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How did the Eraserheads affect economics?

The Eraserheads is one of the most significant music Artist in the history of Filipino music. They are
called as the beatles of the Philippines and according to Michael Sutton they can be compared to

So how did a monumental band like Eheads affect our economy?

In 1989 four-students of U.P diliman decided to form a band and the rest is history. In 1993 they
released their debut album Ultraelectromagnetic pop and it was a blast! They sell hundred thousand
copies of it. They started advertising different product as well as their music; it’s been use in different
product commercials. Then they released their 3rd album and it went Gold via pre-release sales before
stores had copies; the album was become a certified platinum eight-times!

So what is the connection of it to economics?

We cannot question the popularity of E-heads, because they affect all the aspect of food, fashion,
instrument, commercial, showbiz and even movie industry. Even my parents is been part of the so called
e-heads mania. I’ve remember some of the words my mom stated about e-heads, “Nung lumabas nga
yung e-heads sa commercial ng pepsi eh pepsi na binili ko kesa sa coke. Kasi ang cool overdive while
drinking pepsi”; my father also stated that, “Nung 90’s dahil sa E-heads nauso yung chuck taylor na
converse at hindi ka tiga 90’s kung di ka nagkaroon nun”.

The statements show that the sales of converse, pepsi products, etc. and even their album sales went
up. So the demand for their products rises, so it is a relatable thing to economics because the influence
of E-heads affects the law of supply and demand during that time.

I’ve been part of it so I know. It clearly shows the connection between e-heads and economics. E-heads
has a direct and indirect impact in economics. Not yet convince? Take a look at the definition of
economics. According to (I can’t find the author’s name either name of the book)
Economics is the study of the production and consumption of goods and the transfer of wealth to
produce and obtain those goods. Economics is a driving force (E-heads influence, e-heads mania) of
human interaction (people went crazy), studying it often reveals why people and government behave in
particular ways. In short, e-heads is economic driving force that affects the minds and decision making of
the people in terms of what to buy and what we want. They set a trend that affects supply and demand,
also creates job thru influences and creates an indirect impact on the formation of establishments. Not
yet sure about it? Try to research about e-heads and their influence from past until today.

Thea’s part
During early 90’s college rock band are not really known, But because of e-heads many bands had been
formed like PNE, rivermaya, etc. Thru their influence many young Filipino with great talents started to
create good music, so because of that many jobs created, from being a music assistant, Crew, up to
being a songwriter, music artist, producer, manager etc.; also thru it many establishments like bar,
restaurants, event’s place has been created.

It strongly shows that the economic impact of Eraserheads directly affect the increase of job creation
and formation of different establishments. Because of that our country generated more tax revenues
from establishments and workers. Until now even though E-heads is already disbanded and have new
different works in life their influence is still there. In 2014 they became the front page and centerfold of
esquire magazine. Weeks before the release, the magazine is already out of stock because of many
reservations. The demand for it rises so the price when up and the supply goes down.

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