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Group 15____

Team Agreement
Date: 27/09__________________
Venue: LG36_______________________
Team: (a list of people in team)

Contact & method of contact: see table below.

Six Agreements unanimously signed by team:

These can be individual or group actions.
1. Show up on time
2. Bring something to discuss at meetings.
3. Communicate, ask for help if needed.
4. Be on good terms with team, everyone can present their idea and agree together
5. Get your work done and if you need help ask for it.
6. Split up work evenly to suit everyone’s strengths

ME2502 Mechanical Engineering & Design

Six Actions on HOW to ensure six agreements will be achieved:
These points address HOW you will achieve the above actions. What steps are required as a prerequisite to achieving the agreement? This should include remedial actions
when things go wrong.

Discuss on WhatsApp- it’s ok to not understand or get something wrong so be open if you’re struggling

Work split up evenly so work is done on time and nobody’s doing all the work for everyone

Ask team director for advice if our plan isn’t working or if we are stuck

Weekly meetings to check everything is being worked on in good time

ME2502 Mechanical Engineering & Design

Group contact details:

Preferred method of contact

(NOTE: emails are accepted for official lines of communication )

Name +Mobile University email Personal email Text Phone Email Social medial
(uni/ personal?) (Watsapp, FB
+44 7985 191887 WhatsApp

+447926953435 Whatsapp

+44 7466 465494 Whatsapp


07722470087 Whatsapp

Name Belbin Role preference 1 Belbin Role preference 2 Roles in team (including organisational roles)

ME2502 Mechanical Engineering & Design

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