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The things I wanted to practice in 30 days about respecting others, grit and motivation, and/or

personal hygiene, is first respecting others I wanted to practice my way of conversation with other, I’m
not saying that there something bad going out of my mouth, I’m a person who wanted to be always
right, but not that always. I just want to practice that I’m not always right I shall respect the others
opinion for me to improve. Second, my grit, I’m scared of having a hard work, but I know it would go to
something good, I always wanted it fast, I wanted it always in a short-term. Now, I wanted to practice
that the better outcome will always be on a short-term goals. Third, my motivation, like what I’ve said I
always want my goals to be short-term, because I’m lack of motivation and I’m not tracking my progress,
it always comes in my mind that “I’m doing it all right”, and I wanted to practice long-term goals, and
keep tracking my progress. Last but not the least, my personal hygiene, sometimes I don’t take a bath
regularly, and trimmed my nails weekly, and worst of all I just brush my teeth 2 times in 1 day ,and 2
days in a week, because of my laziness, and I wanted to practice to have a bath regularly, trim my nail
weekly, and brush my teeth 3 times a day and everyday. That’s the things I wanted to practice in 30
days, and that’s the thing I think that lack in myself

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