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Keeping animals in captivity is cruel for many reasons.

There is a significant concern for the welfare of animals because of poaching and the
destruction of their habitats. In view of this, captivity was proposed. Is this acceptable?

Firstly, we need to consider your natural lifestyle. Animals want to survive, so they take what
is necessary from their habitat. Therefore, by leaving them out of their natural place, they
lose their sense of self-preservation and become dependent.

On the other hand, the educational aspect must be stressed. It provides the public with
information on the care they require. However, this information is not always done
responsibly, that is, there is no guarantee that animals will not suffer during the process.

Apart from that, it is important that attention is paid to the suffering of animals. Being
locked down suppresses their instinct and it causes a lot of frustration. The results are poor
nutrition and abnormal behavior.

In conclusion, captivity is an extremely cruel way of life for animals because they are
deprived of their freedom. Likewise, this causes problems in their development, since many
of them live with great frustration at being deprived of their liberty.

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