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Second paragraph

The process of making Sanjai starts with ready-to-harvest cassava taken from the garden. Furthermore,
cassava is brought to the Sanjai manufacturing factory. Then the cassava is peeled by the peeler
machine. After that, the cassava that has been peeled is washed using running water 3 times. This aims
to make cassava really clean. Furthermore, the cleaned cassava is brought to a cassava slicing machine,
where the cassava will be sliced thinly with a thickness of about 5mm and some are cut into cubes.
Furthermore, the cassava is brought to the frying pan and then fried until it is yellow in color. After that,
the sanjai is drained using a machine called a spinner. After this stage, some Sanjai are packaged with
original cassava flavor and some are flavored with various spices. Like balado flavor,balado hijau,sweet
flavor,rendang flavor.

Linguistic Features, color description:

….. :Technical lenguange

…..:Passive voice

…..: temporal conjunction

This is original flavor This is balado flavor

This is balado hijau flavor This is sweet flavor

And this is rendang flavor

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