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1. What do you think is the gender?

Ans: Gender pertains to the socially and culturally constructed traits that determines a person’s sexual
2. Explain your answer in number 1.
Ans: Gender is socially constructed, which means it goes beyond the biological concept of being male or
female. It is not identified on the day a child was born but it is developed as a child grows, and is influenced
by the norms and culture of the society. That is why the term gender means deeper than sex, because it is
not based on the physical attributes only. People’s view on gender varies from society to society and can
change over time.
3. What is your stand with regards to HETERONORMATIVITY?
Ans: I stand against the concept of heteronormativity. Assuming that people can be only classified as either
male or female is problematic in some reasons. First, it is homophobic. When people only see straight
couples, it pushes the idea that not being straight is quite abnormal. Second, it is a stimulant to depression.
When people only see heteronormative examples of life, it would build a barrier to the acceptance of the
LGBTQA+ community, thus elevating the risk of depression. Third, it is a form of discrimination. When
there is an exclusive room for straight cisgenders only, it is like rejecting other gender variations in the
society. For me, heteronormativity is an old ideology that creates a wall in achieving equality. It’s important
for people to learn on appreciating individuals who exercise their freedom on gender expression.

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