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Colegio Santa Cruz - Temuco

Prof. Ximena Escobar Presencia Transformadora

Taller de Inglés - 2023

Guia de aprendizaje
Sustainable development
Environmental issues

Name Level II° Date

Objetivo de aprendizaje: Reconocer los problemas medioambientales, sus causas y efectos en

el planeta.


1. Complete the sentences with the word missing from the box.

car sharing - erosion - Acid rain - earthquake - countryside - Oil - noise pollution
- wind power - hurricane - cliff
a. Last Tuesday, there was a huge_________spill on the ocean, and a
considerable amount of ocean animals were affected.

b. The government is trying to encourage new forms of renewable energies

such as solar energy, _______ __________, hydro energy, and biomass energy.

c. The pollution in the air is causing rain to become acidic, this phenomenon is
called ______________ ____________.

d. I love to watch the sunset standing close to a __________, where you see the
sky and the beach from above.

e. The __________ is causing the ground to become infertile.

f. The city overwhelms me, I prefer to spend my weekend in the ___________

surrounded by nature.

g. .An ______________ of magnitude 7.0 on the Richter scale affected Italy last

h. Martha and I are __________ _________ now, we believe it is not friendly with the
environment to drive a car when you are the only passenger.

i. Valparaiso and Viña had to invest a lot of money rebuilding their houses
after the ____________ that affected the area. The strong rain and wind
destroyed everything.

“Sólo el amor despierta la vida” (Padre Teodosio)

Colegio Santa Cruz - Temuco
Prof. Ximena Escobar Presencia Transformadora
Taller de Inglés - 2023
j. The city is contaminated not only by air polluted, but also by
_______________ _______________.

2. Find the clue completing the letter missing from the word, then answer the

“Sólo el amor despierta la vida” (Padre Teodosio)

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