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'Cavendish' bananas

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Musaceae
Genus: Musa
Banana peelings
Charcoal vinegar
Mortar and pestle
Fit container

1.Prepare the materials such as banana peelings,charcoal,tawas,alcohol,&
2.Cut the banana peelings into small pecies.
3.Pour the charcoal until it becomes powder.
4.Boiled the banana peelings with 2 cups of water with 3 tablespoon of
vinegar w/in 30 min.
5.Mixed the powdered charcoal to the boiled banana peelings then stir it until
its color becomes black.
6.Let the water in the banana peelings evaporate.
7.Put the boiled peelings to the mortar and poured it with pestle and make
sure that it is all poured.
8.Place it into a fit container.

After we finish this product,we can use this as bio-shoe shiner w/out
chemicals. If we sell this product, it is very affordable and very effective.

Recommendation: we recommend this product to all users of leather black

shoes. All users should be use this product to make their shoes become
clean and durable.

Banana Peelings as a Shoe Shiner(Cavendish


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