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відкритого навчального заняття:
з дисципліни: «Іноземна мова»
для студентів 1 курсу всіх спеціальностей


Методична розробка відкритого заняття з дисципліни «Іноземна мова».

Підготувала Каленіченко О. А. – викладач кваліфікаційної категорії «спеціаліст
вищої категорії», викладач ВСП «Маріупольський будівельний фаховий коледж
» - 2024.

Викладено методику проведення відкритого навчального заняття з

іноземної мови за темою «Studying. Education in Great Britain. Навчання. Система
освіти у Великій Британі», де викладач застосовує різноманітні методики
інтерактивного навчання на різних етапах заняття з метою створення умов для
формування міжособистісного спілкування, формування у студентів
комунікативних, лінгвістичних та соціокультурних компетентностей; підвищення
інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови , мобілізації життєвого досвіду студентів та
практичного застосування ними отриманих знань у житті. Методична розробка
містить розгорнутий план-конспект практичного заняття з використанням
опорного конспекту, ігрових вправ, проблемних питань, елементів групової
роботи, творчих завдань тощо.

Методична розробка призначена насамперед для викладачів англійської

мови закладів передвищої фахової освіти, професійно-технічної освіти та
загальноосвітніх шкіл, гімназій, ліцеїв тощо. Розробка може бути корисною для
студентів технікумів та коледжів, учнів шкіл тощо.

Розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні циклової комісії соціально-

природничих дисциплін МБФК

Дисципліна: Іноземна мова.
Модуль: Why Go To School? Чому ми ходимо до школи?
Тема: «Studying. Education in Great Britain.
Навчання. Система освіти у Великій Британі»
Мета заняття:
Методична: застосування елементів інтерактивного навчання на різних
етапах заняття з метою створення умов для формування міжособистісного
спілкування, формування у студентів комунікативних, лінгвістичних та
соціокультурних компетентностей; підвищення інтересу до вивчення іноземної
мови , мобілізації життєвого досвіду студентів та практичного застосування ними
отриманих знань у житті.
навчальна: залучити студентів до активної мовленнєвої діяльності на
занятті шляхом використання сучасних засобів навчання та різних організаційних
форм роботи; ознайомити з новою лексикою, особливістю освіти у
Великобританії; повторити граматичну структуру First Conditionals, практикувати
вживання умовних речень в усному та писемному мовленні; розширювати
лексичний запас по темі; учити діставати інформацію з тексту, збагачувати мову
ідіоматичними виразами;
розвивальна: розвивати навички читання, аудіювання та говоріння із
загальним обхватом змісту тексту; розвивати активну розумову діяльність
студентів, інформаційну культуру, пізнавальний інтерес до дисципліни, уміння
виділяти головне, суттєве у матеріалі, що вивчається; розвивати критичне і
логічне мислення при постановці проблеми, формувати вміння сприймати усне і
писемне мовлення, відтворювати, самостійно будувати власне висловлювання;
розвивати уміння збирати, систематизувати та узагальнювати інформацію;
розвивати мовну здогадку, мовленнєву реакцію та ерудицію студентів.

виховна: виховувати у студентів культуру спілкування, зацікавленість у

розширенні знань, інтерес до іноземної системи освіти; формувати активність,
здатність до критичного мислення, творчої ініціативи, відповідальності,
уважності, охайності, дисциплінованості; учити вести дискусію, працювати в
групах, парах.
Вид заняття: практичне заняття.
Тип заняття: практичне заняття з формування нових знань та навичок з
елементами інтерактивних технологій.
Методи та форми проведення заняття: постановка та вирішення
проблеми, еврістична бесіда, складання тезісного плану тексту, колективна,
групова, парна та самостійна робота, ситуативна дискусія, мозковий штурм.
Міждисциплінарні зв`язки:
- забезпечувані: країнознавство, культурологія, психологія;
- забезпечувальні: країнознавство, культурологія, психологія;
Методичне забезпечення: електронна презентація, ноутбук, проєктор,
екран, опорний конспект, картки-завдання, 2 фліпчарти, маркери, підручник.
1. Основна: Підручник англійської мови для 10 класу загальноосвітніх
навчальних закладів. Карп'юк О.Д.Рівень стандарту. Тернопіль:Видавництво
«Астон»,2018.-224с.:іл..ISBN 978-966-308-359-9
Додаткова: Павліченко О. М. Граматичний практикум. ІІІ рівень. – Х. :
Ранок, 2019.- 320с. -ISBN: 978-611-540- 906-8

- Посилання:

1. Greeting. (Привітання).
Good morning, dear students. I’m happy to see you. How are you? Do you like
our today’s weather? You know that you should be hard-working and attentive to get
good results at the end of our session. So let’s start our work.
1. WARMING UP (Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Мотивація
навчання студентів).
1) Teacher: Look at the screen. Here you can see a poem. Read it, translate
and express your opinion according to it. (На екрані є вірш, прочитати,
перекласти та висловити свою думку щодо прочитаного)

Problem solving questions: Is it necessary to study and get new knowledge and
skills nowadays? What is more important: to get hard or soft skills to be successful in
your life? (Колективна дискусія – вирішення проблемного питання).

2) Pair work. (Робота в парі).

Lexical exercises. (Лексична вправа з прислів’ями про навчання).
Додаток 1
Learn the proverbs. Match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its
ending in column B. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its ending in column B.
1. Live and… A. …a dangerous thing.
2. Knowledge is… B. …to learn.
3. A little knowledge is… C. …power.
4. It is never too late… D. …to know nothing.
5. To know everything is… E. …learn.
6. There is no royal road… F. …to learning.

The answer key: 1-E, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B, 5-D, 6-F.

1. Live and Learn.

2. Knowledge is power.
3. Little knowledge is dangerous.
4. It’s never too late to learn.
5. To know everything is to know nothing.
6. There is no royal road to learning.
2. Presentation of a new topic. (Оголошення теми та мети заняття).
Teacher: “There is no royal road to learning”. It means there are no shortcuts or
easy paths to acquiring knowledge or expertise, and that the only way to truly learn
something is through hard work, study and practice. Today we are going to answer the
question “How to study?”, give necessary tips for organizing learning, have a look on
Educational system in Great Britain, learn new vocabulary and do some practical
exercises that can improve your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. Let’s
start from Listening comprehension.
3. LISTENING (Аудіювання).
(Аудіо запис, завдання до тексту можна
побачити, перейшовши за посиланням або за QR

Pre-listening activity. (Завдання перед прослуховуванням тексту)

a) Corporate work. (Колективна робота)
Do this exercise before you listen. Put the study ideas in the correct group.
(Студенти разом з учителем обговорюють гарні та погані звички під час
організації навчання, усно заповнюючи таблицю).
a. Just read your notes, but don’t highlight them or write anything extra.
b. Think long term.
c. Make a study timetable.
d. Take regular breaks.
e. Answer email, text messages and Facebook messages immediately.
f. Work where there are distracting noises.
Good study habits Bad study habits

b) Listen to the audio recording twice. After listening to the text you should do
the task True/False on your sheets. (Прослуховування аудіо запису тексту,
виконання завдань Додатку 2).
Good morning. Today I’m going to talk about how to study. Now, you probably
think you know all about that, right? You’ve been studying for years. And I expect
some of you are fantastic at studying, really organized and good at concentrating. But
there’s always room for improvement, and your exams aren’t far away, so these tips are
for all of you.
Right, so, what’s the best way to study? Well, first of all, it’s a good idea to have
some kind of plan or timetable. This could be for the week or a longer revision
timetable for an exam, from one month to six months. Yes, if you’re studying for an
important exam it’s important to think long term. Draw up a timetable, but revise it
often. If it’s not going to plan, you may have to rethink it.

Next, think about your environment. Make sure the place where you are going to
study is comfortable with enough light, air, etc. Not too hot, not too cold. Make sure
there are no distracting noises around, such as television. If you think you concentrate
better listening to music, experiment and see if it’s really true. Some people really do
seem to work better with music in the background, especially classical music, but for
many people it spoils their concentration. However, if you have to work near a TV, you
might have to use headphones to play music to drown out the sound of the TV. In this
case, find out what kind of music works best for you, maybe something without words.
By the way, you might think you work fine with the TV on, but, again, experiment. You
might be surprised at how much better you work away from a TV. Oh, and the other
thing is the internet, text messages, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Forget about all of that while
you’re studying. No, really, you can ignore it for an hour or so; it won’t be the end of
the world if you don’t reply to a message immediately.
Right, planning breaks. Plan your study periods in chunks with regular breaks.
Many people recommend half an hour of concentrated study, then a ten-minute break.
But you can adjust this to suit you. If you study for too long at a stretch your mind will
work less effectively, so be careful. In your short break, you can give yourself a treat,
such as a cup of green tea. I wouldn’t advise a chocolate bar as a treat – a sugar rush is
not great for concentration.
OK, so next let’s think about what you do when you’re studying. Some people
just read through their notes or textbooks and underline in pencil or highlight important
bits. If this works for you, fine, but I’d suggest that it’s better to write notes of some
kind, so your mind is processing the information more. This way you are also producing
material which will be useful for last-minute revision. I don’t recommend very last
minute revision, by the way, but we’ll come back to that later.
Have a look at these examples of student notes. Which do you think are
best? The first person has written important phrases at random, the next has a table with
clear headings and boxes with notes, the next has summaries, and the last one has mind
maps: you’ve got the main topic in the circle, then lines coming off the circle attached
to subcategories, then more lines to further details. Mind maps are great for showing the

connections between different bits of information. They seem to work in the same way
the brain works. So what do you think? To me, the first one wouldn’t be very useful to
come back to and use in the future. But the others are all fine – it depends on your
personal preference. Mine is for mind maps. I would suggest using colours, though, and
even little drawings. They can make things much more memorable.
Obviously, when you are studying, the first thing to think about is whether you
understand the information, and the second thing is how you are going to remember it.
Let’s look at some more ways of making information more memorable …
Додаток 2
Check your understanding: true or false Circle True or False for these
1. The students will be taking exams soon. True False
2. A revision timetable could be from one to six weeks. True False
3. No one can really concentrate properly with music on. True False
4. You should try to forget about the internet, text messages, Twitter, Facebook,
etc. while you're studying. True False
5. You should try not to have a break until you really need one. True False
6. Underlining or highlighting your notes is better than writing more notes. True
7. Mind maps are good because they mirror the way the brain works. True False
8. The most important thing is to remember the information. You don't have to
understand it. True False
c) Group work. (Робота в групах)
Teacher: According to the text and your own opinion, write tips how to study or
how to behave during the studying. Present your ideas to the whole audience. You have
5 minutes.
(Студенти розподіляються на 2 групи, за 5 хвилин мають написати
підказки, відповідно до тексту та власного досвіду, як правильно спланувати
та організувати процес навчання. Потім презентують свої ідеї аудиторії,

спільні ідеї обох груп підкреслюються та виокремлюються найбільш важливі

з них).

4. READING (Читання)
Teacher: Today we are also going to speak about schools in Great Britain, about
the school subjects children do at school, about the exams they take and about some
school rules. There many schools that differ from ours. It will be rather interesting for
you to read about them.
What do you know about schools in GB? May you’ve watched films, read some
articles? Some pupils express their points of view.
Group work. (Студенти залишаються в групі та отримують завдання
прочитати інформацію про систему освіти у Великій Британії).
Read the text and try to work out the meaning of underlined words. Now we will
read about education and types of schools in GB in details.
Додаток 3
Group 1. Primary and secondary school in Great Britain. (Завдання для
групи 1 – Початкова та середня освіта у Великій Британії).

Nursery school – a school for young children of two or three to five years of age,
where children learn such things as numbers, letters, colors, etc., and may begin to read
and write.
Kindergarten – a school or class for young children usually age 5.

Infant school – a school for children aged 5 to 7 or 8. At infant schools reading,

writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day during the first year,
gradually increasing to about 2 hours in the last year. By the time children are ready for
the junior school they will be able to read, write, do simple addition and subtraction of
Junior schools – a school for children aged between 7 and 11. At junior school
there are set periods of arithmetic, reading, composition. History, Geography, Nature
Study, Art and Music, Physical Education, Swimming are also on the timetable.
Primary school – a school for children between 5 and 11 years old in England
and Wales, often divided into an infant school and junior school.
Secondary school – a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18,
above the level of primary education.
Secondary modern school – a school for children over the age of 11 who are not
expected to go on to higher study later. Although most children go to comprehensive
schools now, there are still some secondary modern schools.
Comprehensive school – a school for pupils over the age 11 which teaches
children of all abilities. This system was introduced in 1965 and largely replaced the old
system of grammar schools and secondary moderns, which took pupils depending on
whether they had passed an exam called the eleven-plus (11+). Over 80% of British
pupils now attend comprehensive schools. At 16 students in England and Wales take
GCSE examinations (the General Certificate of Secondary Education). At 18 some
students take A-level examinations, usually in two or three subjects.
Grammar school – a school for children over the age 11, who are specially
chosen to study for examinations which may lead to higher education.
Додаток 4
Group 2. High school and university education in Great Britain.
(Завдання для групи 2 – Старша школа та вища освіта у Великій Британії).

Sixth form college – a British state school for students over the age of 16. Some
young people prefer to go to the college because they feel it gives them more freedom

than an ordinary school. A college is a place where people go for more advanced in
education after school, especially in a particular subject or professional skill.
Polytechnic=poly – a college of higher education, similar to a university,
providing training and degrees in many subjects, especially those which prepare people
for particular jobs in science, industry etc.
University – a place of education at the highest level, where degrees are given.
Bachelors Degree – the general name for the first degree, most commonly a BA
(Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science).
Master’s Degree – the general name for a second (postgraduate) degree, most
commonly an MA or MSc.
Doctorate – the highest academic qualification. This usually carries the title PhD
(=Doctor of philosophy).
5. SPEAKING (Говоріння)
Answer the questions. (Кожна група описує
систему освіти у Великій Британії,
відповідаючи на питання та дивлячись на
схему на екрані).
1. What kinds of school do
children aged 2-5 attend?
1. What do they learn there?
2. What do children do at infant schools?
3. What subjects do children study at junior schools?
4. When do children start primary school?
5. Most children attend prep schools, don’t they?
6. When do English children take their GCSE examinations?
7. What are public schools known for?
8. What makes a boarding school different from a comprehensive
9. Why do many young people prefer to go to a sixth-form college?
10. What makes a polytechnic different from the university?

6. VOCABULARY (Робота з новою лексикою)

Teacher: Let’s learn new words and phrases.
1. Reading (читання з екрану, запис слів до зошитів)
Public school – a private fee-paying British
and especially English secondary school where
children usually live as well as study. Public schools
are known for their high academic standards and are
considered being prestigious.
Private school – a school not supported by government money, where education
must be paid for. In Britain a private school is often called a prep school or public
school. Only a small number of children attend private schools. Most attend state.
Boarding school – a school at which pupils live as well as study. Most British
public schools are boarding schools.
2. Working with a textbook. (Робота з підручником)
Do Ex 1 p. 68-69. (Виконання вправи на співставлення слів та їх дефініцій).
3. Робота з ідіоматичними виразами.

Teacher: Memorize some idioms and idiomatic expressions dealing with the
topic "Education". Make up sentences of your own using them:
 То learn smth. by heart means to learn smth. so well that it can be written or
recited without thinking; to memorise smth.
Вивчити щось папам 'ять.
 То live and learn (a proverb, also informal and folksy. Usually said when one is
surprised to learn smth.) means to increase one's knowledge by experience
Вік живи, вік учись. Життя коротке, мистецтво вічне.
Synonym: Art is long, life is short.
 То hit the books (Am., slang) means to begin to study; to study
Починати вчитись; вчитись.
 То cut a lecture (informal) means to skip going to class; to stay away from
school without permission or explanation
Пропустити, не бути присутнім на уроці, лекції; прогулювати (уроки в
школі, заняття в університеті)
Synonyms: To cut class (Am., informal)
To play hook(e)y (Am., informal)
To play the wag (informed)
To play truant (informal).
 То flunk the exam means to fail at the examination
Провалитися на іспиті.
 On paper means a) in writing; b) in theory rather than in reality
а) письмово; б) лише на папері.
 A ready tongue means to have an ability to speak fluently, to have a ready
answer to any question
Добре підвішений язик

2. USE OF ENGLISH (Самостійна робота з текстом)

Teacher: Let’s do some exercises about different types of secondary school.

Додаток 5
Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box below.

(Студенти працюють з текстом самостійно, по завершенню – самооцінка

за відповідями на екрані. Самоконтроль знань).

independent school(s) link(s) pupil(s)

education academic general slant
secondary entrance attend fee(s)
types ability (ies) college(s) specialist

Different Types of Secondary School

Over 85 per cent of __________(1) school pupils go to comprehensive schools.
These take children of all _____(2), and provide a wide range of secondary______(3)
for all or most of the children in a district from the age 11 to 16 or 18.
There are also other _____ (4) of secondary school. Grammar schools offer a
mainly _____(5) education for the 11 to 18-year age group. Children enter grammar
schools on the basis of their abilities, first sitting the 11-plus or _____ (6) examination.
Grammar ________ (7) cater for 4% of children in secondary
A small minority of children _____(8) secondary modern
schools (around 4%). These schools provide a more ______ (9) and
t e c h n i c a l e d u c a t i o n f o r c h i l d r e n a g e d 11—16.
City Technology Colleges (CTCs) aim to give boys and girls a
broad secondary education with a strong technological and business
____ (10).
They are non-fee-paying _____ (11) schools, set up by the
Government with the help of business sponsors who finance a large
proportion of the initial capital costs and develop ____(12) with the
schools. There are now 15 such ______(13) in operation in England
and Wales.
Specialist schools, which only operate in England, give
_____(14) a broad secondary education with a strong emphasis on
technology, languages, art and sports. There are over 250
_______(15) schools. They charge no_______ (15) and any secondary
school can apply for specialist school status.

3. GRAMMAR (Граматика)

(Колективне повторення правил вживання та утворення умовних речень

першого типу)

4. WRITING (Письмо)
Complete the following sentences:
(Доповніть наступні речення власними ідеями)
1. If I study hard, …..
2. When I finish a college successfully, ….
3. If I don’t have any homework, …
4. If I am a teacher, ……
5. If I study in Great Britain, …..
5. SUMMING UP (Узагальнення навчального матеріалу)
Teacher: Look, read and comment. I hope you have got to know useful
information, which you will need. (Обговорення питань)
- If you had an opportunity to study in the British school which one would you
prefer? Why?
- What advantages can you name in British education? What disadvantages?
- Is it harder to study in college than in school? Why? What are the benefits?
- What advice would you give a school student who is about to go to college?
6. REFLECTION (Рефлексія)

Teacher: Answer the questions and share your emotions at the end of our

- What have you done

- How can you use your
knowledge in future?
- How was our lesson?

7. ASSESMENT (Оцінювання)
Your marks for today’s lesson are….

8. HOMEWORK (Домашнє завдання)

Teacher: Your homework will be the next:
- Learn new words.
- Tell about British types of schools.
- Read and translate the text Ex 2 p.64-65, do Ex
3, 4 p. 65-66 after reading.
- Write a composition choosing one of the
following topics:
1. The school where I studied before.
2. My college where I study now.
3. My dream school or college.

Teacher: The lesson is over. Good bye!

Додаток 1

Learn the proverbs. Match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its
ending in column B. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its ending in column B.
1. Live and… A. …a dangerous thing.
2. Knowledge is… B. …to learn.
3. A little knowledge is… C. …power.
4. It is never too late… D. …to know nothing.
5. To know everything is… E. …learn.
6. There is no royal road… F. …to learning.

Додаток 2
Check your understanding: true or false Circle True or False for these
1. The students will be taking exams soon. True False
2. A revision timetable could be from one to six weeks. True False
3. No one can really concentrate properly with music on. True False
4. You should try to forget about the internet, text messages, Twitter, Facebook,
etc. while you're studying. True False
5. You should try not to have a break until you really need one. True False
6. Underlining or highlighting your notes is better than writing more notes. True
7. Mind maps are good because they mirror the way the brain works. True False
8. The most important thing is to remember the information. You don't have to
understand it. True False

Додаток 3

Group 1. Primary and secondary school in Great Britain. (Завдання для

групи 1 – Початкова та середня освіта у Великій Британії).
Nursery school – a school for young children of two or three to five years of age,
where children learn such things as numbers, letters, colors, etc., and may begin to read
and write.
Kindergarten – a school or class for young children usually age 5.
Infant school – a school for children aged 5 to 7 or 8. At infant schools reading,
writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day during the first year,
gradually increasing to about 2 hours in the last year. By the time children are ready for
the junior school they will be able to read, write, do simple addition and subtraction of
Junior schools – a school for children aged between 7 and 11. At junior school
there are set periods of arithmetic, reading, composition. History, Geography, Nature
Study, Art and Music, Physical Education, Swimming are also on the timetable.
Primary school – a school for children between 5 and 11 years old in England
and Wales, often divided into an infant school and junior school.
Secondary school – a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18,
above the level of primary education.
Secondary modern school – a school for children over the age of 11 who are not
expected to go on to higher study later. Although most children go to comprehensive
schools now, there are still some secondary modern schools.
Comprehensive school – a school for pupils over the age 11 which teaches
children of all abilities. This system was introduced in 1965 and largely replaced the old
system of grammar schools and secondary moderns, which took pupils depending on
whether they had passed an exam called the eleven-plus (11+). Over 80% of British
pupils now attend comprehensive schools. At 16 students in England and Wales take
GCSE examinations (the General Certificate of Secondary Education). At 18 some
students take A-level examinations, usually in two or three subjects.
Grammar school – a school for children over the age 11, who are specially
chosen to study for examinations which may lead to higher education.

Додаток 4
Group 2. High school and university education in Great Britain.
(Завдання для групи 2 – Старша школа та вища освіта у Великій Британії).

Sixth form college – a British state school for students over the age of 16. Some
young people prefer to go to the college because they feel it gives them more freedom
than an ordinary school. A college is a place where people go for more advanced in
education after school, especially in a particular subject or professional skill.
Polytechnic=poly – a college of higher education, similar to a university,
providing training and degrees in many subjects, especially those which prepare people
for particular jobs in science, industry etc.
University – a place of education at the highest level, where degrees are given.
Bachelors Degree – the general name for the first degree, most commonly a BA
(Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science).
Master’s Degree – the general name for a second (postgraduate) degree, most
commonly an MA or MSc.
Doctorate – the highest academic qualification. This usually carries the title PhD
(=Doctor of philosophy).

Додаток 5

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box below.

independent school(s) link(s) pupil(s)

education academic general slant
secondary entrance attend fee(s)
types ability (ies) college(s) specialist

Different Types of Secondary School


Over 85 per cent of __________(1) school pupils go to comprehensive schools.

These take children of all _____(2), and provide a wide range of secondary______(3)
for all or most of the children in a district from the age 11 to 16 or 18.
There are also other _____ (4) of secondary school. Grammar schools offer a
mainly _____(5) education for the 11 to 18-year age group. Children enter grammar
schools on the basis of their abilities, first sitting the 11-plus or _____ (6) examination.
Grammar ________ (7) cater for 4% of children in secondary
A small minority of children _____(8) secondary modern
schools (around 4%). These schools provide a more ______ (9) and
t e c h n i c a l e d u c a t i o n f o r c h i l d r e n a g e d 11—16.
City Technology Colleges (CTCs) aim to give boys and girls a
broad secondary education with a strong technological and business
____ (10).
They are non-fee-paying _____ (11) schools, set up by the
Government with the help of business sponsors who finance a large
proportion of the initial capital costs and develop ____(12) with the
schools. There are now 15 such ______(13) in operation in England
and Wales.
Specialist schools, which only operate in England, give
_____(14) a broad secondary education with a strong emphasis on
technology, languages, art and sports. There are over 250
_______(15) schools. They charge no_______ (15) and any secondary
school can apply for specialist school status.

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