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Klaus Schraermeyer
Parasocial interaction
Parasocial interaction is a psychological
phenomenon where audiences develop one-
sided relationships with performers or characters
in the mass media, considering them as friends
or close to them despite having no real
interaction. It occurs in various media such as
television, online platforms, or books.
From interaction to

Acoording to Donald Horton and Richard Wohl (1956)

A parasocial interaction becomes a parasocial

relationship after a constant exposure to the media
persona, causing the person to develop illusions of
friendship, intimacy and identification, feeling
connected to them as much as they would feel with
their close friends but this being only a one-sided
Subcategories of parasocial
According to David Giles and John Maltby


In this one the things escalate
This one is the most common of more, it is when you understand This type of relationship is the
the 3, it is when you are interested you have an obsession with a most dangerous as it involves a
person or character, but you loss of control over thoughts,
in a celebrity or character
understand it is not real, and you feelings, and behavior. It may lead
because you find them
are not able to be in full control of to stalking or violence, with the
compelling, and being their fan
your feelings. These emotions person being willing to die for their
helps you create real
may prevent you to build close favorite character.
bonds with other people.
The similarity or compatibility between

the media user and the media persona

The frequency and duration of exposure

to the media persona

PR development The realism or authenticity of the media

factors persona

The social isolation or loneliness of the

media user

The lack of satisfaction or fulfillment in

real life relationshipsh of the media user

Real life examples


Singer Athlete Youtuber TV series

Buy her product Buy his shirts Watch his They empathize
Fallow her news Watch his videos with the
Assist to her games Interact trough characters
concerts Buy products social media Identify with
Watch her from his Watch live their situations
documentaries sponsors streams
Imitate his style Assist to fan
YouTube: 26.3 million
Instagram: 318.2 million Instagram: 608 million meetings
Twitter: 15.37 million Twitter: 109.3 million
YouTube: 204 million
Facebook: 57 million Facebook: 166.3 million
Instagram: 42.8 million
Twitter: 21 million
Facebook: 4.37 million
TikTok: 88.3 million
Role of media in PR
Expansion of Media Characters: The variety of “available”
media characters has increased dramatically with new
media technologies. While individuals in the 1800s likely
developed parasocial relationships (PSRs) with
protagonists in books, those in the late 1900s did so with
television characters. Now, social media has allowed for
PSRs with reality TV celebrities, Instagram influencers, etc.
Role of media in PR Number of internet users worldwide from 2005 to 2022 (in millions)

Media provides the platform for media users to

consume content created or related to the media
persona. Making possible the interaction with videos,
blogs, podcasts, posts, etc.

Most popular social networks worldwide as of July 2023, ranked by

number of monthly active users
Negative effects
These relationships could lead to a development They may lead to unrealistic expectations,
or an increase in anxiety, loneliness and social disappointment or disillusionment when the
isolation media persona does not meet the fantasies.

Celebrity idolization can be harmful when it They may cause resentment or conflict when the
interferes with real-life relationships and creates media persona has a real life realtionship with
unrealistic expectations that cannot be fulfilled other people.
by a partner.
How to do good use of PR?
1. Establish Clear Boundaries

2. Explore New Interests

3. Reflect on the Relationship

4. Take Some Time Off

5. Bring in Social Support

6. Think About Your Ideal Self

Positive impacts
Parasocial relationships can aid adolescents in forming identity and developing autonomy
by providing a safe space to experiment with different ways of being, imagining

Parasocial relationships can boost self-esteem and help people with low self-esteem feel
more confident and closer to their ideal self, according to research.

Individuals with avoidant attachment styles may adopt desirable traits of TV characters
they relate to as a coping strategy.

Attachment to a celebrity or character can provide a sense of comfort.

Parasocial relationships are utilized in marketing via social media, allowing celebrities to
engage with fans and create a sense of intimacy.
A meta-analysis synthesizing four decades of research (k = 120)
on the antecedents and effects of parasocial relationships
(PSRs) found that PSRs are strongly correlated with factors that
facilitate interpersonal bonds (e.g., homophily), other forms of
involvement (e.g., identification, transportation), and persuasive

Surveys Theorical Models and Reasearch
A longitudinal study conducted Participants who experienced a greater
during the COVID-19 pandemic in the decline in face-to-face communication
United States found that parasocial tended to have a greater growth in
bonds were strengthened during this parasocial closeness, suggesting that some
period. The study was based on a participants developed more meaningful
four-wave panel survey of 166 socioemotional bonds with their favorite
participants conducted between April celebrities and fictional characters to
7, 2020, and June 7, 2020 compensate for social deficiencies.

Escapism develops as a way of dealing with

unpleasant or stressful situations in life. Escapism
can be seen as a form of avoidance, which is a
psychological defense mechanism that involves
ignoring or denying the existence of a problem.
Scrolling through social media and daydreaming are Feelings of sadness, fear, depression, anxiety,
types of escapism when they become habitual coping exhaustion, and lack of self-esteem can all increase
mechanisms to break from reality. the desire to escape.



People seek escapism to avoid pain or discomfort that Any life change, even if the change is positive, can
occur as a normal part of life. lead to escapism. Life challenges and traumatic
events can also lead to escapism.
Common forms of escapism
1. Video games

2. Physical activity

3. Social media

4. Substances

5. TV watching

6. Daydreaming
About 22% of gamers spend around 61-80% of their
time playing multiplayer online games.

Weekly time spent playing video games according to adults

in the United States as of January 2022, by gender

Most popular reasons for playing video games according

to gamers in the United States as of August 2022
Negative impacts
Can have negative impacts when it becomes excessive or is
used as a primary way of dealing with problems.

Addiction: Escapism can lead to addictive behaviors, such as excessive gaming,

internet use, or substance abuse.

Decreased Productivity: Spending too much time in escapist activities can lead to
decreased productivity in work or school.

Mental Health Challenges: Over-reliance on escapism can exacerbate mental

health issues, such as depression and anxiety.

Not Accomplishing Goals: Escapism can distract individuals from setting and
achieving personal and professional goals.

Physical Health Challenges: Certain forms of escapism, like excessive screen time
or substance abuse, can have negative impacts on physical health.

Alienation from Others: Habitual escapism risks alienating us from friends, family,
and others.
If you notice excessive use of your smartphone, video
games, or drinking, you may be avoiding something.
Discover the root cause by meditating and journaling.


Understanding the "why" behind our behavior is the

back to reality
crucial part of personal development. It's essential to
figure out why we avoid certain things to break the
cycle and move forward.


Avoiding issues may feel comfortable but won't
solve problems. It's important to face reality and
address fears gradually, rather than avoiding them
Positive impacts
Therapeutic Effects
Positive Afterglow Escapism, such as reading travel books or imagining
Some forms of escapist activities, such as reading a
oneself at a favorite destination, can release
slice-of-life book or watching a coming-of-age movie
endorphins and dopamine, providing a therapeutic
or a film based on a motivational figure, can have a
effect and promoting relaxation and happiness,
positive impact and offer hope.
especially when traveling is not possible.

Stress Relief
Escapist activities, like reading or watching a movie,
offer a temporary distraction from stressors and can be
beneficial in providing immediate relief.
Experimental Studies Psychometric Testing
Experimental studies can be used to Psychometric testing utilizes
investigate how certain variables standardized tests to evaluate an
impact escapist behaviors, such as individual's tendencies towards
manipulating stress levels to observe escapism, including stress levels,
their effect on the use of such coping mechanisms, and use of
behaviors. escapist behaviors.

Surveys and Questionnaries Longitudinal Studies
These are often used to assess These studies track the same
individuals’ attitudes towards individuals over time to see how their
escapism and their frequency of escapist behaviors change and what
engaging in escapist behaviors. factors might influence these
Parasocial Interaction Escapism
1. The reason

2. Positive and Negative Impacts

3. Role of Media and Technology

“Instead of wondering when your next
vacation is, maybe you should set up a
life you don't need to escape from.”


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