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Joel: Hi! Nike Service here. What are we getting after today?

System Message: Products from your cart have been loaded to product tray.
arsenyj kuscakov: hi Joel
Joel: Hey Arsenyj, Great to have you here today! how can we help, and make your day
better ?
arsenyj kuscakov: The thing is, it's been over 7 days since I sent you the sneakers
back to you
arsenyj kuscakov: and they were delivered five days ago
Joel: Oh! Thank you for reaching us out about it, let's go ahead and check it out,
please hang tight.
Joel: What's the order number ?
arsenyj kuscakov: C01274263375
Joel: Gotcha! Thank you sharing your order number, let's take a look into it,
please hang tight
Joel: Alrighty! thank you for patiently waiting.
Joel: You're right! We see here, that your return was delivered last 15th by UPS,
and our team are currently inspecting it for a refund, inspection timeframe usually
takes around 2-5 business days.
Joel: Please give our warehouse team up until 22nd to process your refund :)
Joel: We will also keep you posted on your email once it reflects back on your
card, including the refund invoice for it :)
Joel: Thank you for being part of Nike Member :) By the way, I wanna make sure
everything's covered, do you have any other questions in mind?
arsenyj kuscakov: Okay, thank you. I was also wondering if in my return they found
all 4 sneakers ?
arsenyj kuscakov: or they'll count it as 3
arsenyj kuscakov: I know I created a return label for 3 sneakers by mistake, I
couldn't create one for 4.
arsenyj kuscakov: but I also shipped all the stuff I bought
Joel: Good question, as we see here UPS was able to deliver 3 kicks.
Joel: Did you sent 4 kicks on the return ?
arsenyj kuscakov: hmm
arsenyj kuscakov: yeah
Joel: Ohh I see, I got you on this, let me take a note into our team that you sent
4 kicks for your return
arsenyj kuscakov: ok. thank you Joel
Joel: You're welcome! We're allset putting a note into it, and you can also refer
to the case 92716575 for your return notes :)
arsenyj kuscakov: ok thx. have a nice day
Joel: You're always welcome! Alrighty, Thank you for contacting Nike, Take care
and regards to your loved your ones. Have a great day ahead!

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