. Before I get up things to listen to rather than the listening.
every morning, I check my email, my texts When my long-suffering girlfriend comes
and my Twitter feed. By the time I’ve got round, she has to prise me from my phone
out of the shower, it’s time to do it again. or the internet. The moment she’s gone, my
mind wants the hyperactivity that the inter-
2. I have a constant drip-drip of information net and social networking provide.
from any of the 750 online friends and
followers that I associate with. Yet I have 5. I feel isolated. During work hours, I chatter
never felt lonelier. How does a 28-year-old away on social-networking sites, delaying
man get like this? I am a rational profes- tasks. I am in a constant state or distrac-
sional man with a beautiful girlfriend and tion. Paradoxically, I no longer see the very
long-standing mates. people I want to see because I have been
‘talking’ to them all day.
3. I am not alone in feeling like an Island. In
a recent survey of young people, 60 percent 6. Last weekend, I threw a dinner party. The
said they found it difficult to make friends moment that the food arrived, one best
in real life compared with online. I’m way mate aged 26 got up to make a phone call.
beyond being an awkward teen but I am My other best mate, 27, sat through dinner
wired up most of the day, as are most of my checking Twitter for football scores. What’s
friends. I go to parties, pubs and dinners, worse is that I didn`t think either was being
but I am there only in spirit. Far from rude. Social networking dominates. At the V
bringing me closer to people, my phone festival last year, we spent half a day looking
drives me further away. I can tell you how for somewhere so that one of our party could
many followers I have on Twitter, but charge phone. Once charged, he spent all of
cannot remember the last time I saw my Rihanna’s headline set reading updates from
housemates from university. Twitter about a gig that he was already at.

10 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L1 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

7. The terrifying thing is that none of us can 2. “We must___________ as much as we

go cold turkey. I dropped Facebook for six can about the gang.” said the detective.
months last year, but came back because 3. Was it Captain Cook who ___________
I was missing invitations. It was as if I Australia?
didn’t exist. If you’re an alcoholic, you can 4. The first camera, the Kodak 1,
avoid booze, but how do I avoid the inter- was___________ by G. Eastman in
net or my phone? I need it to do my job, 1888.
because my employers demand that they
can contact me at any time. C. explore investigate look for look up
(do) research
8. That’s the problem with social networking.
You are hardwired in, but you are always 1. The police came to___________ the
the same cool distance apart. murder immediately.
2. I still have to do ___________ for my
WORDS EASILY CONFUSED project on sharks.
3. I must___________ this word in the
Use the correct form of the words in the dictionary, because I don’t remember
boxes to complete the sentences in each what it means.
group A-C below. You may use some of 4. Mum, I’m___________ my trainers.
the words more than once. In some cases, Have you seen them?
more than one word may be correct. 5. As soon as the five friends got to the
cave, they decided to___________ it.
A. look see watch notice regard
stare glance observe

1. We spent weeks in Africa ___________

the way lions catch their prey.
2. Did you ___________ the tie he was
wearing? It had pink elephants on it!
3. The students___________ the new
teacher with curiosity.
4. Always___________ left and then right
before crossing the road.
5. Don’t___________ at people like that!
It’s really rude.
6. I ___________ a great science fiction
film last night.
7. Before I bought the magazine,
I___________ through it quickly.
8. I couldn’t help___________ the big red
spots on his face.
9. Bill___________ at his watch and start-
ed running. He was late for school.

B. find out invent discover detect

1. Many serious illnesses may be cured if

they are___________ early enough.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 11
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Grammar Focus
Present Simple vs Present Сontinuous

Present Simple Present Сontinuous

+ 3rd person singular: V + 's' + To be + V + ing

He / she / it speaks! I am speaking
? Do/Does You are speaking
Does he speak ? – No, he doesn’t He / she / it is speaking
Do I speak? – Yes, I do ? Am/is/are +subj+V-ing?
Am I speaking?- No, I am not
Are you speaking?- Yes, you are

We use the Present Simple: We use the Present Continuous :

a) in general (regularly, often, never): a) right now, at the moment of speaking
for permanent states, repeated actions Look! Colin is playing football now.
and daily routine b) only for a limited period of time
Colin plays football every Tuesday. (does not have to happen directly at the
Bob works in a restaurant moment of speaking)
b) for general truths and laws of nature Jenny is working in a restaurant this
The sun sets in the west. week.
c) for action set by a timetable or с) with adverbs such as:
schedule (plains, trains, etc.) always, constantly etc. for actions which
The film starts at 8 pm. happen very often usually to express
d) for sports commentaries, reviews and annoyance, irritation or angry
narration You are always interrupting me when I
Mike plays the part of Macbeth. (review) am talking !
Peterson overtakes Williams and wins the d) for arrangement for the near future
race. (sports commentary) I am going to the cinema tonight. ( the
time has been decided. )
d) for changing or developing situations
More and more species are becoming extinct

Time expressions: Time expressions:

always, every ..., often, normally, usually, at the moment, at this moment, today, now,
sometimes, seldom, never, first right now, Listen!, Look!

Exercise 7.

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Pres- 6. Brian (cycle) _________________30 km

ent or Present Progressive. every day.
7. What (they / do) _________________right
1. Look! They (leave) _________________the now?
house. 8. You (see / not) _________________her every
2. (you / go) _________________on holiday by day.
plane sometimes? 9. Samantha (do) _________________her
3. The baby (sleep / not) _________________at homework at the moment.
the moment. 10. My parents (shop) _________________right
4. I (read / not) _________________a book now. now.
5. (she / visit) _________________her grandma 11. (they / play) _________________computer
very often? games every day?

12 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L1 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

12. He (watch / not) _________________the now, he (read) _________________a story to

news every day. Linda.
13. We (go / not) _________________to school on 14. Look! Linda (listen) _________________care-
Sundays. fully and she (look) _________________at
14. (she / eat) _________________dinner at the the beautiful pictures.
moment? 15. Linda (love) _________________Jeff’s stories.
15. You (see / not) _________________her every 16. He (read) _________________a story to her
day. every day.
16. He usually (get up) _________________early 17. Jeff sometimes even (write)
in the morning. _________________his own stories.

Exercise 8.
Reading Comprehension
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Pres-
ent and Present Continuous. Task 1

1. James (live) _________________in a little Read the text below.  

village. Match choices (А–Н) to (1–5).
2. He (be) _________________in his last year
at school. Love it or hate it, utilizing the morning hours
3. After school, James (want) before work may be the key to a successful and
_________________ to become a banker. healthy lifestyle. That’s right, early rising is a
4. So this week, he (do) _________________a common trait found in many CEOs, government
practical course in a bank. officials, and other influential people. Margaret
5. There (be) _________________a bank Thatcher was up every day at 5 a.m.; Frank
in a nearby town, but James (have) Lloyd Wright at 4 am and Robert Iger, the CEO
_________________ to take the bus to get of Disney wakes at 4:30am just to name a few.
there. I know what you’re thinking - you do your best
6. The bus (leave) ____________at 5.30 in the work at night. Not so fast. According to Inc.
morning and (return) ____________ at 8.15 Magazine, morning people have been found to
in the evening. be more proactive and more productive. In addi-
7. James (not / like) ______________ to spend tion, the health benefits for those with a life
so much time in town before and after before work go on and on. Let’s explore 5 of the
work, waiting for the bus. things successful people do before 8 am.
8. Therefore, this week he (stay)
_________________with his aunt, who (live) 1. ___________. Most people that work out daily,
_________________ in town. work out in the morning. Whether it’s a morn-
9. James usually (wear) _______________ ing yoga session or a trip to the gym, exercising
jeans and t-shirts, but while he (work) before work gives you a boost of energy for the
_________________for the bank now, he day and that deserved sense of accomplishment.
(wear) ________________a suit and a tie. Anyone can tackle a pile of paperwork after 200
10. These (be) _________________Linda and ab reps! Morning workouts also eliminate the
Jeff. possibility of flaking out on your cardio after a
11. Linda (be) _________________Jeff’s little long day at work. Even if you aren’t bright eyed
sister. and bushy tailed at the thought of a 5 am jog,
12. At the moment, the two kids (sit) try waking up 15 minutes earlier for a quick
_________________on the floor. bedside set of pushups or stretching. It’ll help
13. Jeff (hold) _________________a book right wake up your body, and prep you for your day.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 13
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

2. ___________. Maximize your potential by ly) more well rested and your energy level is up.
mapping out your schedule for the day, as well Therefore, you are more well equipped to handle
as your goals and to dos. The morning is a good more difficult projects. And look at it this way,
time for this as it is often one of the only quiet your day will get progressively easier, not the
times a person gets throughout the day. The other way around. By the time your work day is
early hours foster easier reflection that helps ending, you’re winding down with easier to dos
when prioritizing your activities. They also and heading into your free time more relaxed.
allow for uninterrupted problem solving when
trying to fit everything into your timetable. A. Make Your Day Top Heavy
While scheduling, don’t forget about your men- B. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
tal health. Plan a 10 minute break after that C. Visualize Your Day
stressful meeting for a quick walk around the D. Exercise
block or a moment of meditation at your desk. E. Map Out Your Day

3. ___________. We all know that rush out the Task 2

door with a cup of coffee and an empty stomach
feeling. You sit down at your desk, and you’re Read the texts below. Match choices
already wondering how early that taco truck sets (A–H) to (1–5). There are three choices
up camp outside your office. No good. Take that you do not need to use.
extra time in the morning to fuel your body for
the tasks ahead of it. It will help keep you mind Tips on Being Happy
on what’s at hand and not your growling stom-
ach. Not only is breakfast good for your physical 1. Free yourself from negative emotions such
health, it is also a good time to connect socially. as, guilt, anger, doubt, fear, resentment,
Even five minutes of talking with your kids or and worry. Your goal in this area should be
spouse while eating a quick bowl of oatmeal can to constantly examine, and then eliminate
boost your spirits before heading out the door. the negative emotions you find in your own
life. This is, quite possibly, the largest part
4. ___________. These days we talk about our of finding true happiness.
physical health ad nauseam, but sometimes our
mental health gets overlooked. The morning is 2. Imagine yourself as perfectly healthy. Good
the perfect time to spend some quiet time inside health is another huge key to achieving
your mind meditating or visualizing. Take a true happiness. You become what you
moment to visualize your day ahead of you, fo- think and imagine. Imagine yourself eating
cusing on the successes you will have. Even just the right things, exercising, and being hap-
a minute of visualization and positive thinking py when you look in the mirror.
can help improve your mood and outlook on
your work load for the day. 3. You need to take the time to examine your
past experiences in order to fully under-
5. ___________. We all have that one item on our stand your current thoughts, feelings,
to do list that we dread. It looms over you all and behaviours. You must learn to forgive
day (or week) until you finally suck it up and do others and embrace all the experiences,
it after much procrastination. Here’s an easy tip good and bad, that have shaped who you
to save yourself the stress - do that least desir- are today. Only then can you move forward
able task on your list first. Instead of anticipat- to becoming the best you possible.
ing the unpleasantness of it from first coffee
through your lunch break, get it out of the way. 4. A true measure of your personality is the
The morning is the time when you are (general- loving and intimate relationships you

14 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L1 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

have. If you are involved in relationships Exercise 2.

you know are unhealthy, it’s time to make
a change. Strive to be around people who Fill in the gaps with the appropriate
love you, build you up, and whom you look words.
up to.
Janez______________ at seven o’clock in
5. This is about living on purpose. You need the morning. He ___________ten minutes
a commitment to something greater than later, he _______________to the bathroom,
yourself if you want to find happiness. he_______________ his face and his teeth.
Start thinking about how you can use your He _______________breakfast at 7.20. Then
talents, personality, and skills to make the he ___________and ______________to school.
world a better place. He________ lunch at school at about 1.15.

A. Try to be physically fit He usually ____________everything, he

B. Spend more time going out _________always very hungry. At 1.45 he
C. Don’t discuss your private life _________home. He ___________ one or two
D. Analyze what you have lived through computer games and he __________with his
E. Improve other people’s lives friends. They _____________out for an hour.
F. Develop harmony and peace of mind When he __________home, he ________TV,
G. Review your contacts with his little brother, and sometimes ______
H. Read humorous books his Mum in the kitchen. After dinner, at 8.00,
he ___________a shower, ___________a book
and _______to bed.
Exercise 3.
Vocabulary Practice
Complete the sentences with the correct
Exercise 1. form of verbs:

Use these verbs to fill the gaps •give •have •boost •take •make

•have •be •spend •make •get 1. My friends and I are always ready to
____________ an adventure.
1. to _______ good/best friends with somebody
2. to _______ friends with somebody 2. I find ____________ negative comments on
3. to _______ on well with somebody board difficult.
4. to _______ a lot of/all your time with some-
body 3. I’ve already ____________ plans for the next
5. to _______ a good/close friendship with school holiday.
4. A nice comment from my teacher can
____________ my confidence.

5. I don’t like ____________ my opinion in


(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 15
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Grammar Practice double

4 consonant +
Exercise 4. ing

Put the following verbs into the correct

box in 3rd person singular. Exercise 6.

Scratch, say, try, set, play, do, stop, miss, Identify the tenses in bold, then match
brush, buy, complete, defend, deny, destroy, them with the correct description.
excite, expect, guess, reach, receive, stay, want,
fry, drive, fix, cry, freeze, teach, pray, crash, fly, 1. He works in a TV studio.
type 2. Tom is always causing trouble at work.
3. She is working at a supermarket at pres-
1 +s 4. Fish live in the sea.
5. She is looking for a job as a nanny in
ss, sh, ch, x, Madrid.
2 6. The thief grabs the bag and disappears
o + es
7. He usually leaves his office at 6.00pm.
8. She starts her new job on Monday.
3 vowel + y + s 9. We are attending a seminar on Monday.
10. The new company is growing steadily.
consonant +
4 a. temporary situation
y → ies
b. permanent state
c. fixed arrangements in the near future
Exercise 5. d. dramatic narrative (reviews/sport commen-
Add –ing to the following verbs and put e. permanent truths or laws of nature
them into the correct box. f. changing or developing situations
g. timelables/programmes with future mean-
Draw, lie, drive, put, drink, run, tie, write, type, ing
throw, die, apply, cancel, sit. h. frequently repeated actions expressing
i. actions happening at or around the time of
1 + ing speaking
j. repeated/habitual actions

2 -ie → y + ing

3 -e → ing

16 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L1 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

Reading Comprehension A (6) ___________ mix of weeds and wildflow-

ers served as cover crops. A (7) ___________
Task 1. population of insects pollinated the flowers.
The (8) ___________ running into the lake kept
Read the text below. For questions water available to the roots. Disease must have
(1–10) choose the correct answer (A, B, struck from time to time, but the vines seemed
C or D). to shrug it off and keep bearing bunches of the
fruit that brought us back each visit.
Every summer when I was a kid, my mother (1)
___________ me to visit her parents, who lived As a gardener now, I know that the secret to
on the shores of a lake in east Texas. When we growing grapes (or anything else) without a
arrived, we always (2) ___________ straight to lot of fuss or toxic treatments is to grow plants
their grapevines to pick and eat the fresh, juicy that will (9) ___________ in my climate, just as
fruit. This was not a fancy grape-growing enter- those grapes did in east Texas. Whether you
prise, just a couple purple Concord grapevines have room for a small vineyard or just a few
climbing a metal trellis in a (3) ___________ lot. vines climbing over the patio, you and your
These grapes got very little attention between family can enjoy home-grown grapes. The se-
our visits. My grandparents (4) ___________ crets to success are simple and manageable for
them and tied on new strips of flash tape to even a (10) ___________ gardener.
keep the birds away, but (5) ___________ that,
the grapes were on their own.

1 led took sent travelled
2 headed followed left came
3 empty blank vacant unknown
4 grew cleaned planted pruned
5 apart for apart from apart by apart with
6 indigenous native local dear
7 various diverse multinational different
8 sea road creek marsh
9 bloom flourish in blossom flower
10 newcomer young new novice

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 17
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Task 2.

Read the text below. For questions (1–12) In addition to (6)____________a regular daily
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). sleep schedule, Landis offers the following tips
on practising good sleep hygiene: Avoid stimu-
(1)____________well last night? Or did you lants including black tea, caffeinated beverages
wake up feeling fatigued and sluggish — per- and food (7)____________chocolate in the late
haps even wondering if you really slept at all? afternoon and evening.
Getting a good night’s sleep requires more
than crawling into bed and closing your eyes. Finish exercising (8)____________least two
Understanding your sleep behaviour and pre- hours before going to sleep. Exercise increases
paring for a sound slumber can help to make body temperatures and has an arousing effect,
sure every night is a good night for sleeping. making it more difficult to easily fall asleep.
“Sleep is a behaviour and, like all behaviours, Don’t sleep in a warm environment. A drop in
it (2)____________greatly among people”, ex- a (9)___________body temperature is important
plains Dr Carol Landis, sleep researcher and at the onset of deep sleep. People who sleep in
associate professor in biobehavioural nursing a well- heated room or use an electric blanket
and health systems at the University of Wash- may not sleep as soundly.
ington School of Nursing.
Catch up on (10)____________sleep when you
Research (3) ____________ that people sleep have the opportunity. Busy work schedules or
better at different times during their daily cy- weekend activities often make it difficult to
cle. For example, some people function better if get as much sleep as we (11)____________each
they go to sleep early and rise early, while oth- night. To reduce this sleep debt, try taking a
ers feel more rested if they (4)__________ late 30-minute nap during the day before 4 p.m.
and sleep in. “Many people don’t pay attention or sleeping in on weekends when you have a
to the timing of their sleep”, Landis notes. chance.
“Yet delaying or altering the time you go to
sleep can have a major impact on how you feel “Instead of (12) ____________ a coffee during
(5)_____________you wake up”. a work break, people can get energy by taking
a 15 or 30-minute nap instead”, Landis points
out. “You’ll feel better in the long run”.

1 Do you sleep Have you sleep Did you sleep Had you slept
2 vary varies would vary has varied
3 found have found has found had found
4 stay up stay down stay in stay after
5 when until before ahead
6 maintain maintained to maintain maintaining
7 so as such as both and either
8 at in on under
9 person person’s persons persons’
10 miss to miss missing missed
11 should like would better rather would like
12 get to get getting got

18 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L2 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

Vocabulary Practice

• Gossiping: Means that you talk about other
1. What are your bad habits? Think about people behind their back or when they are
your friends and family. not there. Some people who gossip just want
2. Do they have any of these bad habits? to find out information while others like to
3. Think about really good ones. say mean and rude things about others.
4. What bad habits irritate you?
• Mumbling: When someone does not open
their mouth or annunciation all of the
words and sounds when they are speaking.
Bad Habits =)
• Always Being Late: This person arrives
late to everything; to work, school, appoint-
• Biting Nails: Chewing or biting off parts ments, and even funerals.
of the finger nails.
• Spitting in Public: People walking
• Cracking Knuckles: Pulling and bending around and spitting their saliva on the
fingers until they pop or make a cracking ground is disgusting.
• Road Rage: When you drive fast or get
• Picking your Nose: Putting finger up really mad at other drivers while you are
your nose (or nostril) and taking out the driving. It can be very dangerous when one
boogers. acts aggressively while driving.

• Twirling Hair: Spinning or twirling long • Gambling: Going to casinos or spending

hair by itself or around a finger. half your paycheck on lottery tickets

• Rolling Eyes: Raising your eye balls up • Addicted to TV/Internet/Video Games/

and back. Smart Phone/Porn: Spending too much
time in front of a screen it a bad habit;
• Slouching: When people do not sit up no matter what it is. Cannot go 1 minute
straight, their back and shoulders curve without checking your email or Facebook?
around. You’re addicted!

• Talking with your Mouth Full: Talking • Being a Slacker: Not doing your part of
when you are chewing your food. work or a project. Letting others do it for you.

• Cursing: Saying words that are not appro- • Procrastination: Leaving everything un-
priate and offensive to most people. til the last minute or hour or day to do it.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 19
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Exercise 1.

What bad habits do the pictures show?

Write the five worst habits. Discuss them Exercise 2.

with your partner.
TOP FIVE: Read the text quickly. Underline four things
in the text that you think are surprising or
1. _________________________________________ interesting. Compare with your partner.

2. _________________________________________ How we really spend our time

3. _________________________________________ Although people all over the world are working

longer and longer hours, we also have more
4. _________________________________________ leisure time than ever before.

5. _________________________________________ After sleeping and working, watching TV is by

far the most popular leisure activity the world
over. The British watch more TV than any oth-
er nation in Europe, but they also read more.
The vast majority, eighty-five percent, regu-
Household chores
larly read newspapers, and fifty-four percent
regularly read books.

Although up to two thirds of modern European

women work full-time, they still do the main

20 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L2 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

share of the housework, too. Husbands help in B.

the house more than they did in the past, but Mark the following phrases S (if they both
in the UK for example, men do an average of mean the same) and D (if they are different).
just six hours a week compared to their wives,
who do over eighteen hours. No wonder that a. two thirds / sixty-six percent S
the vast majority of working women in the UK b. the main share of the work / most of the
say they are stressed and exhausted! work
c. an average of six hours / exactly six hours
According to the latest research by supermar- d. over eighteen hours / less than eighteen
kets, the average British family spends just hours
eleven minutes preparing the main evening e. the vast majority / ninety percent
meal, and prefers ready meals’ and takeaways to f. almost half / fifty-two percent
home-cooked food. Almost half of all families in g. more than half / forty-five percent
the UK eat together only once a month or less. h. a fifth / twenty percent
i. at least twice a week / two times a week or
More than half of young people in the UK have a more
full-time job by the age of nineteen, but the ma-
jority of young Spanish and Italian people do not C.
start full time work until they are twenty-four. What was the significance of the following
numbers in what you read? Look back at
The average American fourteen-year-old spends the text, if necessary.
only half an hour a day doing homework, and
less than a fifth of young people participate in a. eighty-five percent Eighty-five percent of
sports, clubs, music or other traditional hobbies. British people regularity read newspapers,
Instead, sixty-five percent say they spend their b. six hours
time chatting on their mobiles and hanging out c. eighteen hours
with their friends in shopping malls. d. eleven minutes
e. twenty-four
In the UK pensioners are almost twice as ac- f. half an hour a day
tive as teenagers, according to recent research. g. seventy-five minutes
People over sixty-five spend nearly two hours a h. seventy-three
day doing physical activities such as walking, i. fifty-five minutes
cycling, gardening or sport, while teenagers
spend only seventy-five minutes. However, sur-
prisingly, people who use the Internet regular-
ly do more sport than people who never use it.

The Swedes and Finns are the sportiest nation-

alities in Europe. Seventy-three percent do some
kind of sport at least once or twice a week.

People may spend more time at work these

days, but are they always working? The latest
research reveals that each day the average
British employee spends fifty-five minutes
chatting, sixteen minutes flirting, fourteen
minutes surfing the Internet and nine minutes
sending e-mails to friends!

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 21
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Exercise 3.

Match the picture with the correct word.

•to make a bed____ •pillow____ •to wipe____ •broom____

•curtain____ •to vacuum____ •goggles____ •to scrub____
•blanket ____ •dryer____ •mop ____ •bucket____
•dusty rag____ •attic____ •drawer____

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

22 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L2 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

Exercise 4. 8. Pass me the ________. I want to scrub the

Choose the correct word. A. brush
B. mop
1. Hey, it’s your turn to ________ the bed. C. broom
A. make
B. do 9. Pass me the ________. I want to sweep the
C. sleep floor.
A. brush
2. Can you close the ________? The neighbors B. broom
can see everything. C. mop
A. sheets
B. curtains 10. Fill this ________ with water.
C. door A. bucket
B. brush
3. Can you get me another ________? It’s go- C. counter
ing to be a cold night.
A. blanket 11. The shelves are very ________
B. pillow A. dusted
C. pillow case B. dusting
C. dusty
4. I need to wake up very early. Could you set
the ________ for 6:00 AM? 12. Make sure you ________ the hallway as
A. clock well.
B. alarm A. vacuum cleaner
C. ring B. vacuum
C. vacuum clean
5. Pass me the ________. I need to wipe the
counter.  13. We only use pet-________ cleaning products. 
A. rag A. happy
B. brush B. beneficial
C. broom C. friendly

6. Make sure to wear ________ so that the 14. We have a washing machine, but no
solution doesn’t get on your hands. ________ . 
A. goggles A. drying machine
B. socks B. dryer
C. gloves C. drying device

7. This product does not contain any ________

chemicals. It is environmentally friendly.
(= eco-friendly)
A. harmful
B. harmless
C. harming

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 23
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 


3. I’ll ring Dad to___________ him to buy
Use the correct form of the words in the coffee, otherwise he’ll forget.
boxes to complete the sentences in each 4. My grandfather can still___________
group A-D below. You may use some of scenes of World War II.
the words more than once. In some cases,
more than one word may be correct. D. view sight image vision
A. attempt effort trial exper- 1. The sun affects my ___________ when
iment I’m driving, so I always wear sunglass-
1. It takes a lot of ___________ and pa- 2. We have a superb ___________ of the
tience to learn how to play a musical sea from our balcony.
instrument. 3. The child started to cry at
2. John’s case came to___________ and in the___________ of the dogs.
the end he was found innocent. 4. The television show was about the
3. The athlete failed in his last ___________ you can visit In Rome.
___________ to break the world record. 5. The police arrived at the ___________ of
4. Many cosmetic companies claim they the accident within minutes.
don’t carry out___________ on animals. 6. An actor’s___________ is important for
5. I worked for the company for a(n) his career.
___________ period of two weeks before 7. I ran out of paint, so I couldn’t finish
I was fully employed. the sky for the background___________
in the play.
B. audience spectators viewers 8. When we were leaving the flower show,
sightseers onlookers witnesses we were asked to fill in a questionnaire
1. The ___________ disagreed with the to give our ___________ on what we had
referee’s decision and interrupted the seen.
football match.
2. The two teenagers claimed they were
Just___________ and had nothing to do
with the tight,
3. Paris attracts thousands of ___________
all year round.
4. At the end of the play, the___________
applauded enthusiastically.
5. The___________ were asked to give a
detailed description of the accident.
6. The concert was broadcast on TV and
attracted one billion___________ world-

C. memorise remind recall

1. I didn’t___________ her at first. She
had changed a lot.
2. I had to ___________ his phone number
because I didn’t have a pen to write It

24 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L2 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

Grammar Focus

Exercise 1. Exercise 2.

Choose the correct form the present sim- Put the verbs in brackets into the present
ple or the present continuous (state verbs) simple or the present continuous (state
1. I _________ (have) a great time.
2. She _________ (have) plenty of money just 1.
now. A. __________________ (you/know) that
3. He _________ (appear) at the Fortune Thea- man over there?
tre next week. B. Actually, I do. He’s Muriel’s husband.
4. She _________ (appear) to have a problem.
5. Why _________ (you look) at me like that? 2.
6. It _________ (look) as if it’s going to rain. A. Are you doing anything tomorrow
7. I _________ (see) what you’re trying to say. evening?
8. I _________ (see) the manager this after- B. Yes. I ___________________ (see) Jack
noon. at nine o’clock.
9. I_________ (think) you’re right.
10. What _________ (you think) about? 3.
11. I_________ (feel) very tired today. A. I___________________ (see) you’re feel-
12. I _________ (feel) she’s making a mistake. ing better.
B. Yes. I am. thank you.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 25
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

4. 13.
C. What’s that noise? A. This fabric___________________ (feel)
D. The people next like silk.
door___________________ (have) a B. It is silk, and it was very expensive.
5. A. What are you doing?
A. Graham___________________ (have) a B. I ___________________ (feel) the radia-
new computer. tor to see if it’s getting warm.
B. I know. I’ve already seen it.
6. A. She___________________ (be) generous,
A. This dress___________________ (not/fit) isn’t she?
me anymore. B. Yes, she has never been a mean per-
B. Why don’t you buy a new one? son.

7. 16.
A. Your perfume ___________________ A. He___________________ (be) very quiet
(smell) nice. What is it? today, isn’t he?
B. It’s a new perfume called Sunshine. B. Yes, I think he has some problems.

8. 17.
A. What is Jane doing? A. Would you like some cherries?
B. B: She___________________ (smell) the B. Yes, please. I ___________________
flowers in the garden. (love) cherries. They’re my favourite
A. What___________________ (you/look) 18.
at? A. I’m sorry, but I___________________
B. Some photos I took during my holidays. (not understand) what you mean.
They aren’t very good, though. B. Shall I explain it again?

10. 19.
A. You___________________ (look) very A. The children are making lots of noise
pretty today. today.
B. Thank you. I’ve just had my hair cut. B. I know, but they___________________
(have) fun.
A. I ___________________ (think) we’re 20.
being followed. A. This cake___________________ (taste)
B. Don’t be silly! It’s just your imagina- awful.
tion. B. B: I think I forgot to put the sugar in
A. Is anything wrong?
B. No. I ___________________ (just/think)
about the party tonight.

26 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L2 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

and walking dramatically affects our immune

Reading Comprehension system. While we sleep the body’s repair
mechanism are at work; when we are awake
Task 1. natural killer cells circulate around our bodies
and cause more damage. Our digestive system
Read the text below. For questions (1–2) is affected, too – high levels of glucose and fat
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). remain in our bloodstream for longer periods
on time and this can lead to heart disease.
Can you feel the rhythm?
Unfortunately, we were not designed to be
’Routine’ is usually seen as a negative term members of a 24-hour society. We can’t ignore
nowadays, largely because we no longer belong millions of years of evolution and stay up all
to a society of nine – to – fivers. We live in a night and sleep all day. We function best with a
world that is fast becoming a 24-hour society, regular pattern of sleep and wakefulness that is
where everything is open all hours. You can in tune with our natural environment. Nature’s
buy groceries at midnight, book your holiday cues are what keep our body clocks ticking
on the Internet at 3am, and do business online rhythmically and everything is working in har-
at the crack of down. Before you join the 24- mony. So, next time you think a daily routine is
hour revolution, however, take a minute to boring and predictable, remember that routine
listen to what your body is trying to tell you may well save your life in the long run.
– that a round-the-clock lifestyle is not what
nature intended. 1. What does it paragraph 2 refer to?
A. our body’s natual rhythms
In an area in our brains called hypothalamus, B. the hypothalamus
we have a ’body clock’ that controls our body’s C. our body’s biological clock
natural rhythms. It tells us when it’s the right D. our brain
time to work, sleep, play, eat. It plays an im-
portant part in our physical and psychological 2. What does the word tick in paragraph 2
well-being. It is, in fact, what makes us tick and mean?
it controls many things including our hormones, A. check
temperature, immune functions and alertness. B. motivate
It synchronises all these like a conductor with C. select
an orchestra; it regulates tempo and brings in D. function
all the different instruments on time to make
music rather than a random noise. If we try to 3. In what way is our body clock like the con-
ignore our body clocks, or even to switch them ductor of an orchestra?
off for a while, we not only deprive ourselves of A. The hypothalamus controls our actions
much needed rest but we also run the risk of B. It makes all the body’s functions work
seriously damaging our health. together at the right time.
C. The body clock is very precise
Ignoring your body clock and changing your D. We have a special programme.
body’s natural rhythms can not only make you
depressed, anxious and accident prone, it can 4. If we change our sleep patterns, we
lead to much more serious health problems. A. will get an infection
For example, heart disease, fatigue, ulcers, B. will disturb our immune system
muscular pain, and frequent viral infections C. will get heart disease
can all result from trying to outsmart our D. get high levels of dangerous cells
body clocks. Altering our patterns of sleeping

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 27
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

5. According to the text, we should usually got married when (9)_______ a

family, but this happens less now. Another
A. do things when our body tells us to. trend is (10)_______ married later in life
B. organise our body clock according to a and to have fewer children, so the size of
strict schedule. the average family is schrinking.
C. use the natural environment to work
out a regular routine A. taken to
D. have a boring, slow-paced lifestyle. B. closely involved in
C. getting married
6. According to the text, our body clock D. they often mean only
E. is being weakened
A. can be changed without harm F. for people to get
B. determines when we should do things G. made most of the
C. helps us to fight sleep H. which normally consist of
D. is a boring routine. I. they wanted to start
J. expected to obey
Task 2. K. is traditionally based on

1. Read this short article about British 2. Answer the questions based on the
and American families. Choose the text.
best phrase from A-K to fill in gaps
1-10, to complete the text. There is one 1. What is a nuclear family?
phrase that you won’t need to use. 2. How did the father spend a typical day
fifty years ago?
WHEN British and American people use 3. How did the mother spend a typical
the word family (1)_______ the mother, day fifty years ago?
farther and their children. In a general 4. Why are some people worried about
social context, the “the family” is usually society today?
(2)_______ mean this nuclear family. 5. Do couple that live together always get
Society in Britain and the US (3)_______ 6. Are modern families normally larger or
a nuclear family living in the same house smaller than those fifty years ago
and (4)_______ each other`s lives. Fifty
years ago, the typical family was a hus-
band and a wife, and two or three chil-
dren. The father spent all day at work and
(5)_______ decisions about how the money
he earned was spent. The mother stayed at
home to manage the house and look after
the children. Children were (6)_______
their parents.

Many modern families live rather different-

ly, and because of this some people think
that the family unit is dying and society
(7)_______. Many couples still get married,
but others live together without (8)_______.
A few years ago, couples living together

28 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L2 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine


Vocabulary practice 9. My boyfriend asked me to ________ the
living room.
Exercise 1. vacuum
Choose the correct word to fill in the gap.
10. My parents asked me to ________ up my
1. Take those clothes out of the laundry room.
basket and put them in the ___________ tidy
machine. tighten
washer Phrasal verbs

2. After you finish washing them, put them in break down: 1. War broke_____ in
the ________.  1) stop working (of 1992 and it lasted
until 1995.
drying machine cars, etc.)
2. Children
dryer 2) lose control are always
of feelings (of happy when
3. Peter put the cutlery ( = knives, forks, etc.) people) school breaks
in the wrong ________.  _____ for the
drawer break in/break
3. The burglars broke
closet into a building: _____ the house in
enter by force the middle of the
4. Most people use an ironing ________ to iron night and stole all
their clothes.  break into: start the jewellery.
border singing, smiling, 4. His serious face
broke _____ a grin
board etc. suddenly
when he read the
5. We didn’t have any more room in the base- break out: 5. The bus broke _____,
ment, so we stored some of our things in 1) begin suddenly so all the passengers
the ________. (war, fire, etc.) had to get off and
wait for another one
roof But: a storm
to come.
attic breaks 6. The little girl broke
2) escape _____ and cried
6. My father asked me to________ my bed. when her dog died.
make break up: stop 7. The dog broke _____
do for holidays (of of the garden and
chased the cat down
schools, etc.)
the street.
7. My brother asked me to________ the

8. My roommate asked me to do the ________


(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 29
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Prepositions Exercise 2.

1. Stop worrying ________your exam - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
everything will be fine. tense.
2. I’ve waited________ Judy for 30 minutes.
I’m going home. 1.
3. Stop talking and concentrate ________your A. So, how does the film end?
work. B. Well, in the end Willy escapes (es-
4. Don’t forget to pay ________the newspaper. cape) and____________ (swim) out to
5. He explained the computer progra________me. sea. He _____________ (meet) the rest
6. I don’t know what we’ll do at the weekend. of his family and they ______________
It depends ________the weather. (swim) away together.
7. She will arrive________ Beijing at 3pm.
8. I like to listen ________the radio when I 2.
wake up. A. Would you like to go to the cinema on
9. He borrowed £20________his brother. Sunday?
10. Who does this coat belong ________? B. I’m sorry. I _______________ (visit) my
grandparents this weekend.
Grammar practice
Exercise 1. A. Hurry up! The tram____________
(leave) at 2:30.
Some stative verbs can be used in con- B. I’ll be ready in live minutes.
tinuous forms but the meaning changes.
Read the sentences below and match the 4.
verbs in bold with their meaning. A. Pam_______________ (always/complain)
about something.
1. I see there is a problem in this department. B. Yes. it’s annoying, isn’t it?
2. I’m seeing my dentist tonight.
3. Mr. Jones thinks we should advertise this 5.
product. A. More and more people ____________
4. He is thinking of opening a branch in (recycle) their rubbish.
Denmark. B. That’s good news.
5. Ann Holmes has three houses.
6. We are having problems with the new 6.
employee. A. Could you give me a lift tomorrow
7. He looks as if he’s going to collapse. morning?
8. I’d like a skin specialist to look at that rash B. I’m sorry but I ____________ (always/
of yours. use) public transport to get to work.

a. understand 7.
b. believe A. Can I speak to Mr. Collins, please?
c. experience B. I’m afraid he’s not available at the mo-
d. review ment. He ____________ (have) a meet-
e. consider ing with some clients.
f. meet
g. own
h. seem

30 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
L2 M1
 MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine

8. As for my family, well unfortunately Gran

A. What do you know about snakes? died a couple of years ago, but (6)_________.
B. I know that they are reptiles and they Dad retired about three years ago, and they’re
____________ (lay) eggs. travelling all over the world these days. They
came to see me here a few months ago. And
9. remember my big brother Anthony? He’s mar-
A. I haven’t seen Bob for ages. How is he? ried now (to Rosie, a girl he met at university)
B. Oh, he____________ (work) for advertis- and they’ve got two-year-old twins, so his life’s
ing company now. really changed!
Well, I think that’s all the main news from me.
10. (7)_________. Maybe we could meet up when
A. Are you busy? I need some help. I’m back In England?
B. No, I ____________ (not/do) anything at (8)_________
the moment. I can help you. Love Charlotte
11. (9) __________
A. Your hair____________ (look) great
today. Have you had it cut? A. How are things with you?
B. Yes, I had it done yesterday. B. Send them my love, won’t you?
C. I really hope you’re well.
D. My parents are really well.
Reading Comprehension E. I decided to drop you a line.
F. Do write back - I’d love to hear your news
Task 1. G. Keep in touch.
H. PS I’ve attached some photos of me now.
Read the text below. Choose from (A–I) I. How is all your family?
the one that best fits each space (1–9).

Hi Laura!
Remember me??!! I was really pleased when
1 found your name on the Friends Reunited
website – so (1)_________straight away.
(2)_________? (3)_________. Last time we met
you were still at university, but I guess you’re
working now. What are you doing? I remember
you always wanted to work with children. Are
you still with Simon or is that all in the past
now? (4)_________? What are your parents do-
ing these days, and how about Joe and Katie?
I now work for a big property company as a
sales manager, and at the moment I’m living
in Australia, working in the Sydney office. I
absolutely love it over here, and even more
exciting, I’m getting married next April to Malt
– a gorgeous Australian guy I met here! We
don’t know yet if we`re going to live in England
or stay in Sydney.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 31
MODULE 1. My life. Daily routine 

Task 2. The trouble for night owls is that they just

(7) ________ to be at places such as work and
Read the text below.   school far (8) ________ early. This is when the
For questions (1–10) choose the correct alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most im-
answer (A, B, C or D). portant survival tool. Experts (9) ________ that
one way for a night owl to beat their depend-
Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide ence (10) ________ their alarm clocks is to sleep
awake at night and they sleep during the with the curtains open. The Theory is that if
day. If this (1) ­­­________ like bliss to you, then, they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken
like about 20 percent of the population (2) them gently and naturally.
________find themselves most active at around
9 pm, you may fall into the same category (3) The (11) ________ is that, unlike the feathered
________our feathered friend. Night owls often owl, human owls can’t claim that a noctur-
have difficulty waking up in the morning, and nal existence is their (12) ________ lifestyle.
like to be up late at night.  (4) ________ of ani- They are programmed to be at their best (13)
mal behaviour indicate that being a night owl ________ the day. (14) ________ if we try to
may actually be (5) ________ into some people’s change our schedules and work at night, Mother
genes. This would explain (6) ________ those Nature isn’t fooled. Night is still the time when
late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult our body (15) ________ down. Night owls simply
to change their behaviour start and finish a little later than average.

1 sounds hears listens looks
2 when whose which who
3 like as with for
4 Research Examinations Enquiries Studies
5 constructed built erected made
6 why when how where
7 ought have must should
8 too enough from away
9 tell speak inform say
10 in on to for
11 truth honesty real reason
12 usual expected ordinary natural
13 while throughout through during
14 Also Even Yet As
15 slows moves goes falls

32 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

L3 M2
Module 2.

In this module you will…

• Describe people’s appearances

• Talk about different traits of character
• Learn to use Past Simple, Past Continuous and Used to constructionss

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 33
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Vocabulary Focus

Look at the pictures of cats. Try to describe their mood and feelings. Which cat do you
feel like? Explain your choice.


Pinky Garfield

34 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

Fluffy Mike

L3 M2


(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 35
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Vocabulary list
Appearance Body complexion clean-shaven �������������������
describe��������������������� fat���������������������������� healthy complexion��������������
description������������������ heavy������������������������� freckles ������������������������
recognise�������������������� huge�������������������������� pimply/pimpled ����������������
alike������������������������ large�������������������������� crooked/hooked nose�������������
(un)attractive ��������������� muscular���������������������� with a beard and moustache �����
(un)impressive��������������� obese ������������������������� with a beauty spot or a mole �����
bare ������������������������ overweight �������������������� with a dimple in the chin ��������
beautiful�������������������� petite������������������������� wrinkles �����������������������
cute������������������������� pierced������������������������ Hair
fashionable������������������ polished����������������������� albino��������������������������
good-looking����������������� short/tall���������������������� bald ���������������������������
handsome������������������� skinny������������������������ blond(e) (adj & n) ���������������
hot������������������������� slim��������������������������� fair-haired����������������������
lovely����������������������� small ������������������������� brunette�����������������������
nice������������������������� tall ��������������������������� curly ��������������������������
pale������������������������� tattooed����������������������� dark���������������������������
perfect���������������������� thick/thin ��������������������� auburn�������������������������
pretty����������������������� tiny��������������������������� have a haircut������������������
scruffy���������������������� well-built���������������������� crew cut������������������������
slow ������������������������ weak�������������������������� permed hair��������������������
strange��������������������� weigh(t) (v & n)  ��������������� pigtails/plaits�������������������
terrible���������������������� Describing face pony-tail �����������������������
wonderful������������������� almond-shaped eyes������������ receding �����������������������
ugly������������������������ slanting eyes ������������������ straight ������������������������
bushy eyebrows���������������� wavy���������������������������
chubby������������������������ long/short/shoulder length�������

Exercise 1. B: No, quite the opposite, he’s the tall, thin-

faced one.
Find the odd word out.
1. A: Was that his brother, the dark-skinned,
HEIGHT: small, short, muscular, tall wavy-haired one?  
BUILD: slim, thin, skinny, round B: No, quite the opposite, his brother’s...
SKIN: tanned, plump, dark, pale
FACE: wavy, freckled, wrinkled, oval 2. A: She’s always quite well-dressed, so I’ve
EYES: slanting, bright, almond-shaped, heard.
permed B: What! Who told you that? Every time I
EYEBROWS: thick, bushy, square, thin see her, she’s...
NOSE: upturned, well-built, curved, crooked
CHIN: hooked, double, pointed, round 3. A: So Cathy’s that rather plump fair-haired
LIPS: thin, full, long, thick woman, is she?  
HAIR: curly, wavy, blond, overweight B: No, you’re looking at the wrong one.
CLOTHES: smart, tattooed, scruffy, elegant Cathy’s...

Exercise 2. 4. A: So, tell us about the new boss; good

Answer these remarks with the opposite B: No, I’m afraid not rather...
5. A: I don’t know why, but I expected the
Example: A: I thought you said he was the tour-guide to be middle-aged or elderly. 
short, chubby one.  B: No, apparently she’s only...

36 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

Exercise 3.

WANTED! MISSING! Complete the gaps in these police posters.


L3 M2
Miley Cyrus Shawn Carter Viktor “Proffesor”Yanukovych
height 6ft height 5ft 4 height 5ft 7

______________________-faced _______________________ hair ______________________-faced

_______________________ hair _______________________ skin _______________________ hair

_______________________ skin _______________________build ______________________ build

Exercise 4.

Answer the questions. You are sometimes given the first letter of the missing word.

1. What is the adjective form of the word 9. If someone is anorexic, they are usually
waves when it refers to a person’s hair? very thin indeed. Is this true or false?

2. What do we call the small, pale brown 10. What word means ‘extremely fat’? o…….
spots some people have on their skin, espe-
cially fair-skinned people? f……. 11. If a person is scruffy, is that normally a
positive or a negative thing?
3. Give an adjective that means a person has
red or reddish hair. g……. 12. Which is more negative, to call someone
slim or skinny?
4. What colour is auburn? Is it ‘golden, red-
dish-brown’ or is it ‘very dark, almost black’? 13. How do we describe someone who is losing
their hair at the front of their head? We
5. If someone has a crew cut, is their hair long say ‘His/her hair is r………….’
or short?
14. What does it mean to say that someone
6. Is stout similar in meaning to (a) slim or (b) has a healthy complexion? Is it that their
plump? face and skin look healthy or that just their
eyes look healthy?
7. What is a polite word that means ‘fat’? o…….
15. What should you remember about the ad-
8. If someone is stocky, they are rather thin. jective handsome?
Is this true or false?

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 37
MODULE 2. Describing people 


Exercise 5.

A. Complete the blanks with the verbs put or set.

__________a stop to sth __________effort into sth __________the task of doing sth
__________standards __________hands with sb __________pressure on sb
__________fire to sth __________the table __________foot in
__________eyes on sth __________(the) blame on sb __________the alarm clock
__________an example __________a date __________ free

B. Read the sentences and complete them with the phrases from the table.

1. The university has__________ very high 5. Ian __________ a lot of _________ into re-
__________ to attract the best students. pairing that old car.

2. Don’t________ __________ on him. He’s not 6. Mrs Smith__________ her children

the one responsible for the accident. ___________ of clearing out the attic.

3. Jerry’s parents __________ __________ on 7. After years of imprisonment, the man who
him to get a job. had been wrongfully accused of the robbery
was finally____ _______.
4. She loved the house the minute she_______
__________ on it. 8. They have announced their engagement
but they haven’t_____ ____ _______ for
their wedding yet

Exercise 6.

A. Complete the blanks with the verbs miss, or lose.

_________________interest in ____________________a class ____________________contact

______________a competition ____________________weight ___________________patience

__________________a chance ____________an opportunity _______________control (over)

_________________one's way __________________one's job _______________one's temper

__________________a person ______________a train/plane _________________a meeting

_____________________money ________________a/your turn ___________________a match

B. Use the expressions from the table to complete the sentences. Pay attention at verb

1. If you _______ one more _______ you will 2. I’m always so shy but this time I’m not
not be allowed to take the final test. going to ____ ____ _________ - I’ll go and in-
troduce myself to that good-looking ginger
lady. Wish me luck!

38 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

3. He ____ ___________ ______ his bike and B. choice collection selection elec-
crashed into a tree. tion variety option
1. I don’t have a(n) __________, as you
4. Justin is a really hot-headed man – he didn’t give me any__________.
________ his ___________ in the snap of a 2. Every four years there is a gener-
finger. al__________ and people vote for the

L3 M2
party they prefer.
5. Jade has ______ ________ ____ her new 3. My stamp__________ consists of two
boyfriend as he’s skinny and short while thousand stamps.
she loves well-built tattooed guys. 4. Aspirin is the number one__________
for combating fever and pain.
6. My husband never _____ ____ _________. 5. The shop has ice cream in a(n)
He’s always as cool as a cucumber. __________ of flavours.
6. John’s__________ as captain of the
WORDS EASILY CONFUSED team took us by surprise.

Use the correct form of the words in the

boxes to complete the sentences in each
group A, B below. You may use some of
the words more than once. In some cases
more than one word may be correct.

A. choose pick gather collect

1. Every spring the peaches

are__________ from the trees and
packed in boxes.
2. I have been __________ coins for the
last five years. I have one coin that
dates back to 1935.
3. We can__________ between getting a
blue or a black car.
4. Many people__________ round the
injured man to see how badly he was
5. The two captains had to__________ the
players for their team.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 39
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Grammar Focus

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Past Simple Past Continuous
V2 or Ved Was/Were + Ving
• I spoke. • You were speaking.
• He worked. • She was speaking.
Did…V1? Was/Were…..Ving?
• Did I speak? – No, I didn’t. • Were you speaking? – Yes, you were.
• Did he speak? – Yes, he did. • Was she speaking? – No, she wasn’t.
We use the Past Simple for: We use the Past Continuous for:

1. actions which happened one after 1. action in progress + stated time 

another  Yesterday at 5 o’clock I was playing
She came home, switched on the comput- tennis.
er and checked her e-mails. 2. two or more actions at the same time
2. completed action + stated time Simon was playing on the computer
She passed her exam last week. while his brother was watching TV.
3. past habits → used to 3. description of surrounding/introduc-
When he was young, he rode/used to ride his tion of a story 
bike to school. They were travelling to Swansea, the sun
was shining, the birds were singing…
4. action in progress interrupted by
another past action 
I was playing football when I broke my
Time expressions: Time expressions:
Yesterday, last night/week/month/, in 1994, Yesterday at … o’clock, while, when/as
3 days/months ago

Exercise 7. (sit) in his cosy living room with his wife

and children. They 3)________________
Put the verbs in brackets into the past (watch) the evening news on TV when
simple or past continuous form. suddenly, the lights 4)________________
(go out) and every­thing in the house
A. Charlie Chaplin 1)________________ (become) 5)________________ (become) quiet.
one of the best-known personalities in Ameri-
ca within two years of his first appearance in C. The boys 1)________________ (play) foot-
motion pictures. He 2)________________ (be) ball on the river bank while the girls
so famous that no studio could afford to pay 2)________________ (talk). Everyone
him so he 3)________________ (appear) only 3)________________ (enjoy) the picnic when
in films which he 4)________________ (pro- suddenly they 4)________________ (hear) a
duce) himself. loud cry from further up the river. They all
5)_______________ (rush) to see what was
B. It 1)________________ (happen) at ten wrong.
o’clock last night. John 2)________________

40 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

D. In prehistoric times, people WRITING an informal letter

1)________________ (live) in caves. They 2)
________________ (hunt) animals which they Informal Letter Structure
then 3)________________ (use) for food and
clothing. They 4)________________ (make) Greeting: Dear/Hi/Hallo Tom,
everything by themselves and they 5) Para №1: introduction

L3 M2
________________ (have) very simple lives. (opening remarks!!!!)
Para №2:
перша умова
Exercise 8. Para №3:
друга умова
Para №4:
Fill in with the past simple or past третя умова
continuous. Para №5:
conclusion (closing
ending: remarks!!!!)
Simon 1)________________ (walk) home from
work the other day when he 2)_________________ signing: Best wishes,/Yours,/Lots of
(notice) something shining on the other side love,…
of the road. A car 3)________________ (come) Amanda/Amanda Smith
down the street, so he waited until it had driv-
en past. Then he 4)________________ (cross)
over. When he 5)________________ (get) to the Opening remarks:
a. a thank you to the person for their last
other side, he saw that there was a shiny gold
coin on the road! He 6)________________ (look) b. questions/wishes about recent events, the
around to make sure no one 7)________________ person`s health, comments about their
(watch) him. Then, he 8)________________ (bend) news, etc
down to pick it up. Imagine his surprise when c. an apology for the delay in writing/
he 9)________________ (not/can) move it! He
d. the reason why you are writing
10)________________ (be) just about to give up
when he 11)________________ (hear) a strange
sound behind him. Someone 12)________________ Closing remarks:
(laugh) at him, but he couldn’t see who it e. the reason why you must end the letter
f. greetings to the person`s family/friends
13)________________ (be). Two little boys
g. wishes/a promise (e.g. to write again soon)
14)________________ (hide) behind a hedge, h. a request to the person to reply soon/an
laughing at anyone who tried to pick up the coin invitation to visit, etc
they had stuck to the road with glue!

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 41
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Exercise 9. Exercise 10.

Match the sentences (1-8) to the points in You want to invite a friend to a weekend
the box above (a-h). barbecue, write appropriate opening and
closing remarks.
1. _____ I’ll write again when I’ve got more
time. ������������������������������������������
2. _____Well, I’d better sign off now because ������������������������������������������
I’m supposed to be meeting my friends at ������������������������������������������
the cinema in half an hour. ������������������������������������������
3. _____ Write and tell me how you got on at ������������������������������������������
the party. ������������������������������������������
4. _____ I hope you’re well and truly over your ������������������������������������������
cold by now. ������������������������������������������
5. _____ I thought I’d take a few minutes ������������������������������������������
to write to you with the information you ������������������������������������������
asked for. ������������������������������������������
6. _____ Say hello to your sister for me. ������������������������������������������
7. _____ Sorry it’s taken me so long to get ������������������������������������������
back to you but I’ve been very busy with ������������������������������������������
exams. ������������������������������������������
8. _____ Thanks a lot for your lovely letter, ������������������������������������������
which arrived last week. ������������������������������������������

Exercise 11.

Complete the sentences/paragraphs with the sentence linkers in the box below.

•furthermore •nevertheless •likewise •to be more specific •yet

•what is more •not only •besides •to tell you the truth •otherwise

1. The students are not happy with their new ience.___________________, the airline
English teacher. ___________________ does representative I asked was of no help, if
he assign them a lot of homework, but he is not rude.______________________, I man-
also very critical of their work. aged to stay calm and get the Information
I needed.
2. I felt like complaining to the airport
authorities the other day. Our flight 3. ___________________, I don’t think Adam is
was delayed for an unknown reason. very good at his job. ___________________,
___________________, the airline didn’t he Is slow and not very creative.
bother to apologise for the inconven- ______________________, he believes that

42 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

he is the backbone of the company. He sixties. She’s got a square face, shoul-
is so annoying! ___________________, der-legth wavy grey hair and a wide
I don’t dare to challenge him because of mouth. Her eyes are green.___
his close friendship with the manager.
____________________, would not have 4. Mike’s tall, well-built and middle-aged with
a problem telling him a thing or two. a square face. His mouth is wide and his

L3 M2
nose is rather big. He has large dark brown
4. If you change address notify me. eyes and short grey hair.___
___________________, do so if your phone
number changes. Exercise 2.

5. Reading books in a foreign language Choose the best response to complete

helps you expand your vocabulary. each of the following sentences:
___________________, watching films helps
you get used to the pronunciation. 1. Jim is (higher/taller) than I am.
2. My sister is (lower/shorter) than I am.
3. My brother isn’t fat, he’s (stocky/sticky).
LET`S PRACTISE AT HOME 4. The word “skinny” is slightly more negative
than the word (obese/thin).
Vocabulary Practice 5. He’s completely (bold/bald). He lost all of
his hair years ago.
Exercise 1. 6. My sister works out every day, so she’s in
very good (complexion/shape).
Match the pictures with the descriptions. 7. He’s not fat, but he has a bit of a (belly/fat).
8. He’s six feet (high/tall).
9. He walks with a (limp/lump).
10. My grandfather has (trouble/problem)
walking fast. (= he can’t walk fast easily)

1. Mary’s short and in her early twenties.

She’s got an oval face, long black curly hair
and a small nose. Her eyes are brown.___

2. Paul’s tall and in his early thirties. He’s got

a long face and long black hair. His nose is
quite large and he’s got a small mouth.___

3. Sally’s short and plump. She’s in her late

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 43
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Grammar Practice Exercise 4.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple

or Past Continuous form.
Write the past simple of the verbs in the
correct box. 1. The children (play) ________________ in the
Bake, fry, stay, stop, complete, try, hire, rub, park when it started to rain.
travel, cry, pray, play, promise, refer, tidy, 2. I was watching a movie when I (notice)
destroy, smile, slip, decorate, empty, prepare, ________________ him standing outside.
prefer, hate, plan, annoy, taste, beg, study, 3. She arrived when I (have) _______________
enjoy a bath, so I couldn’t answer the door!
4. I (see) ________________ a famous celebri-
-e + d ty when I was shopping on Oxford Street
5. She was drinking too much so she (fall)
_____________ I hope she learnt her lesson!
6. Charlie (hide) ________________ in my
wardrobe when Lola found him. She
7. The computer (break) ________________
when I was checking my bank balance.
double consonant + 8. She was smiling until the terrible singer
ed (come) ________________ on stage.
9. I (live) ________________ in Cape Town
when Michelle Obama visited.
10. My parents were watching me carefully
but my brother (distract) ________________
them so I could sneak out the window!

Reading Comprehension

consonant + →
ied Task 1.

Read the text below. For questions (1–5)

choose the correct answer (A, B, C or
D). Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet.

British Family Today

vowel + y + ed
The model of a traditional British family – with
a working father and a housewife mother rais-
ing two children – has changed greatly over the
past 20 years.

The biggest change has been caused by the

growing divorce rate. As many as two out of
three marriages now end in separation, which
brings about the situation where many chil-

44 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

dren live with one parent and only see the oth- 3. What are modern children like?
er at weekends or holidays. A. They are more outgoing and bright
than children were in the past.
The number of working mothers has also in- B. They are more polite and childish than
creased. The large rise in divorces has meant children were in the past.
many women need to work to support them- C. They are more dependent from adults

L3 M2
selves and their children. But even when there than children were in the past.
is no divorce, many families need both parents D. They are more independent and ma-
to work in order to survive. This has caused ture than children were in the past.
an increase in childcare facilities, though they
are very expensive and can be difficult to find 4. At nurseries children get used to__________
in many areas. Besides, women are no longer A. behave in the community.
happy to stay at home bringing up children, B. behave well.
and many make careers earning as much as or C. behave independently.
even more than men. D. be nice to strangers.

However, these changes have not had a total- 5. The result of the increasing number of
ly negative effect. For women, it is now much divorces is that _______________
easier to have a good job and good salary. Al- A. many children help their mothers to
though it is difficult to be a working mother, it earn money.
has become normal and it’s no longer seen as B. many men need to change work to sup-
a bad thing for children. As for children them- port themselves and their children.
selves, some people argue that modern children C. many women have to work to support
grow up to be more independent and mature themselves and their children.
than in the past. From an early age they have D. many women have to change occupation
to go to nurseries, and so they are used to so- to support themselves and their children
cial behaviour and dealing with new people.
Task 2.
So, in spite of the fact that the traditional pic-
ture of a family may no longer be true in mod- Read the text below. For questions
ern Britain, the contemporary family continues (1–10) choose the correct answer (A,
to raise happy, successful children. B, C or D). Write your answers on the
separate answer sheet.
1. According to the author, the traditional
British family ___________________ Valentine’s Day, or Love Is in the Air
A. means a working father and a house-
wife mother. It’s that time of the year when couples show their
B. means a working father and mother. love for each other by sending cards, flowers and
C. has never existed. chocolates. But Valentine’s Day is not only about
D. has changed greatly over the past 20 public displays of affection: in (1)__________
years. years it has also become big business.

2. Nowadays_______________________ mar- In the UK alone, more than 20 million pounds is

riages end in divorce. spent on flowers, (2)____________ in the United
A. two out of three States over $1 billion is forked out on chocolates.
B. one out of three
C. three out of three Although Valentine’s Day has become a global
D. two out of four industry with more than 80 million roses sold

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 45
MODULE 2. Describing people 

worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear Valentine’s Day gather to eat noodles and com-
and (3)____________ in the mists of time. No- miserate with each other.
body knows exactly who St Valentine was,
(4)______________ some historians suggest he Technological developments have also played
was a Roman martyred in the third century AD their part in keeping Valentine’s Day relevant
by a Roman Emperor. It is said that the first in the 21st century. Valentine’s e-cards have
(5)_____________ Valentine’s card was sent by been all the rage in recent years. However,
the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415. It is Internet security (9)___________ urge web us-
believed that he sought solace from his confine- ers to be wary as malicious hackers could use
ment by writing love poems to his wife. e‑cards to spread viruses and spyware.

Valentine’s Day, or its equivalent, is now cel- Valentine’s cards can also be used for less
ebrated in many countries around the world. than romantic (10) ____________. Police in the
However, the traditions often (6) ____________ UK city of Liverpool sent Valentine’s cards to
from place to place. In Japan, for example, it criminals (11) ______________ failed to appear
is (7)___________ for the woman to send choc- in court or have not paid fines. The cards con-
olates to the man, whilst in Korea April 14th tained the (12) ____________: “Roses are red,
is known as “Black Day” and is when the (8) violets are blue, you’ve got a warrant, and we’d
____________ men who received nothing on love to see you”. Who says romance is dead?

1 recent lately just newly
2 even whilst where since
3 hid hit head hidden
4 although whether also ever
5 record recorded recorder reorder
6 differ variety miscellaneous similar
7 popular customary routine regular
8 fortune fortunately unfortunate unfortunately
9 professional amateur experts proficiency
10 principles object resolutions purposes
11 when where who whose
12 verse proverb story riddle


1. Write a letter to your pen friend about 2. You have just finished reading a book
a typical Ukrainian family. Include and what you really loved about it is
some information about: one of the characters. Write a letter to
• the role of family in your country and your friend. Include the following:
who the main bread-winner is • provide some information about the au-
• what a typical mother and a typical thor and the book (title, genre, theme)
father is • describe the character that you liked
• the average number of children in a and explain why you find him/her/it so
family and when children leave home appealing
• tell your friend whether you would like
to resemble this character and why

46 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

Vocabulary list

L4 M2
Personal qualities greedy ��������������������� self-conscious��������������
(im)patient����������������� hard-working��������������� selfish���������������������
(in)attentive���������������� (dis)honest ����������������� sensible�������������������
(in)decisive����������������� (im)patient����������������� (in)sensitive���������������
(in)flexible������������������ (ir)responsible�������������� (un)skilled�����������������
(un)ambitious��������������� (self-)confident�������������� (un)sociable ���������������
(un)friendly ���������������� (un)kind�������������������� serious��������������������
absent-minded�������������� (un)pleasant���������������� shy �����������������������
adventurous���������������� (un)predictable ������������� silly�����������������������
affectionate����������������� (un)realistic���������������� smart���������������������
annoyed(ing) ��������������� (un)reliable����������������� stingy���������������������
anxious �������������������� (un)reliable����������������� strict����������������������
argumentative�������������� hot-headed����������������� strong���������������������
arrogant ������������������� ill-mannered���������������� stubborn������������������
awesome������������������� industrious����������������� stupid���������������������
bad-tempered��������������� integrity ������������������� thrifty ��������������������
boring���������������������� irresponsible���������������� tight-fisted ����������������
bossy ���������������������� irritable�������������������� tolerant�������������������
brave ���������������������� jealous��������������������� trustworthy ���������������
broad-minded��������������� lazy������������������������ truthful�������������������
calm����������������������� lively ���������������������� vain ����������������������
careless/carefree������������ loyal ���������������������� weird ���������������������
charming������������������� mad ����������������������� wise ����������������������
chatty���������������������� moody��������������������� Feelings
cheerful�������������������� naïve ���������������������� angry���������������������
childish�������������������� narrow-minded������������� annoyed�������������������
clever���������������������� nasty ���������������������� ashamed ������������������
competitive����������������� noisy����������������������� bored(ing) �����������������
considerate����������������� odd������������������������ delighted������������������
courageous����������������� outgoing������������������� depressed �����������������
courteous������������������� persistent������������������ disappointed���������������
crazy����������������������� polite ���������������������� embarrassed(ing) ����������
cruel����������������������� punctual ������������������� intelligent�����������������
curious��������������������� quarrelsome���������������� lonely���������������������
determined����������������� quick-witted���������������� merry���������������������
discreet�������������������� reasonable����������������� nervous�������������������
down-to-earth �������������� rebellious ������������������ relaxed��������������������
easy-going������������������ reserved�������������������� sad �����������������������
frank ���������������������� resourceful����������������� surprised������������������
generous������������������� rude����������������������� tired����������������������
gentle���������������������� self-assured ���������������� upset ���������������������

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 47
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Exercise 1. Exercise 2.

A. Find the twelve hidden words and Match the character adjectives to the defi-
translate them. nitions.

j w e c r u e l z p 1. sociable a wants things to be

e l a a h i n o a a perfect
a u g r e e d y n t 2. sentimental b likes going to parties
l f r e n d l y g i 3 conservative c shows pity/love
o r o l a z y v r e
4 perfectionist d can be trusted
u a c e n o i s y n
5. arrogant e hates change/new ideas
s n b s t u p i d t
i k e s h y k i n d 6. confident f can't wait for long
7. moody g makes sensible decisions

1) _______________________________________ 8. reliable h is sure of his/her

2) _______________________________________
3) _______________________________________ 9. practical i changes feelings
4) _______________________________________ frequently
5) _______________________________________ 10. impatient j thinks he/she is better
6) _______________________________________ than others
7) _______________________________________
8) _______________________________________ Which of the adjectives above best de-
9) _______________________________________ scribe you/your friends? Give reasons.
10) ______________________________________ Use adjectives of your own.
11) ______________________________________
12) ______________________________________ Exercise 3.

B. Work in pairs. Make 5 sentences using The following adjectives describe people’s
the words from the table. character. Read the sentences and fill in
the correct adjective.
C. Which of these characteristics are
positive and which are negative? • generous • persistent
Discuss with your groupmate. • reliable • optimistic
• impatient • helpful
• selfish • tubborn

1. Tom tends to be quite a _____________

child; he seldom shares his toys with his
2. Ann is a very _____________ worker; I can
always depend on her if I want something
on time.
3. Mr. James is a_____________ man; he gives
a lot of money to the children’s hospital.
4. Joe seems_____________ at times; he never
changes his mind and he always does what
he wants to.

48 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

5. Seb is a(n) _____________ person; he always Exercise 5.

sees the positive side of even the most diffi-
cult situation. A. Read the text. Underline all the words
6. Sieve tends to be_____________; he becomes connected with appearance and char-
very annoyed when he has to wait in long acter:

L4 M2
7. John is_____________: he never gives up THIS IS BRIDGET
and always finishes what ne starts.
8. Mary is very_____________: when I have a
lot of work to do, she always lends a hand.

Exercise 4.

What kind of person would say ...?

1. “I love you, honey!! I want everybody to

know this!”
a) shy
b) affectionate
2. “Don’t make me angry or I’ll punch you”
a) aggressive
b) tolerant
3. “Everything is wrong in this school: the Bridget Hudson is from Austin, Texas.
teachers, the students,... Everything!!” She is 22 years old. She is said to be a very
a) nice attractive girl: slender figure, silky golden
b) critical hair, expressive oval face, upturned nose, and
4. “What shall I do? I can’t really make a almond blue eyes. All her friends melt with
decision” her charming smile. Bridget is a pocket-size
a) indecisive girl, so it is not that difficult for her to dress
b) unpredictable her body type to its best advantage. She
5. “I can’t think of anybody who’s more beau- prefers classic style: a little black dress (which
tiful than me” always looks so becoming on her), nice
a) self-conscious simple handbag and an original detail such
b) vain as a patterned scarf or contrasting belt. The
6. “Great! Another party! Let’s have fun and ensemble is usually perfectly teamed with
make new friends!” pumps or stiletto heels.
a) outgoing
b) moody She has recently applied for a job as an interior
7. “I’m going to spend the weekend lying on designer. Her family and friends are 100 %
the beach. I have no worries” sure she will get it due to her responsibility,
a) materialistic creativity and integrity. What is more, people
b) carefree are literally drawn to Bridget as she is
8. “More work? OK, I don’t mind. I love working. very courteous, resourceful and charismatic.
a) ambitious Rumour has it, Miss Hudson likes to play
b) hard-working it cool with men, but deep down, she’s quite
9. “Did you tell me? I can’t remember. My discreet. Additionally, Carol, her best friend
memory is like a sieve” alleges that Bridget is spontaneous at times:
a) forgetful she loves things to be a bit unpredictable.
b) truthful

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 49
MODULE 2. Describing people 

B. Complete the table with the words and expressions from the text:

Appearance Traits of character

C. Answer the questions:

a. Is Bridget considered to be adorable? Why?
b. Is it hard for Bridget to find clothes that suit her? Why?
c. Describe her style. Make up one ensemble for Bridget (in the same style but according to
your taste)
d. Will she get the job she is applying for? Why?
e. What are the traits of character that single Bridget out?
f. Describe a man in the reflection of the mirror (appearance and possible traits of character).


Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group
A-C below. You may use some of the words more than once. In some cases more than
one word may be correct.

A. consult advise suggest propose recommend

1. Would you__________ this restaurant or not?
2. If the chest pain continues, you must__________ a doctor.
3. I__________ we go to Malta for a week, unless you can __another destination.
4. The doctor__________ me to take a few days off work due to a persistent illness.
5. The government __________ making radical changes to the health system.

B. tip clue advice information

1. The FBI is still looking for__________ to help them catch the dangerous criminal.
2. Take my__________ and see your bank manager if you’re having financial problems.
3. I need__________ regarding the polar bear for my project.
4. Our teacher gave us some useful__________ on how to prepare for the exams.

C. reliable responsible reasonable respectable

1. I bought a television set, as I found the price very__________.
2. At camp, each teacher was__________ for twenty students.
3. Judges are considered__________ members of society.
4. She’s a very__________ person, so you can turn to her if you are having any problems.

50 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

Grammar Focus
Exercise 6.

Fill in the table. Find 9 state verbs that have no –ing form and make 4 sentences using

L4 M2
these state verbs.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 51
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Exercise 7. catched
Choose the correct answer.
9. He ______famous actors in the Madame
1. He ________ to sing when he was 9 years Tussaud’s Museum. (to see)
old. (to begin) sees
begun saw
began seed
10. I ________ T-shirts from the museum shop
2. My little brother ________ his new glasses to remind us of our visit yesterday. (to buy)
when he fell off his bike. (to break) buyed
broked bought
broken am buying
11. We ________ photos of our favorite stars
3. The pupils ________ at the football champi- last week. (to take)
onship a week ago. (to be) taken
was took
are taked
12. We ________ to the beach in the morning
4. I ________ my French homework at school yesterday. (to drive)
yesterday. (to do) drove
do drive
did driven
am doing
13. I ______ amy bike to work yesterday. (to ride)
5. He ________ all the “Harry Potter” books rode
last year. (to read) ridden
readed ride
read 14. Who________ my car?(to steal)
6. My father________ at my college last Mon- stolen
day. (to be) steal
is 15. My mother ________ a beautiful song. (to sing)
was sings
7. That boy________ the ball in the basket. (to sang
threw 16. I ________ my aunt an e-mail yesterday.(to
throwed write)
are throwing written
8. The police ______ the thief quickly. (to catch) write

52 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

17. The baby ________ in the living room 18. The children________ in the lake in the
peacefully. (to sleep) afternoon.(swim)
sleeps swam
slept swum
sleeping swimed

L4 M2
Exercise 8.

Complete the crossword with Past Simple forms of the following irregular verbs.
1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18 19

20 21 22

23 24 25

26 27 28 29


31 32




36 37


ACROSS 14. cost 28. know DOWN 11. sing 27. hold
1.choose 15. give 30. make 2. hurt 16. bring 29. wear
3. see 17. fly 31. shake 3. speak 18. lose 32. forget
4. let 19. eat 33. steal 4.lend 20. hide 33. set
7. read 20. hear 34. sleep 5. teach 21. find 34. sit
11. shut 22. ride 36. spend 6. wake 22. run 35. mean
12. keep 24. sell 37. feel 8. drive 23. stand 36. swim
13. drink 26. think 38. tell 9. spread 25. do 37. fall

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 53
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Exercise 9.

Choose the correct form of the helping 6. The eighth page of my book (am/are/is)
verb “to be”. Then write the correct form __________ (to tear).
of the following verb in irregular past 7. A picture (was/were) __________ (to draw)
participle form. on the chalkboard.
8. My bicycle (was/were) __________ (to
1. Her arm (am/are/is) __________ (to break). steal) yesterday.
2. The old man (am/are/is) __________ (to 9. The milk (am/are/is) all __________ (to go).
drink). 10. All my children (am/are/is) full __________
3. Our house key (am/are/is) __________ (to (to grow).
hide) in the bushes. 11. The secret will be __________ (to know) by
4. The employees (am/are/is) __________ (to tomorrow morning.
do) with work today. 12. Once I get back from the hike, my boots
5. The snake bite (am/are/is) __________ (to will be well __________ (to wear).


Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1.

What prefix forms the opposite of each of these words?

___kind ___flexible ___friendly ___honest

___reliable ___sensitive ___ambitious ___pleasant
___realistic ___impressive ___sociable ___attractive
___skilled ___responsible ___attentive ___patient

Exercise 2.

Read the definitions and choose the right adjective.

• moody • outgoing • reserved • sensitive • truthful

• ambitious • stubborn • loyal • self-conscious • narrow-minded

1. He wants to become the boss and have a lot of power and money. - ____________________
2. Harry loves partying, meeting people and talking to them. He’s so _____________________
3. Sheila insisted on giving a party to celebrate Pete’s birthday although all her friends said it
was next month. She’s as _____________ as a mule.
4. My new neighbour is really. He has lived next door for three months and he has’t even intro-
duced himself. - ___________________
5. What I like the best about my friend Jamie is how he is. He never left me alone in my worst
moments. - __________________
6. You never know how Nadine will react. One moment she’s so nice and the next she’s the nas-
tiest person in the world. She’s really __________________

54 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

7. Be careful when you give Tess the bad news. You can hurt her easily because she’s very
8. Jeff would never be a good actor. He’s so ______________ he thinks everybody’s looking at and
judging him all the time.
9. He won’t tell a lie. He’s absolutely ______________________
10. He only sees his side of things. He’s _______________________

L4 M2
Exercise 3.

Use these words in the sentences.

• moody • vain • quick-tempered • shy • friendly • gentle • ambitious

• kind • quiet • hard-working • fun • self-assured • greedy • careless

1. I don’t like Chris. He is really __________ and thinks he is the best student in the class. He is
also very __________. He wears expensive clothes and loves looking at himself in the mirror.
2. Mandy is really __________, she laughs and smiles a lot. She is also very __________ and likes
meeting people.
3. Kim is very __________ and often works during the breaks and after school. She is also very
__________ and one day wants to be a famous dancer.
4. I feel sorry for Simon. He is very __________ especially when a girl he likes doesn’t like him.
He is also __________ and can get angry very easily.
5. I think Kate is really nice. She is very __________ and ___________. She likes helping people
and never gets angry.
6. Alice is very ________. She blushes very easily. She is very ________ and doesn’t like talking
7. Jane doesn’t give any pen to her classmates, she is __________.
8. Tom’s clothes are always dirty. He is very __________

Grammar Practice

Exercise 4. the class.

A. drawn
Choose the correct answer B. drawed
C. drew
1. When Mom __________ out the kitchen rug,
dog hair, bread crumbs, coffee grounds, and 3. Jennifer has discovered that hanging
spaghetti noodles flew through the air and clothes outside to dry has its disadvantag-
dusted the sidewalk. es. Recently, a spider crept into a pair of
A. shaked her jeans and __________ a day biting the
B. shook “intruder”—Jennifer’s bare leg—that had
C. had shook invaded the arachnid’s new home.
A. spend
2. At the back of the lab, Glenn decorated the B. spended
margins of his biology textbook with cari- C. spent
catures. When test time arrives, Glenn will
wish that he had __________ the different 4. Ms. Ayer __________ several deep breaths
cell types Dr. Shuman was explaining to to keep from exploding at Jerry, whose

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 55
MODULE 2. Describing people 

excuse for missing yet another class was B. lited

that Grandma had died—for the fifth time C. litted
in one semester!
A. taked 10. Because Nigel had __________ to the su-
B. took permarket with this week’s grocery money,
C. tooked Shirley expected him to return with bread,
milk, and other essentials. Boy, she was
5. Diane always wonders where she will angry when he came home with fifty dol-
next discover a pair of her husband’s dirty lars’ worth of losing lottery tickets!
socks. Yesterday Mike __________ two in A. gone
the refrigerator next to a carton of orange B. went
juice. C. goed
A. leaved
B. leaft 11. Whenever Mike _________ his Cessna 152,
C. left a small airplane, he worried about running
out of fuel, hitting birds, and being abduct-
6. When Richie jammed the photocopier for ed by alien spaceships.
the eighth time, Sharon, the administra- A. flied
tive assistant, picked up a heavy stapler B. flown
and __________ it at his head. C. flew
A. through
B. throwed 12. Audrey had just __________ into her first
C. threw forkful of omelet when she noticed mush-
rooms in the egg. Because she was highly
7. On his way to a second interview at the allergic to this vegetable, she had to spit
bank, Geraldo stepped in gum. Nervous the mouthful into her napkin, wiping her
about the meeting, he failed to notice the tongue with a clean corner.
candy wrapper and leaves that __________ A. bited
to his shoe as he walked from the parking B. bitt
garage to the lobby. C. bitten
A. sticked
B. stuck 13. Maria __________ from the cold glass of
C. stucked soda, trying to extinguish the anger that,
lava-like, threatened to explode at her
8. On Christmas Eve, Captain Beane wore a husband Darren, who had spent the day
pair of antlers while greeting passengers watching college football instead of mowing
boarding his 727. The costume __________ the lawn.
little trust in Louise, whose fear of flying A. drinked
required a serious pilot. B. drank
A. built C. drunk
B. build
C. builded 14. Raphael would have __________ jeans and
a T-shirt to the interview if he thought
9. After losing electricity during a hurricane, such attire would land him the job. Be-
the Martinez family ___________ candles, cause he knew better, Raphael struggled
speared hot dogs on pencils, and roasted into a scratchy suit that made him feel as
the wieners over this makeshift barbecue. though ants were crawling over his skin.
A. lit A. wore

56 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

B. worn Exercise 5.
C. worned
Write down the missing forms of the verbs
15. At first, Rose __________ to tolerate Si-
mon’s lack of punctuality. His good looks 1. go went gone
compensated for her having to wait an 2. __________ saw __________

L4 M2
extra ten or fifteen minutes. But once 3. __________ __________ had
Simon’s tardiness hit half an hour, Rose 4. break __________ __________
dumped him for a boyfriend who looked at 5. __________ sang __________
his watch. 6. fly __________ __________
A. chose 7. __________ did __________
B. choose 8. become __________ __________
C. choosed 9. __________ __________ won
10. __________ threw __________
16. One spring Joe __________ tomatoes in the 11. tell __________ __________
backyard; pollution, insects, and weekend 12. __________ __________ rung
badminton matches did so much damage to 13. __________ __________ made
the poor plants that Joe went back to buy- 14. quit __________ __________
ing canned tomatoes at the grocery store. 15. __________ heard __________
A. grew 16. __________ __________ paid
B. had grew 17. run __________ __________
C. growed 18. __________ __________ worn
19. put __________ __________
20. __________ sold __________
21. __________ thought __________
22. __________ __________ begun
23. read __________ __________
24. __________ __________ met
25. __________ __________ left

Reading Comprehension

Task 1.

Read the text below. For questions (1–12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Being Optimistic Can Lower Stress and Anxiety

Scientists (1) ____________ that people who are too optimistic about the future may have “faulty”
brains. Their study, (2)___________ the journal Nature Neuroscience, concluded that the reason
many people always see light at the end of the tunnel may be (3)____________an inability to sen-
sibly deal with risk. They even say this over-optimism could have been a cause of the 2008 global
financial crisis, with bankers failing (4)____________ or see the riskiness of their investments.
Report author Dr Tali Sharot of London’s University College analyzed brain scans to measure the
activity taking place in patients (5)___________ were asked to think about their future. He found
that negative predictions (6)____________ in the minds of optimists.

In the study, Dr Sharot gave volunteers 80 different negative situations (7)__________ unpleas-

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 57
MODULE 2. Describing people 

ant to disastrous. These included getting divorced, having your car (8)___________ and develop-
ing cancer. Many of the volunteers underestimated the chances of these situations happening
to them. Dr Sharot said: “The more optimistic we are, the (9)___________ likely we are to be
(10)____________ by negative information about the future.” He added: “Smoking kills” messages
don’t work as people think their chances of cancer are low. The divorce rate is 50%, but people
don’t think (11)____________ the same for them.” He also said: “(12) ____________ the glass as half
full rather than half empty can be a positive thing. It can lower stress and anxiety and be good for
our health and well-being.”

1 discovered have discovered has discovered have been discovered
2 in on at over
3 because of however for the reason since
4 accept accepting to accept to be accepted
5 who what where why
6 ignore ignored were ignored are ignored
7 ranging of ranging for ranging at ranging from
8 steal stole stealing stolen
9 less few fewer little
10 influence influenced influencing to influence
11 it’s its its' it
12 See Seen Seeing Being seen

58 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

Vocabulary Focus

L5 M2
Exercise 1. wants to do.”___________
8. “Even if I’m wrong, I’m not going to apolo-
Work in pairs. Guess the adjective that gize.”______________
matches the description. 9. “I want you to stop seeing your friends
so you can spend all your time with
1. always smiling and cheerful - ����������� me.”___________
2. always ready to help people with time or
money - ������������������������������� Exercise 3.
3. feeling unhappy when a boy talks to your
girlfriend -  ���������������������������� Complete the sentences using the words
4. always getting into a bad mood for no good below.
reason - ������������������������������� • selfish • nervous • honest • polite
5. liking the sound of your own voice -������ •alone • kind • funny • lonely
6. able to make up good excuses for not doing
homework - ��������������������������� 1. I was so______________ the first time I went
7. blushing when someone starts talking to out with Kylie my hands were shaking!
you - ���������������������������������� 2. Sue thought the film was
8. opposite of industrious - ���������������� very______________ and laughed out loud
9. not getting annoyed if you have to wait a the whole time.
long time -  ���������������������������� 3. I rather like being______________ . I enjoy
10. always doing what you promise you will do the peace and quiet.
- �������������������������������������� 4. Children tend to be ______________. They
don’t really want to share their things.
Exercise 2. 5. It’s not ______________ to interrupt when
someone else is talking.
Write a personality adjective to describe 6. Since Pat moved away from her friends
each speaker. she’s been feeling rather______________.
1. “Don’t panic! Everything is going to be 7. John is a very______________ person who
fine.” calm always helps people in need.
2. “I will always be there for you. A friend is 8. Bob borrowed my favourite CD without
for ever.”__________ asking me and then denied it. He’s not
3. “I don’t like talking to other people about very______________.
my feelings.”___________
4. “I’m going to give you some advice because NOTE! to be alone, to travel alone, to live
I’ve seen this happen many times be- alone ≠ a lonely life, a lonely day, to feel
fore.”_________ lonely
5. “I don’t know why, but I just get angry with
everybody all the time!”__________
6. “He lives alone with ten cats and he always
dresses in white.”___________
7. “I’m always happy to do what everyone else

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 59
MODULE 2. Describing people 


Confusable words: Use the correct form of the words in the

boxes to complete the sentences in each
Choose the correct word to complete each group A-D below. You may use some of
sentence. Explain the difference between the words more than once. In some cases
the two options. more than one word may be correct.

1. My mum gets so nervous/annoyed when A. mention refer express comment

I don’t tidy my bedroom. report
2. Freda’s the most sincere/honest person I 1. Most western economies are__________
know. She never steals or tells lies. to as “free markets”.
3. I love being alone/lonely as long as I’ve 2. My manager asked me to__________
got a good book to read. back to her after the seminar.
4. That was so kind/polite of you to offer to 3. The woman__________ her dissatisfac-
help us move house. tion to the builder for not having the
5. We really enjoyed/entertained ourselves house ready on time.
at the party. 4. The politician refused to__________ on
6. The party was funny/fun. We danced all the new tax laws.
night! 5. The children didn’t__________ anything
about the trip until the last minute.
Phrasal verbs 6. He__________ the theft of his briefcase
to the police.
carry on (with):continue
carry out: do, complete sth
hold back: contain one's emotions B. announce inform confess intro-
hold on: wait duce reveal publish
hold up: 1) delay 1. When the thief__________ to the robbery,
2) rob a place he was officially charged with the crime.
2. The journalist refused to__________ her
1. Could you hold ______ a moment, source, saying it was highly confidential.
please? There is someone at the door. 3. The well known author __________ his
2. Martin couldn’t hold ______ his tears. new novel last week.
He was so upset. 4. The finance minister__________ that
3. The doctors carried______ tests on the there would be no wage increases for
patient. the following year.
4. Carry______ the exercise until comeback. 5. The headmaster __________ the new
5. The robbers held______ a bank and teacher to the class.
escaped with lots of money. 6. If you lose your credit card__________
6. We were held______ because there had the bank immediately.
been a car accident in the city centre. 7. The potato was __________ to Europe
in 1565.

60 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

C. ensure insure reassure make D. agree accept admit approve

sure confirm 1. I don’t__________ of people smoking in
1. __________ you lock the windows before a doctor’s waiting room.
you go. 2. I don’t always __________ with Jessica,
2. I had to ring the airline to__________ because we don’t share the same views.
my flight 48 hours in advance. 3. After being questioned, the stu-

L5 M2
3. You should__________ your car against dent__________ that he had cheated in
fire and theft the test.
4. She__________ me that everything 4. Children are warned not to__________
would go according to the plan. sweets from strangers.
5. The role of the judge is to__________
proper legal proceedings.

Grammar Focus

Used to / be used to / get used to

Used to + infinitive  Be used to + Ving/noun Get used to + Ving/noun
past habits/states that are be accustomed to (doing) sth (sth become accustomed to (doing)
not true now is not unusual for you) sth (adapt to sth)

She didn`t use to have long I am used to bad weather. It`s hard for me to get used to
hair but now her hair is very my new job.
long. I am used to carrying an
umbrella with me. I can`t get used to waking up
She used to wear ugly early.
clothes but now she is very

When I was a kid, we For REPEATED When I was a kid, we

USED TO go ACTIONS you may say WOULD go
to the seaside every summer. to the seaside every summer.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 61
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Exercise 5. Exercise 6.

Choose the correct sentence. Fill in the gaps with used to, be used to or
get used to.
A. We aren’t used to listening to that kind of
music 1. Do you remember how your Uncle David
B. We aren’t used to listen to that kind of music ________________ (sit) in that chair and
smoke those disgusting cigars?
C. She will soon get used to work here 2. Your mother ________________ (have) a
D. She will soon get used to working here Yorkshire Terrier when she was a young
girl, didn’t she?
E. I used to working for that company 3. For years, they ________________ (go) on
F. I used to work for that company holiday to the Rockies, but then it became
very fashionable and, hence, expensive.
G. We never got used to getting up so early 4. Tom________________ (take) the bus to go
H. We never got used to get up so early to work, now he walks
5. Sending emails to my grandmother is
I. We used to getting up early but we are difficult. She ________________ (not) a
retired now and we don’t need to computer
J. We used to get up early but we are retired 6. Caroline________________ (have) a walk-
now and we don’t need to man, now she has an ipod.
7. We haven’t seen Bob very often since
K. When she moved to France she had to get he got a promotion. He’s very busy. He
used to drive on the right ________________ (not be) so busy.
8. I’ve just got my first job. It’s exciting but
L. When she moved to France she had to get I’ll have____________ (work) regular hours.
used to driving on the right 9. It is difficult for Tom to drive in England.
He ________________ (drive) on the left-
M. We couldn’t sleep very well in Japan, we hand side of the road.
aren’t used to sleeping on the floor 10. When Peter was young, he _______________
N. We couldn’t sleep very well in Japan, we (ride) a bicycle to school.
aren’t used to sleep on the floor
Exercise 7.
O. We used to travelling a lot before having
children Choose the correct answer.
P. We used to travel a lot before having children
1. “I have never driven an automatic car be-
Q. The most difficult thing was to get used to fore.” “You will soon ___ to it.”
eating such spicy food A. get used
R. The most difficult thing was to get used to B. be used
eat such spicy food C. used

S. I am used to working on the night shift 2. “How is Sarah?” “She`s fine. She ___ to life
T. I am used to work on the night shift in the countryside.”
A. got used
B. used
C. is getting used

62 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

3. “Have you always worked as a nurse?” “No. 11. “Do you know that man?” “Yes. He ___ to
I ___ a babysitter.” work for me.
A. was used to being A. was used
B. used to be B. used
C. am used to being C. is used

L5 M2
4. “Do you remember when we were little?” “Yes. 12. “Sharon looks different now, doesn`t she?”
Dad ___ always read us a bedtime story.” “Yes. She ___ to have long dark hair, didn`t
A. was used to she?”
B. would A. is used
C. got used to B. used
C. get used
5. “Aren`t you tired?” “No. I ___ to walking
long distances.”
B. got used
C. used Vocabulary Practice

6. “Jane had trouble with her job at first.” Idioms & fixed phrases
“Yes. She ___ to working on her own.”
A. used Exercise 1.
B. got used
C. wasn’t used Fill in the words from the list to make
idioms or fixed phrases. Explain their
7. “Did you find your degree course difficult?” meaning.
“Yes, but I soon ___ to it.”
A. used • mouth • finger • stomach • tooth • chest •
B. got used bones
C. was used
1. Martin loves chocolate and biscuits -
8. “Do you remember Uncle Danny?” “Yes. He he’s really got a sweet __________.
___ always bring us presents.” 2. Thanks for listening. I needed to get that
A. would off my __________.
B. was used 3. There’s something wrong with the cat, but
C. used I just can’t put my __________ on what it
9. “Have you ever lived in a flat before?” “No, 4. Surgeons need to have a strong
but I will ___ to it.” __________, because they can’t let the sight
A. be used of blood and injuries upset them.
B. get used 5. I’m sure something is going to go wrong
C. used today I can feel it in my__________.
6. I didn’t say that. Please don’t put words
10. “Why are you so tired?” “Because I ___ to into my__________.
getting up early in the morning.”
A. am used
B. used
C. am not used

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 63
MODULE 2. Describing people 

Exercise 2. take no regular exercise.

Underline the correct word and explain 9. Does your sister usually help you at/with
the phrases. your homework?

1. At the start of the meeting the boss told a 10. Why do adults always complain for/
few jokes to break the ice/pace. about what teenagers wear?
2. She’s really funny, she can do/make im-
pressions of all sorts of famous people 11. As a babysitter. I’m responsible for/in
3. He said that he would think about it, but in making sure the kids go to bed on time.
fact he had no plan/intention of going
4. Debbie has itchy feet/boots -she never 12. I don’t approve with/of parents smacking
stays in one place for more than a year or their children.
two before she goes travelling again.
5. I think the professor has really knocked/ 13. Do you believe about/in love at first
hit the jackpot with his latest invention. sight?

Prepositions 14. How can we prevent young people from/

for getting into dangerous situations?
Exercise 3.
15. Your advice saved me in/from making a
Underline the correct preposition and huge mistake!
explain the phrases.
16. Charlotte often borrows clothes from/by
1. Look! That dress is identical to/with the her older sister.
one Jane was wearing last night.
Grammar Practice
2. I think he is jealous for/of Sally because
of all the money she’s making these days. Exercise 4.

3. We offered to help her but she insisted Fill in the gaps with used to, be used to or
for/on doing the whole thing herself. get used to.

4. James thinks it’s an excellent plan but I’m 1. People from India usually find our food
not so keen on/to the idea. tasteless. They ________________________
(eat) spicy food.
5. Everyone has been very kind to/of me 2. Computers ______________ (be) very expen-
since the accident. sive. Now the prices are more reasonable.
3. English has become international. Busi-
6. That book made a really strong impres- nessmen ________________________ (speak)
sion with/on Emma. She can’t stop talk- English at international meetings.
ing about it. 4. During my childhood, I ________________
(spend) a lot of time with my grandparents.
7. Come to the fair - everyone is welcome to 5. Maria _____________ (think) that she would
join in/to the fun. never ________________ (live) in New York.
6. Years ago, I ________________________
8. In recent years there has been a large (write) a diary every day but then I got
increase of/in the number of people who bored with doing it and I stopped. Maybe it

64 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 2. Describing people

was my life that was boring. 9. When I was five, I ______________________

7. At the start of their marriage, they (be) able to do incredible gymnastics. Now I
________________________(be) very happy - can’t even touch my toes.
but then it all went wrong! 10. Before getting my driving licence, I ______
8. You _________________________(spell) so ______________ (ride) a bicycle everywhere.
well. What has happened?

L5 M2
Exercise 5.

Fill in the gaps with used to, be used to or 8. Whenever all my friends went to discos,
get used to. I_____________________ (never go) with
them, but now I enjoy it.
1. Sending emails to my grandmother is 9. I_____________________ (drive) as I have
difficult. She ____________________________ had my driving licence almost a year now.
(use) a computer. 10. When Max went to live in Italy,
2. See that building there? he_____________________ (live) there very
I________________________(go) to school quickly. He’s a very open minded person.
there, but now it’s a factory. 11. European drivers find it difficult
3. I’ve only been at this company a couple of to_____________________(drive) on the left
months. I_________________________(still when they visit Britain.
not) how they do things round here. 12. It is difficult for Tom to drive in England.
4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, He _____________________(drive) on the
I________________________(live) in a house. left-hand side of the road.
I had always lived in apartment buildings. 13. We haven’t seen Bob since he got promot-
5. Working till 10pm isn’t a problem. ed. He is very busy. He _______________
I_______________________(finish) late. I did (not be) so busy.
it in my last job too. 14. I have just got my first job. It’s exciting,
6. I can’t believe they are going to build an but I’ll have____________________(work)
airport just two miles from our new house! regular hours.
I will__________________ (never) all that 15. For years they ______________________(go)
noise! What a nightmare. on holiday to the Rockies, but then it be-
7. His father___________________ (smoke) twen- came very fashionable and, hence, expen-
ty cigars a day - now he doesn’t smoke at all! sive.

Reading Comprehension

Task 5

Read the text below. For questions (1–12) His suits are very expensive, and he loves
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). looking at himself in the mirror. He is also (2)
____________. One minute life is wonderful and
Alice is 18. She studies at the London School the next minute he gets angry. When he starts
of Music and Dance. Alice is talking to her best (3) ____________ somebody, all students in the
friend about her group mates. school know about this. Moreover, he is (4)
____________: he is always trying to grab more
“I don’t like Chris. Though he is very popular than he needs.
with our girls, I think he is conceited and (1)
____________. My favourite character is Debbie. She is very

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 65
MODULE 2. Describing people 

(5) ____________. She often stays at school after Kate is married. Her daughter, Deborah, is 18
classes. She likes helping people, she is very months. Deborah is a (10) ____________. Kate
kind and (6) ____________. doesn’t like when her husband speaks to other
girls. She is (11) ____________. I was really (12)
Kate is a daughter of my mother’s sister. She ____________ when Kate said they would split
is my (7) ____________. Kate is in her early up if her husband didn’t stop getting on her
twenties. She is 1.50 m. tall and weighs 47 kg. nerves. I think she is not right.”
She is (8) ____________ and (9) ____________.

1 shy vain crazy friendly
2 amusing kind cruel moody
3 meeting flirting dating gathering
4 greedy ambitious jealous patient
5 lazy quiet hard working inactive
6 gentle careless cruel proud
7 sister-in-law niece cousin aunt
8 low short tall high
9 stocky slim plump little
10 baby child teenager toddler
11 jealous bored confused guilty
12 amazed tired happy shocked


1. Write a letter to your friend and 2. Your friend has sent you a letter in
describe a person you truly admire. which he touches upon the issue of
Include the following: virtual friendship. Write a letter to
your friend and include the following:
• introduce the person and give a bit of back-
ground (where he/she was born, where he/ • your idea of a friend and the traits of char-
she lives now, his/her job) acter you value/dislike in people
• give 3 characteristics of this person that • your opinion about online friendship
you appreciate and explain why you find • give advice on how to make friends
these features appealing
• give 1 personality trait of this person that
people might dislike and explain why

66 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

Module 3.

In this module you will…

L6 M3
• Talk about food and cooking
• Read the story of the hamburger
• Study countable and uncountable nouns

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 67
MODULE 3. Food 

Read the questions below and discuss them with your partner:
A. Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most?
B. Do you like to try new food and drinks?
C. What is your favourite dish and drink? Why?
D. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?

Vocabulary list
Preparing food cup������������������������� oven�����������������������
add ���������������������� dozen����������������������� (frying) pan�����������������
bake��������������������� head������������������������ plate  ����������������������
boil���������������������� jar  ������������������������� saucer ���������������������
chop��������������������� litre������������������������� spoon ����������������������
cut ���������������������� loaf (of bread) ��������������� table mat ������������������
dice���������������������� packet ���������������������� teaspoon �������������������
fry����������������������� piece������������������������ teaspoonful ����������������
grate �������������������� pint������������������������� tin-opener������������������
grill ��������������������� slice ������������������������ whisk  ���������������������
grind �������������������� small amount ��������������� Food adjectives and nouns
heat ��������������������� tin  ������������������������� bitter ����������������������
mince  ������������������� tube ������������������������ crunchy ��������������������
mix  ��������������������� Table/cooking items fresh�����������������������
peel���������������������� bowl������������������������ flavoured  ������������������
poach �������������������� coffee pot ������������������� greasy ���������������������
pour��������������������� cook ������������������������ hot ������������������������
roast �������������������� cuisine  ��������������������� juicy �����������������������
simmer������������������ cup������������������������� low-fat���������������������
slice ��������������������� cutlery  ��������������������� melted ���������������������
steam  ������������������� dessert spoon  ��������������� peppery��������������������
stir ���������������������� fork������������������������� raw  �����������������������
stir-fry������������������� freezer���������������������� rotten  ���������������������
Containers/ quantities fridge����������������������� salty  ����������������������
bag���������������������� glass������������������������ sour �����������������������
bar ���������������������� hob������������������������� spicy  ����������������������
basket ������������������� jug�������������������������� sweet ����������������������
bottle �������������������� kettle����������������������� tasteless �������������������
bowl��������������������� knife ����������������������� hungry���������������������
bunch�������������������� mug ������������������������ starving �������������������
can ���������������������� napkin���������������������� thirsty���������������������
carton �������������������

68 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

Exercise 1.

Write a verb from the box under each picture.

bake, chop, fry, grate, boil, grill, peel, mix, roast, slice, dice, stir, whisk, mince

1___________________ 2___________________ 3___________________ 4___________________

L6 M3
5___________________ 6___________________ 7___________________ 8___________________

9___________________ 10__________________ 11__________________ 12__________________

13__________________ 14___________________

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 69
MODULE 3. Food 

Exercise 2. Exercise 3.

Circle the correct word. Translate into English, write down the
translation in your copybook.
1. I particularly like Mexican and Indian
kitchen / cuisine. 1. Покриши цибулю та підсмаж її
в каструлі.
2. Frozen / Freezing fish is just as tasty as
fresh fish. 2. Зваріть картоплю та наріжте її кубиками
для салату, покладіть все в велику миску
3. My mum’s the best cooker / cook in the і перемішайте.
3. Сир слід потерти а потім додати його до
4. Once the kettle / teapot has boiled, pour салату.
the boiling water over the jelly cubes.
They’ll melt within seconds! 4. Наріж помідори ножем тоненькими
скибочками і поклади на бутерброд.
5. Excuse me. Could we have the catalogue
/ menu, please? We’d like to see what you 5. Я приготую суп а ти почисти картоплю.
have for dessert.
6. Для цієї страви потрібно перемолоти
6. Boil the eggs for three minutes in a sauce- м’ясо, змішати його з сіллю і перцем і
pan on the grill / hob / oven. посмажити на сковорідці.

7. Any meat that’s kept in the fridge / freezer 7. Закип’яти воду в чайнику, кинь листочки
should be defrosted thoroughly before cooking. чаю в чашки і залий все кип’ятком.

8. Grandma’s having her new chef / cook- 8. Розтопи в каструлі масло, поріж тонень-
er delivered next week. It’s gas, so it will кими скибочками гриби і посмаж їх.
make cooking much easier for her.
Exercise 4.
9. Chilli con carne is one of my favourite
plates / bowls / saucers / dishes. It’s Use the words in the sentences below.
• carton • loaf • cup • packet
10. Are you going to get your suit dry-cleaned • jar • bunch • slice • piece
for the Carlton’s dinner / lunch party • pound • glass • bottle • tin
tomorrow night? • bowl • piece

11. My friend Sally’s a true vegetable / veg- 1. When I entered the kitchen. I saw a
etarian / vegan, so she doesn’t eat meat, __________of coffee and a __________of cake
fish or even any milk products like cheese! on the table.

12. Let’s get a Chinese takeaway / fast food 2. Will you buy a __________of sardines and a
tonight. __________of jam on your way home?

13. Fizzy / Soft drinks are gassy because 3. Two __________of bread will be enough for
they’ve got carbon dioxide in them. our family.

70 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

4. She took a __________of milk out of the 7. Uncorking a __________of wine, he took a
fridge, but then changed her mind and __________of cheese.
poured herself a __________of juice.
8. Please, don`t forget to buy a __________ of
5. How much is a__________ of crisps? bananas.

6. You can take either of these two __________ 9. You’d better take a __________of soup.
of advice, they’re both reasonable.
10. How much is a __________ of beef?

L6 M3
Exercise 5. B. Each of the sentences below contains
a word which is often used wrongly by
A. Look at these sentences and write the students. Cross out the wrong word
correct word in each space. and write the correct word.

• A good part of the 1)________ grown here is 1. I’m quite surprised but I’m really en-
used in the school’s daily 2)________. joying English meal. food

• The 3)________ cooked here includes a range 2. Moussaka is one of the most delicious
of 4)________ from pasta to stuffed vine meals you can eat in my country.

• leaves and delicious Italian omelettes filled 3. The beef food is really tasty and looks
with herbs and vegetables. quite healthy.

• Today’s midday 5)________ consists of 4. The meal in my country is delicious.

homemade pesto and tomato sandwiches.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 71
MODULE 3. Food 

5. Too many people eat ready foods which C. Work in pairs.

they buy from supermarkets.
• Do/Did you eat at school or college? If so,
6. When I visit you I could cook a food what is/was the food like?
that is from my country.
• How many meals do you eat each day?
7. The cost of your holiday includes two Which is your favourite meal?
dishes a day: breakfast and dinner.
• Which is your favourite dish? Who pre-
pares it for you?

Grammar Focus
The nouns

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

few, many, a couple of, a (large/great/ some/any, a lot of, lots of, little, much, a great/good deal of, a large/
good) number of plenty of, no + both small amount/quantity of

s, ss, sh, ch, x, z, o house houses BUT: Liquids & creamy juice yoghurt
glass glasses photo substances water sauce

+ es
box boxes video milk honey
piano +s coffee
tomato tomatoes avocado alcohol ketchup
kilo tea cream
auto oil rain
solo butter snow

vowel + y = +s toy
Materials wood
day days stone ice
paper wool

consonant + y baby babies rice sugar

cherry cherries flour sand
family families salt corn
Substances (smaller
than a bean)

f(e) → ves wife

Gasses air
wolf wolves proof oxygen
chief +s fog
belief CO2
handkerchief steam

Irregular plural man men What you cut or bread pizza

woman women sheep measure cheese cake
child children deer meat salad
foot feet aircraft chicken spaghetti
but means
mouse mice fish
Abstract love noise
person people fruit
work help
weather music

Compound nouns noun + noun: ball games no noun: merry-go-rounds

adj. + noun: frying pans noun + passers-by, mothers-in-law

72 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

Exercise 6.

Fill in the correct word

1. I ate ___ soup for dinner. 10. ___ milk do we need?

2. There is ___ ice cream. 11. Mary likes to eat ___ chicken for dinner.
3. There ___ many beans in the soup. 12. She doesn’t like ___ catsup on her French fries.
4. ___ apples do you have? 13. How ___ rice do we have? I don’t like ___
5. We don’t drink ___ coffee. vegetables.
6. How ___ bread do we have in the kitchen? 14. There aren’t ___ eggs in the refrigerator.
7. I don’t have ___ money for lunch. 15. ___ there cheese in the salad?
8. I buy ___ bananas every week. 16. We don’t drink ___ orange juice.
9. ___ there any tomatoes in the salad?

Exercise 7.

Choose a, an, some or any

L6 M3
1. It is ___ dog. 7. We don’t have ___ bread.
2. Have you got ___ friends? 8. My brother found ___ money.
3. I bought ___ milk. 9. My sister found ___ pen.
4. Linda has not got ___ pets. 10. Do you have ___ eggs?
5. There is ___ orange on the table. 11. There are ___ students in the classroom.
6. Tim eats ___ cheese every day. 12. Is there ___ pencil on the desk?

Exercise 8.

Fill the gaps with a, an, or some where necessary.

1. 5.
a) We had some delicious food last night a) They booked ________ room in advance.
b) We had ________delicious meal last b) They booked________ accommodation
night. in advance.
2. 6.
a) There is________ beautiful furniture in a) The band played________ lovely song.
that shop b) The band played________ lovely music.
b) There is________ beautiful table in that 7.
shop. a) We had________ heatwave last week.
3. b) We had________ hot weather last week.
a) I’m thirsty. I need ________ drink. 8.
b) I’m thirsty. I need ________ water. a) I can’t do this job alone. I need
4. ________ assistant.
a) She’s just bought________ expensive b) I can’t do this job alone. I need
clothes. ________ help.
b) She’s just bought________ expensive

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 73
MODULE 3. Food 

9. 11.
a) He has got________ heavy luggage to a) She has got________ important job to
carry. do.
b) He has got________ heavy suitcase to carry. b) She has got________ important work
10. to do.
a) I need ________ cutlery to eat this food 12.
with a) He found________ coin on the ground.
b) I need________ knife and fork to eat b) He found________ money on the
this food with. ground.

Reading Comprehension
Task 1.

Read the text below. For questions (1–6) chips, are eaten at lunch or dinner. A (6)
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). __________ potato (a potato baked whole in
its skin) with cheese is a popular “pub lunch”.
Visitors to the US think either that there is Good (7) __________ home cooking, i.e. food
no real American food, only (1) __________ prepared without spicy or creamy sauces, is
borrowed from other countries, or else that the something the British are proud of. People’s
Americans eat only “fast food”. While there interest in trying new recipes is encouraged by
is some truth in both these impressions, real the many cookery programs on TV. Famous TV
American food does exist. (8) __________ include Della Smith and Ainsley
Harriott. They give advice about healthy eating.
The British also have a poor (2) __________ for The main idea is to (9) _________ the amount
food. Visitors to Britain often (3) __________ of fatty foods and sugar and to (10) __________
that food in restaurants is badly presented, people to eat more fruit and vegetables.
overdone and has no taste. But the best English
food is not generally found in restaurants but When British and American people (11)
in people’s homes. Certain foods are considered __________ they can choose from a wide range
essential to traditional British cooking and form of eating places: burger bars, pizzerias, fast
the basis of most meals. These (4) ___________ food outlets. They seem to be (12) __________ a
bread, pastry and (5) __________ products such battle between what they want to eat and what
as milk, cheese and eggs. Potatoes, especially is good for them.

1 courses meals dishes stuff
2 taste status experience reputation
3 complain argue discuss persuade
4 have include consist mean
5 dairy organic fatty vegetarian
6 coat dressed jacket peeled
7 easy simple ordinary plain
8 chefs bosses chiefs directors
9 ignore miss reduce neglect
10 encourage help convince assure
11 take out eat out get out stay out
12 playing fighting struggling combating

74 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food


Vocabulary Practice 8. I’ll meet you at the ___________.
a) check
Exercise 1. b) check-up
c) check-out
Choose the correct word
9. There’s an outdoor ___________ near my
1. Excuse me, which ___________ is the sugar house where I always buy vegetables.
in? ___________ seven. a) marketing
a) ile b) supermarket
b) ail c) market
c) aisle
Exercise 2.
2. The ___________ section is where you’ll find
milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. Match the nouns of quantity 1-17 to the

L6 M3
a) dairy products a-q. A couple of options are possi-
b) poultry ble sometimes.
c) frozen food
1) a jar of a) cheese
2) a bottle of b) eggs
3. Get a _______. We have to buy a lot of things. 3) a box of c) cereal
a) (shopping) cart 4) a bag of d) bananas
b) (shopping) tray 5) a can of e) milk (2 litres)
c) (shopping) car 6) a package of f) jam
7) dozen g) juice (4 litres)
8) a carton of h) soup
4. Make sure you check the ___________ on
9) a bunch of i) bread
the milk. 10) a head of j) cookies
a) date of validity 11) a jug of k) ice cream
b) expiry date 12) 200 grams of l) cabbage
c) due date 13) a container of m) tuna
14) a tube of n) toothpaste
15) a loaf of o) ketchup
5. Turkey and chicken can be found in the 16) a tin of p) chocolate
___________ section. 17) a bar of q) flour
a) poultry
b) dairy
c) baked goods

6. I like this supermarket because they have

a ___________. I always buy bread there.
a) cash register
b) bakery
c) bake-sale

7. I always look for stuff that’s ___________.

a) in sale
b) sale
c) on sale

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 75
MODULE 3. Food 

Exercise 3.

A. Complete the definitions B. Complete the sentences with the

words from A
•slice •bake •dice •grill •grate
•fry •peel •chop •roast •mince 1. If you want to help, _________ this
•boil onion for the salad.

1. To cut food, especially meat, into 2. Cut the lemon thinly using a sharp
very small pieces, typically in a ma- knife. So, can you ________ this lemon?
3. You have to cut the vegetables into
2. To cut into thin pieces of the same small square pieces, I mean to ________
size________________ them and add them to melted butter on
a saucepan.
3. To take off the skin_____________
4. Before cutting potato wash and
4. To cut into small pieces______________ ___________ it.

5. To rub over a metal tool to turn into 5. They still ___________ bread at home.
very small pieces______________
6. Would you like these eggs hard-______
6. To cut food, especially raw veg- ed?
etables, into small square piec-
es________________ 7. She prefer to ___________ eggs on veg-
etable oil.
7. To cook in fat or oil on a saucepan
________________ 8. You don`t need fat to ___________the
chicken, just put it into the oven in an
8. To cook by using direct heat in an oven uncovered dish.
9. They can ___________the fish on the
9. To cook in water, etc at 100°C barbecue.

10. To cook by using heat, e.g. by

baking uncovered in the oven

11. To cook under or over direct heat


76 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

Grammar Practice 4. She is wearing several, too many, hardly

any, too much, no jewellery.
Exercise 4.
5. The fire is going out – you’ll have to fetch a
Write the plural of the following nouns little, several, a couple of, some, plenty
of wood.
1. man _________________________________
2. woman _______________________________ 6. I’ve been shopping and I’ve got no, a few,
3. child_________________________________ a little, hardly any, too many money
4. person _______________________________ left.
5. father-in-law _________________________
6. nanny________________________________ 7. Steve has already made too much, a
7. country ______________________________ little, a few, a couple of, a number of
8. box___________________________________ friends.
9. wife__________________________________
10. spacecraft ____________________________ 8. Flowers need plenty of, a number of, too
11. life __________________________________ many, a great deal of, a lot of water.

L6 M3
12. sheep ________________________________
13. foot__________________________________ Reading Comprehension
14. goose_________________________________
15. tooth_________________________________ Task 1
16. mouse________________________________
17. fish___________________________________ Read the text below. For questions  
18. taxi driver ____________________________ (1–12) choose the correct answer  
19. deer__________________________________ (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on
the separate answer sheet.
20. fruit__________________________________
21. forget-me-not _________________________
22. toy___________________________________ SCIENTISTS SAY EXERCISE IS
23. baby_________________________________ «FOOD FOR THE BRAIN»
24. ox____________________________________
25. bay __________________________________ Do you think that walking and running might
26. zoo-keeper____________________________ help you with reading and writing? Scientists
say it can. They say exercise causes blood to
Exercise 5. flow to the brain. That carries oxygen and
nutrients to the brain.
Underline the expressions which can be
used with the nouns, as in the example «Exercise is food for the brain», says Dr John
Ratey of Harvard University. «(1) ___________
1. She has bought a couple of, several, too show that exercise builds new brain cells in the
much, a few, a little, lots of dresses. part of the brain that helps with memory and
learning», he added.
2. She’s got a little, a lot of, hardly any,
several, a few experience in the clothes «Short bursts of exercise throughout the day
business. may help students pay attention more, behave
better, and feel better about (2) ___________»,
3. He drank two, both, some, several, too Dr Dawn Coe told News For You. «That can
much glasses of juice. help students do better in school», she added.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 77
MODULE 3. Food 

One group of scientists say they have (3)

___________that exercise can help boost
students’ grades. The scientists studied 214
sixth graders. They divided the students into
three groups that got different amounts of
exercise. They learned that the group that
exercised most did the best on tests.

The more active the exercise, (4) ___________,

the scientists said. Basketball, soccer,
and swimming are some of the best forms
of exercise. (5) ___________ are biking,
skateboarding, playing tag, and jumping on a

Some sports — such as basketball and tennis

— are good because players must concentrate
to play well. Playing those sports can help
teach students to concentrate. That’s a skill
that can help students in the classroom too.

1 Study Studying Studies Studied
2 yourselves itself himself themselves
3 prove proofs proving proves
4 the better good the best better
5 Others Other Another The others

78 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

Vocabulary List
Drinks beetroot��������������������� ingredients  ��������������
beer����������������������� brussels sprouts ������������� jam  ���������������������
cocoa ���������������������� cabbage��������������������� lamb  ��������������������
coffee ���������������������� carrot����������������������� meat  ��������������������
cola������������������������ cauliflower ������������������ mustard �����������������
juice ����������������������� celery  ���������������������� oil �����������������������
lemonade ������������������ corn������������������������� omelette �����������������
milk ����������������������� cucumber�������������������� pasta ��������������������
mineral water �������������� eggplant �������������������� Pastry �������������������
refreshments ��������������� garlic ����������������������� pie�����������������������
fizzy drinks����������������� lettuce���������������������� pizza ��������������������
soft drink������������������� mushroom������������������� powder�������������������

L7 M3
sparkling water������������� onion ����������������������� rice ����������������������
still water������������������ peas ������������������������ salad ��������������������
tea������������������������� pumpkin�������������������� salt ���������������������
wine����������������������� spinach ��������������������� sandwich ����������������
Fruits Food sausage ������������������
apricot��������������������� beef������������������������� snack ��������������������
blackberry������������������ biscuit ���������������������� soup ���������������������
blueberry������������������� bread ����������������������� steak ��������������������
coconut��������������������� butter ���������������������� stew ���������������������
cranberries  ���������������� cake ������������������������ sugar ��������������������
gooseberries ���������������� candy����������������������� taste  ��������������������
grape ���������������������� cereal  ���������������������� toast���������������������
grapefruit������������������ cheese ���������������������� turkey �������������������
kiwi����������������������� chicken ��������������������� Meat
melon���������������������� chips������������������������ ham ���������������������
peach���������������������� chocolate  ������������������� lamb  ��������������������
peanut��������������������� cookie ���������������������� beef����������������������
pear ����������������������� cream  ���������������������� veal����������������������
pineapple ������������������ curry ����������������������� pork ���������������������
plum����������������������� dairy products ��������������� poultry�������������������
raisin ���������������������� dessert  ��������������������� game���������������������
raspberry ������������������ fish ������������������������� Food idioms
strawberry ����������������� flour ������������������������ a piece of cake������������
tangerine������������������� French fries ����������������� to be a big cheese ���������
watermelon����������������� honey  ���������������������� to be like chalk and cheese
Vegetables ice cream ������������������� �������������������������
beans���������������������� to spill the beans����������

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 79
MODULE 3. Food 

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1.

A. Match the names of dishes in italics with the pictures

•jam •eggs sunny side up •toast •pickled vegetables •boiled eggs •green tea
•bacon •bread rolls •grilled fish •pancakes •rice •coffee •seaweed •cereal •miso soup
•orange juice •ham •cheese •omelette •cold meat •tea

1__________________ 2________________ 3________________ 4_________________

5__________________ 6__________________ 7_________________

B. Work with a partner. The food and drinks in the box (A) are a mixture of breakfast
items from around the world. Answer the questions.

1. Is there anything in the list that you 2. Is there anything you would find diffi-
and your family normally have for cult to it or drink at breakfast?

80 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

C. The food and drink in A are some breakfast items from the USA, Germany and
Japan. Which items do you think belong to a typical breakfast from which country?
Use QR-code to listen and check.

the USA Germany Japan

________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________

Exercise 2.

A. Circle the odd ones out.

1. thirsty, hungry, starving 5. bite, grill, chew

L7 M3
2. dessert, starter, tip 6. tasty, delicious, savoury
3. cut, chop, peel 7. cutlery, jug, bowl
4. fry, boil, stir 8. vitamin, protein, cereal

B. Complete the sentences with some of the words from A

1. Don’t __________________the egg in 5. Please __________________the apple for

this oil. It’s for chips. the baby – he can’t eat the skin.
2. Have we got a __________________for 6. I’ll need a sharp knife
the water? to__________________ the carrots.
3. It was great service and I left the wait- 7. You have to__________________ the
er a good__________________. sauce constantly, so it doesn’t stick.
4. This __________________is too sweet for 8. Don’t__________________ with your
me. mouth open! It’s disgusting!

Exercise 3.

Match the names of meat in column A Model: Ham is meat from a pig`s leg. It may
with the animals in column B. Think of be fried or roasted. Maybe sometimes it may be
different ways to cook the kinds of meat boiled. I prefer roasted ham.
in the table.

A B Ways of cooking
1. ham_______ a) cow to bake
2. lamb_______ b) pig to boil
3. beef_______ c) young sheep to fry
4. pork_______ d) goose to grill
5. poultry_______ e) turkey to roast
6. game_______ f) chicken to steam
g) duck to poach
h) wild duck
i) hare

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MODULE 3. Food 

Exercise 4.

Read the text and circle the correct Kuasw, a (7) cook / cooker from Hamburg,
words. who made the first ‘hamburger’ in 1891. He
fried beef sausage and an egg and (8) burnt
The story of the hamburger / served them between two slices of bread.
The sailors who visited Hamburg went back to
The (1) tasty / tasteless hamburger is one New York, told restaurant owners about this
of our best-loved foods. It can be the main (2) ‘hamburger’ and it became popular. Nowadays,
course / dinner of a nourishing meal and you can get hamburgers everywhere, from
part of a well-balanced (3) weight / diet or drive-through to expensive restaurants.
just junk food. But where did the hamburger
come from? Nobody is really sure, but one It`s cooking time!!! Chicken noodle soup
thing is certain – the hamburger goes back
many centuries and spans many civilisations.
The story begins approximately 800 years
ago, when Mongolian soldiers put (4) raw
/ baked meat under their saddles to soften
and flatten it before they ate it uncooked. The
Germans – who have always had a good (5)
appetite / nutrition for meat – introduced
the hamburger to the wider world. Apparently,
when German immigrants from the city of
Hamburg went to America around 1900, they
brought with them their Hamburg steak – a
(6) dish / plate of salty meat on round bread.
Another version of the story mentions Otto


140g dried wholewheat noodle 1. Bring a small pan of water to the boil and
1 tbsp groundnut oil cook the noodles following pack instruc-
2 tbsp grated ginger tions. Drain, rinse under cold running
1 medium red chilli, deseeded and finely water to stop them cooking further, then
chopped drizzle over a little oil to prevent them stick-
4 skinless, boneless chicken thighs, chopped ing together. Divide between 2 deep bowls.
into small chunks 2. Heat a frying pan over high heat and add
1 tbsp Shaohsing rice wine the rest of the oil. Add the ginger and
700ml hot vegetable stock chilli, then stir-fry for a few secs. Add the
4 chestnut mushrooms, sliced chicken and stir-fry for 2 mins. As the
1 tsp dark soy sauce meat starts to turn brown, add the rice
2 tbsp light soy sauce wine and cook for 3 mins more. Add the
2 tbsp rice vinegar vegetable stock, bring to a simmer, then
1 tbsp cornflour mixed with 2 tbsp cold water to add the mushrooms. Season with the
make a paste dark soy, light soy and rice vinegar.
1 handful beansprouts 3. Bring back to a simmer, then add the corn-
2 spring onions, sliced flour paste. Simmer and stir until thick-
ened. Stir in the beansprouts and most of
the spring onions, then pour the soup over
the noodles. Serve immediately, scattered
with the remaining spring onions.

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 MODULE 3. Food

Exercise 5.

A. Write a ten-item shopping list on a piece of paper. It must include the following
1. something salty
2. something sweet,
3. a tin of something,
4. a jar of something,

5. a piece of something
6. a kind of meat or fish,
7. a green vegetable,
8. another vegetable,
9. a fruit,
10. a dairy product,
11. two ways of cooking

B. Swap list with another group.

L7 M3
C. You now have ten minutes to agree a recipe for a two-course meal using all ingredi-
ents on your list.
D. You can add only salt, pepper and oil.
E. Describe your meals to the class.
F. Vote on which meal you would most like to eat.

Food idioms

Exercise 6.

Choose the correct answers.

1. If something is a piece of cake, it is . 4. When two people are like chalk and cheese,
a) easy they are very .
b) difficult a) different
b) similar
2. Somebody who is a couch potato .
a) does a lot of sport 5. If you tell somebody to spill the beans, you
b) watches a lot of TV want them to .
a) do something they don’t enjoy
3. If somebody is a big cheese, he or she is . b) tell you something
a) an important person
b) a serious person

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MODULE 3. Food 

Grammar Focus
1 noun countable and uncountable → different meanings

скло папір дерево залізо

glass склянка paper документи wood ліс iron праска

room простір/місце time час people народи

кімната випадки люди

rain дощ work робота hair волосся на голові

опади витвори (мистецтва) окремі волосинки

шоколад досвід
chocolate experience
шоколадні цукерки події

Think which meaning is countable and which is uncountable.

Exercise 7.

Fill the gaps with a, an, or some where necessary

1. We booked ________ room in the Grand 5. There was ________ hair in my soup.
Hotel. 6. I need ________ paper to write my letters on.
2. The police found ________ glass from the 7. Her________ hair is long and blonde.
broken window on the ground. 8. The Eiffel Tower is made of________ iron.
3. There is_______ room for five people in my car. 9. He decided to buy________ paper to read on
4. She usually drinks ________ glass of orange the train.
juice in the morning. 10. I have got________ iron, but it is very old.

Singular/Plural Verb Forms

We use Sg verb forms (is/was) with nouns which refer to: We use the Pl verb forms
1. a) school subjects: physics, maths, etc. (are/were) with:
b) sports: bowls, athletics, etc 1. Nouns such as: clothes,
c) games: billiards, darts, etc people, police, stairs,
d) illnesses: measles, mumps, etc surroundings, outskirts,
e) the word news earnings, poultry, etc
2. Plural nouns when we talk about an amount of money, a 2. Nouns which refer to
time period, weight, distance, etc. objects that consist of two
Five thousand pounds was donated to build a new hospital. parts as: trousers, shorts,
3. Group nouns such as jury, family, team, group, crew, club, shoes, glasses, gloves,
government, company etc. when we mean the individuals scissors, etc
who make up the group.
• The jury is ready to give the verdict. (We mean the
jury as a unit.)
• The jury are all staying at the Park Hotel. (We mean
the individual members of the jury)

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Exercise 8. 3. The government is/are hoping that online

voting will attract more young people to vote.
Choose the correct choice: is or are
1. A group of children from that school are/is 4. The government is/are all very nervous
cooperative. about the report, which will be published
2. Unless our staff is/are really hard-work- tomorrow.
ing, we will not meet our goals.
3. Some of the grain appear/appears to be 5. Manchester United is/are the world’s most
contaminated. famous football club.
4. That old pair of trousers is/are useful for
doing jobs in the garden. 6. Manchester United is/are looking forward
5. Most of the milk is/are gone bad. to meeting Valencia in the final next week.
6. Mumps has/have been nearly eradicated
in the U.S. 7. The family is/are one of the most shared
7. Six gallons of milk is/are still in the refrig- values in the world.
8. My clothes are/is wet. 8. His family is/are thinking about moving to

L7 M3
9. Maths was/were never my best subject at Canada next year.
10. Three-quarters of the students are/is 9. The class was/were all listening to the
against the tuition hike. teacher without distracting the attention.
11. Baked beans is/are one of my favourite
dishes. 10. The class was/were limited to ten people,
12. These scissors is/are too dull to cut with. making it ideal to learn a few new cooking
13. A high percentage of the people is/are vot- skills.
ing for the new school.
14. Four years is/are a long time to spend 11. The team was/were very popular that time,
away from your friends and family. so everybody desired to get a match ticket.
15. Politics mean/means sometimes a dirty
business. 12. After the three-hour practice under the
16. A large number of voters still along vote/ sun, the team was/were going to shower,
votes straight-party lines. change into their street clothes and head to
17. No news is/are good news. their air-conditioned homes.
18. My jeans aren’t/isn’t dry, so I guess I will
wear shorts. 13. The tour group is/are arguing among
19. His happiness depend/depends on his themselves about where to eat dinner.
relationship with his girlfriend.
20. Billiards is/are a sport that many people 14. The tour group is/are going to spend the
enjoy. first night in Paris.

Exercise 9. 15. A company whose voting stock is more

than 50% controlled by another company
Choose the correct verb. Explain your choice! is/are referred to as the parent company or
holding company.
1. The audience was/were larger than aver-
age and the concert was a success. 16. The company is/are all going to come and
support the leader despite the fact he is too
2. The audience was/were all cheering wildly. demanding and strict person.

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MODULE 3. Food 

Reading Comprehension
Task 1

Read the text below. For questions (1–5) 1. What is the best title for this text?
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). A. The Discoveries in Physics.
B. Marie’s Family Life.
Marie Curie was born in 1867. She is one of C. Marie Curie: the Great Scientist.
the greatest scientists ever to have lived. She D. Marie Curie: the Early Years.
was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity and
discovered the chemical elements radium and 2. Marie Curie
polonium. Curie is the only person ever to win A. was one of the greatest mathemati-
two Nobel Prizes in two different sciences. cians.
Other achievements include being the first B. studied radioactivity.
female professor at the University of Paris. C. discovered radioactivity.
D. was the first female professor at the
Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland. Her father University of Warsaw.
was a Maths and Physics teacher and was a
big influence on Marie’s early education. From 3. Curie won
an early age Marie was an exceptional student A. the Nobel Prize in Biology.
with an amazing memory. She often went B. two Nobel Prizes in Chemistry.
without food and sleep to study. Her brilliant C. two Nobel Prizes in two different
mind led her to Paris to study and to conduct sciences.
her research. D. no Nobel Prizes.

She met her future husband Pierre Curie at 4. Marie and her husband
the university. He considered Marie to be a A. studied radioactive materials together.
genius and instantly wanted to work with B. met at school.
her. They got married and spent most of their C. were honoured with the Nobel Prize for
time together in their laboratory studying Maths.
radioactive materials. Their research led to D. died in the same year.
the discovery of radium, for which they were
honoured with the Nobel Prize for Physics in 5. Until Marie Curie died in 1934,
1903. A. no one knew how deadly radium could
Pierre was killed in 1906 and Marie was B. everyone knew how deadly radium
devastated and extremely lonely. She threw was.
herself even deeper into her work and won the C. no one knew anything about radium.
Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. She spent D. radium hadn’t been discovered yet.
the 1920s raising funds for more research into
radium. In 1934 she died from a condition
caused by decades of exposure to radiation.
Before that no one knew how deadly radium
could be.

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Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1. Exercise 2.

Underline the correct word. Fill in the gaps with the words from
Lesson 1 (Food adjectives)
1. I know a fantastic recipe/receipt for
mushroom soup. 1. The soup is too ______________ because
you’ve put too much salt in it.
2. What are we going to have for dessert/
desert? 2. The coffee is too ______________ because
you’ve put too much sugar in it.
3. Don’t eat that apple. It’s rotten/rot.
3. The stew is too ______________ because

L7 M3
4. Fresh squeezed juice is very nutritious/ you’ve put too many hot peppers in it. 
4. The ice cream has ______________ because
5. I once got food poison/poisoning from you left it outside the freezer.
eating raw fish.
5. These vegetables are not cooked. They are
6. When you’re making this sauce, don’t for- ______________.
get to stir/spin it every 5 minutes.
6. This apple is black. Don`t eat it, it is
7. Would you like some more potatoes? No, ______________. 
thanks. I’m complete/full.

8. People who are lactose-intolerant cannot

eat meat/dairy products.

9. You shouldn’t eat a lot of fat/fatty food.

10. If something is “sugar-gone/free”, it does

not contain sugar.

11. We have two kinds of mineral water - spar-

kling and unsparkling/still. 

12. There are at least three ways to cook pota-

toes. You can fry them, bake them, or boil/
bowl them.

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MODULE 3. Food 

Exercise 3.

Label this picture:

1. a jar of honey

2. a teapot of tea





7. _____________________________

8. _____________________________

9. _____________________________

10. _____________________________

11. _____________________________

12. _____________________________

13. _____________________________

14. _____________________________

15. _____________________________

Grammar Practice

Exercise 4.

Complete the sentences using the noun 8. He has no ________________ but he is keen
in brackets in the singular or plural form to team (experience)
and a/an where necessary. 9. She had a lot of exciting _________________
during her travels (experience)
1. He gave me a box of my favourite 10. We went for a walk in the ________________
_______________________ (chocolate) after lunch. (wood)
2. His favourite food is________________ 11. His desk is made of______________________
(chocolate) (wood)
3. She bought __________________ on her way 12. Jane is in her ________________ reading a
to work (paper) book (room)
4. He placed all the important ______________ 13. We have got plenty of __________________
_________ in his briefcase (paper) for a party in here (room)
5. I need some________________ to write this 14. I am going to have my _________________
message on (paper) cut tomorrow (hair)
6. Hurry up! We don’t have much 15. There was________________ in my soup
________________ (time) (hair)
7. She has visited us several ________________ 16. I’m thirsty I need ______________________
this month (time) of water (glass)

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17. Susan only wears her___________________ Exercise 6.

when she reads (glass)
18. This ornament is made of coloured 1.
________________ (glass) a) I have a Physics exam tomorrow.
19. Helen bought________________ in the sale b) Oh dear. Physics is/are a very difficult
at the electrical store. (iron) subject.
20. The old gate was made of ________________ 2.
(iron) a) My office is three miles from my house.
b) Three miles is/are a long way to walk
Exercise 5. to work.
Fill in is or are a) My little brother has got measles.
b) Oh dear. Measles is/are quite a serious
1. Be careful! Those scissors_________ very illness.
sharp. 4.
2. Maths_________ John’s favourite subject at a) Jane looked nice today, didn’t she?
school. b) Yes. Her clothes were/was very smart.

L7 M3
3. The police_________ investigating the 5.
crime. a) I’ve got two pounds I’m going to buy a CD.
4. These trousers _________ too big for me. b) Two pounds is/are not enough to buy a CD.
5. The stairs in my house_________ made of 6.
wood. a) The classroom was empty when I
6. His new furniture _________ very modern. walked past.
7. The weather _________ going to be bad this b) Yes. The class were/was all on a school
weekend. outing.
8. My advice _________ that you get a new 7.
job. a) Have you just cleaned the stairs?
9. His new clothes_________ very fashionable b) Yes, so be careful. They is/are very
10. The team_________ all training hard for slippery.
Saturday’s match. 8.
11. The money in the jar_________ for this a) Did you ask John to fix your car?
week’s shopping. b) Yes. His advice were/was that I take it
12. My pyjamas _________ not on my bed. to a garage.
13. Mumps _________ a childhood disease. 9.
14. My luggage_________ in the car already. a) Did you enjoy your holiday?
15. Your hair_________ very long again. b) Yes, thank you. The weather were/was
16. Tom’s gloves_________ made of soft leather. wonderful.
17. The class_________ all working on a project 10.
together a) These trousers is/are very old.
18. Athletics _________ my favourite sport. b) You should buy a new pair.
19. My shoes _________ too small for me now 11.
a) How is/are the company doing lately?
b) B: Great. We opened up two more branches.
a) I am going to travel for two years when
I finish school.
b) Two years is/are a long time to be
away from home.

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MODULE 3. Food 

Reading Comprehension the prison, he put his hand in his jacket pocket,
and found a piece of paper. Pulling it out, he
Task 1. saw the (7)_____ ticket and remembered taking
his shoes there all those years ago.
Read the texts below. Match choices (A–
H) to (1–5). There are two choices you do «Why not?» he thought, and went off to see if, just
not need to use. Write your answers on (8)_____ chance, the cobbler was there and still
the separate answer sheet.
(9)_____ his shoes. When he got to the address
on the ticket, he saw, sandwiched (10)_____ a
The Cobbler — First Draft supermarket and a multistorey car park, the
cobbler’s shop. He went in and found an ancient
Once upon a time there was a man (1)_____ man (11)_____ in the dark little room. He gave
Roddy Biggs, who was a bank robber. One day him the ticket. The old man examined the ticket
he (2)_____ pair of shoes to a cobbler to get new closely and then took down a huge ledger from
soles put on them. The cobbler gave him a ticket, the shelf.
which he put in his pocket. The next day Roddy
(3) _____ by the police for a bank robbery he (4) Blowing off the dust, he opened it and ran a
_____ the week before. shaking finger down the columns of names and
dates inside. His finger stopped at an entry.
Time passed slowly and 20 years (5)_____ Roddy Looking up, he said, «They (12)_____ ready next
was released from jail. As he (6)_____ away from week!»

№ A B C D
1 name names named naming
2 take took taken taking
3 arrested is arrested was arrested were arrested
4 have committed has committed been committed had committed
5 late later latter letter
6 walking is walking be walking was walking
7 cobbler’s cobblers cobblers’ cobblers’s
8 in by on with
9 have having had has
10 between behind because believe
11 work to work worked working
12 be shall be will be would

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Task 2.

Read the texts below. Match choices (A- (3) _______: «As we orbited every 90 minutes,
H) to (1-5). There are three choices you the view of the Earth’s curvature was incredible.
do not need to use. You could see the layers of atmosphere extend
beyond the surface to meet with the blackness
Peggy Whitson — the former Iowa farm girl — of space beyond. It seemed impossibly thin, yet
racked up 377 days in space on her two missions, it carried all the shades of blue: closest to the
more than any other US astronaut. Her space planet a glowing blue, like sunlit water over
walks totalled nearly 40 hours, more than any white sand, extending to the deepest blue-
other woman astronaut. She’s now a walking purple mixture that holds the blackness at bay».
laboratory for the long-term effects of zero
gravity (zero-g) on the human body. And hers, (4) _______: «At first, being back on the Earth is
by the way, is ripped like an Olympic athlete’s. not pleasant. My agility and quick motions, like
playing basketball and the timing to dribble and
Name: Peggy Whitson. do a layup, were severely hindered. But I had
Age: 48. my physical fitness assessment about a month

L7 M3
Astronaut since: 1996. after my return, and I’m back to preflight norm,
which I’m really happy about».
(1) _______: Two six-month tours on the
International Space Station, in 2002 and (5) _______: «Exploration is a very important
2007—2008. part of who we are, and if we want to literally
expand our horizons, we have to keep doing it.
(2) _______: «With no gravity for resistance, Construction of the International Space Station
muscles and bones deteriorate quickly up shows we can expand those horizons culturally
there, so every day we do an hour of cardio on as well».
a specially designed cycle or treadmill and an
hour of resistance training. You need strength A. Returning to Gravity
for space walks, as every motion works against B. Space Time
the pressure of the space suits we wear, and it’s C. Staying in Shape
very fatiguing. Exercising always made me feel D. Imagine Being in a Confined Space
more positive and upbeat afterward too». E. Poetic Moment
F. Love and Friendship
G. Inspiration
H. Family Life


You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she tells you that he/she
has been admitted to a university and will have to move to another city and live in a
students’ hostel. He/she is anxious about the situation because he/she can’t cook. Write
a letter in which you say

• whether you often cook and why (or why not)

• how you share household duties in your family and
• give a recipe for a simple dish (ingredients and preparation)

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MODULE 3. Food 

LESSON 8. Revision.
Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1.

Choose the correct variant. 6. The important thing is to be __________.

Don’t give up. Keep on trying.
1. She’s so ____________, she always gets peo- A out-going
ple to do what she wants. B persistent
A shy C shy
B vain D pushy
C manipulative
D punctual 7. She says the most terrible things about
other people. She can be so ______ some-
2. Don’t be so _____. You shouldn’t tell people times.
what to do all the time. A demanding
A bossing B pushy
B punctual C bossy
C bossy D bitchy
D timid
8. Mike’s very _________. Sometimes I just
3. When I was younger, I was very ___, but wish he could be quiet and listen for a
now often speak to groups of 100 people change.
and it doesn’t worry me at all. A chatty
A demanding B talkative
B shy C easy-going
C bitchy D shy
D vain
9. You’re never happy with anything anyone
4. He’s incredibly ____. He spends hours look- does. It’s impossible to please you. You’re
ing at himself in the mirror. so _.
A punctual A demanding
B shy B talkative
C bitchy C aggressive
D vain D out-going

5. My father’s quite _____________. He often 10. Freddie is only young, but he loves meeting
forgets where he has put things new people. He’s extremely _________.
A absent-minded A vain
B open-minded B out-going
C like-minded C shy
D mindful D pushy

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11. One of my friends is never late for any- 12.

thing. I wish I could be as ________ as she
is. 13. His sister often shouts at people when they
A timid don’t do what she wants. She can be very
B punctual ___.
C time-wasting A timid
D early B talkative
C vain
D aggressive

Exercise 2.

Choose the correct answer (A-D) to complete the following texts.

The Silver Arch Cafe in Dreamville will remind customers of good old times. With a meny
featuring such homey dishes as (1) _____ steak, (2) _____ potatoes, hard- (3) _____ eggs, home (4)
_____ bread, roasted in the (5) _____ chicken, stewed vegetables, smoked sausage, the Silver Arch

L8 M3
is a real dinner.

1 A boiled B grilled C poached D grated

2 A roasted B steamed C minced D poached
3 A baked B roasted C fried D boiled
4 A fried B grilled C baked D whisked
5 A fridge B hob C kettle D oven

Preheat the oven to 200°C. (6) _____ the butter in the frying pan. (7) _____ and chop onions and
carrots. Take meat and (8) _____ into small pieces. Place all these in the oven to cook for 15
minutes. Slice the mushrooms and (9) _____ them in the goose or duck fat. (10) _____ the cognac
into the mushroom pan and cook for a further 15 minutes.

6 A freeze B boil C melt D stir

7 A peel B mince C dice D heat
8 A grate B cut C slice D dice
9 A fry B frill C bake D roast
10 A stir B mix C water D pour

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Exercise 3. I don’t know how we managed to do so well.

The rehearsals were far from satisfactory be-
Read the text below and decide which an- cause we thought that we could just have two
swer A, B, C or D best fits each space. rehearsals a week (5)______ in fact we needed
more. The background (6)______ to the last
A NIGHT AT THE THEATRE act weren’t ready until an hour before the be-
ginning of the play despite the set builder’s
Going to the theatre brings back happy mem- best (7)______. The director was not satisfied
ories, as it (1)______ me of my very first per- (8)______ anything and he didn’t even want
formance on stage, (2)______ was thirty years to show up on the first night. Admittedly, I
ago. Parts of that particular night are so vivid wouldn’t have wanted to either.
that I can still picture myself as though it were
yesterday. The excitement amongst the actors, (9)______ the night finally arrived, we were all
the (3)______ applause and the party after the a bit worried. I remember (10)______ through
opening night are memories which will remain the curtain ten minutes before the start and
with me for (4)______. being amazed (11)______ the (12)______ of a
full house. Finally, it was time for the curtain
to go up. In the end, we proved the director
wrong and everything went like clockwork.

1 A recognises B reminds C recalls D memorises

2 A which B when C where D who
3 A onlookers' B viewers' C audience's D spectators'
4 A life B ages C awhile D time
5 A where B when C which D whenever
6 A images B visions C scenes D sights
7 A attempts B efforts C trials D tries
8 A by B in C at D with
9 A When B After C While D Until
10 A glancing B noticing C staring D watching
11 A in B at C on D for
12 A view B vision C sight D image

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Grammar Focus
Exercise 4. Exercise 5.

Present Simple vs Present Continuous Past Simple vs Past Continuous

1. (you/come) ________________ tonight? 1. While Tom (read) ________________, Amely

(watch) ________________ a documentary
2. (he/eat) ________________ rice every day? on TV.
2. Marvin (come) ________________ home,
3. I (work) ________________ at the moment. (switch) ________________ on the computer
and (check) ________________ his emails.
4. (he/come) ________________ to London 3. The thief (sneak) ________________ into the
often? house, (steal) ________________ the jewels
and (leave) ________________ without a
5. He (play) ________________tennis now. trace.

L8 M3
4. Nobody (listen) ________________ while the
6. (you/come) ________________ to the cinema teacher (explain) ________________ the tenses.
later? 5. While we (do) ________________ a sight-see-
ing tour, our friends (lie) ________________
7. They (not/come) ________________ to the on the beach.
party tomorrow. 6. He (wake) ________________ up and (look)
________________ at his watch.
8. He (not/play) ________________ golf now. 7. Two days ago, a murder (happen)
________________ in Market Street at about
9. (you/play) ________________ tennis this seven pm.
Sunday? 8. Yesterday, Sherlock Holmes (arrive)
________________ at the crime scene to
10. They (go) ________________ to a restaurant investigate.
every Saturday. 9. He (ask) ________________ one of the ten-
ants in the house.
11. She (not/go) ________________ to the cine- 10. What (do / you) ________________ yesterday
ma very often. at seven?
11. I (watch) ________________ a football match
12. You usually (arrive) ________________late. on TV.
12. (be) ________________ you alone?
13. He normally (eat) ________________dinner 13. Yes, I (be) ________________
at home. 14. (hear / you) ________________ anything
14. (you/study) ________________every night? 15. Yes, about seven o’clock, two people (argue)
________________ in the hallway. But the
15. (they/work) ________________ late usually? football match (be) ________________ so in-
teresting. So I just (turn) ________________
up the TV and then (hear / not)
________________ anything anymore.

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MODULE 3. Food 

Exercise 6.

Present Simple vs Past Simple vs Present 9. Yesterday I (to work) ________________ at

Continuous vs Past Continuous my English from five till seven.

1. Where (to be) _______ you yesterday? — I 10. It (to rain) ________________ the whole day
(to be) _______ at home the whole day. — yesterday.
How strange. I (to ring) ________________
you up at two o’clock, but nobody (to 11. Where (to be) ______ your sister now? —
answer) _____________. — Oh, I (to She (to be) ______ in her room. She (to do)
be) _______ in the garden. I (to read) _____________ her homework.
________________ your book and (not to
hear) _______________ the telephone. 12. He (to brush) ________________ his teeth
at the moment. He (to clean) ____________
2. What _____ you (to do) _______ at them thoroughly morning and night.
five o’clock yesterday? — I (to work)
________________ in the library. — I (to 13. Don’t disturb her while she (to sleep)
be) _______ there, too, but I (not to see) ________________.
__________ you.
14. You (to talk) ______________ nonsense. You
3. Nina (to celebrate) ________________ her never (to talk) ______________ sense.
birthday yesterday. Her room looked beau-
tiful, there (to be) _________ many flowers 15. My mother (to sit) ________________ in the
in it. When I (to come) _________ in, some- sunlight now and I (to set) ______________
body (to play) ________________ the piano, the table.
two or three pairs (to dance) _____________.
16. He (to study) ________________ computer
4. Listen! Somebody (to play) science.
________________ the piano.
17. What ______ you (to do) _________ at this
5. I (to like) ___________ music very much. weekend?

6. When I (to look) ____________ out of the 18. When she (to open) ____________ the door,
window, it (to rain) ________________ heav- a man (to stand) ________________ on the
ily and people (to hurry) ______________ doorstep. It (to be) __________ her uncle,
along the streets. but she (not to recognize) ________________
him because he (to wear) ________________
7. What _______ you (to do) __________ at dark glasses.
seven o’clock yesterday? — I (to have)
________________ supper. 19. Last night we (to go) ________________ to a
cafe to meet our friends
8. When I (to come) __________ home yester-
day, I (to see) ___________ that all my fami-
ly (to sit) ________________ round the table.
Father (to read) ________________ a letter
from my uncle, who (to live) __________ in

96 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

Exercise 7. Exercise 8.

Complete the following sentences. Use Choose a variety of “used to”, “be used to”
used to or the present simple, as adequate. or “get used to”.

1. We__________ (play) tennis every day, but 1. European drivers find it difficult to
now we__________(not/play) it anymore. ___________ (drive) on the left when they
2. We__________ (not/go) on holidays when I visit Britain.
was young, but now we always__________ 2. See that building there? I ___________ (go)
(go) to Spain. to school there, but now it’s a factory.
3. My sister__________ (love) rock music now, 3. I’ve only been at this company a couple of
but she___________ (hate) it when she was months. I ___________ (still not) how they
younger. do things round here.
4. I___________ (not/read) hooks when I was 4. When I first arrived in this neighbour-
a child, but now I__________ (read) four or hood, I ___________ (live) in a house. I had
five a year. always lived in apartment buildings.
5. ___________ (you go) to bed early when 5. Working till 10 pm isn’t a problem. I

L8 M3
you were twelve? Yes, I did, but now I ___________ (finish) late. I did it in my last
__________ (stay) up as late as I want. job too.
6. I__________ (afraid) of storms, but 6. I can’t believe they are going to build an
I___________ anymore. airport just two miles from our new house!
7. ___________ (where/you/live) when you I will (never) ___________ all that noise!
were a child? What a nightmare.
8. My father__________(take) a lot of photos, 7. His father ___________ (smoke) twenty
but he __________ any more. cigars a day - now he doesn’t smoke at all!
9. I___________(not/ like) vegetables but I 8. Whenever all my friends went to discos, I
__________now. ___________ (never go) with them, but now
I enjoy it.
9. I (drive) ___________ as I have had my driv-
ing license almost a year now.
10. When Max went to live in Italy, he
___________ (live) there very quickly. He’s a
very open minded person.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 97
MODULE 3. Food 

Reading Comprehension
Task 1. question yourself if what you have written is
true. What can you do to improve? You can
Read the text below. Match choices learn new skills, like how to improve your com-
(А–Н) to (1–5). There are three choices munication, enhance your self‑image and how
you do not need to use. to become more confident.

Overcoming Shyness (4)_____________ You must fight your resist-

ance to socialize. You should put in the effort to
Excessive shyness is a sign of insecurity, lack connect with others, especially those who have
of confidence, an incorrect self-image and low positive qualities. Listen, observe and learn.
self-esteem. When you are shy, you feel unsure These people will subtly influence your behav-
of yourself and in the company of others. Some iour and your thinking. Go out and join their
bad experiences during childhood could have company. Sitting home and shying away won’t
caused you to become timid and withdrawn. help you become bold.
When you are uncomfortable among others,
you can’t talk, express your opinions or ask (5)______________ The trouble with self con-
for favours. Timidity can affect the outcome of scious individuals is that they think that other
your goals, your success with relationships and people are concerned about how they look and
your life. perform. Yes, there are judgmental people. But
do you know that most of them are insecure
(1)___________ There is a positive intention in and look for the weakness in others to validate
your behaviour. Most likely you are trying to their own worth? If you can keep that in mind,
protect yourself from looking and feeling like a you’d go about living your life and not become
fool. Listen to yourself. Your words are power- bothered.
ful. Stop focusing on your lack. The more often
you label yourself as a shy person, the more A. Become Aware of Your Inner Chatters
your subconscious mind will agree and prove to B. Connect and Interact with Others
you that you are right. C. Imagine a New Self-Image
D. Work on Yourself
(2)___________ Another great way to over- E. Strive to Become a Better Inner and
come shyness is to imagine the best possible Outer Person
outcome of a situation. In your mind, you can F. Remove Self-Doubt and Overcaution
do anything including making the first move, G. Understand that People Are Caught up
talking in public and being assertive. Consist- in Their Own World
ently practice becoming the person you want H. Look for Role Models
to become in your mind. Through practice and
repetition, you are able to “act as if” you are Task 2.
confident and soon will become good at it.
Read the text below. For questions (1–5)
(3)___________ You must refuse to give in to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
fear and self doubt. The past is over with faults
and mistakes. You are a grown up and can act GROWING UP UNHAPPY?
differently. List down on a piece of paper why
you are shying away from people and why you In recent years evidence has been collected
are afraid to speak up. Look at your list and which suggests that the proportion of British

98 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

children and teenagers who are unhappy is are «anxious and troubled». This report blames
higher than in many other developed countries. factors such as family breakdown, too much
For example, a recently published report set competition in education, income inequality,
out to measure «well-being» among young peo- and even the construction of houses and other
ple in nineteen European countries, plus the buildings in open spaces where children used
United States and Canada, and found that the to play. Its authors also argued that what lies
United Kingdom came bottom. The report was behind most of these things, directly or indi-
based on official statistics and surveys in which rectly, is an individualistic society in which
young people answered questions on a wide adults are too concerned with their own objec-
range of subjects. With regard to «material tives and insufficiently concerned with looking
well-being» it concluded that when comparing after others, including children.
developed countries, there is no clear relation-
ship between GDP (gross domestic product) 1. How many countries are featured in the
per head and happiness, but that economic first report?
inequality within those countries is linked with A. Nineteen.
unhappiness. The United Kingdom is a rela- B. Twenty.
tively unequal country with a relatively high C. Twenty-one.

L8 M3
proportion of children and teenagers living in D. Twenty-three.
households with less than half the national
average income, and this seems to have a nega- 2. The first report showed that young people
tive effect on how they feel about themselves. in the richest developed countries_________
in other developed countries.
Young British people also seem to have less A. were less happy than their peers
healthy family and peer relationships. The B. were much happier than their peers
report found that relatively few British fif- C. were as happy as their peers
teen-year-olds sit down with their parents to D. were a great deal happier than their peers
regularly share the main meal of the day — an
event seen by the researchers as an indicator of 3. Fewer than half of British children found
family togetherness. their companions
A. willing to help.
More worrying was the fact that fewer than B. good and loyal.
half of British eleven-, thirteen- and fif- C. handy and friendly.
teen-year -olds said they generally found their D. friendly and honest.
peers «kind and helpful» (compared with more
than 70 % in most of the countries near the 4. The second report concluded that the lives
top of the well-being table) and that almost 40 of young people in Britain used to be
% said they had been bullied by other young A. more difficult.
people in the previous two months. As for B. much poorer.
«risk behaviours», the report suggested that in C. easier.
Britain a higher proportion of fifteen-year-olds D. more interesting.
have been drunk on alcohol, smoked cigarettes
and taken illegal drugs than in most other 5. The second report suggests British society
developed countries. is too
A. unique.
More recently, another study has produced B. typical.
similar findings, concluding that young peo- C. distinguishing.
ple’s lives in Britain have become «more diffi- D. egocentric.
cult than in the past» and that more of them

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 99
MODULE 3. Food 

up around our cities and which (6)_____ that

LET`S PRACTISE AT HOME we buy this type of ice-cream or that type of
trainer. Advertising companies use a number
Vocabulary Practice of techniques to attract our attention, including
stunning photography, eye-catching graphics,
Exercise 1. jingles or clever (7)_____. What is more,
companies may employ famous people like film
Read the text below and decide which stars to (8)_____ their products.
answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
However, many governments have introduced
ADVERTISING rules and regulations that advertisers must
follow. These codes of conduct (9)_____ that
In this day and age, advertising is big business. advertisers don’t make exaggerated claims
It (1)_____ a lot of effort Into effectively or offend certain groups of people. In some
(2)_____ the public about a product or service. countries, advertisements can be displayed
Advertisements are introduced through a only in specific areas. Furthermore, some
(3)_____ of means. Companies can choose countries do not (10)_____ of the advertising
(4)_____ the print media, television, radio or of certain products, like tobacco, so they don’t
even huge lit-up billboards that (5)_____ put allow such advertising at all.

1 A sets B puts C lays D does

2 A introducing B explaining C informing D mentioning
3 A variety B choice C collection D selection
4 A from B between C through D throughout
5 A have been B have C had been D had
6 A mean B approve C suggest D consult
7 A descriptions B comments C reports D announcements
8 A recommend B suggest C advise D propose
9 A reassure B insure C ensure D confirm
10 A accept B admit C agree D approve

100 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

Grammar Practice

Exercise 2.

Present Simple vs Past Simple vs Present 12. Every day the boss (to enter) __________
Continuous vs Past Continuous the office at nine o’clock.

1. Where _____ your brother (to work) 13. Yesterday the boss (to enter) __________
__________? — He (to work) __________ at the office at half past nine.
an institute.
14. When _____ the boss (to come) __________
2. _____ your grandmother (to sleep) tomorrow?
__________ when you (to come) __________
home yesterday? 15. At six o’clock yesterday we (to listen)
__________ to a very interesting lecture.
3. What ______ your brother (to do)
__________ tomorrow? 16. When I (to enter) __________ the office, the

L8 M3
secretary (to type) __________some letters.
4. I (not to go) __________ to the shop yester-
day. I (to go) __________ to the shop tomor- 17. My friend (to ring) __________ me up at
row. eight o’clock yesterday.

5. Where _______ Kate (to go) __________ 18. Look! My friends (to play) __________ foot-
when you (to meet) __________ her yester- ball.
19. Kate (not to write) __________ letters every
6. Look at these children: they (to skate) day.
__________ very well.
20. ______ you (to see) __________ your friend
7. ______ you (to skate) _________ last Sun- yesterday?
day? — Yes, we (to skate) _____________
the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) 21. ______ your father (to go) __________ on a
__________ again next Sunday. business trip last month?

8. My brother can skate very well. He (to 22. What ______ Nick (to do) __________ yester-
skate) __________ every Sunday. day?

9. What ______ you (to do) ________ now? — I 23. When ______ Nick (to get) __________ up
(to wash) __________ the dishes. every morning?

10. What ______ you (to do) __________ at three 24. I (to invite) __________ my friends to come
o’clock yesterday? — I (to have) __________ to my place tomorrow.
25. A disco, which (to take) __________ place at
11. ______ you (to have) __________ dinner the club last weekend, (to keep) __________
now? people awake half the night.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 101
MODULE 3. Food 

Reading Comprehension if he was sure that he had it. Michael wasn’t

sure that he had it. In fact, he was sure that
Task 1. he didn’t have it. Perhaps his whole collection
was very valuable thoughts it worth 10 million
Read the text below. For questions dollars?” asked the man from the newspaper on
(1–5) choose the correct answer the telephone when Michael called him.
(A, B, C or D).
“Erm, no, I don’t think so“
Friends considered Michael Redford to be a
rather boring person. However, Michael thought “Forget it then”, said the man from the news-
he was quite interesting. After all, he collect- paper. Michael thought about other things to
ed coins. What could be more interesting than make himself famous. Perhaps he could be the
coins? It was true that he didn’t have any other best bank manager in the country! Yes, this
hobbies or interests, but that didn’t matter for was it, he decided. He told a friend that he was
Michael. And what is more, he had a very inter- the best accountant in the world.
esting job. Everybody else said that his job was
boring. But he was a bank manager! Michael “How do you know?” asked his friend.
thought his job was fascinating. Everyday he
went to his office, switched on his computer and “Well”, thought Michael, “I have a good job, I
spent seven and a half hours looking at spread- like it- it’s very interesting – spreadsheets –
sheets, and moving numbers around on them. numbers – taxes – finance“. He saw his friend
What could be more interesting than that? going to sleep. “Hmmm”, he thought.

Well, Michael was unhappy because people “Perhaps I’m not the best or the most interest-
thought he was uninteresting. He tried to talk ing accountant in the world.” “Listen, Michael”,
to people about his coin collection, but they said his friend when he woke up again. “Per-
mostly didn’t share his interests. haps you don’t have the biggest or the most
valuable coin collection in the world. Perhaps
Thus Michael thought about how to make him- you aren’t the best or the most interesting
self more interesting. He decided that he needed bank manager in the world. But there is one
to be famous for something. He thought about thing – Michael, you are probably the most
his coin collection, and decided that perhaps his boring man in the world.” Yes! Of course! This
coin collection could make him famous. Perhaps was it. Michael could be famous because he
he had the biggest coin collection in the world, was the most boring man in the world. Now he
or perhaps he had some very valuable coins. saw that his friends were right. He phoned the
Yes, this was it, he decided. He wrote a letter newspaper again.
to a local newspaper, and asked them if they
wanted to come and write an article about a “Hello!” he said. “Would you like to do an inter-
local man with the biggest coin collection in the view with the most boring man in the world?”
world. The local newspaper wrote a letter back
to Michael telling him that actually the Gover- “The most boring man in the world—?” said the
nor of Maine had the biggest coin collection in journalist. “Now that’s interesting!”
the world. Michael was very sad to learn this,
but wrote back to the newspaper telling them Next week there was a big article in the news-
that he thought he had the most valuable coin paper. “The Most Boring Man in the World!”.
in the world. The newspaper wrote back to him There was a picture of Michael in his office.
telling him that the most valuable coin in the There was a picture of Michael with his coin
world cost 5,000,000 dollars, and asking him collection. There was an interview with Mi-

102 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 3. Food

chael, and interviews with his friends. His 5. There’s no Michael’s name in the Guinness
friends said they went to sleep when Michael Book of Records because___________
talked about his job or his coin collection. The A. Michael isn’t boring enough.
next day the BBC and CNN called Michael. B. Michael is a very interesting person.
They wanted stories about the most boring C. Michael didn’t want such popularity.
man in the world. “The most boring man in the D. nobody can actually determine the
world!” they said. “That’s so interesting!” grade of dullness of a person.

And so, finally, Michael Redford became the

official Most Boring Man in the World.

You won’t find his name in the Guinness Book

of Records, because they said that it was im-
possible to decide exactly how boring somebody
is, but it was no problem for Michael. Now he
was famous, now he was so boring that he was

L8 M3
1. The text tells about ___________

A. Michael Redford’s job.

B. Michael Redford’s collection.
C. Michael Redford’s way to popularity.
D. the Guinness Book of Records.

2. Michael Redford collected ___________

A. coins.
B. stamps.
C. postcards.
D. newspapers.

3. According to the text, the most valuable

coin in the world costs ___________

A. 5 thousand dollars.
B. 500,000 dollars.
C. 5 million dollars.
D. 1 million dollars.

4. The title of the article about Michael Red-

ford was ___________

A. “The Most Persistent Man in the World”.

B. “The Most Boring Man in the World”.
C. “The Largest Collection of Coins”.
D. “The Most Fascinating Job in the

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 103
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Module 4.

Travel and
In this module you will…

• Find out what you actually need for travelling

• Revise the articles
• Learn to use Modal verbs of physical and mental ability

L9 M4

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 105
MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

1. What are three the most interesting places you have visited in your own country and abroad?
2. Where else would you like to visit?

106 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Vocabulary list
Travelling cave������������������������ delay������������������������
journey������������������� coast����������������������� deliver�����������������������
tour���������������������� forest����������������������� hire (a boat) ������������������
trip ���������������������� fountain��������������������� leave������������������������
voyage�������������������� harbour��������������������� permit(ted) �������������������
hitch-hike����������������� mosque��������������������� rent�������������������������
embassy������������������� palace ���������������������� repair������������������������
(travel) across �������������� path/route������������������� sail��������������������������
arrival�������������������� reservations������������������ adventure���������������������
ask the way���������������� resort����������������������� aim��������������������������
be on (one`s) way����������� souvenir��������������������� atmosphere�������������������
break the journey������������ sunbathe�������������������� crowd(ed) ��������������������
campground���������������� tower����������������������� passenger���������������������
camp(ing)����������������� waterfall�������������������� permission��������������������
campsite������������������ Accommodation/ accessories tourism����������������������
get lost�������������������� air-conditioning��������������� travel agent�������������������
guided (tour)��������������� booking office���������������� visit(or) ����������������������
Essentials cafe/restaurant���������������� (book) in advance��������������
document(s)���������������� double/single room������������ in any case��������������������
identity (ID) card������������ hostel����������������������� in case of (delays) �������������
foreign currency������������ (luxurious) hotel�������������� one way����������������������
exchange rate�������������� tip for a waitress�������������� overnight���������������������
credit card����������������� lost property (office)����������� Going on holiday
pocket money�������������� suitcase��������������������� breathtaking views�������������
permanent/temporary visa backpack�������������������� bustling streets����������������
fare���������������������� baggage/luggage�������������� cultural melting-pot�������������
guidebook����������������� camera���������������������� delicious food�����������������
insurance������������������ self-service������������������ dramatic scenery���������������
traveller`s cheque����������� facilities��������������������� elegant architecture�������������

L9 M4
Sightseeing toiletries��������������������� exotic animals�����������������
attract(ion) ���������������� razor����������������������� historic building���������������
bay����������������������� tent ������������������������ lively nightlife�����������������
beach��������������������� Related words snow-capped mountains���������
bridge�������������������� accompany������������������ spectacular landscape�����������
canal��������������������� arrive����������������������� teeming wildlife���������������
castle��������������������� cancel���������������������� tourist trap��������������������
cathedral������������������ confirm��������������������� wide open spaces ��������������

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 107
MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1. J. The number of bridges in Venice.

What do you look for in a holiday desti- K. The tree that can be found in Thailand.
nation? Discuss with a partner if these
things are important or not. L. The time that an average visitor
spends looking at Grand Canyon.
• Natural wonders, such as waterfalls,
mountains, etc.
• Ancient archaeological sites and great 100 places to visit before you die
• Romantic, historical cities Natural wonder
• Exciting modern cities
• Beautiful beaches and coastline 1st The Grand Canyon, USA

Exercise 2. Known to native Americans as the ‘Mountain

tying down’, the Grand Canyon stretches for
I. Work in pairs or small groups. Find 443 kilometres where the Colorado River cuts
these pieces of information in the text through northwest Arizona. The canyon is a
as quickly as you can. baby by geological standards - only five or six
million years old, although the rocks at the
A. The names of two famous people mar- bottom are almost two billion years old. It is
ried in Las Vegas. the incredible colours of these different layers
of rock that delight visitors - over five million
B. The age of the city of Petra. of them every year. Surprisingly though, after
making the long journey there, the average
C. The name of the largest island in Thai- visitor spends only fifteen minutes looking at
land. the Canyon. Even so, visitors should still be
careful: every year an average of five people
D. Two ‘ancient monuments’ you can find fall over the edge,
in Los Vegas.
A viewer’s opinion: ‘It’s just incredible, you feel
E. The name of the second most popular as if you have died and gone to heaven’
natural wonder.
2nd Iguazu Falls, Argentina/Brazil
F. Two things you will find in the Doge’s
Palace. 3rd Great Barrier Reef, Australia

G. The number of people who die falling 4th Rocky Mountains, Canada
into the Grand Canyon every year.
5th Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
H. The nationality of the travellers who
found Petra about 200 years ago.

I. Three things you can do on Koh Samul.

108 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Ancient wonder A viewer’s opinion: ‘There can be no other place

like this on earth - it’s like entering a cartoon
1st Petra, Jordan world.’

The location for a number of Hollywood films, 2nd Sydney, Australia 3rd Hong Kong, Chin
including Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,
the city of Petra was built in rocky cliffs more 4th Mew York, USA 5th Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
than 2.000 years ago, and was once an impor-
tant commercial city. Temples, palaces, and a Romantic city
huge amphitheatre were all cut out of the cliffs,
whose amazing colours give the city its rose- 1st Venice, Italy
red appearance. Historians believe that the
citizens of Petra had to abandon it around 551 What could be more romantic than going down
AD and this incredible archaeological site was a Venetian canal in a gondola? No wonder Ven-
forgotten by the West, until a Swiss traveller ice is the favourite of lovers all over the world.
‘rediscovered’ it in 1812. This unique city is located on 118 flat Islands,
and has over 200 canals and 400 bridges.
A viewer’s opinion: ‘It`s very difficult to im- Visit the Piazza San Marco, one of the most
agine how enormous and how splendid it is beautiful squares in the world with its 500
from photographs - you just have to see it in year-old buildings, and marvel at the Basilica
person. It’ll blow your mind’’ of St Mark, and the Doge’s Palace, the home of
many of Venice’s most famous paintings and
2nd Machu Picchu, Pery 3rd The Pyramids, sculptures.
A viewer’s opinion: ‘Imagine going back in lime
4th the Great Wall of China 5th Angkor Wat, to a life without cars, where magnificent art
Cambodia and architecture were all around you - this is
what you experience when you go to Venice.’

L9 M4
Modern city
2nd Prague, Czech Republic 3rd Paris, France
1 Las Vegas, USA

4th Istanbul, Turkey 5th St Petersburg, Russia

A surprising choice as your favourite city, Las
Vegas means the ‘meadows’ in Spanish, but Beach
meadows are probably the only thing you cant
find here. Even for those who aren`t interested 1st Koh Samui, Thailand
in gambling, Las Vegas is one of the most excit-
ing cities in the world. «The strip’, in the centre A tropical paradise located in the warm blue
of town, is five kilometres of the most extrava- waters to the southeast of Thailand. Although
gant hotels you will ever see, including replicas it is the kingdom’s second largest island after
of the Eiffel Tower, the Egyptian Pyramids Phuket, it was unknown to tourists until a few
and ancient Roman Palaces. It uses almost years ago. Easy to reach from Bangkok, it is
24,000 kilometres of neon lights! Famous for covered with coconut trees and brightly-colour-
its ‘quickie’ weddings (both Elvis Presley and ed flowers and is surrounded by white sandy
Richard Gere were married here) you can even beaches and turquoise seas. Whether you want
arrange a ‘drive through wedding’ and be back remote beaches, great shopping, first-class res-
in the casinos in an hour! taurants or an exerting night-life, you’ll find it
on Koh Samui.

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

A viewer’s opinion: ‘The most perfect paradise II. Read the text again and think about
island in the Far East - such friendly people the questions. Then compare your
and good food! Everyone should go there before opinions in pairs or groups.
they die, but hopefully not at the same time!’
• Put the five places in order starting with
2nd Whithaven beach, Great Barrier Reef, Aus- the one you would most like to visit.
• Are there any other places in the world
3 Cancun, Mexico 4 Boulder`s Beach, South
rd th
that you have always wanted to go?
• Have you been anywhere that you think
5 Bora Bora, French Polynesia
‘everyone should see before they die’?

Exercise 3.

A. Match the words in italic in 1-4 with 4. The travel agent offered day trips to
meanings A-D. London.

1. We didn’t arrive until midnight. The A. travelling a long or short distance

journey took six hours. B. a visit stopping in more than one place
2. Larry loves sailing. This summer he’s C. a visit to a particular place and back
making a voyage across the Pacific D. travelling a long distance by sea or in
Ocean. space
3. On Monday we went on a guided tour
of Buckingham Palace.

110 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

B. Complete each sentence with the cor- 3. Fill it right________, please.

rect form of journey, voyage, tour, trip or
travel. 4. The crossing __________ two hours and a
1. We’re going to do a __________ of Eu-
rope next month. We want to visit six 5. I’d like a four-berth____________.
different countries.
2. We are taking a short __________ to 6. You have to check _________ two hours
New York this weekend. before taking off.
3. NASA is planning another __________
to Mars. It’s going to cost millions of 7. Here’s your card__________. Have a nice
dollars. flight.
4. I don’t like long boat __________.
They’re boring and uncomfortable. 8. Fasten your seat_______________, please.
5. I would love to__________ round the
world in a balloon. 9. What’s the _______________of your visit? -
6. The Titanic sank on its maid- I’m a tourist.
7. How long does the__________ from New 10. Do you have anything to_____________? -
York to Rio take? No, nothing. I’ve only got personal things.
8. She says her hobbies are reading, golf
and__________. Exercise 5.
9. When they were in Cairo they took a
__________ to see the Pyramids. Complete the advertisements with these
10. Getting from London to the north words:
of Scotland involves an overnight
• beach • skiing
train___________. • camping • cruise

L9 M4
• adventure • sightseeing
Take a test to prac- • safari
tice these words
Enjoy a _____________ around some of the
most beautiful islands of the Caribbean.

Exercise 4. Clear blue sea and mile after mile of golden
sand. Come to the Greek islands for a
Fill in with the appropriate words from _____________ holiday you’ll never forget.
the table.
• belts • boarding • cabin • declare •
in • mechanic • purpose • station For fantastic scenery and wildlife, try a
• takes • up _____________ holiday in Kenya, Tanzania
or Botswana.
1. My car has broken down. Where’s a
__________, please? 4. NATURAL BREAK
The best _____________ in France. Tents
2. Where’s the next petrol____________? and mobile homes. Site near beach, pool,
shops and bar.

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

5. SAVE £££’S ON YOUR_____________ hol- B. arrive get reach come

iday. approach appear
We guarantee you the best snow, the best
prices and the best equipment. 1. It took us a long time to__________ to
the theatre but we__________ in time
6. EXPLORE THE PLANET for the first act
• jungle treks • remote places 2. The ocean liner __________ on the
• river journeys • ancient cities horizon and within two hours it
• mountain walks • white water rafting had__________ the port.
3. Would you like to__________ to our
Get off the beaten track on any one of over house tonight?
100 _____________ holidays in 85 countries. 4. I was__________ by a beggar asking for
Call now for our new brochure, money.
5. We__________ at the village late at
7. ONE GREAT CITY! night.
Probably the best_____________ in the
world - visit the redwood forests, Alcatraz, C. carry fetch deliver
the Golden Gate, the Waterfront. Ride the
cable car. Fantastic shopping. 1. Can you__________ that bottle from the
top shelf?
2. Some supermarkets now arrange for
WORDS EASILY CONFUSED your shopping to be__________ to your
Use the correct form of the words in the 3. I couldn’t__________ the boxes by
boxes to complete the sentences in each myself so I asked the shop assistant to
group A-D below. You may use some of bring them to my car.
the words more than once. In some cases,
more than one word may be correct. D. voyage journey trip tour
excursion travel expedition
A. travel transfer transport cruise flight
1. Our class is going on a(n)__________ to
1. I need to__________ some money from the zoo tomorrow.
my savings account to my current 2. Joan kept a diary of her__________
account. through Europe.
2. My father usually__________ to work 3. Our __________ on the ocean liner last-
by car. ed two weeks.
3. The goods were__________ to the Unit- 4. Many explorers have died on__________
ed States. to the Antarctic.
4. The information is__________ by satel- 5. It’s a nine-hour bus__________ from
lite throughout the world. Melbourne to Sydney.
5. Jerry got __________ to Bristol and he 6. We went on a Mediterrane-
is moving there next week. an__________ for our honeymoon.
7. We were given a(n)__________ of the
ancient castle as soon as we arrived.
8. Our__________ to Bangkok was delayed
so our__________ to Asia was put off for
a day.

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 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Grammar Focus

a/an the –

a lot of, a great deal of — багато in the morning — вранці at night — вночі
a few — небагато (обчислюв.) in the afternoon — удень at breakfast — за сніданком
a little — небагато (необчисл.) in the evening — увечері at home — вдома
as a matter of fact — фактично, in the country — за містом at school — у школі
насправді on the one (other) hand — з at work — за роботою
for a short (long) time — одного (іншого) боку at first sight — з першого
недовго (довго) on the whole — в цілому погляду
in a loud (low) voice — the day before yesterday — at table — за столом
неголосно (тихо) позавчора by tram (train, bus. etc.) –
it is a pity — нажаль the day after tomorrow – трамваєм
to be in a hurry — поспішати післязавтра (поїздом, автобусом тощо)
to have a good time — гарно the other day — наднях by post — поштою
провести час to go to the theatre (the by chance — випадково
to have a cold — застудитися cinema) — by mistake — помилково
to go for a walk — піти на ходити в театр (кіно) by heart - напам'ять
прогулянку to play the piano — грати на in time — вчасно
піаніно in fact — в дійсності
to tell the truth — говорити on board a ship — на борту
правду судна
on sale — у продажу
day after day — день за
to go to bed — лягати спати
from morning to (till) night
— з ранку до вечора
from time to time — час від

L9 M4

Indefinite article a/an Definite article the

1. a noun is mentioned for the first time: 1. a noun is mentioned for the second time/
I want to buy a dress. specific:
2. one object out of many (any object): I saw a man. The man was tall and ugly.
In the office a phone was ringing. (В офісі 2. specific object
багато телефонів.) I was in bed when the phone rang. (Те-
3. adj. + noun: лефон у моєму будинку один.)
It was a lovely day. 3. with ordinal numbers:
4. after verbs to be, to have; with profes- the first, the second …
sions: 4. in the superlative degree:
My mother is a doctor. the best student, the last bus, the most
5. a/an = per/one beautiful girl
He works 5 days a week./ a (one) dollar,

Zero article is used:

With a group of things/animals/people in plural: Doctors make more money than nurses.(маємо
на увазі всіх лікарів і медсестер)
BUT: in singular → a/an: A doctor makes more money than a nurse.
specific group → the: The doctor(s) make(s) more money than the nurse(s)

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

a/the/zero article

These public buildings are __________ / __________ / __________, __________, __________ and
• We use / don’t use "a" or "the" when we are talking about their normal purpose (for stu-
dents, criminals, sick people, religious people).
She was in hospital for 3 weeks with a broken leg.
• We use / don’t use "a" or "the" if we are just talking about the building.
She parked her car outside the hospital.
The government decided to build a 100-bed hospital for the poor.

Exercise 6. 3. I usually go to____________ at about 11 pm

to get a good night`s sleep.
Complete the story with the words in the 4. The cat is sitting on ____________________.
box. 5. The Prime Minister visited______________
yesterday and talked to the prisoners.
• a • an • the (x3) • much 6. The men who robbed the bank are
• many • few • little lot. in____________ now.
7. The ambulance took the injured people to
(1)_____ old man reaches his 120th birthday. _____________________________________.
(2)_____ journalist comes to interview him. 8. I must go to____________ to visit my aunt.
‘What it the secret of your long life?’ he asks. She’s had an operation.
‘Well.’ says (3)_____ old man, ‘I don’t have 9. We saw the children in their classrooms as
(4)_____ problems, I don’t drink (5)_____ alco- we walked past________________________.
hol. I eat a (6)_____ of good food, and I spend 10. I want to go to university when I leave ____
a (7)_____ time every day relaxing. But do you _______________________________________.
want to know my real secret? I never disagree
with anyone.’ ‘That’s ridiculous!’ says (8)_____ Exercise 8.
journalist. ‘There must be another secret.’ A
(9)_____ moments later (10)_____ old man says. Fill in a, an, the or “-”
‘Ok, you’re right.
• Is dad picking us up today?
Exercise 7.
• Nope, ____ mom’s picking us up.
Fill in the gaps with one of the words Who’s that?
from the list adding “the” where neces- That’s ___ guy I told you about last week.
sary. Use each word twice.
• Why are you so upset?
•prison •school •bed •sea •hospital
• I’m not upset. You’re __ one who’s upset
1. The minute we reached the beach, the chil- Is this ___ bad time? Should I call you later?
dren ran into ____________ to swim. Yes, please call me in 30 minutes
2. My brother is in the navy. He is
at____________ for months sometimes. • How do you like my dress?

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 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

• Wow! That’s ___ one beautiful dress! Is this ___ road to San Francisco?
Why won’t your brother talk to me? Yes, it is.
Because you told him he was stupid! That
was ___ very mean thing to say. • Do you know the name of ___ artist who
painted this portrait?
• Do you like cats or dogs?
• Yes, it’s Henri Matisse.
• I like them both, but I think I like ___ cats We’ll never make it on time!
more than ___ dogs. Sure we will! I know ___ shortcut.

Reading Comprehension
Task 1

Read the text below. Match choices (А–Н) to (1–5). There are three choices you do not
need to use.

5 TIPS FOR BACKPACKING one more pair. One jacket, a couple of jumpers
and T shirts, an extra pair of jeans, shorts,
1 _________________ swimwear, towel. You shouldn’t need much else.
This may seem fundamental to most but I, like
many others, set off on my first backpacking Eu- 4 _________________
rope trip with just a one way ticket. When the You’ll meet lots of new people, other backpackers,
money ran out sooner than expected it was a ma- travellers, locals, and you’ll most likely end up
jor hassle getting back home. Make sure you have chatting easily to strangers. Most of them will be
a (preferably open dated) return ticket with you. good people, but not all of them. Girls should be
particularly vigilant. Stay in touch with family.
2 _________________ If immediate strangers ask, always tell them

L9 M4
Do some research and have an outline of your that your family or friends at home know exactly
backpacking trip and possible places to stay where you are, i.e. which city you are in and the
(hostels are the best for meeting up with other address where you are staying.
backpackers and like-minded travellers) but aim
to go with the flow and don’t pre plan your trip 5 _________________
too much. Don’t try to pack in too many places. This from a female backpacker (me again!)
Backpacking Europe does not mean you have to who hitched thousands of miles in the 80’s
visit every European capital in four weeks, or across France, Italy and Greece. Yes, there are
even four months. Relax, taste and feel the differ- plenty of weirdos out there. You may feel there
ent culture, get to know the locals and immerse is safety in numbers but that’s not always so.
yourself a little. Catch the bus or the train, really it’s worth it!

3 _________________ A. Don’t travel alone

Backpacking is hard work! Whatever you take B. Be aware of personal safety at all times
with you on your backpacking trip will be carried C. Avoid hitchhiking
on your back for the duration. Obvious? Yes D. Don’t put too many things into your backpack
but it’s amazing how heavy that backpack can E. Try to enjoy every minute of it
become after you’ve lugged it on and off buses F. Don’t plan to visit too many places
and trains numerous times. Travel light. Really G. Carry little cash
really light. Wear a pair of comfy shoes and pack H. Get a ticket back home in advance

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Let`s practise at home

Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1 Exercise 3

Which word goes with which list below? Deciding where to go. Complete the fol-
lowing dialogues with the words and
•tour •holiday •resort •trip phrases below:

1. summer, package, beach, adventure •long weekend •tourists

________________________________________ •brochures •break
•high season •abroad
2. holiday, tourist, seaside, popular •travel agent’s
1. Have you decided where you’re going on
3. coach, sightseeing, package, guided holiday this year?
– No, not yet, I might call in at the
4. coach, boat, day, business _____________ on the way home and pick
________________________________________ up a few _____________.

Notice when you travel as part of your job, you 2. I’m really fed up with work at the moment.
go on a business trip. I need a_____________.

Exercise 2 – Why don’t you take next Friday off and

have a_____________ in Paris or Amster-
Match the verbs on the left with a word or dam?
phrase on the right:
3. Are you going to Wales again this year?
1. stay a. excursions and trips
2. send b. a car – Not likely! I’m going some-
3. look round c. sightseeing where_____________ where I can be sure of
4. hire d. the museums and art galleries some sun.
5. go e. some postcards
6. go on f. some souvenirs 4. I fancy a few days in Venice this summer.
7. take g. in a hotel or a guest house
– In August? Right in the middle of
the_____________ ! You must be crazy. The
place’ll be absolutely full of_____________.

116 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Grammar Practice

Exercise 4. Exercise 5.

Complete sentences using a, an, the or Choose the correct alternative.

zero article.
1. Catherine loves cats/the cats.
1. He spent five ___ months in ___ prison in 2. Look at cats/the cats! They are chasing a
1963. bird.
2. I will definitely go to ___ university. 3. I don’t like coffee/the coffee, but I like
3. Do your ___ parents go to ___ church? tea/the tea.
4. ___ Patricia lives in ___ High Street 42. 4. You cut the cake/cake and I`ll pour cof-
5. Can you speak ___ Polish? fee/the coffee.
6. I’d like ___ new pair of ___ shoes. 5. Life/The life will be very different in the
7. Her ___ brother is taking ___ photo now. future.
8. Do you like ___ animals? 6. Life/The life of a mayfly is extremely
9. I’ve won ___ thousand pounds! short.
10. Did ___ Martha drink ___ milk yesterday? 7. I enjoy swimming/the swimming in the
11. I should eat a lot of ___ fruit and ___ vege- sea.
tables. 8. Children/The children usually like play-
12. I can’t wait for ___ weekend to begin. ing games.
13. I met ___ perfect man when I was travel- 9. Children/The children have gone to the
ling around ___ America. park.
14. ___ Brad Pitt is ___ most handsome man 10. All people/the people in this room are my
among my ___ friends. relatives.
15. ___ Ben’s uncle is in ___ hospital because 11. All people/the people should have free-
he’s very ill. dom of speech.
16. Go ___ home and eat ___ dinner. 12. Villages/The villages in this part of the

L9 M4
17. I went to ___ work by ___ taxi yesterday. country are very beautiful.
18. In my ___ room you can find ___ computer, 13. Breakfast/The breakfast is the most
___ bed, ___ old wardrobe and ___ desk. ___ important meal of day/the day.
computer is new, ___ bed is uncomfortable, 14. Paul was only/the only person who re-
___ wardrobe is too small and ___ desk membered me.
belongs to my ___ sister. 15. In Stone Age/the Stone Age people lived
in caves.
16. I would like to travel to Spain/the Spain.
17. We travelled to London by train/the
18. He is learning to play flute/the flute.

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Reading Comprehension

Task 1

Read the text below. For questions (1–5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

A week in the Amazon Jungle Two days earlier, as I sat uncomfortably in Or-
lando’s pale green office, I was suddenly struck
As I stand atop the thirty-foot muddy bank of by his tough demeanour when he asked, «For
the Amazon River, I look across the tall grass the next week, would you like me to bring my
towards a Bora tribal village. I am about to shotgun and we only eat what we hunt — may-
spend a life-changing week free from the com- be caimans and monkeys?»
plexity of city life. Down the narrow dirt path
walks a young girl, no more than ten years old, The hut consisted of three open areas — a
stopping long enough to give me a look that main room that was large enough for several
shows innocent curiosity. Following her lead, hammocks and an eating table, a smaller room
an elderly lady leisurely walks by and greets for a teenage girl with her daughters, and a
me with a smile — her face covered in bright walkway that connected to a cooking area that
white powder from a recent healing ceremony. buzzed with activity. The roof was covered
with tied palm leaves, allowing small hints of
Lifting the two large drums of water onto my skylight (or rain) to stream down upon me. The
shoulders, I hike towards the small wooden shel- large window gave my room a very airy feel,
ter that would be my home for the coming week. full of every imaginable irritating flying insect.
The rusty brown path radiated with intense heat,
and the sweltering humidity made every touch of The air was fresh with the smell of wet grass
my clothing against the skin a reminder of how after the daily thunder and downpour. A pair
grubby I felt. The eleven-hour overnight river- of blue iridescent Morpho butterflies chased
boat journey, which had only ended hours ear- each other past my window into the field. With
lier, had left a mark on me, both physically and more than ten feet of rainfall a year, the lush
emotionally. Seeing the lush, peaceful surround- surroundings come as no surprise. My ham-
ings before me, the fears of not reaching our mock attached to a sturdy beam, I fell into
destination gradually fades from my immediate the handmade webbing and searched for some
thoughts. The wooden-slat hut rested upon stilts essence of relaxation. Unfortunately, the salty
nearly four feet high, and provided a much-need- sweat beading down my face and the constant
ed, although ineffective, barrier against the swarm of tiny flesh-seeking flies negated any
countless bugs and insects who would also call of the relaxation that a hammock in the shade
these tropical grounds their home. might have offered.

The young family welcomed me into their 1. The man was going to spend in the jungle.
home, standing together quietly, watching. A. a fortnight
Sharing no common language, I smiled and B. all summer
waited as Orlando stepped forward, speaking C. 7 days
their native tongue. Orlando, my guide, was an D. all life
ex-commando who seemed to be comfortable
in any unpleasant situation. With a machete 2. The author after the trip to the tribal
always at his side, he was ready for anything, village.
and was instrumental in escorting me well past A. felt well
my usual comfort zone. B. felt fit and healthy

118 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

C. was sleepy
D. was exhausted

3. The author’s shelter

A. was not protected from bugs.
B. was also the home for poultry.
C. provided a poor barrier against insects.
D. seemed very comfortable after a long

4. The word machete in line 19 is closest in

meaning to
A. cigar.
B. gun.
C. knife.
D. bowl.

5. The man couldn’t sleep because of the

A. heat.
B. sunshine.
C. flies.
D. sweat and flies.

L9 M4

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 


Vocabulary List
Transportation motorbike/cycle����������� Travelling aboard
(go/travel) by air/rail/sea/land/ plane (jet)���������������� air force�������������������
road ������������������������� petrol station������������� take/catch a flight����������
on foot ����������������������� platform����������������� (be/go/travel) aboard �������
(speed) limit������������������ road sign����������������� be on board����������������
kilometre (km)���������������� run out of petrol ���������� board (a plane)�������������
driving licence���������������� signpost������������������ (fasten) a seat belt ���������
motorway �������������������� taxi rank����������������� (in)valid (passport)���������
highway���������������������� traffic light��������������� boarding pass��������������
rail(way)��������������������� handlebars��������������� cabin crew�����������������
fuel�������������������������� tyre���������������������� charter��������������������
reach destination ������������� wheel �������������������� check-in desk��������������
take a shortcut ��������������� windscreen��������������� •They checked in to a hotel.
aircraft����������������������� scooter������������������� •He checked out of the hotel
vehicle����������������������� train��������������������� at the end of his stay.
vessel������������������������ tram��������������������� checkout ������������������
airline ����������������������� underground/subway������ cross the border������������
airplane���������������������� van���������������������� customs (officer) �����������
airport����������������������� yacht �������������������� consul(ate) ����������������
bicycle/bike (pump)������������ (be in a) traffic jam�������� depart ��������������������
boat������������������������� (get) stuck in traffic������� departure lounge�����������
bus station/stop��������������� deck (of a ship)������������ duty free������������������
cab �������������������������� fill up (with petrol)�������� flight (attendant)�����������
car (park/alarm) �������������� get/give a lift ������������� passport control������������
coach ������������������������ miss/catch (a bus)��������� runway �������������������
cruise (ship)������������������ parking lot/space���������� scheduled flight������������
ferry������������������������� pedestrian crossing�������� take off �������������������
helicopter �������������������� land(ing)������������������
lorry (A.E.)/truck (B.E.)�������� terminal ������������������

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 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1.

Travel advice. Match each extract from a travel guide with one of the words below.

•accommodation •money •food 4. The regional cuisine is excellent, with

•transport •shopping •health many places serving local specialities.

1. You can cash travellers’ cheques in banks, 5. The local market is the place for souve-
exchange kiosks and large hotels. nirs. Prices are low and the quality of local
handicrafts is excellent.
2. If you’re going to the Tropics, most doctors
will advise jabs to protect against malaria 6. There are also family-run guest houses in
and also vaccinations against typhoid. all the major towns. The cheaper options
are youth hostels and, away from the
3. Almost all the islands are connected by towns, there are plenty of well-equipped
regular ferries. You can usually buy your campsites.
ticket on the boat. For the most popular
routes it is advisable to book your ticket in The different arrangements for staying in
advance. a hotel are: room only; bed and breakfast;
half-board (bed, breakfast and one other
meal) or full-hoard (all meals), A holiday
when you cook for yourself is called a self-
catering holiday.

L10 M4
Exercise 2.

Things to take to the beach. Match the words with the pictures:

___ swimming costume ___ flippers ___ beach towel

___ snorkel and mask ___ lilo ___ inflatable dinghy
___ swimming trunks ___ bikini

Three people in the picture are wearing wetsuits.

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Exercise 3. Exercise 4.

What people do at the beach. Complete Fill in with the appropriate words from
the following expressions with the verbs the table.
below. Use two of the verbs twice.
•airport •captain •check in •customs
•flight •landed •stewardesses •took
•keep •go •get •cool •down •took off •was reading

A. _____ a lovely suntan Last month I decided to visit my rela-

B. _____ out of the sun tives in Great Britain. I travelled from
C. _____ for a swim New York to London by plane. I arrived at
D. _____ sunburnt New York ______________an hour before
E. _____ for a paddle my_______________. First I had to ______________
F. _____ in the sea and then I went through ______________. My
plane _____________at 2 pm. There was no delay.
Now use the correct form of the After a few minutes the________________ greeted
expressions to complete the following us aboard and wished us a pleasant____________.
dialogues: Three pretty _____________ started to serve
meals and drinks. Then I _________________a
1. This time next week I’ll be lying on the book for an hour or so and _____________a short
beach in Spain. nap. After about four hours we _______________at
-- You lucky thing! I`m sure you’ll Heathrow Airport in London.
________________ and make us all jealous
when you get back. Exercise 5.

2. Why don’t you take your T-shirt off? In-flight announcements. Match these words:
-- Because I don’t want to________________.
The sun’s really hot today. 1. overhead a. exits
2. life b. position
3. My back feels sore. Is it looking a bit red? 3. upright c. jackets
-- Yes, it is. Perhaps you 4. emergency d. items
should________________ for the rest of the 5. duty-free e. lockers
Now use the expressions to complete
4. I’m not hot. I’m absolutely roasting! these announcements:
-- Let’s go and________________.
6. Please store all hand luggage in the
5. Do you want to go for a swim? _____________
- No, it’s too cold for me. But I will 7. The cabin crew will now point out the loca-
________________ I’ll just take my shoes tion of the _____________ and demonstrate
and socks off. the use of the_____________.
8. Please ensure that your seats are in the
6. The sea is beautiful. It’s so warm. _____________ and your tray table stowed.
-- Yes, I think I’ll________________ in a 9. The cabin crew will shortly be coming
minute. round with our selection of_____________.

Do you fly much? What’s the longest flight

you’ve ever made?

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 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Exercise 6. • How much is the ticket?

• Do I have to change trains?
Use the correct form of these verbs to
complete the sentences. 5. ANSWER: No, we’ll put them in the bus’
baggage compartment.
•miss •cancel •leave •catch •run QUESTION:
• Did you find my bag?
1. Excuse me, where I can __________ the • Do I have to bring my bags on the bus?
number 96 bus, please? • Is this the only bus station in this city?
2. We must hurry up or we’ll __________ the
train. 6. ANSWER: Yes, there are three stops before
3. Come on, let’s go. Our train ___________ in the station.
five minutes. QUESTION:
4. The buses are __________ late again. I’ve • Is this the only bus station in this city?
been waiting for nearly twenty minutes • Are there any buses going to
now. Charleston today?
5. We regret to announce that the 18.04 train • Does the bus stop anywhere before the
to Bristol has been __________. central bus station?

Exercise 7. 7. ANSWER: Yes, if it’s not expired you’ll get

70% of the ticket price back.
Choose the correct QUESTION for the QUESTION:
ANSWER that’s given. What did the • Can I get a refund ( = money back) for
person ask to get this answer? an unused ticket?
• Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket
1. ANSWER: It’s the standard charge for the in advance?
seat reservation. • Do you have a schedule I could look at?

L10 M4
• Why did you charge me €5 more? 8. ANSWER: If you buy your ticket one week
• Did you give me back my change? in advance, it’ll be 20% cheaper.
• Do I have to change trains? QUESTION:
• Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket
2. ANSWER: No, only regular seats. in advance?
QUESTION: • Can I get a refund ( = money back) for
• How much is the ticket? an unused ticket?
• Does this train have sleeper seats? • Do you have a schedule I could look at?
• Do I have to change trains?
9. ANSWER: Yes, there’s one at 10:00 AM,
3. ANSWER: Yes, it’s 10% cheaper if you and another at 5:45 PM.
have you International Student Card. QUESTION:
QUESTION: • Can I get off before the central bus
• Can I get a student discount? station?
• Is there a discount for seniors? • Are there any buses going to
• Is there another train to London today? Charleston today?
• Is this the only bus station in town?
4. ANSWER: No, it’s a direct train.
• Does this train have sleeper seats?

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

10. ANSWER: No, they leave from Victoria • How long is the trip to Brussels?
Station. • Do trains to Brussels leave from this
QUESTION: station?
• How much is a ticket to Brussels?

Grammar Focus
Geographical use of articles
Zero article (–) Definite article (the)
Usage Example Usage Example
Власні імена John Kennedy Члени однієї родини the Kennedys
Титул + ім’я Queen Elizabeth Титул the Queen
але the Prince of Wales Національності на -sh, -ch, the Chapanese/French
Міста, штати, країни, Kyiv, Ohio, Mexico, South Країни, назва яких the United States
континенти America включають republic/ the Republic of China
Виняток the Hague kingdom/empire та назви the United Kingdom of GB
країн у множині the Roman Empire
Гірські вершини Mount Everest/Hoverla Mount Групи гір/гірські масиви the Himalayas/ the Alps
Острови, озера Coney Island, Групи островів, озер the Philippines
Lake Michigan, the Great Lakes
але the lake of Michigan
Назви планет, Venus Унікальні об’єкти the earth, the sun, the sky,
сузір’їв Mars the Eiffel Tower
Пляжі Palm Beach Річки, океани, моря, канали the Danube
Пустелі the Atlantic Ocean
the Mediterranean
the Panama canal
the Sahara Desert
Вулиці, бульвари, Wall Street, Madison Відомі будівлі, the Empire State Building
парки Avenue, Hyde Park Назви кораблів the Titanic
Виняток the High Street, the Зоопарки the San Diego Zoo
London road, the A5
Аеропорти, вокзали, Orly (airport), Victoria Station, (Кіно)театри, готелі, музеї, the Globe
мости Tower Bridge галереї the British Museum
Виняток the Golden Gate the Tate Gallery
Bridge, the Severn Bridge
Континенти Asia Сторони світу the South/West/North/East
Antarctica the north of England, the North/
Europe South Pole, the equator
Мови English Мова + language the English language
Ігри, види спорту basketball Муз. Інструменти the piano
play + вид спорту, play soccer play + муз. play the piano
кольори, напої, їжа Інструмент, стилі танцю the tango
Місяці, дні, свята, July День + місяць the Eighth of March
роки, пори року Saturday Конкретний день, місяць, рік the summer I was born
місяць + день Mother’s Day
March 8
Ім’я + коледж Hopkins College Історичні періоди та події the Crimean War
(університет) London University, але the the Middle Ages
University of London але World War II
Шкільні предмети History, maths Назви газет the Tribune
Назви журналів Sports Історичні документи the Constitution
Зі словами church, Sarah went to school (She is a Зі словами beach, Let’s go to the beach.
college, hospital, student) station, cinema, theatre, The weather is awful today.
prison, university, Her father went to the school to country(side), ground,
school, court коли see her teacher (he went to the jungle, sea(side), weather,
маємо на увазі мету з school as a visitor) world, shop, library, city,
якою вони створені sea (BUT be at sea/go to sea
=be sailing)

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 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Exercise 8. vre were my favourites.

Put in ‘the’ or zero article 4. A: What did you have for____ lunch today?
B: I had ____ sandwich in____ office can-
1. I went sailing around ____ Lake Geneva. teen
2. I’ve been living in ____ London for six
years. 5. A: Do you buy____ newspaper every day?
3. ____ Danube runs through many ____ Eu- B: Yes. I usually buy____ Independent and
ropean cities. my wife reads ____ Times.
4. ____ Wild horses live in ____ Gobi Desert.
5. ____ Pacific Ocean has many different 6. A: Danny plays____ golf very well, doesn’t he?
types of ____ fish. B: Yes, he practises every weekend with
6. I love swimming in ____ Mediterranean. his friends.
7. We spent our holiday on the shore of ____
Lake Windermere. 7. A: Which station are you meeting John at?
8. ____ Nile is a very beautiful river. B: ____ Waterloo Station. It’s____ big place.
9. She stayed in ____ Belgrade for several l hope I find him easily.
10. Her husband comes from ____ California. 8. A: Are you going on holiday this summer?
11. They studied the geology of ____ Sahara B: Yes. We’ve booked ____ holiday two or
Desert. three weeks in ____ Canary islands.
12. They crossed ____ Black Sea by boat.
13. He has always wanted to visit ____ Rome. 9. A: What did you see on your tour today?
14. She lived in ____ Asia for several years. B: ____ Buckingham Palace and____ Hous-
15. ____ Tuscany has many beautiful cities. es of Parliament.
16. I spent a year travelling around ____ Eu-
rope. 10. A: ____ Duponts, who live next door to us,
17. Her village is near ____ Lake Titicaca. are French.

L10 M4
18. Would you like to visit ____ South Ameri- B: ____ French are very friendly people,
ca? aren’t they?
19. They live near ____ Thames.
20. I think ____ Cornwall is a very beautiful 11. A: That’s____ beautiful dress. Where did
part of ____ England. you get it?
B: In____ summer sale at____ Harrods,
Exercise 9. actually.

Use the correct article a/an/the/zero 12. A: Who is going to open____ new shopping
1. A: Shall we go to____ cinema tonight? B: I heard that____ Queen is going to do it.
B: Yes. It’s a long time since I saw____ film.

2. A: Have you ever been to____ Copenha-

B: Yes I think it’s____ prettiest city in

3. A: Did you see all____ sights in Pans?

B: Yes, but____ Eiffel Tower and____ Lou-

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Let`s practise at home

Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1. Exercise 3.

Complete the following text with these Choose the correct, most natural responses
words: according to the context of the conversation:

•shade •sunbathe •exposure GAS STATION ATTENDANT: What can I do

•factor •cancer •sun block for you.
YOU: Fill it up, please... Hey, ______________ is
If you’re going to (1) _____________ in very hot Philadelphia from here?
weather, it’s important to use sun cream – at
least (2) _____________ 10. And for children a • how long
(3) _____________ is essential. Even then, it’s • how far
best to use a beach umbrella and to sit in the • where
(4) _____________ rather than directly in the
sun, as experts believe that (5) _____________ GAS STATION ATTENDANT: It’s about 100
to direct sun, can be dangerous and may cause miles from here.
skin (6) _____________. It’s better to be safe YOU: What’s ______________ to get there?
than sorry!
• the best way
Exercise 2. • best
• a way
Fill in with the appropriate words from
the table. GAS STATION ATTENDANT: Take the 95.
That will take you all the way to Philadelphia.
•belts •boarding •cabin •declare •in YOU: Thanks. Is the 95 a ______________ high-
•mechanic •purpose •station •takes way?
• paying
1. My car has broken down. Where’s a • toll
__________, please? • cash
2. Where’s the next petrol____________?
3. Fill it right________, please. GAS STATION ATTENDANT: No, it’s free.
4. The crossing __________ two hours and a Would you like me to clean your windshield?
half. YOU: Yes, please... And could you check my
5. I’d like a four-berth____________. _____________ as well?
6. You have to check _________ two hours
before taking off. • oil
7. Here’s your card_________. Have a nice flight. • liquid
8. Fasten your seat_______________, please. • container
9. What’s the _______________of your visit? -
I’m a tourist. GAS STATION ATTENDANT: All right... All
10. Do you have anything to_____________? - done. That’ll be $46.75.
No, nothing. I’ve only got personal things. YOU: Here you go. _____________.

126 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

• Keep the money Exercise 5.

• Keep it for yourself
• Keep the change Fill in a/an/the or zero article.

Grammar Practice Looking for 1)_____ exciting destination for

your next holiday? Well, why not visit 2)_____
Exercise 4. America’s Aloha State - beautiful Hawaii?
Hawaii is 3)_____ group of islands located in
Put in ‘the’ or - 4)_____ middle of 5)_____ Pacific Ocean. The
islands are famous for their natural beauty
1. I would like to go to____ Caldey Island. including 6)_____ large number of volcanoes,
2. We read a lot about____ Sunga Empire. some of which are still active today. 7)_____
3. ____ Hunter Island Group is an important Mount Kilauea, for example, which is located
bird area. It comprises several islands in within 8)_____ Hawaii Volcanoes National
____ Hunter and ____ Trefoil Island Groups Park, had 9)_____ small eruption in 2008.
lying off the north-western coast. Because of its amazing landscape Hawaii has
4. We visited ____ Lake Edward. become 10)_____ popular tourist destination for
5. We had a nice picnic at ____ Pinnacle State 11)_____ mountaineers and hikers. But Hawaii
Park. has much more to offer than just its natural
6. We heard about ____ Atlas Mountains in beauty. Many visitors come to Hawaii to go
____ Algeria in ____ Morocco and in Tuni- 12)_____ surfing or try other water activities.
sia. You can also experience Hawaii’s rich cul-
7. There are many poems about ____ Volga. ture around the island. In 13)_____ Honolulu,
8. I have never studied ____ Performing arts. 14)_____ capital city, you can admire local art
9. They told us about their excursion to ____ at 15)_____ Hawaii State Art Museum or find
Antikensammlung Berlin Museum. out about Hawaii’s history at 16) _____ Bishop
10. She was expelled from ____ Delaware State Museum. Afterwards, if you fancy 17)_____
University open-air shopping centre, go to the Ala Moana

L10 M4
11. ____ Coach House Theatre in ____ Alloa Center. It’s 18)_____ largest of its kind in the
was founded in 1900. world, and you can pick up some interesting
12. We went to ____ Balearic Sea. souvenirs there. Wherever you are in Hawaii,
13. We made a school project about ____ Demo- you can be sure of 19) _____ warm welcome
cratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. from 20)_____ Hawaiian people. Often, locals
14. They camped at ____ Conecuh National perform 21)_____ hula, a Hawaiian dance, for
Forest. visitors, and everyone is given a lei, 22)_____
15. They climbed ____ Grassy Hill. beautiful necklace made from flowers.
16. She bought this dress on____ Polk Street.
17. There was a concert on____ Syntagma
18. She went down ____ Farm Road.
19. She told us about ____ Kingdom of Strath-
20. The population of ____ Togo is 5,753,324.

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Reading Comprehension portation systems. The railroad in Chicago and

the underground systems of New York, Boston,
Task 1 San Francisco and Washington, DC are heavily
used. Elsewhere, most Americans (5) _________
Read the text below. For questions (1–12)
to use their cars. Families often have two cars
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
and, outside major cities, have to (6) _________
TRANSPORT fairly long distances to schools, offices, shops,
banks, etc. Many college and even high-school
Most journeys in Britain and the US are made by students have their own cars.
road. Some of these are made on (1) ___________
transport but most are by private car.
Long-distance travel in Britain is also mainly
by road, though railways link most towns and
In Britain many people rely on their car for daily cities. Most places are linked by motorways or
local activities, e.g. getting to work, (2) _________ other fast roads and many people prefer to drive
the shopping, and visiting friends. People liv- at their own (7) _________ rather than use a
ing in urban areas may use buses, trains or, in train, even though they may get (8) _________
London, the underground, to get to city centers, in a traffic jam. Long-distance coach/bus servic-
mainly because traffic is often (3) ___________ es are usually a cheaper (9) _________ to trains,
and it is difficult to find any where to park a car. but they take longer and may be less comforta-
Some places in the country may have a bus only ble. Some long-distance travel, especially that
two or three times a week so people living there undertaken for business (10) _________, may be
have no (4) _________ but to rely on their cars. by air. There are (11) _________ flights between
In the US large cities have good public trans- regional airports, as well as to and from London.

1 universal civil public common
2 making doing performing preferring
3 heavy large full big
4 variety selection idea choice
5 agree object prefer refuse
6 ride drive move transfer
7 convenience usefulness suitability availability
8 stuck used fixed puzzled
9 replace substitute alternative choice
10 schemes procedures ideas reasons
11 typical regular ordinary normal

128 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1.

Read the questions in Help me, I`m a 4. Local customs

tourist! and decide how you would answer
them about your town if you were asked Are there any dress rules if I go into a
by a tourist. place of worship? Are there any topics of
conversation I should avoid if I talk to local
Help me, I’m a tourist! people? How much should I tip...? a waiters
b taxi drivers
1. Safety 
  5. Shopping
Is crime a problem in the city? What should
I be careful of? What would be a good souvenir to take
Are there any areas of the city I should back with me?
avoid... What’s the best market to visit?
Is there anywhere where I should haggle?
a) during the day?
b) at night? 6. Food and drink

Can I trust the police if I have a problem? Is the local tap water drinkable?
Is there any food or drink I must try?
2. Getting around  Is there any food or drink I should avoid or

L11 M4
What’s the best way to get around the city? be careful with?
Is it OK to take taxis? Are there many taxi
Can I hire a bicycle? Is it a good city for
Are there any landmarks that will help me
to know where I am?

3. Sightseeing

If I’m short of time, what three sights

should I see? What two galleries or
museums should I visit? Do they charge for
admission? Where should I go to get the
real atmosphere of the city

a) by day? or
b) by night?

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Exercise 2.

Do a crossword puzzle:

5 6 7


11 12

13 14




Across Down

2. The habits, traditions and beliefs of a group 1. Bags and cases that you carry with you
of people. (7) when you are travelling. (7)
4. To decide that an organised event will not 3. A building where you can get onto an
happen. (6) aircraft, bus, or ship. (8)
5. A journey when you visit a place for a short 5. A visit to and around a place, area, or
time and come back again. (4) country. (4)
8. The activity of visiting places which are 6. The area at an airport where they check
interesting. (11) your ticket and take your luggage. (7)
10. Someone who visits a place for pleasure 7. The place in a hotel where people go when
and does not live there. (7) they arrive. (9)
11. The place where you stay. (13) 9. A comfortable bus used to take groups of
14. To arrange to use or do something at a people on journeys. (5)
particular time in the future. (4) 12. A building where you can look at important
15. A thin book with pictures and information, objects. (6)
usually advertising something. (8) 13. To sit or lie in the sun so that your skin
17. A book that gives information about the becomes brown. (8)
place you are visiting. (5) 16. To pay to use something for a short time.

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L11 M4

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

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 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

5. __________ the way, John, and we’ll

follow you.
Now it`s time
B. address road street way
for you to be a tour direction route path

agent. 1. You’ll need a map to find

your__________ around this city.

A class is divided into groups of 2-4 and 2. I need your new__________ so that I
represents tour companies that are competing can keep in touch with you.
for a business contract. They have to organize
a weekend tour to some foreign country for 3. I’ll find the__________ to your house by
a group of tourists. The companies have to looking up the__________ in the directory.
present an advertisement and mention details
about: 4. We must follow the__________
Judy gave us, or we’ll never find
• transportation the__________ her house is on.
• living options
• sightseeing 5. The hikers took the__________ that led
• meals to the castle.
• needed documents + things like clothing,
finances… 6. They walked carefully through the
• the best time for visiting it woods following the __________.

WORDS EASILY CONFUSED 7. We were up and ready at sunrise and

headed in the __________ of the moun-
Use the correct form of the words in the tains.

L11 M4
boxes to complete the sentences in each
group A-D below. You may use some of C. site position location point
the words more than once. In some cases, place room space
more than one word may be correct.
1. The__________ of the house is ideal,
A. guide direct lead ride with the living__________ overlooking
the bay.
1. I recently bought a bicycle to__________
to work. Surprisingly, I get there faster 2. To enter the building __________ you
than when I used to drive my car there. must wear a hard hat.

2. Could you please__________ me to the 3. What__________ do you play in the

train station? school football team?

3. This road__________ to the castle at the 4. Do you live in a__________ of your own
top of the hill. or do you still rent?

4. We were__________ around the muse- 5. The starting__________ for the mar-

um and saw its most famous exhibits. athon is on the corner of Bell and
Church Street.

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MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

6. He travelled to a lot of__________ while D. foreign strange different

working as a flight attendant. peculiar curious

7. There wasn’t enough__________ in the 1. He’s got a__________ accent; I can’t

house for the children to play, so I told understand which part of England he
them to go outside. comes from.

8. It took us over half an hour to find a 2. According to astrologers. Aquarians

parking__________. are__________ people who want to
know everything about everyone.

3. Melissa buys a__________ car every

two years.

4. It’s definitely an advantage to know a

few__________ languages.

5. There’s a__________ smell coming from

the kitchen. Is something burning?

Grammar Focus
Modal verbs
Physical and mental ability
Can/Could/Be able to

Present Future
Can – general ability Can + tomorrow, soon, next (year…)
I can run. (I can do it any time) He can help you with that tomorrow.
Be able to = can/ability in specific situation Will be able to – in other cases
I`m able to run a marathon. (now I`m physically He`ll be able to help you with that in 2 min.
fit to do it)
Could – general ability + see, hear, feel, smell, taste, understand, remember, guess
My brother could swim when he was 5.
She could hear some noise coming from the dining room.
Was/were able to = managed to (achievement)
My brother was able to swim across the Dnieper river at the age of 25.

Exercise 3.

Fill in: can, can’t, could, couldn’t, was/wasn’t able to or had been able to

1. He __________ run much faster when he 4. I heard Brian`s voice, but I __________ see
was younger. him until I turned on the lights.
2. On entering the house, she __________ 5. When I lived on the coast, I __________
smell something burning in the kitchen. swim in the sea every day.
3. I’m busy today, so I __________ go shopping 6. If Gordon __________ avoid the rush hour
with you. traffic, he would have arrived at the party on

134 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

time. plumber.
7. I’m not usually very good at tennis, but 9. I had my hands full, so I __________ open
yesterday I __________ beat my brother in the door.
a match. 10. Angela is very clever. She __________ speak
8. He __________ fix the tap, so he called a four languages.

Exercise 4.

Put in ‘can’, ‘can’t’, ‘could’ or ‘couldn’t’. If none of these is possible use ‘be able to’ in the
correct tense.

1. _____________ you swim when you were 10? 12. I _____________ lift this box - it’s too heavy!
Would you help me?
2. We _____________ get to the meeting on
time yesterday, because the train was de- 13. Lucy _____________ make it to our meeting
layed by one hour. after all. She’s stuck in traffic.

3. He _____________ arrive at the party on 14. John _____________ play tennis really well.
time, even after missing the train, so he He’s a champion of his club.
was very pleased.
15. Unfortunately, I really _____________
4. He’s amazing, he _____________ speak five sing at all. No one in my family is musical
languages, including Chinese. either.

5. I _____________ drive a car until I was 34. 16. When the car broke down I was really
Then I moved to the countryside, so I had pleased because I _____________ solve the
to learn. problem.

L11 M4
6. I looked everywhere for my glasses but I 17. Julian _____________ play excellent golf
_____________ find them anywhere. when he was only ten.

7. I searched for your house for ages. Luckily 18. My grandmother ______use a computer un-
I _____________ find it in the end. til last month. Since then she’s been taking
lessons at the library.
8. She’s seven years old, but she
_____________ read yet. Her parents are 19. I _____open this window! I think it’s stuck.
getting her extra lessons.
20. Gill _____play the piano. She has never
9. I read the book three times, but I studied it.
_____________ understand it.

10. James _____________ speak Japanese when

he lived in Japan, but he’s forgotten most
of it now.

11. I _____________ understand the chapter

we had to read for homework. It was so

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 135
MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Exercise 5.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could or be able.

1. He is very fit for his age. He can run (run) fluently is a great advantage when you’re
really fast. looking for a job.
2. I’d like to be able to (work) with you one day. 11. Jonathan________________ (not say) any-
3. He________________ (not climb) up to the thing until he was about three years old.
top: he was too scared. 12. We________________ (not phone her up)
4. If they hadn’t phoned for an ambulance, because her phone had broken, but fortu-
he________________ (die). nately we________________ (get) a message
5. I love________________ (spend) all morning to her.
in bed at the weekends. 13. Amy’s exam results weren’t very good. She
6. We________________ (go) to that concert ________________ (do) better.
tomorrow if you have the tickets. 14. I________________ (not sleep) very well for
7. I think you should go in the spring: the last four nights. It’s been too hot.
it________________ (be) very crowded there 15. She tried to think of other things but
in the summer. she________________ (not put) that awful
8. I________________ (not understand) what memory out of her mind.
he says: he speaks too quickly. 16. You should________________ (go out) when
9. Do you know where Nick’s glasses are? you want to.
He________________ (not see) very much 17. ________________ (you come) to the party
without them on Saturday?
10. ________________ (speak) another language

Reading Comprehension
Task 1

Read the texts below. Match choices (A– one-suite rooms, free satellite TV in every
H) to (1–5). There are three choices you room, tea- and coffee-making facilities, free
do not need to use.
newspaper, telephone and free parking that
(1) Thistle Kensington Gardens make Days Inn terrific value. The Days Inn
London Gateway also offers an extensive range
This modern hotel provides a cozy and peaceful of food and beverage facilities including a fully
place to stay. Located on tree-lined Bayswater licensed bar and restaurant.
Road, overlooks Hyde Park. Facilities: Dry
Cleaning/Laundry Service. Internet access. (3) Park Royal Hotel
Lounge/Bar. Meeting Facilities. Restaurant.
Nearest underground station: Queensway. Type of Accommodation: Bed and Breakfast
Park Royal Hotel is located in the very heart
(2) Days Inn London Gateway of London, with transportation at our door
step to all London attractions and Business
Type of Accommodation: Holiday Inn Situated Centres. One-suite rooms with power shower.
between Junctions 2 and 4 off the M1, the Colour television. Direct dial telephone and
Days Inn London Gateway offers spacious computer points. Complimentary tea/coffee-

136 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

making facilities. Hairdryer. All rooms fully F. is located in the centre of the city which is
air-conditioned. Dining facilities. Free limited favourable for travelling around London.
G. is an excellent choice for those who are
(4) Croydon Cottage looking for a comfortable and quiet stay.

Croydon Cottage is situated in the Green H. is a historic landmark, getting visitors to

Belt (which is 15 minutes or so from recall famous actors.
London by train), this delightful holiday
home offers unspoilt views and comfortable
accommodation. Reached along a wooded Let`s practise at home
track, and once one of a pair of gamekeepers’
cottages, the Cottage is a self-contained part Vocabulary Practice
of the owners’ home. The terraced garden is
great fun for small children, but please note Exercise 1.
it has an unfenced pond. From the Cottage
there are walks through woods and parks, and Choose the correct words/phrases to
there are 9 golf courses in easy reach. South complete the following conversation at
Croydon, about a mile away, has a wide range the airport:
of restaurants and pubs.
CHECK-IN WORKER: Hello. Where are you
(5) Gloucester Hotel flying today?
YOU: Hi, ________________ to London, England.
Type of Accommodation: Budget A. I fly
Accommodation. All bedrooms of Gloucester B. to fly
Hotel are offering modern amenities, a cosy TV C. I’m flying
lounge and a Bar. The hotel also has a lift and
rooms on the ground floor for easy access. Our CHECK-IN WORKER: Can I see your ticket

L11 M4
staff are fluent in French, Spanish, Portuguese, and your passport, please?
Urdu, Hindi, Polish& Russian. YOU: Sure. Here’s my passport. And here’s my
This hotel ________ A. paper
B. e-ticket
A. will be the right place for you if you are C. online purchase
looking for accommodation outside London.
CHECK-IN WORKER: Thank you. Would you
B. has a swimming pool and a gym among its like a window seat?
YOU: No, I’d like an ____________________ seat
C. is a bed and breakfast place accommodated please.
in the 19th century building. A. aisle
B. isolated
D. has a personnel speaking variety of lan- C. open passage
CHECK-IN WORKER: OK, and is all this
E. offers tea- and coffee-making facilities as luggage yours?
well as free satellite TV.
YOU: These ______________________ are mine.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 137
MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

A. two luggages Exercise 2.

B. two bags
C. two baggages Complete the sentences with these words:

CHECK-IN WORKER: All right. One of your •remote •near •nearby •in the distance •far
bags is overweight... I’m going to have to •long
charge you for the excess weight.
1. I stayed in a really lovely hotel __________
YOU: I see. How much __________________ do I the railway station.
have to pay? And can I pay by credit card?
A. cash 2. How__________ is it to Pisa from here?
B. over
C. extra 3. My sister and her family have moved to
Northern Spain. It’s a beautiful place, but
it’s a bit__________ - it’s about ten miles to
the nearest town.

4. If you look carefully, you can just about see

the sea__________.

5. I don’t take much exercise during the week,

but I go for a__________ walk every week-

6. I stayed in a really nice hotel and had din-

ner in a restaurant__________.

Phrasal verbs

fall behind - fail to keep up with

1. If you don't study you will __________ your
1) be deceived by sth 2. Our plans for the picnic __________ because
fall for: 2) become strongly of the bad weather.
attracted to sb
3. It would be easy to __________ someone as
fall in with: - agree with a plan/ handsome as Mel Gibson.
decision etc. 4. Tom hates __________ with his best friend.
fall through: - fail to happen 5. He was so convincing that she __________
fall out - to quarrel his lies.
(with): 6. I will __________ whatever you decide.

138 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Prepositions 6. My mother likes it when I write her e-mail

messages; she loves to hear ________ me.
Fill in the gaps with the correct
preposition. 7. The politician asked me to vote ________
1. The young woman with the broken leg
leaned ________ the ambulance assistant. 8. What does this dish consist ________?

2. Mothers tell their children not to stare 9. Please include me ________ your plans; I
________ people. would very much like to go to the cinema
with you.
3. The teacher was very happy because all the
students laughed ________ her jokes. 10. I recently received a cheque ________ my
4. Please protect me ________ the bad people!
11. Don’t thank me ________ preparing this
5. During the holidays I always think exercise; it was a real pleasure for me.
________ you.
12. Oh, go away! Disappear ________ my sight!

Grammar Practice

Exercise 3.

Use can, could or be able to in the appropriate tense.

1. I haven’t________________ concentrate recently at work. I don’t know what it is.

2. My brother________________ cook very well. He is a chef in a French restaurant.

L11 M4
3. When he was only 2, my friend Lee________________ speak quite well.
4. I have to go to a business dinner tomorrow night so I________________ (not) come to the party.
I’m very sorry.
5. Kevin lived in Italy for six years, so he must________________ speak Italian quite well. He will
help you with your homework.
6. This telephone is terrible. I________________ (not) hear you at all.
7. When the car drove into the lake, one of the passengers________________ (not) open the door
and had to be rescued.
8. Despite the arrival of the storm, they________________ finish the football match.
9. When I was very young, I used to________________ touch my toes, but I can’t now!!
10. The house was totally empty all day yesterday and I________________ finish that book I was
11. My mother tells me that her grandfather was one of the best musicians of his time in the city
and ________________ play the piano like a professional.
12. I hope to________________ speak English very well after this course finishes.
13. He doesn’t do very much when he’s here. He________________ (be) more helpful.
14. I________________ (play) tennis really well a few years ago, but not anymore.
15. I ________________ (ride) this bike soon: I just need more time to practise.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 139
MODULE 4. Travel and tourism 

Reading Comprehension vehicles waiting in line outside the gate.

Because of many requests, park officials soon
Task 1 might start permitting campers (6) _________.

Read the text below. Choose from (A–H)

The park is open from dawn to 10 p. m. during
the one that best fits each space (1–6).
There are two choices you do not need summer. «We probably accept here in average
to use. 2000 people every day during summer», said
Mr Foster. «They come here to fish, swim,
The Silas Lake Park water-ski, jet-ski, picnic, commune with
Mother Nature, you name it. People love this
The Silas Lake Park reopens today after being place».
closed for six months. The park was closed
because mud and rock slides (1) _________, the A. no additional vehicles are allowed to enter
only access into the park. «We had to remove B. and a boat rental facility
tons of boulders and rocks», said Hugh Foster C. enjoying a music festival
— the Head of the Parks and Recreation D. destroyed part of Cambridge Road
Department. «Then we had to rebuild a bridge E. about 20 miles of shoreline
and reconstruct almost a mile of highway. I’m F. to stay overnight on weekends
really surprised we got it done so soon». G. a journey through history
H. two other popular activities
The park is three miles north of Colfax on
Highway 28. Cambridge Road i s a two-lane Task 2
way that winds upward through Pearl Canyon
before it falls down to Silas Lake, which has Read the text below. For questions (1–12)
(2) _________. The largest lake in the county, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
it is also famous for bass. In fact, the record
largemouth bass catch in California occurred What’s the (1) ________ you have ever cycled?
here in 1975. A 14-year-old boy caught a Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or
19-pound bass. The lake has two ramps for maybe at most a short cycling trip with
boaters, a full-service restaurant, a snack bar, friends? How would you (2) ________ about
a small tackle store, (3) _________. As with all spending months on the road travelling solo
county parks, no alcohol is sold or permitted. from the UK to China, by bike?
More than 100 picnic tables have protective
roofs and big barbecue pits. There are public For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough
restrooms with free shower facilities, lots of and (3) ________ long distances through
trash cans, and hiking trails for nature lovers. inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr
The west side of the park includes a softball Jones currently (4) ________ a huge trip across
field, a soccer field, and two volleyball courts. the Eurasian continent from Britain to China.
Horse-riding and kite–flying are (4) _________.
In summer, a designated swimming area has a Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says
lifeguard on duty seven days a week. many people there (5) ________ by his passion
for cycling, asking why he would choose to
The entry fee is $ 10 per vehicle and $ 10 cycle when he can afford a car. Indeed, while
per boat. Reservations are not accepted. The there are an (6) ________ 400 million bicycles
parking lot holds about 500 vehicles; if it is in China, where it has long been the preferred
full, (5) _________. Latecomers either leave or form of transport, rapid economic growth
wait in line for someone to leave the parking (7) ________ an explosive expansion in car
lot. Some weekends there are three dozen ownership.

140 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 4. Travel and tourism

Edward Genochio, another British cyclist number of people cycling to work has almost
(8) ________ completed a 41,000-km trip to doubled (10) ________ the last five years.
China and back, said one of his aims was to
“promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and Politicians also (11) ________ cycling as a way
environmentally friendly means of (9) ________ to boost their eco-credentials, with people such
about”. as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to
work under his own steam. But we may have
In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise to wait some time before we see him Pete Jones
in the number of people choosing two wheels in attempting to cycle all the way to China!
over four, with some estimates saying the

1 farst furthest more farthest more furthest
2 feel to feel felt feeling
3 cycle cycled to cycle cycling
4 be undertaking is undertaking undertakes had undertaking
5 puzzled are puzzled was puzzled been puzzled
6 estimate estimates estimating estimated
7 increased have increased has increased had increased
8 why who whose whom
9 get to get getting got
10 in on at along
11 see to see seen seeing

L11 M4

1. You and your friends went on a two-day walking tour to a beautiful lake not far
from your city/village last weekend. Write a letter to your English pen-friend about
this trip. Don`t forget the things you need to write about in your letter:

• who went on a walking tour together with you

• how you got to the place where you stayed (your means of transport and route)
• how you spent the weekend near the lake

2. Last month you took an active part in the TV quiz show “Around the world”. And
you`ve won a prize – two tickets for a tour of Ukraine. Write a letter to your friend
in which you:

• invite him/her to join you

• describe the means of travel and accommodations
• describe two special places you are going to visit
• give suggestions what he/she will need to take with him/her

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 141
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

Module 4.

Leisure time
In this module you will…

• Talk about your leisure and hobbies

• Learn the vocabulary of indoor and outdoor activities
• Read about hobbies in Britain
• Learn how to use Modal verbs of obligation and deduction

L12 M5

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 143
MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

Vocabulary Focus

1. Describe the hobbies which are typical for people of your age.
2. Tell about your interests, what you do in your spare time.

Vocabulary list
Activities pottery  ���������������������� player���������������������
barbecue����������������� rest�������������������������� playground����������������
board games�������������� ride a bicycle (bike)������������ pleasure�������������������
boxing ������������������� scrapbooking ����������������� relaxation ����������������
camping ����������������� sewing����������������������� spare time�����������������
play chess  ��������������� shooting ��������������������� tent�����������������������
collect coins/stamps������� sing (a song)  ����������������� Verbs
computer games ���������� skateboarding ���������������� afford  ��������������������
crosswords ��������������� skiing������������������������ dream���������������������
cycling������������������� slide������������������������� entertain������������������
dancing������������������ smoke������������������������ be fond of������������������
drawing  ����������������� snowboarding����������������� (have) fun�����������������
circus�������������������� swimming-pool ��������������� hate ����������������������
drive��������������������� make a snowman ������������� hire�����������������������
fishing ������������������� sunbathe��������������������� join in���������������������
fitness ������������������� surfing����������������������� jump����������������������
gardening���������������� toy��������������������������� be keen on�����������������
hang out ����������������� windsurfing ������������������ like�����������������������
horse racing�������������� yoga������������������������� Adjectives
hunting ������������������ zoo��������������������������� additional �����������������
jigsaw ������������������� Nouns enjoy����������������������
jogging������������������� (in) addition������������������ entertaining���������������
knitting������������������ campsite��������������������� indoor���������������������
nightclub����������������� collection��������������������� outdoor �������������������
painting ����������������� driving licence���������������� pleasant�������������������
parachute jumping  ������� entertainment���������������� rare�����������������������
photography  ������������� hobby������������������������ Adverbs
picnic�������������������� joke�������������������������� indoors��������������������
play(ing) cards������������ leisure����������������������� outdoors�������������������
play tennis/the guitar ����� member(ship) ���������������� outside��������������������
play on a swing����������� needle����������������������� overnight(adj) �������������
play snowball������������� noise������������������������� nowhere�������������������
opportunity������������������� rarely���������������������

144 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

Exercise 1. time for a couple of weeks, then she gets

bored and starts something different.
Match the activities listed below with the 4. Francis is a real doer. He never sits
comments. round for long and always has some
• painting • weightlifting • stamp collecting project or other.
• golf • skiing • photography • pottery 5. Laura’s a shopaholic. She buys all
• motor racing • snorkelling • knitting sorts of things she doesn’t need.

1. “My grandmother taught me how to do it. b) Match the words in bold above with
It’s great because you can make your own their definitions (a-e).
pullovers and socks.’
2. ‘It’s a great feeling, rushing down a cold A. а person who never keeps doing one
mountainside. Of course, you have to be activity for long
careful or you might break a leg.” B. а person addicted to shopping
3. ‘You can make all sorts of things – vases, C. physically а very inactive person
plates, pots - and all with a lump of clay.” D. а big fan of anything cultural
4. ‘Since I started. I’ve gained three kilos of E. а person who believes in acting and
solid muscle. I’m much stronger now, and I doing things, not just thinking
look better too.”
5. ‘It’s more than just hitting a ball around a c) Solve these riddles, based on words in a).
course. It’s really relaxing and it’s nice to
be out in the open air.” A. I am a vegetable that sits where hu-
6. It’s a real thrill to go around the track at mans sit. What am I?
200 kilometres per hour. It`s perfect if you B. I seldom sit and talk. I always act.
love danger. What am I?
7. You really feel like a part of the undersea C. I am a bird that eats the flesh of art.
world. It’s relaxing, good exercise, and you What am I?
can see some beautiful creatures. D. I do some of this and some of that, but
8. To catch a moment of life on film is what not all of this and all of that. What am I?
it`s all about. It’s like pre­serving a piece of
nature or history. Exercise 3.
9. You learn about different countries and see
some great miniature works of art. They Put the words to the right verb.
can be worth a lot of money too.
10. The idea is to use colour to show feelings. swimming, golf, karate, coins, tennis, hik-
The finished product doesn’t really have to ing, judo, chess, skiing, crosswords, kungfyu,
look exactly like the subject, at all. basketball, stamps, bowling, fishing,computer
games, jigsaws, cards, taekwondo, antiques
L12 M5
Exercise 2.
do play go collect
a) Learn some informal words describing
the way people spend their leisure.

1. Bob’s a real culture vulture; he goes to

every theatre and art gallery he can find.
2. I’m a bit of a couch potato: I spend
hours every day just watching TV.
3. Mary’s a bit of a dabbler: she does a pas-

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 145
MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

Grammar Focus
Modal verbs of obligation and prohibition
Must/have to/need/should/ought to
Affirmative Negative
1. Must = • it is urgent 1. Mustn’t = it is forbidden
• strong advice You mustn’t use a pencil. (it’s not allowed)
You must go and see that film. 2. Don’t have to = it is not necessary
• my decision You don’t have to use a pen. (it’s not necessary –
I must do my homework. (I decided) use a pen or a pencil)
• personal opinion of the speaker 3. Needn’t/don’t need to (?-) = don’t have to
You must be very careful. You needn’t come if you don`t want to.
2. Have to = • somebody’s decision 4. Shouldn’t/ought not to = giving advice
I have to do my homework. (My mother
told me to do that.)
• an “outside” opinion or rule
We have to wear safety goggles.
3. Need to = it is necessary
I need to buy a car. Mine is too old.
4. Should/ought to = giving advice
You should/ought to try and lose some weight.
You shouldn’t/ought not to eat so many sweets.
+ perfect infinitive
1. Needn’t have +V3 = REGRET (it wasn’t necessary but the person did it)
I needn’t have gone to the station so early. The train was nearly an hour late.
2. Should have +V3 = CRITICISM (to criticize that the person didn’t do the right thing)
I should have stayed at home. (but I didn’t do that)
You shouldn’t have said that. (but you said)

Exercise 4. 7. We____________ rush. We’ve got plenty of

Put in mustn’t or don’t / doesn’t have to.
8. You____________ smoke inside the school.
1. We have a lot of work tomorrow.
You____________ be late. 9. You can borrow my new dress, but
you____________ get it dirty.
2. You ____________ tell anyone what I just
told you. It’s a secret. 10. We ____________ miss the train, because
it’s the last one tonight.
3. The museum is free. You ____________ pay
to get in. 11. She ____________ do this work today, be-
cause she can do it tomorrow.
4. Children ____________ tell lies. It’s very
naughty. 12. I ____________ clean the floor today be-
cause I cleaned it yesterday.
5. John’s a millionaire. He ____________ go to
work. 13. We ____________ forget to lock all the doors
before we leave.
6. I____________ do my washing because my
mother does it for me. 14. We____________ stay in a hotel in London;

146 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

we can stay with my brother. 8. They needn’t ____________ for the airport
so early; I will give them a lift.
15. I ____________ spend too much money
today, as I’ve only got a little left. 9. I can do it by myself. You needn’t
____________ me.
16. They ____________ get up early today, be-
cause it’s Sunday. 10. You don’t need ____________ to her. I have
already told her everything.
17. I____________ eat too much cake or I’ll get
fat! Here you can prac-
tise the usage of
18. We ____________ be late for the exam. Must vs Have to

19. You____________ tidy up now. I’ll do it


20. He____________ cook tonight because he’s Exercise 6.

going to a restaurant.
Choose the right variant.
Exercise 5.
1. She looks bad. She should (be/have been)
Complete the sentences with the words more careful about her health.
from the box. Pay attention to the use of 2. You shouldn’t (miss/have missed) the
the particle to. chance. It was a brilliant opportunity for
•worry •leave •carry •come •talk •help 3. I think the policeman was right. She
•tell •go •phone •ask shouldn’t (exceed/have exceeded) the
1. You needn’t ____________ here by yourself. 4. I ought to (bring/ have taken) the opera
You may send someone else. glasses. Now I see nothing.
5. It seems to me that he is a hot-temper
2. She doesn’t need ____________ bags by her- person and often flies into a rage because
self: there are porters at the station. of mere trifles. He should (control/ have
controlled) his temper.
3. You don’t need ____________ about her; she 6. They should (clear/have cleared) up the
is quite able to take care of herself. problem long time ago.
7. I ought not to (stay/have stayed) there
4. І don’t need ____________ you how impor- long. The party was a failure.
L12 M5
tant it is. 8. You should (shave/have shaved) this
beard of yours!
5. І needn’t ____________ him. He will tell me 9. She should (be/have been) more attentive.
everything himself. Didn’t she see a car on the right?
10. It’s a secret. You ought not to (reveal/have
6. You needn’t ____________ me again, I never revealed) it to anybody.
forget my promise.

7. She doesn’t need ____________ to the li-

brary; I have got this book.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 147
MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

Exercise 7. 13. Tom______________ (not get up) early in the

morning but everyone else in the house does.
Complete the sentences using the modals
should, ought to, must, need or the verb 14. If I fail any one of my exams,
have to in the correct tense and form. Put I______________ (take) all of them again in
the infinitive into the appropriate form. November.

1. We had to leave (leave) at 11 o’clock last 15. The wedding’s been cancelled so
night because the last bus went at 11.20. I______________ (not buy) that new suit: it
was a waste of money.
2. I don’t think you ______________ (offer) to
help him. You’ve got enough work to do 16. I______________ (take) the children to
yourself. school every morning before I go to work.

3. They______________ (not pay) to stay in a 17. You______________ (not eat) in the lecture
hotel. They can stay with us. halls: it’s against the college regulations.

4. We’ve been staying in a hotel for the last 18. I’d like you to come to the meeting but
two weeks so we ______________ (not cook) you______________ (not come) if you don’t
our own meals want to.

5. You______________ (come round) for dinner 19. This letter______________ (be hidden)
one evening. We haven’t had a good talk for where no-one will ever find it. Its contents
a long time. ______________ (remain) a secret forever

6. We______________ (run) all the way to the 20. ______________ (you/wear) a uniform at
station because we were late for the train. work?

7. It’s your own fault that you’re so tired. 21. Please don’t say any more. I already know
You______________ (not go) to bed so late. the truth so you ___________ (not lie to me).

8. Why______________ the prison- 22. Employees______________ (follow) the safe-

ers______________ (be locked) in their cells ty regulations.
all day?

9. You______________ (not tell) him what hap-

pened. He would never forgive us.

10. You______________ (not allow) Max to walk

home from school every day on his own.
He’s too young.

11. I don’t like______________ (do) everything

my boss tells me to do.

12. You______________ (go) to that new French

restaurant in town. It’s the best restaurant
I’ve ever been to.

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 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

12. The waves are best on the west coast.

13. I use my smallest sail when it’s really
Vocabulary Practice windy.

Exercise 1. 14. All you need is a good pair of walking

boots, a rucksack and a waterproof jacket.
Here are some people talking about their
hobbies. Can you guess what hobby is in 15. All you need is a map, a compass, and some
each case? luck!

1. I usually use colour, but sometimes you’ve Exercise 2.

got a better effect with black and white. It
really depends on the subject. How do you know when to use go, do,
or play when you talk about sports? Are
2. I really enjoy going round the shops and these sentences correct? Look at them
markets looking for a bargain. and try to guess.

3. I try to practise every day, but sometimes 1. I like to play bowling. (correct/ not cor-
it’s difficult because I don’t like to disturb rect)
my neighbours to much. And one neighbour 2. Jim likes to play basketball. (correct/ not
gets very angry if I play the same thing correct)
over and over again. 3. Mary likes to go skiing. (correct/ not
4. The great thing is that you can do it when 4. We like to play hiking. (correct/ not cor-
you like. I usually do it three or four times rect)
a week – either early in the morning, or 5. They usually do golf. (correct/ not cor-
after school. I only go for 25 minutes. rect)
6. Mike and Carol play karate. (correct/ not
5. I usually use three rods at the same time – correct)
you’ve got more chance of catching some-
thing. Exercise 3.

6. This is a nice spot. You start putting the It`s time to use your creativity telling the
tent up and I’ll get the sleeping bags. class about your hobby! Your task is to
present your hobby mentioning about:
7. People say it’s cruel but I never shoot any-
thing that I can’t take home to eat. • name of your hobby + describe it
L12 M5
• photo/presentation/video
8. I need to buy a bigger saddle and some new • why you like it
boots. • how long you have been doing it
• what skills it helps you to obtain
9. I prefer downhill to cross-country.

10. I cut the grass at least once a week.

11. You can usually get a pair of blades for

around £40.

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

Grammar Practice 7. Don’t worry about the cleaning. You (not)

_______________ do it right now.
Exercise 4. 8. You (not, buy) _______________ so much
food. There were only four of us for dinner.
Fill in the gaps with must, have to or 9. I don’t want you to get wet in the rain. You
should. _______________ carry your umbrella.
10. You (not) _______________ criticize other
1. If you want to lose weight, you people. It’s something horrible.
____________ eat so much chocolate, so 11. If you ride a motorbike, you
many candies or drink beer every night.  _______________ wear a crash helmet.
12. To work in the laboratory, we
2. Tomorrow is a holiday. My children _______________ wear a white robe.
____________ get up early.  13. You (not) _______________ wake me up. I
have my own alarm clock.
3. When I was a child I ____________ go to 14. You (not) _______________ park here. It
school on Saturdays.  isn’t a parking zone.
15. When you go on holiday next week, you
4. I ____________ study tonight. My exams _______________ phone me every day or I’ll
are tomorrow.  be worried.
16. You (not, spend) _______________ so much
5. You ____________ stop when the traffic money on my present. It was far too expen-
lights turn red.  sive.
17. Fortunately, I (not) _______________ buy
6. People ____________ drink and drive cars. a new TV set. It started working properly
It is prohibited.  again.

7. He ____________ wear a tie and a uni- Reading Comprehension

form at work.
Task 1
Exercise 5.
Read the text below. Match choices
Fill in the gaps with have to, must, need (А–Н) to (1–5). There are three choices
or needn`t have you do not need to use.

1. If you come to my school next term, you 1. Finland

(not) _______________ wear a uniform. The outdoors and physical fitness are impor-
2. When I didn’t have a job. I (not) tant to the Finns, who have a wide range of
_______________ get up so early every day. activities, including walking, fishing (and ice
3. She is taking part in the next tennis cham- fishing), camping, skiing, track and field, bas-
pionship, so she _______________ train ketball, ice hockey, and boating. Golf is gaining
every day. in popularity; some people play it even on the
4. My parents are very tolerant. I (not) ice in winter. The sauna is a traditional way to
_______________ ask for permission when I relax and socialize for people of all ages. Dur-
want to do something ing a retreat to a summer cottage, a popular
5. If you win the lottery, you (not) activity is to run from a hot sauna for a swim
_______________ work any longer. in a cold, clear lake nearby.
6. This cake is delicious. You _______________
taste it!

150 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

2 Indonesia 6 The UK
Badminton and soccer are the most popular The British are known as a nation of garden-
sports in Indonesia, and many people play ers. Most people have a garden on their prop-
volleyball and tennis. Shadow-puppet theatre erty. Gardening has been a popular pastime
is a traditional art, and performances are par- since Roman times. Many people in Britain are
ticularly common in rural areas and on special proud of their houses and gardens. They want
occasions. Other recreational activities include their houses and gardens to look nice. Every
watching television and going to the cinema. town in Britain has one or more DIY (Do It
Censorship is strict. Yourself) centres and garden centres. These
are like supermarkets for the home and gar-
3 The Philippines den. These places are very popular with British
People spend their leisure time socializing with homeowners at the weekends.
relatives and neighbours or watching films;
the Philippines is the world’s fourth largest In this country___
producer of films, a number of which have a
strong religious theme. Sundays are big days A. people like walking in the evening.
for sports; basketball, baseball, and soccer are B. people are fond of shows.
all played. Filipinos are keen gamblers which C. people like swimming in cold water.
accounts for the popularity of horse races and D. people breed horses for sports.
cockfights, and playing mah-jongg, a Chinese E. people prefer spending time in the garden.
table game played with tiles. F. people are fond of gambling.
G. people never spend time outdoors.
4 Italy H. people prefer fitness to skiing.
An evening or Sunday afternoon stroll around
the town is a well-established tradition in both Task 2.
rural and urban areas. On Sundays, many Ital-
ians go to the countryside, or to a sports event. Read the text below. Choose from (A–H)
In summer, crowds flock to the beach. Disco- the one that best fits each space (1–6).
theques are popular among unmarried young There are two choices you do not need
to use.
people, particularly on Saturday nights. Soccer
is by far the most popular sport. Bicycling, auto
racing, skiing, and tennis are also popular. Re- Skype and Language Learning
cently, basketball has attracted a large Italian
following. Why force students to yawn (1) _____________
when a real-life native speaker is only a Skype
5 Mongolia call away? At Marquette University, Spanish
Mongolian wrestling, horse racing, and ar- students improve their foreign language skills
chery are the most popular sports. The annual with frequent webcam chats (2)_____________
L12 M5
wrestling championships are enthusiastically counterparts in South America.
followed throughout the country. Boxing, soccer,
volleyball, basketball, and table tennis are “I absolutely fell in love with this program”, wrote
also enjoyed. Leisure activities include visiting one student. Professor Janet Banhidi, the brains
family and friends, watching television, going to behind the virtual language exchange, said Skype
the movies, and, especially in summer, making conversation gives students a surprisingly authen-
outings to the countryside. Sunday is a favour- tic experience. As a teacher (and fluent speaker),
ite day for picnics, and some people own small she can only give her students limited one-on-one
summer cabins in the hills around the capital. attention. With Skype, every student has weekly
access to a free personal tutor.

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

Perhaps the greatest benefit of using Skype

is the radical (3) ____________ motivation. A
whopping 85.3% of Janet’s students kept in
touch (4) ____________ outside of the classroom
through Facebook. “In the end, the best part of
this exchange was gaining a friend whom I still
talk with on Facebook today”, said one student.
Additionally, though (5) ____________ enroll to
simplify fulfill a language requirement, many
participants have gone on to major in Spanish
from the experience. Students who go above
and beyond mandatory assignments will be (6)
______________ to remember class material and
apply it when they get out into the working

A. are becoming more successful

B. over a textbook
C. increase in
D. some of her students
E. more likely
F. with their digital pen-pals
G. with their English-learning
H. time-wasting

152 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1. You don’t always have lots of time to think
when playing chess. There is a type of chess
Read the following passage and answer with short time limits. It’s called blitz chess.
the questions that follow. Refer to the text In blitz chess, each player gets ten minutes to
to check your answers when appropriate. use for the whole game. Your clock runs during
your turn. You hit the time clock after your
Chess move. This stops your clock. It also starts the
other player’s clock. If you run out of time, you
lose. Games of blitz chess are fast-paced.

Chess is not just for people. Computers have

been playing chess since the 1970s. At first
they did not play well. They made mistakes.
As time went on they grew stronger. In 1997, a
computer beat the best player in the world for
the first time. It was a computer called Deep
Blue. Deep Blue was big. It took up a whole
room. By 2006 a cell phone could beat the best
Chess is called the game of kings. It has been players in the world. Chess sure has come a
around for a long time. People have been long way. Don’t you think so?
playing it for over 500 years. Chess is based on
an even older game from India. The chess we 1. What is the author’s purpose in writ-
play today is from Europe. ing the second paragraph?
A. To explain the rules of chess.
Chess is a two-player game. One player uses B. To compare different types of games.
the white pieces. The other uses the White C. To talk about game pieces.
Chess Pieces black pieces. Each piece moves D. To persuade people to play chess.
in a special way. One piece is called the king.
Each player has one. The players take turns 2. Which is not a reason that chess is a
moving their pieces. If a player lands on a good workout for the mind according
piece, he or she takes it. The game ends when to the text?
L13 M5
a player loses his or her king. There are a few A. Good chess players think about what
more rules, but those are the basics. will happen next.
B. Good chess players take a lot of risks.
Some people think that chess is more than C. Good chess players take their time.
a game. They think that it makes the mind D. Good chess players use their brains.
stronger. Good chess players use their brains.
They take their time. They think about what 3. How long have people been playing
will happen next. These skills are useful in life chess?
and in chess. Chess is kind of like a work out A. Over 100 years.
for the mind. B. Over 500 years.

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

C. Over 1000 years. and yours starts.

D. Over 5000 years. C. Both clocks stop running.
D. Your clock stops running and the other
4. Where did the game that chess is person’s clock begins.
based on come from?
A. Europe. 10. When did a computer first beat a
B. America. strong human player in chess?
C. India. A. 2006
D. All of these. B. 1997
C. 1970
5. Which best describes the main idea in D. 1976
the fourth paragraph?
A. This paragraph argues that players
should think less.
B. This paragraph explains how blitz
chess is played.
C. This paragraph explains time clocks
D. This paragraph describes many differ-
ent ways to play chess.

6. How does a game of chess end accord-

ing to the text?
A. One player takes all of the other play-
er’s pieces.
B. One player makes it to the end of the
C. One player becomes king.
D. One player loses his or her king.

7. Which happened first?

A. Computers did not play chess well.
B. Deep Blue won an important game.
C. Cell phones got good at playing chess.
D. Deep Blue took up a whole room.

8. How is blitz chess different from regu-

lar chess?
A. Each player has two kings.
B. Players are blindfolded.
C. Players only have ten minutes to play.
D. Players start from a random position.

9. If it’s your turn in blitz chess, what

happens when you hit the clock?
A. Both your clock and the other person’s
clock keep running.
B. The other person’s clock stops running

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 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

Exercise 2. society.

Match the words in the list with a suitable B. ask demand wonder question
comment A-G: apply

• crossword • hiking • gambling 1. The customer __________ a full refund

• model making • embroidery • draught because his washing machine didn’t
• cards work.
2. I’ll__________ my parents if I can go to
A. Catherine dealt, and gave me the ace, king the concert.
and queen of hearts. _______________ 3. You must__________ for a visa if you
B. You need a small needle, and threads of want to visit China.
different colours. _______________ 4. Bill__________ whether he would be
C. I couldn’t do ten down, so I used the dic- able to finish his report on time.
tionary. _______________ 5. The police__________ the suspect for
D. Ian glued the parts together wrongly hours.
because he didn’t read the instructions. 6. John__________ the waiter for the bill.
_______________ 7. Most patients hardly ever__________
E. When Ellen is losing, she knocks the pieces their doctors’ decisions.
off the board. _______________
F. The path we want doesn’t seem to be on the C. require request order beg
map. _______________ inquire command appeal
G. I want to put £20 on ‘Ealing Comedy’ to
win in the 4.30 at York. _______________ 1. The homeless often__________ in the
streets for money.
WORDS EASILY CONFUSED 2. The couple weren’t satisfied with
the court’s decision, so they decided
Use the correct form of the words in the to__________ to a higher court.
boxes to complete the sentences in each 3. I would like to ______ a pizza and a
group A-H below. You may use some of lemonade, please.
the words more than once. In some cases 4. The teacher expects the students
more than one word may be correct. to__________ permission to leave the
A. say tell speak talk discuss 5. Applicants for this position
debate are__________ to have a degree in
1. Don’t interrupt the teacher while 6. Jerry called the bank to__________
she’s__________. about the home loans they had on offer.
L13 M5
2. We__________ the problem at the meet- 7. The army officer__________ the soldiers
ing so that everybody could give their to swim across the river.
3. It’s so noisy in here that I can’t hear
what he’s__________.
4. We were amazed to find out that
she__________ five languages.
5. “Don’t__________ me what to do!” he
__________ to her in a loud voice.
6. The panel__________ women’s role in

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 155
MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

D. advice directions guide in- 5. My application for the position of sales

structions manual plan recipe representative was__________.

1. Before using the computer, read G. complain criticise object discour-

carefully the__________ which are in age disapprove protest argue
the__________. quarrel fight
2. If you give me__________ on what
needs to be done. I’ll make a(n) 1. The workers were determined to
__________ of action. __________ for their rights.
3. A(n) __________ to cheap restaurants 2. The food was so cold and tasteless that
throughout Europe has just been pub- I decided to__________ to the manager
lished. about it.
4. The architect drew up__________ for 3. Many teachers __________ of students
our new house and gave us some inval- chewing gum in class.
uable__________. 4. Local residents__________ to the open-
5. Mary wanted to try out a ing of a new factory in the area.
new__________ for chocolate cookies. 5. The new budget was__________ for
being harsh on poor people.
E. brochure leaflet handbook 6. Don’t__________ with your sister. Sit
catalogue list menu down and discuss your problems.
1. There were so many delicious dishes 7. I tried not to feel __________ by my low
on the __________ that I couldn’t decide test score, but it was difficult not to.
which one to choose. 8. John and Kate split up because they
2. “Is my name on the__________ of suc- were __________ all the time.
cessful candidates?” asked Jo. 9. The miners closed down the mines
3. People usually look through trav- to__________ against the inhuman
el__________ to decide on their holiday working conditions,
4. I bought some tools through a mail-or- H. worry mind bother annoy
der__________. trouble doubt
5. __________ advertising the new pizza
restaurant were distributed around the 1. It is natural for parents to__________
neighbourhood. about their children.
6. The university__________ contains 2. He asked not to be__________ in the
useful information about the courses afternoon, because he would be busy.
on offer. 3. Do you__________ if I come with you or
will I be in your way?
F. refuse deny regret resist 4. I’m not qualified for the job, so
reject I__________ whether I’ll get it.
5. Jane was so tired that she couldn’t
1. They__________ not having installed even be__________ to cook.
an alarm system. 6. He used to call me names just
2. Even though Diane was on a diet, she to__________ me.
couldn’t__________ eating the cake. 7. Something is__________ Janet, but I
3. Don’t__________ that you broke the have no idea what it could be.
window. I saw you break it.
4. They__________ to let me into the club
because I was under age.

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Grammar Focus
Modal verbs of possibility/probability, deduction
Can, could, may, might, must, will, should, ought to

Affirmative Negative
1. Must = 100% sure that sth is true 1. Can`t/couldn`t = 100% sure that sth
Peter didn`t have breakfast this morning. He is NOT true
must be hungry. Peter`s just had breakfast. He can`t be
2. Should/ought to = 90% certain about sth hungry!
The sun`s been shining all day so the sea 2. May/might not = sth will possibly not
should be quite warm now. happen in the future
3. Can = it`s theoretically possible Susan is doing her homework, so she
The streets can get very slippery when it rains. may/might not come to the party.
4. May (f) 
Might = it is possible
Jim isn`t in his room. He may/might/could
be in the garden.

+ perfect infinitive
1. Must have + V3 = we are certain sth was true
It`s very wet outside so it must have rained at night.
2. Can`t have + V3 = we are certain sth was NOT true
He can`t have forgotten about the meeting, he talked to me about it only this morning.
3. Ought to / should have + V3 = 90% assumption about the past
Let`s go and see Cathy, she should/ought to have finished working by now.
4. May
Might have + V3 = it was possible but didn`t happen
That was a stupid thing to do! You may/might/could have hurt someone.

Exercise 3.

Fill in must or can’t:

1. Why is that man looking around like that? 7. He __________be at work now, can he? It’s
He __________be lost. nearly midnight.
2. That woman __________be a doctor! She 8. What a lot of lovely flowers you have! You
looks far too young. __________really like gardening.
L13 M5
3. The food is really good at that restaurant. 9. David __________drink a lot of coffee. He’s
They __________have a great chef. finished two packets already this week.
4. Who’s that at the door? It __________be 10. This __________be Jamie’s coat. He’s tall
Susie - she’ll still be at work now. and this is tiny.
5. This __________be John’s house. This house 11. Her life __________be easy. She has four
has a red door and it’s number 24, just like children and very little money.
he said. 12. Where’s Lucy? She __________be at the
6. Julie __________have much money or she library, as she often goes there at this time.
would buy a new car. Her old one is falling 13. This bill __________be right! £50 for two
apart. cups of coffee!

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

14. Emma’s amazingly good at the piano. She 14. Jimmy and Louisa __________ (be) very
__________practise a lot. tired. They have a new baby.
15. The car in front is driving so slowly that I 15. It__________ (rain) a lot in the night. There
think they __________be looking for some- are puddles everywhere.
thing. 16. David__________ (be) happy. His girlfriend
16. You’ve already eaten enough for three peo- just agreed to marry him.
ple! You ____________ still be hungry! 17. What an amazing kitchen you’ve got! You
17. This book __________belong to the library. __________ (like) cooking.
It’s certainly not mine. 18. John __________ (eat) all the biscuits!
18. It only takes three hours to fly from Lon- There are none left.
don to Sydney? That __________be correct! 19. When I got up this morning, the kitchen
19. There __________be something wrong with was spotless. Lily __________ (tidy) it be-
the fridge! It’s making a very unusual fore she went to bed last night.
Exercise 5.
Exercise 4.
Complete the sentences with can, could,
Put in must + infinitive or must + have + may, might, should, ought to or must and
V3 (past participle): an infinitive in the appropriate form.

1. Keiko always does really well on exams. 1. Kerry’s rather late. She must have missed
She__________ (study) a lot. (miss) the train.
2. That woman drives a very expensive car. 2. Travellers’ cheques can/may be exchanged
She__________ (have) a lot of money. (be exchanged) at most banks.
3. You__________ (practise) a lot before you 3. They’re not answering the phone so
gave your speech. It was really good. they________________ (be) out.
4. When Lizzie got home yesterday there 4. They________________ (not move) house
were flowers on the table. Her hus- yet. I saw them in town this morning.
band __________ (buy) them. 5. I haven’t seen Molly this week. I think
5. Where is my purse? I saw it earlier, so she________________ (visit) her parents but
it __________ (be) in this room. I’m not sure.
6. Sarah couldn’t find her glasses. She thought 6. Her exam results are coming out soon. She
she __________ (leave) them at her office. worked very hard so she ________________
7. It__________ (be) cold outside. That man in (do) well.
the street is wearing a coat. 7. That woman’s just fallen over. Let’s go and
8. Susie is so late! She__________ (miss) the see her: she ________________ (be) hurt.
train! 8. I don’t know where she is.
9. There’s rubbish all over my garden! A She________________ (not still play) tennis:
fox__________ (be) in the bin. it’s been dark for the last hour.
10. Anna has a huge library in her house. 9. I sent the letter two days ago so he________
She __________ (love) books. (get) it by now, but you can never be sure.
11. Oh no, I don’t have my keys! I __________ 10. The encyclopedias ________________ (be
(leave) them in the taxi. found) on the second floor of the library.
12. When Lucy got home, she found the ice 11. Jim’s been very quiet since his girlfriend
cream had melted. It __________ (be) too went away. He ________________ (miss)
hot in the car. her.
13. If you haven’t eaten all day, you__________ 12. I________________ (come) and visit you at
(be) hungry. the weekend. Anyway, I’ll give you a ring

158 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

to let you know. Exercise 6.

13. She was with a man I didn’t recognize.
It________________ (be) her brother be- Circle the correct answer.
cause he looked a bit like her.
14. ‘Why do you think Tricia was in such a Hi Lucy!
hurry?’ ‘I don’t know. She________________
(run) to catch the bus.’ I’m having a great time with aunt Julia. We’re
15. These glasses________________ (be) Tim’s: staying in a cottage just outside the village. Aunt
they look a bit like his. Julia’s very relaxed about house rules: we 1 don`t
16. It________________ (not rain): the ground’s have to make our beds, for instance. She says we
completely dry. 2
____ more relaxed and that we 3____ follow rules
17. I________________ (join) the sports club in now that we are on holiday. Isn’t she great?
the summer but I haven’t decided yet.
18. What a terrible thing to have happened. We visit the village every day. I’ve made two
You________________ (be) terrified. new friends there: Gina and Jo. You 4____
19. I told her you were coming so she know Gina - she’s Harry’s cousin. It’s a small
________________ (expect) you. world, isn’t it?
20. They’ve just rung the bell so the children
________________ (be) out of the classrooms Tomorrow we 5____ the castle near the lake -
in a minute. again. Well, we tried to go there yesterday, but
21. That looks like Jack but it________________ there was a ‘slight’ problem. We 6____ twenty
(not be) him. He went to live in Australia miles or so, when, right in the middle of no-
last year. where, the car stopped. At first we thought it
22. I’ve got a stomachache this morning. 7
____ broken down, but then aunt Julia realized
I________________ (eat) too much last night that the car had run out of petrol. She 8____
or I________________ (have) some sort of have filled it up before we left, but she forgot.
virus. Anyway, we 9____ all the way to the next petrol
station and back. It took us two hours!

I 10____ check myself that the tank is full before

we leave this time.

Bye for now!


1 a. needn't b don`t have to c. mustn't

2 a. should be b. better c. can't
3 a. need b. can't have c. don't need to
4 a. need to b. must c. can't
5 a. may visit b. may have visited c. 'd better visit
L13 M5
6 a. must have driven b. must drive c. ought to have driven
7 a. has to have b. could c. must have
8 a. should b. must c. ought
9 a. had to walk b. must walk c. must have walked
10 a. needn't b. 'd better c. can't

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

LET`S PRACTISE AT HOME 3. I’ve decided not to apply ________that job I
saw advertised.
Vocabulary Practice 4. Gavin likes his job but he doesn’t talk
________it much.
Exercise 1. 5. I looked ________my keys everywhere but I
couldn’t find them anywhere.
Decide between do, go or play. Sometimes 6. That wall doesn’t look very safe. I think we
the verb needs to be conjugated or put in should do something ________ it.
the infinitive or gerund form. 7. My grandfather cared ________my grand-
mother when she was sick.
1. He used to _____ jogging every day when 8. My grandfather took care ________grand-
he was at university. mother when she was sick.
9. Why is Alice so angry _____ you? She
2. I love _____ a good game of chess from time shouldn’t treat you like this.
to time. 10. A good teacher demands a lot _____ his or
her students.
3. She _____ gymnastics for over five years 11. This street is named _________ a famous
now. novelist. .

4. This summer we _____ windsurfing every Grammar Practice

day on our vacation.
Exercise 3.
5. He’s quite the athlete. He _____ basketball,
baseball and hockey, too. Choose the correct variant.

6. My wife _____ horse riding twice a week. 1. His German is very poor. He must (study/
be studying/have studied) very hard.
7. Why don’t we _____ a set of tennis? 2. His German is very good, he must (study/
be studying/have studied) very hard.
8. Some people think that _____ aerobics four 3. His German is considerably improved, he
times a week is the best possible way of must (study/be studying/have studied)
keeping fit. hard during his holiday.
4. He must (study/be studying/have been
9. His idea of the perfect summer holiday is to studying) German these two years, his
rent a sailboat and _____ sailing between German is rather rich and fluent.
the islands of the Tuscan archipelago. 5. She must (have taken/be taking/have
been taking) a bath at that moment that’s
10. He _____ athletics for his local track club. why she did not answer your call.
6. She must (be/be being/ have been) at
Exercise 2. home now, we saw her leaving the office.
7. She must (be/be being/have been) at
Fill in the correct preposition. home, she can’t go away because there is
no one to look after her sick mother.
1. I can’t go out yet, I’m waiting ________an 8. You must always (think/be thinking/have
important phone call. thought) twice before you say anything.
2. You’re always asking me ________ some 9. Now he must (think/ be thinking/have
change. Can’t you ask someone else this thought) of what she has said.

160 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

10. He knows they are coming. They must Reading Comprehension

(write/be writing/ have written) to him
of their arrival in due time. Task 1.
11. She must (play/be playing/have been
playing) the piano now. Read the text below. For questions (1–5)
12. The foreigner must (understand/un- choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
derstood/have understood) me, for he
nodded his head. Shaun Baker has two equally crazy ways of
13. He must (get/be getting/ have got) all descending through the torrents of a waterfall
he needed, otherwise he would have come in a small kayak. He either paddles through
again. a series of boulders that could smash him and
14. We must (meet/have met/have been his boat to pieces, or pushes his boat out into
meeting) somewhere before. the air so that he freefalls through the air into
the water below.
Exercise 4.
He calls this extreme kayaking. Others may be
For each sentence, choose between can’t, tempted to translate this as sheer lunacy. How-
might or must to fill each space. ever, everyone agrees that it is a high-risk sport.

1. Your mother ____________ be a great cook. When Baker, a 32-year-old professional white

You are always so keen to get back home to water rodeo champion from outside Maidenhead,
eat! explains what he does, it sounds impossible.
2. I don’t know why I am so tired these days. When he actually shows you, it is truly amazing
I ____________ be working too hard. Or how he emerges from the waters below, a little
maybe I am not sleeping too well. bruised, but in one smiling, triumphant piece.
3. Do you know where Carl is? He
____________ be out - his car keys are on One of his favourite areas to perform these
the table. daredevil feats is a valley or waterfalls on the
4. You seem to know everything about the edge of the Black Mountains in central Wales.
theatre. You ____________ go every week. A breathtakingly beautiful but dangerous spot,
5. To give the promotion to Harold was silly. it provides Baker with as a nerve-wrecking
He ____________ know much about this challenge as any he has faced in the 20 years
company after only a year working here. he has been in some kind of canoe.
6. Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves.
They ____________ be in there. “It’s in my blood,” he explains, preparing
7. Oh, the phone is ringing. Answer it. himself both physically and mentally for the
It ____________ be Kate. She always rings challenge ahead. “I don’t do this for any ma-
at this time. cho reasons, I do it for myself. If I am honest,
L13 M5
8. Dan has been drinking that whiskey since it scares the life out of me, especially when I
early this afternoon. He ____________ be start to tip over the edge and I know there is
totally drunk by now. no turning back.”
9. That couple ____________ think much of
this film. They’re leaving already - after “The trick is to turn the fear into positive ener-
only 20 minutes! gy. You are frightened at the top of the fall, but
10. That’s the second new car they have bought this changes into a survival instinct. You need
this year. They ____________ be very rich! every ounce of mental energy and reaction to
survive. The real kick is when you hit the bot-
tom and reappear from under the water. That’s

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

when you know you have made it, and that is back on a day like today and realise there is
the moment when you have a sense of elation.” nothing I would rather be doing with myself.”

Apart from various national white water rodeo 1. What does the passage suggest about the
championship wins, Baker also holds the re- two methods Baker uses to kayak down
cord for the highest free-fall waterfall drop in a waterfalls?
kayak, as well as the world speed altitude drop A. One is much safer than the other.
of 50 metres. He is just about the only regular B. Both involve free-falling from the top of
extreme kayaker in the world. the waterfall.
C. One is called ‘extreme kayaking’.
“The reason why I still do this”, he says, “is D. Both are very dangerous.
that I have the ability to work out whether I
can survive or not. If I think something is too 2. Why does Baker enjoy kayaking in the wa-
risky, I won’t do it.” terfalls on the edge of the Black Mountains?
A. It’s very beautiful there.
‘Too risky’ in Baker’s language is, of course, to- B. It offers him a great challenge.
tally different to my or your interpretation. As C. He has lived there for 20 years.
he steadies himself for his first descent, a slide D. Kayaking is very easy there.
down a fall of around 60 feet, with dangerous
rocks at the bottom, you are left wondering just 3. What does “it” mean in the following sen-
how he is going to succeed. In his tiny, 2.2-me- tence: “If I am honest, it scares the life out
tere-long ‘eskimo kayak’, the smallest in the of me, especially when I start to tip over the
world, Baker begins. edge and I know there is no turning back.”
A. Baker’s kayak
It is all over in a few seconds. He drops, like a B. a waterfall
stone, down the fall, and is then forced to his C. extreme kayaking
left and onto a totally different route that he D. feeling frightened
had planned.
4. When does Baker feel best about a descent?
Then he moves downstream to his second chal- A. Before he starts kayaking.
lenge in order to perform an actual free fall. B. At the top of the waterfall.
C. During the descent.
“The trick here is to punch the water with the D. When he emerges at the bottom of the
nose of the kayak”, Baker explains. “If you fall.
have a flat landing, it could kill you.”
5. Baker still does extreme kayaking because
Barker holds his arm in the air, shoots his A. he doesn’t take any risks.
thumb up, and then leaps out into the sky B. he is always able to work out if a de-
before falling down and under the river. There scent is too dangerous.
is a second’s silence before he emerges again – C. he will do anything no matter how
wet, a little bruised, but safe. dangerous it is.
D. he doesn’t care if he survives or not.
“It’s a whole way of life for me”, he explains,
as we climb our way out of the valley and back 6. Baker enjoys his sport because
to the cars. “It’s not that I go out to impress A. he is very good at it.
anyone, or try to say I’m better. It’s just the B. it impresses other people.
wonderful experience of testing myself against C. it doesn’t scare him at all.
nature and the elements. And each night I look D. he enjoys testing himself.

162 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

Task 2. However, the Internet means that it is now

easy to gather all the information you need and
Read the text below. Choose from (A–H) to book your travel, accommodation, tuition
the one that best fits each space (1–6). and equipment rental online.
There are two choices you do not need
to use.
A. travel when you want to
B. when you arrive in the resort
First Time on the Snow? C. because you only pay for what you need to
D. when the day’s skiing comes to an end
As with any type of holiday you can choose a E. you might consider a late package deal
package ski or snowboard holiday with a tour F. on your part
operator or you go alone and (1) ___________. G. book your trip independently
H. because everything is arranged for you.
There are advantages and disadvantages with
both options so take the time to investigate
which is best for you before you book.

Booking a skiing or snowboarding holiday is

not a complicated process and it can be done
in the same way as you would book any other
sort of holiday: book a package with a travel
agent or tour operator, or arrange your own
flights, transfers and accommodation and (2)

Package ski and snowboarding holidays remain

popular with UK travelers probably because
they require less organization (3) ____________.
However, independent travel can provide much
more flexibility and it is often a good way to get
off the beaten track or away from the crowds.
Independent travel also means you may be
able to visit a few mountain resorts in one trip.

If budget is important to you – and let’s face it,

it is for most of us – (4) __________. You may
not get as wide a choice of accommodation on
late deals but there is the added advantage
L13 M5
of picking an area where you know there has
been recent snowfall.

It is sometimes possible to save money by

booking skiing and snowboarding trips inde-
pendently (5) ___________. However, some tour
operators get discounts on a lot of products so
don’t assume a package is more expensive. In
the past you may have been tempted by a pack-
age holiday (6) ___________.

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

Vocabulary Focus
WORDS EASILY CONFUSED C. assume guess suppose
estimate calculate predict
Use the correct form of the words in the 1. Since I hadn’t studied for the test. I
boxes to complete the sentences in each had to__________ most of the answers.
group A-H below. You may use some of 2. We were__________ to play football
the words more than once. In some cases today, but we cancelled it.
more than one word may be correct. 3. It’s almost impossible to_____________
what the future holds.
A. think consider regard 4. I__________ I’ll be late for work, since
believe mean there’s so much traffic.
1. Please__________ my offer and call me 5. We had__________ the value of the
if you decide to sell. house to be around 60,000 dollars, but
2. I have been__________ of taking a hol- we hadn’t__________ the cost of the
iday. I__________ I deserve it because renovation.
I’ve worked hard all year.
3. The death penalty is__________ as a D. idea view thought point
barbaric practice by most people. aspect respect matter
4. I don’t__________ he really__________ 1. She’s very rude and has no__________
what he is saying, because he’s usually for anyone.
joking. 2. You should consider all__________ of
5. I didn’t__________ to offend you. his proposal, because he made some
Please__________ me. interesting__________.
3. In my__________ the education system
B. realise understand recognise should change.
meet introduce present ap- 4. I can’t bear the__________ of going back
preciate to work after such a great holiday.
1. One day I’d like to__________ my fa- 5. There’s no__________ in talking to
vourite film star and get his autograph. Clark about this problem, as he has
2. That’s the journalist that__________ no__________ about it.
the evening news. Don’t you __________ 6. As a(n) __________ of fact, I hired an
her? interior decorator, who gave me some
3. The teacher didn’t__________ that the good __________.
students hadn’t understood what he
was saying. E. queue line aisle corri-
4. Aren’t you going to__________ me to dor hall row
your friend? I haven’t __________ her 1. The cornflakes are in the
before. third__________ sir.
5. I__________ your help, but you 2. Walk down the__________ and the toi-
must__________ that I want to do this let is the third door on your right.
on my own. 3. The entrance__________ to my flat is so
small that it’s a waste of space.

164 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

4. Please get in__________ and wait your 3. A(n) __________ supply of oxygen to the
turn, madam! brain can prove lethal.
5. We were lucky enough to be given 4. In many parts of the world water
seats in the front__________ at the is__________.
theatre. 5. Parking space in the city centre is
6. There was such a long__________ in the __________ due to the __________ num-
bank that I couldn’t be bothered to go in. ber of car parks.

F. available spare free Exercise 1.

convenient handy usable
1. When I bought my car, I got the Read the text below and decide which an-
air-conditioner__________ of charge. It swer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
really came in__________ during the
summer. New Year celebrations dale as far back as 2000
2. Every car must have a(n)__________ BC in Mesopotamia. Yet, the actual date has
tyre in the boot. changed number of times. There was always
3. The Red Dog’s new album is a problem because New Year was (1)______ by
now__________ in music stores. the movements of the Sun and Moon which al-
4. A laptop computer is very__________ lowed room for error. To (2)______ a long story
because it is portable and__________ short, it wasn’t until 1582, when the calendar
anywhere. we use today was (3)______, that January 1st
5. I’m __________ tomorrow evening. became New Year’s Day in most cultures. Some
Would you like to go to the cinema? cultures, however, celebrate the New Year at
6. A car is a very__________ means of various times, according to their calendar and
transport compared to buses and trains. religious traditions. For example, the Chinese
celebrate it between the 21st of January and
G. absence lack shortage loss the 19th of February. In (4)______ with most of
1. After the accident, my father suffered a the world who celebrate at the beginning of the
gradual__________ of memory. year, the Jewish people celebrate it in Septem-
2. Vicky’s__________ from work was no- ber or early October.
ticed, so the boss rang her at home.
3. The__________ of rain created se- In any case, the New Year is a festive occa-
vere__________ of fresh fruit and sion. Some people celebrate at home with no
vegetables. (5)______ of champagne, while others party on
4. There’s a world__________ of energy the streets, watching the fireworks that the
and scientists are looking for alterna- city council (6)______ have provided. Others
tive sources. prefer night clubs, joining the long (7)______
5. Although I liked living with my fami- of people waiting to get in and dance the
L14 M5
ly, I was annoyed by the__________ of night away. In China, there are parades with
privacy. dancing dragons and hundreds of people turn
(8)______ to look on. It is also common to make
H. short scarce rare inade- New Year’s Resolutions, the (9)______ being
quate insufficient that most people (10)______ the New Year as a
1. As a botanist he specialises chance to (11)______ bad habits.
in__________ species of plants.
2. The book costs $ 21 and I’m__________ To sum (12)______, New Year is a time of cel-
by one dollar. Could you lend me some ebration that a large proportion of the people
money? look forward to.

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

1 A calculated B assumed C supposed D considered

2 A break B change C cut D turn
3 A realised B recognised C known D introduced
4 A contrary B opposite C contrast D difference
5 A shortage B loss C absence D scarce
6 A likely B should C possibly D may
7 A aisles B queues C rows D corridors
8 A up B on C into D out
9 A view B point C idea D matter
10 A regard B think C believe D realise
11 A cut B break C change D split
12 A on B for C up D in

Phrasal verbs

get across: (tr) communicate ideas; become understood

1. I ________very well ________
get along (with): be on friendly terms; get on(with)
get at: my new neighbours.
1) (tr) reach; find, 2. I tried to________all morn-
2) (int) imply ing but the phone was
get away: avoid capture engaged.
get away from: avoid 3. I'll go home early tonight if
get away with:
I ________all my work
(tr)1) escape punishment for wrong­doing,
2) escape capture with stolen goods 4. Tom ________the bus out-
get by: (int) survive despite difficulties side the cinema.
get down to:(tr) start doing sth seriously 5. The police chased the
get off: thieves but they managed to
1) (int) avoid punishment,
2) start a journey
get off with: (tr) not be punished; be treated leniently 6. You really must
get on: get________________ work.
1) (int) advance; make progress, The exams start next week!
2) become late; get nearer 7. The teacher tried to get
3) (int) have a friendly relationship with; get along _______________ the main
get on with: (tr)
ideas of theory to her class
1) be on good terms with; get along with,
2) continue after an interruption without confusing them.
get over: 8. No one should get
1) recover, _______________ breaking
2) overcome the law.
get round: (int) to spread (news)
get round to: (tr) find the necessary time to do sth
get through:
1) (tr) finish (a piece of work),
2) (int) survive through difficult times,
3) (tr) use up all of sth (supplies, money,etc),
4)(tr) reach sb by tele­phone

166 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

Grammar Focus
Modal verbs revision 7. Tom was serious when he said he wanted
to be an actor when he grew up. We _____
Choose the best alternative. at him. We hurt his feelings.
A. shouldn’t have laughed
1. His illness got worse and worse. In the end B. needn’t have laughed
he _____ go into hospital for an operation. C. mustn’t have laughed
A. will have to D. shouldn’t have been laughed
B. must
C. had to 8. All the lights in Terry’s room are turned
D. ought to have off. He_____ sleeping.
A. must have been
2. I’ve searched everywhere for Bob but I B. had to be
_____ to find him. C. must be
A. wasn’t able D. must not be
B. am not able
C. haven’t been able 9. Let’s go to the seminar. It _____ interest-
D. couldn’t ing.
A. used to be
3. A: Mrs. Taylor was found dead with a wire B. is supposed to be
around her neck. C. must have been
B: She _____ strangled. D. needs to be
A. had to be
B. ought to have been 10. Children _____ taught to respect their
C. should have elders.
D. must have been A. should be
B. had better
4. You _____ spanked her. She didn’t deserve it. C. has to be
A. shouldn’t have D. must have
B. needn’t have
C. mustn’t have 11. This application _____ last week.
D. couldn’t have A. should be sent
B. must be
5. If you’d explained your problem to me, I C. ought to have been sent
_____ to help you. D. should have sent
A. was able
L14 M5
B. will have been able 12. We can’t wait any longer! Something _____
C. would have been able immediately.
D. could have A. should have been done
B. had to be done
6. Joe ran all the way. It wasn’t necessary. C. ought to do
Joe _____ run all the way. D. must be done
A. needn’t have
B. need have
C. didn’t need to
D. doesn’t need to

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

13. I _____ to the doctor. I’m feeling much bet- D. have had to
ter and can stay with you.
A. don’t have to go 20. Mary _____ any chocolates but she did.
B. needn’t have gone A. shouldn’t eat
C. should have gone B. ought not to have eaten
D. mustn’t go C. ought not to eat
D. must not have eaten
14. This is an opportunity that comes once in a
lifetime. We _____ let it pass. 21. Your umbrella is wet. It _____ raining.
A. don’t have to A. must be
B. shouldn’t have B. was
C. needn’t have C. can’t be
D. mustn’t D. might

15. When I was a child my father _____ read 22. Lucy is very late. She _____ her train.
me a story every night before bed. A. may miss
A. was going to B. may have missed
B. was used to C. had to miss
C. would D. should have missed
D. got used to
23. The flower is dead. Maybe I _____ it more
16. When I was a child, I _____ a flashlight water.
to bed with me so that I _____ read comic A. might give
books without my parents’ knowing them. B. needed to give
A. used to take / could C. should have given
B. was used to taking / could D. ought to have been given
C. would take / can
D. would have taken / was able to 24. These flowers _____ twice a week, but I
always forget to water them.
17. After looking at his notes again, he _____ to A. ought to water
complete the exercise. B. ought to have been watered
A. could C. should be watered
B. was able D. needn’t have been watered
C. can
D. has been able 25. Why don’t you buy a lottery ticket. You
_____ a large prize.
18. If we don’t book seats soon, we _____ to get A. might win
into the concert. B. might have won
A. are able C. could have won
B. won’t be able D. must have won
C. will be able
D. can’t 26. Why did you take such a risk? You _____
19. If we went to live in the tropics. I _____ buy A. could
some thin clothes. B. must be
A. will have to C. might have
B. have to D. may be
C. would have to

168 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

27. We _____ our towels because we knew the 34. A: Is it Sunday? All the shops are closed.
hotel would provide some. B: Well, if all the shops are closed, it _____
A. didn’t need to pack Sunday.
B. needn’t pack A. can’t be
C. don’t have to pack B. might have been
D. needn’t have been packed C. must be
D. must have been
28. It was very cold in the morning. You _____
your sweater. 35. The boy _____ walk again soon after he had
A. could wear had an operation.
B. need to wear A. can
C. should have worn B. is able to
D. might wear C. might
D. was able to
29. Janet _____ some problem. She keeps
crying. 36. He was crying just a moment ago. He _____
A. must have had singing already.
B. must have A. is not able to
C. needs to have B. must be
D. may have had C. must not
D. can’t be
30. The lights have gone out. _____.
A. A fuse might blow 37. George is reading a Spanish newspaper. He
B. A fuse could blow _____ Spanish.
C. A fuse must have blown A. is to know
D. A fuse will have blown B. must know
C. had to know
31. I _____ to the butcher’s on the way home, D. need to know
but I forgot.
A. need to go 38. No wonder you always look pale. You _____
B. ought to have gone get more fresh air.
C. must have gone A. will need
D. should go B. ought to
C. had to
32. She _____ about the time. Her friends were D. must have
also late.
A. needn’t worry 39. To keep fit and stay healthy, you _____
B. won’t need to worry enough of the right kinds of exercise.
L14 M5
C. doesn’t need to worry A. have to take
D. needn’t have worried B. used to take
C. might have taken
33. The plane _____ already-it’s not due to go D. ought to have taken
until 9.55.
A. must not leave 40. If you want antibiotics, you _____ to ask
B. needn’t have left the doctor for a prescription.
C. can’t leave A. must
D. can’t have left B. had better
C. will have
D. should

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MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

D. shouldn’t
7. Children under twelve _____ travel free of
Grammar Practice charge.
A. can
Exercise 1. B. is able to
C. cannot be
Choose the best alternative D. must be

1. The wound has healed now. You _____ that 8. It is very important to me, and I real-
bandage any longer. ly_____ be late.
A. needn’t have worn A. might not
B. didn’t need to wear B. ought not
C. don’t have to wear C. don’t have to
D. didn’t have to wear D. mustn’t

2. You _____ this to Kate, or she’ll get upset. 9. We _____ write an essay on the book after
A. needn’t tell we’d read it.
B. shouldn’t have told A. had to
C. mustn’t have told B. have to
D. mustn’t tell C. will have to
D. must
3. A: His office is empty. He must have gone
home. 10. The sky _____ seen because of the pollu-
B: But his briefcase is here. He _____ home. tion.
A. might not go A. cannot be
B. can’t have gone B. can’t be
C. ought not to go C. might be
D. could have gone D. must be

4. He _____ with us if he doesn’t want to. 11. If only you’d mentioned that your friend
A. needs to come played tennis. We _____ a game of doubles.
B. needn’t have come A. can have
C. didn’t need to come B. could have had
D. needn’t come C. might have
D. could have
5. The car broke down, and we _____ have it
towed to a service station. 12. A: Williams. Jack Williams.
A. have to B: Sorry. I _____ the wrong number.
B. had to A. must dial
C. should B. must have dialed
D. ought to C. might dial
D. might have been dialed
6. You _____ to see a doctor. You’re perfectly
healthy. 13. A: He was driving on the right in Cyprus
A. mustn’t when he crashed.
B. don’t need B: He _____ on the left.
C. may not A. had to be driving

170 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time

B. could be driving D. had to be finished

C. ought to have been driving
D. shouldn’t have been driving 20. George King ___ filter-tipped cigarettes,
but now he smokes cigars.
14. A: The attendant was smoking near the A. is used to smoking
petrol pump. B. was used to smoke
B: He _____ smoking there. C. is accustomed to smoking
A. shouldn’t be D. was accustomed to smoking
B. ought not to be
C. wouldn’t be 21. A: I went out last night, and my cold got
D. shouldn’t have been worse.
B: You _____ at home.
15. You say you saw him sitting in the canteen A. must stay
today. He _____ sitting there. He has been B. could stay
in hospital for two days. C. ought to stay
A. couldn’t have been D. should have stayed
B. must not be
C. cannot be 22. A: Do you think they’ll have my size?
D. might have been B: They _____ have your size.
A. are used to
16. A: Look at the magician. He is sawing that B. should
woman in half! C. has to
B: He _____ sawing her in half. It _____ a D. will have to
A. mustn’t be / might be 23. His life _____ if he had worn his seat belt.
B. cannot be / must be A. would be saved
C. ought not to be / can be B. might have saved
D. must be / might be C. could have been saved
D. may be saved
17. A: His brother won the marathon last year.
B: He _____ very fast. 24. Before his illness he _____ anything but
A. might have been now he _____ very careful with his diet.
B. must be A. could eat / can be
C. may have been B. must have eaten / had to be
D. might be C. could eat / has to be
D. couldn’t eat / has to be
18. The Government recommended that the
housing problem _____ speeded up.
L14 M5
A. would be
B. must be
C. is to be
D. should be

19. The reports _____ by four o’clock because

the manager is going to sign them.
A. must be finished
B. must finish
C. should have been finished

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 171
MODULE 5. Leisure Time 

Reading comprehension old cards are now (5) __________. Now people
collect things like beer mats, concert programs,
Task 1 decorated plates, and antiques.

Read the text below. For questions Many people like to do something (6)
(1–12) choose the correct answer __________, such as painting or drawing, play-
(A, B, C or D). ing music, knitting or sewing, cooking, or (7)
__________crossword puzzles. In 1996, 84% of
HOBBIES US households contained one or more people
with a hobby or craft (= an activity in which
Traditional indoor hobbies or pastimes (1) something is made) and over $10 million was
__________collecting things, e.g. shells, mod- (8) __________ on such activities.
el cars, dolls, comic books, stamps, coins or
postcards. Children (2) ___________ collect Some people have hobbies which take
sets of picture cards from packets of tea and them away from home. Bird watching is (9)
small toys or models from packets of break- __________popular. So too is flying model air-
fast cereal. Many collect stickers of football or craft. Other people go to public record offices
baseball players or pop stars. They buy packets and churches to (10) ___________their family
of these and trade them with their friends, (3) history. One very British hobby is trainspot-
__________ those they (4) __________ have for ting, which involves visiting railway stations
the ones they need to complete the set. Many and recording the names or numbers of trains.
people continue to collect things as they get The (11) __________of hobbies now popular is
older. Formerly picture cards were given away (12) __________in the number of specialist mag-
in packets of cigarettes and many of these azines available in both Britain and the US.

1 contain include consist of cover
2 yet too already also
3 exchanging giving changing selling
4 still already yet although
5 important worthless useful worth
6 talented creative inspired cheerful
7 reading making doing solving
8 spent lost missed sent
9 principally normally especially unusually
10 analyze open look research
11 name range file series
12 reflected copied taught instructed

172 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 MODULE 5. Leisure Time


1. Write a letter to your friend telling

about your hobby. Include the follow-

• What are the most popular free time

activities among Ukrainian teenagers?

• What is your hobby and why do you

like it?

• What advice would you give to your

friend who wanted to take it up?

2. Imagine you have got a letter from an

English-speaking friend who asks you
what young people in your country
usually do in their spare time. Write a
reply to him/her using the plan below:

• if Ukrainian teenagers’ interests are

different from the hobbies of the young
people of the 20th century; if boys/girls
have the same or different interests;

• what clubs young people attend; what

books they read; what music they lis-
ten to; what films they watch;

• if young people care about the environ-

ment/politics/social problems.

3. Imagine you are spending a week’s

holiday at an activity camp. Write a
letter to your friend using the para-
graph plan below:
L14 M5
• how long you are staying there; weath-
er conditions and food;

• what you are doing there; which of the

activities you like and which ones you
don’t like very much;

• how you feel about the camp and

whether you could recommend it.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 173
 LESSOn 15.

Vocabulary Practice
Exercise 1.

Choose the correct answer

1. This is a bad habit when people do not 4. You are wet, go and _______ your face.
sit up straight. A. tidy
A. mumbling B. dry
B. slouching C. rinse
C. spitting
5. Even when my brother is not right
2. His uncle goes to casinos and spends he will not change his position. He is
half his salary on lottery tickets. I really very _______.
think he is addicted to______ A. stubborn
A. responsibility B. selfish
B. gossiping C. persistent
C. gambling
6. Till his late 70`s my grandfather had
3. My phone has got low battery, I have almost no hair, he was ______
to _______ it A. receding
A. charge B. bald
B. complete C. scruffy
C. hire

Exercise 2.

Complete the following sentences with the words below.

• breakfast • consume • Frankenstein • gravy • poisoning

• carbohydrates • dinner • fried • on a diet • takeaway
• chain • fast food • genetically • overeat

1. A _____________ modified fish can grow ten 4. Many people like to have a _____________
times faster than a normal fish. breakfast which can consist of fried bacon
and eggs with fried bread and possibly
2. Gm foods are sometimes nicknamed fried tomatoes.
_____________ Foods.
5. _____________ is a sauce made with the
3. The British people tend to have a big juice that is obtained when the meat is
_____________ before they go to work. They cooked, and is used to _____________ cover
tend to eat their _____________ evening meal the meat.
or _____________ between 6.30 p.m. and 8 p.m.

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 175
LESSOn 15. 

6. People who _____________ large amounts 10. The most famous British _____________ is
of animal fats are more likely to get cancer the fish and chip shop.
and heart disease.
11. After the hamburger, the hot dog is the
7. Many people who _____________ do so for great American _____________ inven-
psychological reasons rather than from tion.
12. The largest fast food _____________ is Mc-
8. She went _____________ four weeks ago but Donald’s.
she still looks fat.
13. Bacteria are tiny living things (micro-
9. If you eat too many bad _____________ organisms) which cannot be seen by the
(white bread, pasta, flour...), your level of human eye. Some bacteria cause food
blood glucose goes up and then goes down. _____________.

Exercise 3.

Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Arthur Miller was born in New York in 1915. plays. It (4)______ the tragic story of an aver-
He was the son of a coat manufacturer who age man destroyed by false values which get
(1)______ control of his business through bank- (5)______ the way of developing an honest re-
ruptcy. This experience at an early age dis- lationship with his sons, who (6) ______ of his
turbed Miller and thereafter he was aware of beliefs and look down on him.
society’s inadequacies.
On average, Miller’s plays (7)______ social is-
He would (2)______ them later in his plays by sues and deal with matters people are anxious
attacking the modern (3)______ of life. (8)______. They include themes such as how
human relationships fall (9)______ the respon-
Miller’s major achievement came in 1949, sibility of the Individual and their purpose in
when he won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for life. One way or another, Miller’s plays analyse
his play “Death of a Salesman”, which is still (10)______ the troubles people have in their life
regarded as one of the finest contemporary and (11)______ society’s values.

1 A failed B lost C missed D wasted

2 A criticise B disapprove C complain D protest
3 A way B course C approach D manner
4 A debates B says C tells D speaks
5 A under B out of C by D in
6 A argue B doubt C object D disapprove
7 A apply B wonder C discuss D talk
8 A of B about C with D for
9 A in B behind C out D apart
10 A In pairs B In person C in detail D in half
11 A question B inquire C ask D appeal

176 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 LESSOn 15.

Grammar Practice
Exercise 4.

Choose the best answer (articles).

1. On ___ first day they stopped at ___ 6. - Are you afraid of ___ him?
river and decided to make ___ camp. - Not ___ bit.
A) the/a/a A) the/a
B) the/-/a B) -/a
C) the/an/a C) -/-
D) -/the/- D) the/-
E) the/an/an E) an/a

2. At ___ first they began to look for ___ 7. ___ USA is ___ country. It is in North
dry place. America.
A) the/a A) -/a
B) -/a B) the/a
C) a/the C) the/
D) an/a D) the/the
E) the/- E) -/-

3. To climb ___ tree is not to climb ___ 8. ___ most favorite game is cricket,
mountain. which is called by ___ English “___
A) a/a greatest game in ___ world”.
B) a/the A) the/the/the/the
C) the/the B) the/a/the/the
D) -/- C) -/the/-/the
E) the/- D) a/the/-/the
E) the/an/-/the
4. ___ man always went to ___ same bar
at ___ same time every day and asked 9. My ___ friend likes to listen to ___ good
for two glasses of ___ soda. story.
A) A/the/the/- A) -/the
B) A/the/the/a B) a/a
C) A/the/-/- C) the/the
D) -/the/the/- D) -/a
E) A/-/the/a E) a/-

5. ___ weather was rainy and we made 10. Peter is on ___ night duty. When I go to
___ bet whether you would come. ___ bed, he goes to ___ work.
A) The/a A) the/-/a
B) -/the B) -/-/-
C) A/a C) a/a/a
D) -/a D) the/the/-
E) An/a E) -/the/a

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 177
LESSOn 15. 

11. R.Peary was ___ famous American po- E) a/a/-

lar traveler. He was ___ first to reach
___ North Pole in 1909. 17. ___ book is always ___ acceptable gift.
A) a/the/the A) A/an
B) the/the/- B) The/
C) a/the/a C) The/the
D) -/the/- D) An/the
E) an/the/a E) -/a

12. It’s ___ pity that my birthday comes 18. Sofia is ___ capital of ___ Bulgaria.
only once ___ year. A) -/-
A) a/- B) the/the
B) the/a C) the/-
C) a/a D) the/a
D) an/the E) -/a
E) -/a
19. Many years ago ___ Tower Bridge of
13. There was ___ good restaurant near London was ___ fortress.
___ cinema and Joan decided to have A) -/a
___ dinner there. B) the/the
A) the/a/- C) a/-
B) -/the/- D) the/-
C) an/-/the E) the/a
D) a/a/the
E) a/the/a 20. ___ Moon has no ___ light. It is bright
because ___ Sun shines on it.
14. Kate ate ___ meat with ___ vegetables A) The/-/the
for ___ second course. B) The/a/the
A) -/-/the C) -/-/the
B) a/the/- D) The/the/the
C) the/a/the E) A/an/the
D) -/an/-
E) an/-/a 21. ___ shortest man in ___ world and ___
tallest man in ___ world live in ___
15. I’ll never forget ___ first time I saw ___ Africa.
real American Christmas tree. A) The/the/the/the/-
A) a/the B) The/the/-/an/an
B) an/- C) -/the/-/an/an
C) -/a D) The/a/-/-/an
D) the/a E) The/-/-/-/-
E) the/-
22. I always wear sunglasses when I go to
16. At ___ first it was difficult for her to ___ beach. ___ sun bothers my eyes.
drive ___ car in ___ London. A) the/the
A) -/a/- B) a/the
B) the/the/- C) -/a
C) -/-/the D) an/a
D) a/-/the E) the/a

178 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 LESSOn 15.

23. She ordered ___ fried chicken with ___ D) the/a/an/a

green salad and black coffee for ___ E) -/-/an/a
A) -/-/- 29. ___ Sahara is in the northern part of
B) the/-/- Africa.
C) an/the/ A) -
D) -/a/the B) a
E) a/an/the C) an
D) the
24. My aunt lived on ___ ground floor of E) any
___ old house on ___ River Thames.
A) the/an/the 30. I remember an episode in ___ my life
B) -/the/a when I had to spend ___ month in the
C) the/the/- country.
D) -/an/the A) a/-
E) a/an/a B) the/a
C) -/an
25. ___ best runner in the race was ___ D) -/a
young girl. E) an/the
A) a/an
B) the/an Exercise 5.
C) -/the
D) the/a Singular vs Plural
E) the/the
1. Two spoons of sugar is/are too much for
26. The first of ___ January is ___ great me.
holiday in many countries. 2. Four-fifths of the country is/are satisfied
A) the/a with its health insurance.
B) -/an 3. The police is/are looking for the murder.
C) -/a 4. These is/are my pajamas!
D) the/- 5. Aerobics is/are great fun – you should try
E) the/the it!
6. Politics is/are not my favorite topic of con-
27. On ___ Sundays my father stays in ___ versation.
bed till ten o’clock reading ___ Sunday 7. The evening news seem/seems quite de-
papers. pressing at times.
A) the/the/- 8. Linguistics is/are one of the requirements
B) -/-/the for English majors.
C) an/-/- 9. Stairs here is/are not working.
D) the/the/the 10. It’s a pity, my sunglasses is/are broken!
E) -/-/- 11. Where is/are your gloves?

28. After ___ fourth lesson English pupils

have ___ break of ___ hour and ___ half
for dinner.
A) a/a/a/a
B) the/a/-/a
C) a/the/an/a

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 179
LESSOn 15. 

Exercise 6. 7. The (student ) _______________are doing

the exercise right now.
What is the correct plural of the word? 8. The (fish) _____________I bought is in the
1. These (person) _______________are protest- 9. They are sending some (man)
ing against the president. _______________ to fix the roof.
2. The (woman) _______________over there 10. Most (housewife) _______________work
want to meet the manager. more than ten hours a day at home.
3. My (child) _______________hate eating 11. Where did you put the (knife) ___________?
pasta. On the (shelf)__________________________..
4. I am ill. My (foot) _______________hurt. 12. (Goose) ____________like water.
5. Muslims kill (sheep) _______________in a 13. (Piano) _______________ are expensive
religious celebration. 14. Some (policeman) _______________ came to
6. I clean my (tooth) _______________three arrest him.
times a day.

Exercise 7.

Write “c” for countable and “u” for uncountable nouns:

time ___ rice ___ hair___ pen ___ competition ___

meat ___ brochure ___ milk ___ jam ___ cheese ___
flour___ sugar ___ butter ___ salt___ game___
information ___ fingers___ friend___ furniture___ advice ___
tomato___ cream ___ honey ___ coin___ briefcase___
traffic ___ bread ___ house___ knowledge___ job___
oil___ car___ luggage___ news___ scenery___
war___ work___ weather___ ice___ biscuit___

Exercise 8.

Cross out the expressions which cannot be used with the nouns.

1. Both, Several, A large quantity of, 5. He passed no, hardly any, a little, some,
Many of, Too much employees were made a small amount of exams at school
redundant last year. 6. She owns few, hardly any, plenty of, a
2. She’s got hardly any, several, a little, a great deal of, several property.
few, a lot of spare time these days 7. There is a little, many, too much, a
3. There is too much, a lot of, hardly any, great number of, some ice on the roads
few, many noise in here. today.
4. There’s a little, plenty of, a couple of, 8. There are several, many, much, plenty
many, a lot of soup left. Would you like of, very little ways to solve this problem.

180 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 LESSOn 15.

3 Puerto Vallarta for Families

Reading Comprehension
South of Mazatlan and north of Acapulco,
Task 1. about mid-way on Mexico’s Pacific coast, Puer-
to Vallarta has nearly 30 miles of golden sand.
Read the texts below. Match choices (A– Watersports include snorkelling and surfing,
H) to (1–5). There are two choices you do plus kayaking, windsurfing, parasailing, sport-
not need to use. fishing. Visitors can explore an old town with
cobblestone streets, and ogle the mansions that
MEXICO’S BEST PLACES FOR FAMILY BEACH belonged to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Bur-
HOLIDAYS ton back in the days when they put «PV» on the
map. Jungle and canopy tours are nearby.
Mexico offers a great chance to combine resort
amenities, beautiful beaches, plus cultural 4 Riviera Nayarit
interest. Families love to have a vacation at
beach resorts in Mexico, especially at all-inclu- Until recently, the stretch of Mexico’s west
sives that offer water sports, kids programmes, coast north of Puerto Vallarta was an off the-
entertainment, and of course meals, snacks, beaten-path area where surfers might go for
and drinks. Below find several of Mexico’s best an unspoiled break. Now, this 130-mile stretch
spots. of coast and lush tropics is called the Riviera
Nayarit, and more visitors are coming to enjoy
1 Mexico’s Best: Mayan Riviera its white-sand beaches, many of which have
good surfing. Some resorts have been built, but
The 130 km stretch of coast south of Cancun development is still at an early stage — which
extending to Tulum is arguably Mexico’s best may be just what some families want. (And you
destination for family beach holidays. All-in- can find serious pampering, plus kids’ club, at
clusive resorts dot the coast, with all the usual the Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita.)
amenities plus some elaborate pool complexes.
Outings are terrific: snorkelling on the second 5 Los Cabos
largest barrier reef in the world; visiting the
extensive ruins at Tulum and Coba, where kids The long Baja California peninsula extends
learn about Mayan history; day-trips to the about half-way down the west side of Mexico,
unique «eco-archeological» theme park, Xcaret, and at the bottom tip sits this popular vacation
or sister park Xel-ha, or to «cenotes»... So much spot. Los Cabos has two «Cabos» («Capes»):
to do. San Jose del Cabo, and (the party town) Cabo
San Lucas, connected by a 17-mile «Corridor»
2 Mazatlan for Families with resorts and golf courses. Los Cabos offers
whale-watching in winter; some good snor-
Moving over to Mexico’s west coast: Mazatlan kelling; horse-riding; and sightseeing in the
has been one of Mexico’s best tourist draws artists’ town of Todos Santos. Currents can be
for decades, and has long stretches of beach, strong at the beaches, so choose your resort
a historic downtown, a busy tourist zone, an carefully if you want a swimmable beach.
aquarium, water park, and reputation for sport
fishing. Families can find a couple of «playas» 6 Merida
(beaches) with calm waters, in other areas,
kids can learn to surf. Kids interested in the «lost» Maya civilization
will be delighted to find the culture thriving
in a modern city. The zocalo is always a spot

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 181
LESSOn 15. 

of family activity, and the city sponsors night- Task 2.

ly cultural events around the historic centre,
from traditional Yucate can dancing to guitar Read the text below. For questions
trovas (trios) to folkloric ballet to serenades; (1–10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
every Sunday, downtown streets close for a full C or D).
day of concerts, feasts, puppet shows and danc-
ing. The anthropology museum, in the ornate Greece was, of course, the (1) ________ of the
Palacio Canton, is small enough to keep kids Olympics games and the people of Greece felt
engaged with its displays of limestone jaguars, cheated when they (2) ________ to Sydney the
skulls with jade-encrusted teeth, stelae and right to stage the Millennium Olympics Games
sacrificial instruments. in 2000. There was a belief among some in the
Olympic Movement that Athens was not able
This place is ideal if____ to stage the games due to its infrastructure.
But I suspect that this was actually a good (3)
A. you want to indulge in the world of nation- ________ for Athens as the people were so en-
al music and dancing. raged that they were (4) ________ to prove that
B. you are crazy about fishing. not only could they stage amazing games in
C. you are a very skilful swimmer and aren’t 2004, but they would do it in a modernized and
afraid of a strong water tide. appealing city. The people of Athens had a (5)
D. your task is to learn about the race of ________ to rally around and prove that Athens
people living in America when Europeans was a First Class City.
E. you need to practise the sport of riding on In usual Greek (6) ________ though, they did
the crest or along the tunnel of a wave. it in such a way that the outside world was
F. you dream about having a rest in a lagoon. convinced that it would never be done in time
G. you have decided to examine the old resi- – forgetting that the Greeks usually get things
dence of famous movie stars. done but in their own time. They did literally
H. you enjoy uncrowded beaches. finish on time and even weeks before the Olym-
I. pics some observers were (7) ________ chaos.

The Greek way is a more leisurely (8) ________

to life and to getting things done. The weather,
no doubt, plays a big part as it is usually glori-
ous, (9) ________ it does get almost unbearably
hot in mid-summer.

Athens has put in place as a result of the

Olympics many (10) ________ infrastructure
changes which make it a better city for a visi-
tor, e.g. the new airport which is modern and
very pleasant to travel through.

182 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 LESSOn 15.

1 beginners founders explorers discoverers
2 missed gave offered lost
3 move victory initiative idea
4 hard steady determined excited
5 motto call time challenge
6 type style kind sort
7 waiting hoping predicting considering
8 way approach opinion treatment
9 although even nevertheless moreover
10 absolute grand major main

Task 3

Read the text below. For questions (1–12) tion for food. Such advantages (2) ________ Ko-
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). diak bears — a subspecies of brown bear — to
become some of (3) ________ in the world, with
THE PARADISE ISLAND exceptional males capable of growing to 11 feet
tall and 1,200 pounds weight.
Cut off from the mainland for the last 12,000
years, Kodiak Island is something close to par- The island also (4) ________ a special opportunity
adise for bears. (1) ________ of the island is a for observing such bears, at least for (5) ________
national wildlife refuge, and the human popu- willing to rough it. With few amenities and chal-
lation is low enough (around 13,000) that the lenging terrain, Kodiak Treks does everything it
bears face very few natural threats or competi- can to immerse visitors into a bear’s world.

1 Two-third Two-three Second-Thirds Two-thirds
2 allowed have allowed has allowed had allowed
3 large the large the largest the larger
4 offering offers offer offered
5 this these those that

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 183
LESSOn 15. 


The Statue of Liberty, one of New York’s most popular tourist attractions, (6) ________ travellers
from every corner of the world for over one hundred years. One of the most recognizable and well-
known (7) ________ in the world, the Statue of Liberty has a resume that would make any movie
star jealous! Lady Liberty is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy and has appeared in
such movies as Planet of the Apes, The Day After Tomorrow, and Independence Day, to name a few.

The Statue of Liberty is almost as American as apple pie, but the iconic NY monument was actu-
ally given to the United States as a gift (8) ________ France in honour of the Centennial of Ameri-
can Independence. The Lady of Liberty was shipped overseas to New York in 350 pieces and it (9)
________ four months to put her together! The Statue of Liberty (10) ________ above the New York
Harbour since 1886 and was designated as an American National Monument in 1924.

6 has captivated had captivated would captivate was captivating
7 woman’s women womens woman
8 to out of from with
9 take took is taken was taking
10 have towered had towered towered has towered

Let`s practise at home

Vocabulary Practice B. luggage
C. box
Exercise 1. D. packing

Choose the best answer. 4. I got into St. Louis too late and I missed
my ______ to New Orleans.
1. The Chicago train leaves from ______ 4. A. connect
A. line B. connection
B. bank C. coincidence
C. quay D. link
D. platform
5. After you leave Beaumont, there’s a large
2. Before getting on the train, make sure you ______ and you’ll be able to get where you
get a ticket from the ______. want really quickly.
A. ticket office A. street
B. box office B. lane
C. waiting room C. highway
D. check in D. path

3. I had so much ______ on the train, but this 6. If the police stop you, you will probably
nice man helped me when we arrived in Paris. have to show them your ______.
A. bags A. patent

184 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 LESSOn 15.

B. permission Grammar Practice

C. photo
D. licence Exercise 2.

7. You were going 20mph over the ______. I’m Choose the best answer (articles).
going to have to give you a fine.
A. speed limit 1. And what ___ beautiful picture there is
B. speed barrier over there on ___ wall!
C. speed rule A) -/a
D. speed maximum B) a/the
C) a/-
8. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure D) the/a
all passengers in the car are wearing their E) a/a
A. harnesses 2. Roger looked at him and, without ___
B. belts word, gave him ___ ten -dollar note.
C. seat belts A) a/a
D. seat harnesses B) -/-
C) -/the
9. After you check in, wait in the ______ until D) the/-
you hear your flight called. E) a/-
A. waiting room
B. reception 3. ___ longest river in ___ world is ___
C. check-in lounge Mississippi.
D. departure lounge A) a/the/an
B) the/a/the
10. All flights to Canada go out of our southern C) he/an/the
______. You can get there on the airport bus. D) an/the/the
A. block E) the/the/the
B. terminal
C. station 4. It took us ___ hour and ___ half to do
D. zone shopping and we got ___ home at 4.
A) an/a/-
11. Would you prefer a window seat or a(n) B) the/an/the
______ seat, Mr. Robson? C) on/the/the
A. corridor D) an/the/a
B. line E) a/the/the
C. aisle
D. non-window 5. We had ___ good talk with him about
___ weather, ___ literature and other
12. Please ensure you have fully filled out the things.
green form for ______ before we land, stat- A) -/the/the
ing anything on the list you are carrying B) a/the/-
into the country. C) a/-/the
A. customs D) the/the/a
B. police E) a/a/-
C. immigration
D. aviation

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 185
LESSOn 15. 

6. Before the New Year we usually have C) A/a/the/a

___ wonderful party at ___ school. D) The/the/the/a
A) a / the E) A/the/a/the
B) the / the
C) a / - 12. I always have ___ breakfast at 8 a.m.
D) an/ - Today I had ___ very nice breakfast.
E) - / the A) a/the
B) -/a
7. ___ youngest boy has just started going C) -/-
to school, ___ eldest boy is at ___ college. D) the/-
A) the/the/- E) a/-
B) the/-/the
C) the/-/the 13. He was ___ very tall man with ___ dark
D) -/-/- hair.
E) a/-/a A) a/the
B) a/-
8. -Did you come by ___ air?  C) the/the
-No, I came by ___ sea. I had a lovely D) -/-
voyage on ___ Queen Elizabeth II. E) a/a
A) an/the/the
B) -/-/the 14. Would you like to be ___ English teach-
C) an/a/a er at ___ college.
D) the/the/the A) the/-
E) -/-/a B) the/the
C) a/-
9. We have a very good train service D) an/-
from here to ___ city centre and many E) the/a
people go to ___ work by train.
A) a/a 15. All ___ books on ___ top of the shelf
B) the/the belong to me.
C) -/- A) -/a
D) the/- B) the/-
E) an/a C) the/the
D) -/the
10. - I didn’t recognize you. You look dif- E) on/with
- I know I lost ___ lot of ___ weight. 16. Washington is situated on ___ Potomac
A) a/- River in ___ District of Columbia.
B) an/the A) -/-
C) a/the B) the/-
D) the/a C) -/the
E) the/the D) the/the
E) a/an
11. ___ sun came out right after ___ rain
and there was ___ beautiful rainbow in 17. ___ Penguins live in the South Pole.
___ sky. A) a
A) The/the/a/the B) an
B) The/a/the/the C) -

186 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 LESSOn 15.

D) the E) a/an
E) some
24. Italy is in ___ South of ___ Europe, isn’t it?
18. France covers ___ area of 551000 sq A) an/a
kms. B) the/-
A) the C) the/the
B) a D) the/an
C) - E) an/the
D) an
E) one 25. ___ West End is ___ richest part of ___
19. Open ___ books at ___ page 20 and read A) a/an/the
___ text. B) the/a/a
A) -/the/the C) the/the/the
B) the/-/the D) the/-/the
C) -/-/the E) the/the/-
D) the/-/a
E) -/the/a 26. -When will ___ next bus be? 
-___ next will be tomorrow morning.
20. He sat down at ___ piano and played A) -/-
___ piece that he had played in the B) the/the
morning. C) a/a
A) a/a D) a/the
B) a/the E) the/a
C) the/the
D) the/a 27. ___ Latin America is on ___ South of
E) the/- America.
A) the/a
21. They went on ___ expedition to ___ B) -/the
North. C) the/the
A) a/the D) -/-
B) an/the E) the/-
C) -/the
D) the/the 28. ___ long walk in ___ country is very
E) the/a interesting.
A) a/the
22. ___ Rome was not built in ___ day. B) the/a
A) the/a C) the/the
B) -/the D) a/a
C) -/a E) -/the
D) -/-
E) an/a 29. ___ Smiths enjoyed their rest at the
coast of ___ Black Sea last summer.
23. The beautiful child gave Pinocchio ___ A) -/the
some medicine and ___ piece of sugar. B) the/the
A) a/the C) the/ -
B) the/a D) the/a
C) -/a E) a/a
D) the/the

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 187
LESSOn 15. 

30. “___ Queen Mary” is one of ___ biggest 4. I found _____ money under my bed this
ships in the world. morning.
A) -/a A an
B) -/the Ba
C) the/the C some
D) -/-
E) the/a 5. She got _____ of presents on her birth-
31. They stayed only ___ day at the hotel. A several
A) a B a great deal
B) the C a great number
C) an
D) - 6. She spends _____ of her income on
E) some clothes.
A a large amount
32. This is ___ lion that I saw in the circus B many
yesterday. C a large number
A) a
B) - 7. Two months _____ a long time to wait
C) the for a reply.
D) an A are
E) any B were
C is
Exercise 3.
Reading Comprehension
Choose the correct answer.
Task 1
1. ‘Would you like_____ ice cream?” Yes,
Read the texts below. Match choices (A–
H) to (1–5). There are two choices you do
A some not need to use.
B any
C no
2. There’s very_____ time left. We need to PREHISTORICAL AND ANCIENT
hurry up.
A a little (1) The Pantheon at Rome
B few
C little The Pantheon at Rome, begun by Agrippa in
27 B.C. as a temple, was rebuilt in its present
3. There are_____ people in this room. We circular form by Hadrian (A. D. 118-128).
can hardly move. Literally, the Pantheon was intended as a
A too much temple of “all the gods”. It is remarkable for
B too many its perfect preservation today, and has served
C a lot continuously for 20 centuries as a place of

188 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
 LESSOn 15.

(2) Stonehenge C. is a well-known stone circle.

D. used to have two upper galleries.
Stonehenge, a massive circular megalithic E. was built to commemorate major military
monument on the Salisbury Plain in southern victories.
England, is the most famous of all prehistoric F. was rediscovered in the 17th century.
structures. Thought to have been built in 2000 G. had been restored by the end of the 2nd
B.C., it may have been used as an astronomical millennium A.D.
instrument to measure solar and lunar H. has been destroyed, however its magnifi-
movements. cent proportions are still evident.

(3) The Parthenon of Greece Task 2

Read the text below. Choose from (A–H)

The Parthenon of Greece, built on the Acropolis
the one that best fits each space (1–6).
in Athens, was the chief temple to the goddess There are two choices you do not need
Athena. It was believed to have been completed to use.
by 438 B.C. The present temple remained
intact until the 5th century A.D. Today, THE SILAS LAKE PARK
though the Parthenon is in ruins, its majestic
proportions are still discernible. The Silas Lake Park reopens today after being
closed for six months. The park was closed
(4) The Colosseum of Rome because mud and rock slides (1) _________, the
only access into the park. “We had to remove
The Colosseum of Rome, the largest and most tons of boulders and rocks,” said Hugh Foster
famous of the Roman amphitheatres, was — the Head of the Parks and Recreation
opened for use in 80 A.D. Elliptical in shape, Department. “Then we had to rebuild a bridge
it consisted of three stories and an upper and reconstruct almost a mile of highway. I’m
gallery, rebuilt in stone in its present form in really surprised we got it done so soon.”
the 3rd century A.D. It was principally used
for gladiatorial combat and could seat between The park is three miles north of Colfax on
40,000 and 50,000 spectators. Highway 28. Cambridge Road is a two-lane
way that winds upward through Pearl Canyon
(5) The Great Sphinx of Egypt before it falls down to Silas Lake, which has
(2) _________. The largest lake in the county,
The Great Sphinx of Egypt, one of the wonders it is also famous for bass. In fact, the record
of ancient Egyptian architecture, adjoins the largemouth bass catch in California occurred
pyramids of Giza and has a length of 240 ft. here in 1975. A 14-year-old boy caught a
Built in the fourth dynasty, it is approximately 19-pound bass.
4,500 years old. A 10-year, $2.5 million
restoration project was completed in 1998. The lake has two ramps for boaters, a full-
Other Egyptian buildings of note include the service restaurant, a snack bar, a small tackle
Temples of Karnak, Edfu, and Abu Simbel and store, (3) _________. As with all county parks,
the Tombs at Beni Hassan. no alcohol is sold or permitted. More than 100
picnic tables have protective roofs and big
This famous building _________ barbecue pits. There are public restrooms with
free shower facilities, lots of trash cans, and
A. served as a place for gladiatorial contests. hiking trails for nature lovers. The west side
B. has been the place of worship for many of the park includes a softball field, a soccer
centuries. field, and two volleyball courts. Horse riding

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 189
LESSOn 15. 

and kite-flying are (4) _________. In summer, a Task 3

designated swimming area has a lifeguard on
Read the text below. For questions (1–6)
duty seven days a week.
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

The entry fee is $10 per vehicle and $10 per

boat. Reservations are not accepted. The HOW TO GET TO ENGLAND
parking lot holds about 500 vehicles; if it is
full, (5) _________. Latecomers either leave or London is a global transport hub, so you can
wait in line for someone to leave the parking (1) _________ fly to England from just about
lot. Some weekends there are three dozen anywhere in the world. In recent years, the
vehicles waiting in line outside the gate. massive growth of budget airlines (2) _________
Because of many requests, park officials soon the number of routes — and reduced the fares
might start permitting campers (6) _________. — between England and other countries in
The park is open from dawn to 10 p. m. during
summer. We probably accept here in average Your other main option for travel between
2,000 people every day during summer, said England and mainland Europe is ferry, (3)
Mr Foster. They come here to fish, swim, _________ port-to-port or combined with a
water-ski, jet-ski, picnic, commune with long-distance bus trip — this type of travel has
Mother Nature, you name it. People love this less environmental impact than (4) _________
place. although journeys can be long and financial
savings not huge compared with budget
A. no additional vehicles are allowed to enter airfares. International trains are much more
B. and a boat rental facility comfortable, and another .green. option; the
C. enjoying a music festival Channel Tunnel allows direct rail services
D. destroyed part of Cambridge Road between England, France and Belgium, with
E. about 20 miles of shoreline onward connections (5) _________ many other
F. to stay overnight on weekends European destinations.
G. a journey through history
H. two other popular activities Getting from England to Scotland and Wales
is easy. The bus and train systems are fully
integrated and in most cases you won’t even
know you have (6) _________ the border.
Passports are not required — although some
Scots and Welsh may think they should be!

1 easy easily ease easier
2 increasing has increased had increased were increased
3 either both neither or
4 fly flying flown flew
5 on to in under
6 cross crosses crossed crossing

190 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
Appendix 1

absent from (adj) allergic to (adj) apply (to sb) for sth (v)
according to (prep) amazed at/by (adj) apply to university (v)
account for (v) amount to (v) approve of (v)
accuse sb of (v) angry at what sb does (adj) argue with sb about sth (v)
accustomed to (adj) angry with sb about sth (adj) arrest sb for sth (v)
A acquainted with (adj) angry with sb for doing sth (adj) arrive at (a small place) (v)
advantage of (n) annoyed with sb about sth (adj) arrive in (a town) (v)
advice on (n) (in) answer to (n) ashamed of (adj)
afraid of (adj) anxious about sth (adj) apologise ask for (v) (but ask sb a
agree with sb on sth (v) to sb for sth (v) question)
aim at (v) appeal to/against (v) (un)aware of (adj)

bad at (adj) (but: He was belong to (v) blame sth on sb (v)

very bad to me.) benefit from (v) boast about/of (v)
B base on (v) bet on (v) bored with/of (adj)
beg for (v) (put the) blame on sb (n) borrow sth from sb (v)
begin with (v) blame sb for sth (v) brilliant at (adj)
believe in (v) busy with (adj)

capable of (adj) comment on (v) connect to/with (v) conscious

care about (v) communicate with (v) of (adj)
care for sb (v) (= like) compare with (v) (how people consist of (v)
(take) care of (n) and things are alike and how contact between (n) (but: in
care for sth (v) (= like to they are different) contact with)
do sth) compare to (v) (show the content with (adj)
careful of (adj) likeness between sb/sth and sb/ contrary to (prep)
careless about/with (adj) sth else) contribute to (v)
cause of (n) comparison between (n) convert to/into (v)
certain of (adj) complain of (v) (= suffer from) cope with (v)
C charge for (v) complain to sb about sth (v) (= correspond to/with (v)
charge sb with (a crime) (v) be annoyed at) count on sb (v)
cheque for (n) compliment sb on (v) crash into (v)
choice between/of (n) concentrate on (v) crazy about (adj)
clever at (ad)) (but: It confess to (v) crowded with (adj)
was very clever of confide in (v) cruel to (adj)
you to buy it.) (have) confidence in sb (n) cure for (n)
close to (adj) confuse sb/sth with sb/sth curious about (adj)
congratulate sb on sth (v)
connection between (n)
(but: in connection with)

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 191
Appendix 1

date back to (v) depart from (v) disagree with (v)

date from (v) departure from (n) disappear from (v)
deal with (v) depend on/upon (v) disappointed with/about (adj)
dear to (ad)) describe sb/sth to sb else (v) disapprove of (v)
decide on/against (v) description of (n) discourage from (v)
decrease in (n) die of/from (v) discussion about/on (n)
D dedicate to (v) die in an accident (v) dismiss from (v)
deficient in (adj) differ from (v) dissatisfied with (adj)
delay in (n) (have) difference between/of (n) divide into (v)
delight in (v) different from (adj) do sth about sth (v)
delighted with (adj) difficulty in/with (n) dream about (v)
demand for (n) disadvantage of (n) (but: there's a dream of (v) (= imagine)
demand from (v) disadvantage in doing sth) dressed in (adj)

eager for (adj) (make an exception of sth/sb = experiment on/with (v)

efficient in (adj) treat sb/sth as a special case expert at/in (sth/doing sth) (n)
emphasis on (n) take exception to sth = object to (= person skilled at)
engaged in sth (adj) sth) expert at/in/on (sth/doing
engaged to so (adj) exchange sth for sth else (v) sth) (adj) (= done with skill or
E enthusiastic about (adj) excited about (adj) involving great knowledge)
equal to (adj) exclaim at (v) expert with sth (n) (= good at
escape from (v) excuse for (n) using sth)
example of (n) excuse sb for (v) expert on (n) (= person
excellent at (adj) expel from (v) knowledgeable about a
exception to (n) experienced in (adj) subject)

failure in (an exam) (n) famous for (adj) friendly with/to (adj)
faithful to (adj) far from (adj) fortunate for (v)
familiar to sb (adj) (= known fed up with (adj) frightened of (adj)
to sb) fill sth with sth else (v) full of (adj)
F familiar with (adj) (= have fine for (v/n) furious with sb about/at sth
knowledge of) fluent in (adj) (adj)
fond of (adj)
forget about sth (v)
forgive sb for {v)

genius at (n) go through red light guilty of (adj) (but: He felt

G glance at (v) good at (adj) (but: He was very guilty about his crime.)
glare at (v) good to me)
grateful to sb for sth (adj)

happen to (v) hear of (v) (= know that sth or (no) hope of (n)
happy about/with (adj) sb exists) hopeless at (adj
H hear about (v) (= be told) help with (v)
hear from (v) (= receive a hope for sth (v)
letter/phone call)

192 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
Appendix 1

idea of (n) increase in sth of some % (n) interfere with/in (v)

identical to (adj) independent from (adj) invest in (v)
ignorant of (adj) indifferent to (adj) invitation to (n)
ill with (adj) information about/on (n) invite sb to (v)
impressed by/with (adj) insist on (v) involve in (v)
(make an) impression on sb(n) (have no) intention of (n)
include in (v) interest in (n)
interested in (adj)

J jealous of (ad)) join in (v)

knock at/on (v) keen to do sth (adj) key to (n)

K know about/of (v) kind to (adj) knowledge of (n)
keen on sth (adj)

lack in (v) lean on/against (v) look at (v)

L lack of (n) lend sth to sb (v) look for = search for (v)
laugh at (v) listen to (v)

M married to (adj) mention to (v) mix with (v)

mean to (adj) mistake sb for (v)

name after (v) nervous about (adj) (take) (no) notice of (n)
N necessary for (adj) new to (adj)
need for (n) nice to (adj)

object to (v) obvious to (adj) operate on (v)

O objection to (n) occur to (v) opinion of/on (n)

patient with (adj) (have the) pleasure of (n) pride oneself on sth/on doing
(take a) photograph of (n) point at/to (v) (v) prohibit sb from doing sth (v)
picture of (n) (im)polite to (adj) protect against/from (v)
pity for (n) popular with (adj) protection from (n)
P take pity on sb (phr) praise sb for (v) proud of (adj)
pleasant to (ad)) prefer sth to sth else (v) provide sb with (v)
pleased with (adj) prepare for (v) punish sb for (v)
(take) pleasure in (n) present sb with (v)
prevent sb from (v)
(take) pride in (n)

Q quarrel about sth/with sb qualified for (adj) quotation from (n)

(v/n) quick at (adj)

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 193
Appendix 1

ready for (adj) related to (adj) respect for (n)

reason for (n) relationship between (n) (but: a respond to (v)
reason with (v) relationship with sb) responsibility for (n)
receive from (v) release sb from place on terms (v) responsible for (adj)
(keep) a record of (n) relevant to (adj) result from (v) (= be the
recover from (v) rely on (v) consequence of)
reduction in (n) remind sb of/about (v) result m (v) (= cause)
refer to (v) remove from (v) result of (n)
(in/with) reference to (n) replace sth with sth else (v) rich in (adj)
regardless of (prep) reply to (n/v) right about (adj)
report on (n/v) rise in (n)
reputation for/of (n) rude to (adj)

safe from (adj) shout at (v) submit to (v) (but: submit sth
same as(adj) shy of (adj) for
satisfied with/by (adj) sick of (adj) publication)
save sb from (v) similar to (adj) subscribe to (v)
scared of (adj) smell of (n/v) succeed in (v)
search for (v/n) smile at (v) suffer from (v)
(be) in search of (n) solution to (n) sure of/about (adj)
S sensitive to (adj) sorry about (adj) (= feel sorry for suspect sb of (v)
sentence sb to (v) sb) (but: I'm sorry for doing sth) suspicious of (adj)
separate from (v) speak to/with sb (v) sympathise with (v)
serious about (ad)) specialise in (v)
shocked at/by (adj) spend money on sth (v)
short of (adj) spend time in/doing sth (v)
stare at (v)
state at (v)

talk about (v) thankful for (adj) tire of (v)

(have) taste in (n) think about/ (v) tired of (adj) (fed up with)
T taste of (v) threaten sb with sth (v) translate from…into (v)
terrible at (adj) throw at (v) (in order to hit) turn to sb for sth (v)
terrified of (adj) throw to (v) (in order to catch) typical of (adj)
thank sb for (v)

wait for (v) weak in/at (adj) worthy of (adj)

W warn sb against/about/of (v) witness of write to sb (v)
waste (time/money) on (v) wonder about (v)
worry about (v)

194 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
Appendix 2

Writing samples

Letter plan

Greeting: Dear/Hi/Hallo Tom,

Para №1: introduction (opening remarks!!!!)
Para №2: перша умова
Para №3: друга умова development of the subject(s)
Para №4: третя умова
Para №5: conclusion (closing remarks!!!!)
ending: Best wishes,/Yours,/Lots of love,…
signing: Amanda/Amanda Smith

Opening remarks:
A. a thank you to the person for their last letter
B. questions/wishes about recent events, the person`s health, comments about their news, etc
C. an apology for the delay in writing/replying
D. the reason why you are writing
Closing remarks:
E. the reason why you must end the letter
F. greetings to the person`s family/friends
G. wishes/a promise (e.g. to write again soon)
H. a request to the person to reply soon/an invitation to visit, etc

Useful phrases

Dear/Hi (first name),

Thank you/Many thanks for your (recent/last) letter/postcard.
How are the things? How are you? Hope you are well. How’s it going?
Opening It was good/nice to hear from you recently.
remarks I’m sorry I haven’t written/been in touch for such a long time.
(a, c) I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.
Sorry, I haven`t written for ages, but I`ve been really busy.
It’s ages since I’ve heard from you. I hope you’re/you and your family are well.

Your last letter was a real surprise. It was so nice of you to remember about...
Thanks a lot for the information you’ve sent me in your last letter.
I’ve just received your letter. I’m so happy to hear that...
Referring to Glad to hear that … Sorry to hear about …
their news Anyway, the reason I’m writing ... 
(b, d) I thought I’d write to tell/ask you ...
Just a note to say …Listen, did I tell you about … You’ll never believe what …
Oh, and another thing … This is just to let you know that …
I thought you might be interested to hear about/know that …
By the way, have you heard about/did you know that …

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 195
Appendix 2

Main body Linking words + answer all the questions

Sorry, I have to finish my letter because...

Well, that`s all I wanted to say.
Closing Well, that`s all for now.
remarks I`d better go now as...(I have loads of homework to do)
Give my regards to …/Say hello to …/Give my best wishes to...
Hope to hear from you soon./Write soon./Do write soon./I hope you will reply soon.
Once again, thank you for all your help.
Love, Best wishes,

Signing off Lots of love, All the best, 

Take care,

First name

Linking words

Addition Comparison Contrast Time

Furthermore, similarly However, meanwhile
Moreover, comparable Nevertheless, presently
In addition, in the same way on the other hand, at last
Additionally, likewise on the contrary, finally
Then, a similar (+ noun) notwithstanding, immediately
also another (+ noun) like at the same time, thereafter
too as opposed to at that time
Next, (al)though subsequently
Besides, otherwise eventually
Firstly, secondly, instead currently
Finally, lastly, alternatively in the meantime
Apart from this, in spite of in the past
Last but not least despite

Summary Result Example

In short, hence for example
On the whole, therefore for instance
On other words, accordingly such as
Clearly, consequently as revealed by
Anyway, thus specifically
To sum up, as a result in particular
To conclude, in consequence
All in all, so
In general,
In brief,

196 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
Appendix 2

Dear Emily,

I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I was very busy with my exams. How are you?
I like your choice to be an actress. I know that you are very talented and you’ll become a famous

As for my plans I always wanted to be a singer. You know that I love singing. Unfortunately I often
have a sore throat, and the doctor said that it was impossible. So, I decided to be a teacher of Eng-
lish. I study English and German and I also like singing.

To be ready for my future profession, firstly, I listen to English songs and watch English movies.
Secondly, I learn words when I’m walking along the street or even cycling. However, the most
important thing is language practice. I try to speak to native speakers if I have such an opportunity
wherever I am.

If I want to be a successful teacher I have to be communicative. Moreover, I must love children and
love to work with them and, of course, I have to understand children’s behavior.

Sorry, I have to finish as my mom asked me to help her. Hope to hear from you soon. Drop me a
line, please. Give my regards to your family.

Best wishes,


Letter of complaint
Letter plan

Greeting: Dear Sir or Madam/Dear Mr/Mrs Smith,

Para №1: introduction (opening remarks)
Para №2: перша умова
Para №3: друга умова +examples/reasons
Para №4: третя умова
Para №5: conclusion (closing remarks!!!!)
ending: Best wishes,/Yours,/Lots of love,…
signing: Amanda/Amanda Smith

Opening remarks:
A. the reason why you are writing
B. state your complaint
C. details of what has happened
D. where/when the incident took place
Closing remarks:
E. what you expect to happen (be given a refund/exchange/apology)

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 197
Appendix 2

Useful phrases
Dear Mr/Ms (surname), Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam,
I’d like to complain about/I am writing to complain about …which I
purchased from your store last week.
You said … but in fact (what happened) …
Reason for We were supposed to (stay with British families) whereas we actually
writing (stayed in a guest house).
(a)Complaining I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with…
I find it most unsatisfactory that…
I wish to draw your attention to the…
I wish to inform you that/I am writing to inform you that …
Yesterday I got my order but, to my great regret, ….;
I believe you can appreciate how disappointed I was when…
It was a very unfortunate event because
In this way it ruined all my plans as…
Main body As a result, I was left without…
I would like to hear your explanation for the above problems.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could send me a full refund.
I insert a copy of my order bill, showing the price and date of purchase, and
return the items I have got.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
remarks I would be most grateful if you would look into this matter as soon as possible.
Please let me know as soon as possible what action you propose to take. I
look forward to hearing from you.
(If Dear surname) Yours sincerely,
Signing off
(If Dear Sir/Madam) Yours faithfully,
First name + surname

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at the disgraceful treatment I received at the Wal-
ford branch of Stimpson`s Electronics yesterday afternoon.

Firstly, the product I was given was not the model I had asked for. The new X-401 calculator was
demonstrated to me be the sales assistant, and I agreed to buy it. However, on unpacking my pur-
chase, I saw that I had been given the smaller X-201 model instead.

Furthermore, this calculator was much cheaper than the model I requested and paid for. It did not
have many of the features I needed and was much more basic than the one I was shown.

To make matters worse, I was deeply offended by the behaviour of the sales assistant when I went
back to the shop to complain. He was not only impolite, but also unhelpful. He refused to contact
the manager when I asked to speak to him about the incident.

As you can imagine, I am extremely upset. I must insist on a full refund, in addition to a written
apology from the local manager, or else I will be forced to take further action. I expect to hear from
you as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,
Caroline Adams

198 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
Appendix 2

Letter to an editor
Useful phrases

Dear Mr/Ms (surname), Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam,

I am writing to …
I am writing with regard to …
Reason for
I am writing in response to...
I am writing on behalf of your article/radio programme about…. This article/
programme claimed that…
I am writing to draw your attention to…
З’єднувальні формули
Firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition, furthermore, lastly, moreover,
Main body
besides; on the one hand…on the other hand, however, still, in spite of/
despite, nevertheless; all in all, to sum up, in conclusion тощо.
I would be grateful if you would consider the information I mentioned.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Closing I look forward to hearing from you.
Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
(If Dear surname) Yours sincerely,
Signing off
(If Dear Sir/Madam) Yours faithfully,
First name + surname

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with regard to an article that appeared in your newspaper recently. This article
claimed that computer games are a waste of teenager`s time and lead to crime. I strongly disagree
with this point of view.

First of all, it is not true that all computer games are violent. Many games, including sports games,
puzzle games and adventure games, contain no violence. In fact, some of these games can be very

Secondly, there is no proof that playing video games leads to an increase in the crime rate. Most
young people who play these games are normal, honest teenagers.

Finally, the writer of the article calls for a ban on these games. In my view, this would be a mis-
take. Instead, we should educate young people about the problems of a small number of these

I would be grateful if you would consider the information I mentioned. I look forward to hearing
other readers` views.

Yours faithfully,
James Powell

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 199
Appendix 2

Dear Mr/Ms (surname), Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for the post/position of …
… as advertised in …
Reason for
I am writing with reference/in response to your advertisement, which I saw …
I am writing in connection with your advertisement in the Daily Star on May 11th …
With reference to your advertisement …
I gained some experience while …
I am currently working as …
I have been working for … for the last four years.

I worked part-time for three years as …


At the moment I am employed by …


My qualifications include …
I have a diploma in …
I graduated from Barcelona University last year with a degree in …
Please find attached my CV
As you can see from the attached CV …
Please do not hesitate to contact me if/should you require further information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Endings I am available for interview at your convenience.
I shall be available for interview any day apart from Wednesdays.

(If Dear surname) Yours sincerely,

Signing off (If Dear Sir/Madam) Yours faithfully,
First name + surname

As a rule letter of application consists of 5 paragraphs. In the first paragraph you mention: reason
of writing, the position you want to get and the source of information. In the main body you should
mention the age, education, qualification, working experience and personal qualities. In the last
paragraph give contact information and suitable for you time for interview.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with regard to your advertisement in The Liverpool Post dated 13th March. I am very
interested in getting the position of office manager.

I have left school this year and am currently taking an evening course in office management.
Besides, I have already completed a computer course and have been attending German and
Spanish courses for a year.

I don’t have any previous practical experience of office management, but I am a good student, a
very punctual and industrious person. I am sure I shall cope with the job.

As for my personal qualities, I am considerate, open and easygoing. I consider myself to be perfectly
fit for the position of office manager.

I would be grateful if you would consider my application. I am available for interview any day till
four p.m. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Marion Lewis

200 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
Appendix 2

Useful phrases
Many people feel that ...
First and foremost, ...
It is widely believed that ...
It would be ideal if ...
Another argument in favour is ...
It is clear from the facts that ...
The benefits of ... outweigh the disadvantages.
On the whole, I think ...
It is a fact that…
It is widely known that…
It is true that…

On the other hand ...

Other people think ...
An opposing argument is ...
…, although…
As opposed to the above ideas…
Despite this…
In spite of this… 
I personally feel that ...
I find it hard to see why ...
I certainly don't believe that ...
It is difficult to believe that ...
I object to the cloning of animals.
Giving I (strongly)believe that…
opinions In my opinion,…
In my view,…
It seems to me that…
Personaly, I think that…
I feel that…

First of all, … Secondly, … In addition, …

Organising Moreover, … Furthermore, …
and linking So … As a result, … Therefore, …
your ideas However, … On the one hand … on the other hand …
On the whole … While it is true to say …
Finally, … To summarise, … In conclusion

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 201
Appendix 2

Mobile phones at school

Nowadays, more and more students bring their

mobile phones to school. While I believe that
students should carry mobile phones in case of
an emergency, I am strongly opposed to phones
being used at school, particularly in the class-

Firstly, many students travel to and from

school without their parents. Therefore, it is
important for them to have a mobile phone in
case they need help or have an accident on the
way to school or home.

Furthermore, parents who work may need to

contact their children. For example, if a parent
has to work late, the student has to be told if
arrangements have been made for a relative or
neighbor to look after them.

On the other hand, nothing is more disruptive

during a lesson than the sound of a mobile
phone ringing or playing an annoying tune.
Moreover, students who send and receive text
messages in class are not paying attention to
the lesson.

In conclusion, I feel that students should be

allowed to take mobile phones to school for use
in an emergency. However, all phones should
certainly be turned off during lessons.

202 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26
Appendix 3

Irregular verbs

Simple form Past Simple Past Participle Simple form Past Simple Past Participle
Group 1 Group 5
ring rang rung bend bent bent
sing sang sung send sent sent
sink sank sunk lend lent lent
drink drank drunk spend spent spent
shrink shrank shrunk build built built
swim swam swum sleep slept slept
begin began begun keep kept kept
run ran run creep crept crept
weep wept wept
Group 2 sweep swept swept
feed fed fed leap leapt(ed) leapt(ed)
lead led led feel felt felt
breed bred bred mean meant meant
read read(as red) read dream dreamt(ed) dreamt(ed)
sell sold sold meet met met
tell told told leave left left
slide slid slid lose lost lost
burn burnt(ed) burnt(ed)
Group 3
hit hit hit Group 6
fit fit fit hang hung hung
spit spit spit hang(tokill) hanged hanged
knit knit(ed) knit(ed) dig dug dug
quit quit quit shoot shot shot
let let let stand stood stood
set set set understand understood understood
upset upset upset stick stuck stuck
shut shut shut strike struck struck
cut cut cut sit sat sat
put put put win won won
cost cost cost make made made
hurt hurt hurt pay paid paid
spread spread spread lay laid laid
broadcast broadcast broadcast say said said
light lit lit
Group 4
find found found
buy bought bought
found founded founded
fight fought fought
seek sought sought Group 7
think thought thought throw threw thrown
bring brought brought grow grew grown
teach taught taught blow blew blown
catch caught caught draw drew drawn
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
fly flew flown
know knew known

(044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26 203
Appendix 3

Simple form Past Simple Past Participle

Group 8
write wrote written
choose chose chosen
freeze froze frozen
speak spoke spoken
awake awoke awoken
break broke broken
steal stole stolen
Ride rode ridden
rise rose risen
shake shook shaken
take took taken
overtake overtook overtaken
mistake mistook mistaken
fall fell fallen
forget forgot forgotten
hide hid hidden
shave shaved shaven
bite bit bitten
beat beat beaten
swear swore sworn
tear tore torn
wear wore worn
weave wove woven
forbid forbade forbidden
give gave given
forgive forgave forgiven
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
get got got
prove proved proven
show showed shown
wake woke woken

Simple form Past Simple Past Participle

Group 9
dive dived/dove dived
do did done
go went gone
hear heard heard
have had had
be (am, is, are) was, were been
come came come
become became become
overcome overcame overcome
see saw seen
saw sawed sawn(ed)
lie lied lied
lie lay lain
lay laid laid

204 (044) 390 70 71, (099) 403 36 26

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