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Social media strategy for CRED:

Choose goals that align with business objectives [GOALS]

CRED's business objectives are to increase brand awareness, attract new
customers, and engage with existing customers. CRED's social media goals
should align with these business objectives. For example, CRED could set
goals to increase its follower count by 10% in the next quarter, generate
100 new leads per month from social media, and increase engagement on
its social media posts by 20%.

Learn everything you can about your audience [TARGET

CRED's target audience is affluent Indians who are interested in personal
finance and credit cards. CRED can learn more about its target audience
by conducting surveys, analysing social media data, and talking to its
customers. For example, CRED could learn about its target audience's
demographics, interests, pain points, and social media habits.
Get to know your competition (do a complete analysis of a
minimum 2-3 competitors) [COMPETITION]
CRED's competitors include other fintech startups, such as Paytm and
PhonePe. CRED can learn from its competitors by analysing their social
media strategies. For example, CRED could look at the types of content
that its competitors are posting, how often they are posting, and how
they are engaging with their followers.

Find inspiration & refine as per your goals. [FINDING

Once CRED has a good understanding of its goals, target audience, and
competition, it can start to brainstorm ideas for its social media content.
CRED can find inspiration by looking at other successful brands on social
media, as well as by talking to its customers and asking them what they
would like to see.

Set up accounts and improve profiles [SET UP ACCOUNTS]

CRED needs to set up accounts on all of the major social media platforms,
such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. CRED should also
make sure that its social media profiles are complete and up-to-date.

Develop a social media audit strategy to measure (metrics)

later (engagement strategies & content pillars)
CRED needs to develop a social media audit strategy to track its progress
and measure the success of its social media campaigns. CRED can track a
variety of metrics, such as follower growth, engagement rates, and
website traffic from social media. CRED should also develop engagement
strategies to encourage its followers to interact with its content. For
example, CRED could ask questions in its posts, run contests, and respond
to comments.
Create a social media content calendar. [CONTENT
A social media content calendar will help CRED to plan and schedule its
social media posts in advance. This will help CRED to ensure that it is
posting consistently and that it is posting a variety of content.

Create and publish compelling content consistently.

CRED needs to create and publish compelling content on a regular basis.
CRED's content should be informative, engaging, and visually appealing.
CRED should also use a variety of content formats, such as videos, images,
and infographics.

Track performance and make adjustments. [SOCIAL MEDIA

CRED needs to track the performance of its social media campaigns and
make adjustments as needed. CRED can use social media analytics tools
to track its metrics and identify areas for improvement.
Here are some specific examples of how CRED can
implement its social media strategy:
 CRED can use its social media platforms to educate its followers about
personal finance and credit cards. For example, CRED could post blog
articles, infographics, and videos about topics such as how to build a
good credit score, how to choose the right credit card, and how to
manage credit card debt.

 CRED can use its social media platforms to promote its products and
services. For example, CRED could post about its new credit card
offers, its rewards program, and its customer support team.

 CRED can use its social media platforms to engage with its followers
and build relationships with them. For example, CRED could ask
questions in its posts, run contests, and respond to comments.

 CRED can use its social media platforms to monitor its reputation and
respond to negative feedback. For example, if a customer posts a
negative comment on social media, CRED should respond promptly
and professionally.

By following these steps, CRED can develop and implement a

successful social media strategy.

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