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Higher Tier - Calculator

Geometry and Measure Maths Activities

A tower is 96.3m tall. 1 Calculate the length of 2 A cube has a volume of 3
AG. Give your answer 729cm3. How long is one
From a point on the ground
to 1 d.p. side of the cube?
A01 Using and Applying

25m away, what is the

angle of elevation to the top
of the tower?
Give your answer to the 6cm
nearest whole number. E FD C
A B 10cm

These cuboids are 1 Both shapes are regular 2 Find the missing width 3
mathematically similar. polygons. when the area is 175cm2.
A02 Reasoning and Fluency

The volume of cuboid A

is 6cm3.

What is the volume of a b

cuboid B? a) Find angle a
4cm 10cm
b) Find angle b

c) Find angle c
d) Use angle c to name the
3cm 6cm
regular polygon which will
fit to join the two shapes.

Farmer Jeremiah has 1 Calculate the surface 2 Work out the area of this 3
bought a circular plot of area of the cylinder. isosceles triangle.
land 220m across. He wants
Give your answer to the Give your answer to 2 d.p.
A03 Problem Solving

to set aside a 45° sector of

nearest whole number.
the land for his sheep. The
sector needs to be filled with 10cm
grass, and fenced off.

Calculate the area of grass, 6cm

and the length of fencing 15cm
needed. Give your answers 72°
correct to 3 significant
Higher Tier - Calculator

Geometry and Measure Maths Activities Answers

Tan−1( 96.3 ) 1 a2 + b2 + c2 = d2 2 3
729 = 9cm 3
The angle of elevation is 75° 82 + 102 + 62 = 14.1cm
A01 Using and Applying

Scale Factor = 6 ÷ 3 = 2 1 a) 720° ÷ 6 = 120° 2 width × (10 + 4) = 175 3

23 = 8 b) 90° width = 25cm
A02 Reasoning and Fluency

6 × 8 = 48cm3 c) 360° − 120° − 90° = 150°

d) 180° − 150° = 30°

360° ÷ 30° = 12
12-sided shape

× π × 1102 = 1 2 × (π × 52) = 157cm2 2 Top angle in the triangle: 3
4750m2 of grass π × 10 × 15 = 471cm2 180° − (2 × 72°) = 36°
360× 220 × π + 110 + 110 = Using Area = 12 ab sin C:
A03 Problem Solving

157cm + 471cm = 628cm

2 2 2
306m of fencing 2 × 6 × 6 × sin(36°) =

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