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Name : Muhamad Jejen Nurani

Npm : 211220004 ( English Education 3rd Semester

Subject : Writting in Profesional Context ( Functional Text )

Letter for my mom

Dear mom.

How are you ? i really miss you. Ia sorry in advance for sending you this letter
Actually, I want to say that I need money.
the money that has been sent for once a month, is actually not enough for
everyday here.
needs here, besides for lectures there are lots of unexpected expenses.
I've been trying to find a job but no one accepted me. that's it mom. I’m sorry
to keep bothering you mom.

I love you mom

The Youngest child

Name : Muhamad Jejen Nurani
Npm : 211220004 ( English Education 3rd Semester
Subject : Writting in Profesional Context (Discussion Text )

The Deleting of Ntional Examination

Talking about Examination, we All knows. Indonesian ministry of Education
give a statement that National Examination will deleted. As ministry education,
mr Nadiem Makarim stated the national exam actually not abolished, but
replaced with ANBK (computer-based national exam assessment).
this is done. to better know the reasoning abilities and basic abilities in the
world of work of students for the future.
then, the ministry of education will made questions about action at work,
talent action and many more.
However, National Exam abolished, The students must learning and Prepare
for ANBK ( computer-based national exam assesment).
Name : Muhamad Jejen Nurani
Npm : 211220004 ( English Education 3rd Semester
Subject : Writting in Profesional Context ( Analytical Exposition Text )

Watching television is not good for children

television ia things that work serve visual display in the form of images and
sounds. Television works for present information, entertainment facility at
Firstly, Television is not good for children Because you can experience sleep
disturbances,because The light on the television can reduce levels brain
Secondly, Television can cause visual disturbances.Because of the light that is
on the television can potentially radical formation free and engendered
Photochemistry On the retina of the child's body.
Thirdly, Television can cause a child to lose focus in learning, because with If
he is used to television, a child will be less enthusiastic and active in learning.
Name : Muhamad Jejen Nurani
Npm : 211220004 ( English Education 3rd Semester
Subject : Writting in Profesional Context ( Hortatory Exposition Text )

Fast food is not healthy food

Nowdays, there a lot of fast food is rife in various parts of the city. various
forms and flavors of fast food are the target of small children, teenagers and
even adults. they choose fast food for daily consumption. even though many
doctors or health nutrition experts have said that "consuming fast food every
day can interfere with health".but they ignore the statement.
there is a lot of evidence that the body needs more natural cooked food than
hygienic food.
vitamins and nutrients are not very much in fast foot.
even fast food does not guarantee cleanliness.
with many diseases caused by fast food. We must be wiser in managing our di
Name : Muhamad Jejen Nurani
Npm : 211220004 ( English Education 3rd Semester
Subject : Writting in Profesional Context ( Report text )

Bus Terminal

The bus terminal is a building where city buses or intercity buses stop to pick
up and drop off passengers. Bus terminals are larger than bus shelters, which
are generally just small buildings on the side of the road where buses can stop.
Bus terminals can have status as bus terminals for many routes, or as transfer
terminals between routes. Bus terminal platforms can be assigned to certain
bus routes or even equipped with a passenger information system.

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