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These things, in my opinion, should be taught first by parents since youngsters need a heads-up
on these issues before learning about them at school. If the parents dealt with these issues
beforehand, the children would have no trouble dealing with these kind of themes at school.
We must first learn how to communicate with our parents about biological changes, sexual
drives, and sexual reactions. Because our parents are our first teachers, they gave us life by
giving us birth. I assumed they had the information we needed to comprehend such issues since
they had previously gone through them. However, if we want more scientific solutions to our
problems, we should consult with experts. Unless your parents are physicians, a doctor would
be a fantastic choice because it is their field of expertise and they can explain it more extensively
than our parents.

2. Person - Each of us is a sexual being. To avoid any unwanted occurrences, I urge that you use
protection at all times. Take care of yourself as well to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted
disease. Be loyal to your lover at all times. To minimize the spread of any sexually transmitted
diseases, avoid having several sexual partners and not being excessively hungry with sex.

Student - As student, we must take care of our bodies as students. For hygiene considerations as
well. Every day, we must shower, brush our teeth after every meal, trim our nails, and so on. We
must do all in our power to preserve our health and cleanliness. We must value it since it is our
single investment in education. When you are fit and healthy, you may do better in school, if not
the best.

Friend - As a friend, I advised you to take care of your physical health. Any vices, particularly
smoking cigarettes and taking alcoholic drinks, should be avoided since they are harmful to your
health. Give yourself as much time as you can to exercise in order to get stronger and healthier.
Consume as many healthy foods as possible. Take careful care of your material possessions,
especially if they were given to you by your parents or anybody else because they worked for it.
Material goods are transient; value friendship and family before material items since they are
the ones who will always be there behind your back after all of your possessions are gone.

Brother/Sister - As a brother/sister, I urge you to take care of yourself. You must not do
something silly to your body. Eat healthful foods and exercise as much as possible to stay
healthy, especially during a pandemic. It would be fantastic to be physically fit in order to
prevent contracting COVID19. To avoid sickness caused by unsanitary activities, you must
maintain yourself clean at all times. By doing so, you may assist others, those individuals.
Surround yourself in order to avoid being infected by any infectious disease that an unsanitary
person may have. Same to what I said earlier. If it's only your girlfriend, don't do anything sexual
to them, intercourse Sex is very holy, and it is only meant for couples. Again, I recommend doing
it yourself, by gratifying yourself without the necessity for a sexual partner. However, if you are
unable to stop yourself, utilize a protection or contraception to avoid any impregnation that
may occur during your sexual intercourse.

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