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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
Relationship: Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk, Kim Dokja & Yoo Joonghyuk
Character: Secretive Plotter (Omniscient Reader), Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk
Additional Tags: POV Kim Dokja, Hurt Kim Dokja, Possessive Yoo Joonghyuk
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-05-24 Words: 3,064 Chapters: 1/1

by biyoopoint


Kim Dokja has been taking care of his boyfriend Yoo Joonghyuk for two years now.
There's been an accident that led to Yoo Joonghyuk to be in a coma. Kim Dokja, full of
devotion and trust that Yoo Joonghyuk will one day come back to him, he diligently tends
to his beloved.


See the end of the work for notes

It's the same routine for Kim Dokja. He wakes up at the exact same time in the morning everyday
and opens his window. He lets the little rays of sunshine pass through it as he follows the way it
crawls inside his room. and until it reaches that side of his room—their room.

Kim Dokja's lips lifts up a bit and walks near the bed—Yoo Joonghyuk's bed.

This was their room when Yoo Joonghyuk was still not in his vegetative state. Now, he moved
some of their things to the other room so that Yoo Joonghyuk's bed (aside from the bed they used
to sleep together, that Kim Dokja is now using alone) will also fit in their room. You see, he really
loves his man. He took the liberty to take care of him, and he will always choose to care for Yoo

He leans on Yoo Joonghyuk's sleeping body, "Good morning, Joonghyuk-ah." He whispers softly
against Yoo Joonghyuk's ears.

He touches Yoo Joonghyuk's face a bit and then gets back on his feet. He raises the sleeves of his
sweatshirt and walks to their bathroom. Today he will try to cook food. Today is their anniversary
for being together for a decade now, and it's also the second year of Yoo Joonghyuk being in a
After cooking for a bit, he will bathe Yoo Joonghyuk. Sometimes he does it on Yoo Joonghyuk's
bed but sometimes he takes Yoo Joonghyuk on the bath tub. He sure takes his time doing it
because he's afraid Yoo Joonghyuk will be hurt.

Kim Dokja hears a ring on his phone, its tone signifies that the murim dumplings that he's cooking
are already okay. Yoo Joonghyuk taught him how to make it back because it's their favorite.

During Kim Dokja's first months of being with the unresponsive Yoo Joonghyuk, Kim Dokja just
cooks and cooks and cooks. It's all murim dumplings. He cooks and eats them. cooks and eats
them. Repeat. At first it's not perfect, but then he tries and tries. He feels like when he perfects it,
Yoo Joonghyuk will already wake up, since it's also his favorite.

But Kim Dokja has already perfected it and Yoo Joonghyuk is still there, just sleeping.

Kim Dokja turns off his alarm and takes the dumplings. He sets it aside properly and walks back to
their room.

Kim Dokja smiles as soon as he sees the peaceful Yoo Joonghyuk. As much as he loves the way
Yoo Joonghyuk looks when his face is peaceful, it's still better if Yoo Joonghyuk's peaceful face is
when he's awake. Oh how he misses Yoo Joonghyuk's eyes.

He taps Yoo Joonghyuk's arms, "I'm going to make you a nice warm bath, and I'll clean you." Kim
Dokja speaks as he removes Yoo Joonghyuk's apparatuses and moves him on a wheelchair that
will help him move Yoo Joonghyuk's body to the bathtub.

It takes him a couple of minutes and a lot of effort but he doesn't mind. If it's Yoo Joonghyuk, he
doesn't mind.

Kim Dokja hums as he carefully bathes Yoo Joonghyuk's body.

"Ah, you're really handsome, Joonghyuk-ah. I hope you wake up soon. If you do, I'll let you do
whatever you want with me." Kim Dokja blushes at his suggestion. It's embarrassing but he
genuinely hopes Yoo Joonghyuk will wake up soon.

After wiping Yoo Joonghyuk, he puts clothes on Yoo Joonghyuk.

He traces Yoo Joonghyuk's scars as he does so.

'It's because of me.' Kim Dokja thinks. He wants to wallow in self-loathing but he remembers the
murim dumplings that are waiting for them.

He does it a bit quickly and transfers Yoo Joonghyuk on his wheelchair again. He levels Yoo
Joonghyuk's medical bed and makes him sit for a bit while they eat. Although Yoo Joonghyuk
can't eat solid foods, he puts on his IV drip as he eats his dumplings. He just watches Yoo
Joonghyuk as he eats. Maybe waiting for a change.

"Happy Anniversary, Joonghyuk-ah. I miss you."

Kim Dokja puts his plate aside and leans to hug Yoo Joonghyuk's body. He listens to Yoo
Joonghyuk's heart beating, which comforts him.

Kim Dokja is now done cleaning his house while checking Yoo Joonghyuk from time to time.
'Look at my Yoo Joonghyuk, sleeping without worries.' Kim Dokja smiles a bit and finds his

He gets surprised as he sees a lot of messages from Han Sooyoung. What does this girlie want
from me? Kim Dokja thinks. He opens the messages and he feels like a bucket of cold water drops
on his whole body.

[He's back here! Have you seen him? Has he gone to you? How are you?]

[Respond, hey!]

[KIM DOKJA!!!] and 13 more messages from Han Sooyoung. there's also a number of missed

He types and tells Han Sooyoung that he's okay, and adds that he's sure he won't pester him and
Yoo Joonghyuk again after what happened.

Kim Dokja waits for Han Sooyoung's reply that comes a few seconds after he sends his.

[Okay! That mf! Alert me if something happens!!]

Kim Dokja thanks Han Sooyoung for her concern. He doesn't even want to think about that man
who's the very reason why Yoo Joonghyuk is like this right now.

When he goes to the side room where he moved their things which are mostly his books and Yoo
Joonghyuk's gaming equipment, he sees that a book is on the floor.

From what Kim Dokja remembers, he already tidied here a while ago, so why is there a book on
the floor? Kim Dokja just sighs.

Ever since Yoo Joonghyuk's coma, he seems to be a bit more forgetful about things. He sometimes
forgets that he had put a thing here or there, or sometimes he misplaces things he's sure he tucked
away properly. Kim Dokja is neat so his forgetfulness irritates him sometimes.

He looks at the book and chuckles. The 'book' is an album. particularly their photo album. He
opens it and faces of him and Yoo Joonghyuk together welcomes him. It's from their college years
together up until the present. Kim Dokja still gathers memories even though Yoo Joonghyuk is
asleep. He knows Yoo Joonghyuk will wake up, so he thinks that Yoo Joonghyuk would
appreciate the memories Kim Dokja is gathering while he's unconscious. It would be easy for him
to catch up when he wakes up.

Kim Dokja puts it back on one of the shelves when he hears a sound from their bedroom. He runs
quickly. still catching his breath, he sees Yoo Joonghyuk's hand dangling at the side of the bed.

"Silly you! You scared me to death!" Kim Dokja laughs as he puts Yoo Joonghyuk's hand beside
his body.

"Stop playing with me and wake up now! Okay! You're like a ghost, always having ways to mess
even when you're just there." Kim Dokja laughs again. He's sure Yoo Joonghyuk hears him. He's
sure of it.

Kim Dokja hears their door bell. Who could it be? He checks his phone and none of his close
friends messaged him that they were coming.

Kim Dokja slightly opens his door to look for who is ringing their bell.
Kim Dokja gets startled as he sees who is on the front door.

"What are you doing here?" If Kim Dokja doesn't have the least bit of manners, he would've
slammed the door shut on this man's face.

"Hello. I want to say sorry for all the things that has happened." Wow? only after two years? Kim
Dokja's face looks grim. He wants nothing but to make this man disappear right this instant. But he
thinks of Yoo Joonghyuk. Kim Dokja decides and opens his door a bit bigger.

He thinks, okay, maybe it's time to have some peace between the three of us.

He signs the man to sit on a chair beside the table which is in front of their bedroom's door. Since
Kim Dokja left the door open, he's sure the man sees Yoo Joonghyuk with a full of apparatuses on
the bed sleeping.

Kim Dokja sits across from the man, back facing the door of the room where Yoo Joonghyuk is

"So?" Kim Dokja starts. "Oh, sorry, I won't offer you food. Water, sure, but I want this to be done
as soon as possible." He sees the man saddens a bit but he doesn't care.

This man is Yoo Joonghyuk's older brother. He's known as "Secretive Plotter" in his field because
he is really good when it comes to his business.

"It's alright. i'll be quick." SP looks prim and proper. He has a line scar across one of his eyes
which also came from the accident.

Kim Dokja calmly waits for him to continue.

"I know my sorry will never bring back everything from two years ago, but I am sincerely sorry for
what happened. I would take all the blame for the accident. But I have a question for you." SP
speaks clearly towards Kim Dokja. He hears genuine feelings from SP's voice, so he asks, "What is

SP looks at him for a while before speaking. "Do you really think Yoo Joonghyuk is that weak?"

Kim Dokja felt like a nerve burst from his head. "What do you mean by that?" He's now angry.

"Yoo Joonghyuk's state right now is not what you think it really is."

2 years ago —

Kim Dokja is sitting on the passenger seat. It's their 8th year anniversary but their atmosphere is

"You can drop me off here. I want to walk to my house." Kim Dokja says as he waits for Yoo
Joonghyuk to pull over. But Yoo Joonghyuk doesn't.

"No." He wants to punch Yoo Joonghyuk.

It's like all of his emotions have now piled up, so he bursted. "Are you really going to decide
everything for me Joonghyuk?!" Kim Dokja screams inside the car. He feels trapped. He doesn't
like it.

"What are you saying? I only want to take you home." Yoo Joonghyuk doesn't even look at him.
"Fuck you! you know that's not what I mean!" Kim Dokja wants to cry. It feels like Yoo Joonghyuk
doesn't even want to listen to him.

"Then what do you mean?" A tear falls down from his eye. He really can't right now. Yoo
Joonghyuk isn't even acknowledging what he wants.

"You know I really want that project! Why did you turn it down for me!?" Kim Dokja cries beside
Yoo Joonghyuk. He feels like even if he screams, Yoo Joonghyuk won't listen to him.

"You can't leave me." Kim Dokja looks at Yoo Joonghyuk who's still not looking at him.

"Leave you? Did I say I will? I just have to go to another country for work! It's not like I'm
breaking up with you!" Kim Dokja buries his face on his hands.

"No. You are. I told you I don't like being apart from you. But you don't listen. You're going to be
away for nearly 2 years. And you know I can't go with you. I can't let you go away from me." Yoo
Joonghyuk speaks. This may be his longest sentence from their 8 years of relationship.

"Are you insane? You that's not what it means. I also can't bear to be without you. But you know
this has been my dream since college! To be able to use my experiences in that country! For work!"
Kim Dokja chokes as he speaks. Yoo Joonghyuk looks at him for a bit.

His eyes seem to be pained. He looks away from Kim Dokja. "Fine."

Kim Dokja looks at him. "What do you mean?"

"Go home by yourself, and take that offer again. Leave me be." Yoo Joonghyuk says as he slows
down their car to pull over.

Kim Dokja is stunned. Is this man thinking straight?

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you breaking up with me? Is this what you mean?" Kim Dokja
asks. Yoo Joonghyuk told him yesterday that it's better for them to go their separate ways if Kim
Dokja wants to go away.

Kim Dokja pulls his hair. He gathers himself, wipes his tears, and prepares to go outside.

Kim Dokja waits for Yoo Joonghyuk to speak to him but Yoo Joonghyuk doesn't even look at him. It
felt like Kim Dokja's heart was being trampled upon. He can't take it anymore so he says, "Okay.
Let's cool our heads for a bit. Goodnight."

Kim Dokja only noticed his trembling hands when he tried to open the car.

And he slowly walks. He's still waiting for Yoo Joonghyuk to take back his words. But he just sees
Yoo Joonghyuk start the car and speeds away. He cries again. He doesn't care if he looks pathetic.
He wants to go after Yoo Joonghyuk. He will go after Yoo Joonghyuk. And so he runs.

Kim Dokja runs after Yoo Joonghyuk's car.

He wants to come back and hug Yoo Joonghyuk. He's still angry but it feels like if he doesn't go to
Yoo Joonghyuk right now, he will never get the chance to talk to Yoo Joonghyuk again.

As he runs he sees Yoo Joonghyuk's car running. He speeds up a bit and he thinks that Yoo
Joonghyuk sees him because he notices Yoo Joonghyuk slowing down a bit. But then Kim Dokja
deafens at the next thing that happened. A car suddenly turns and hits Yoo Joonghyuk's. Kim
Dokja felt his world stop. He doesn't hear himself but he knows he's screaming for help as he runs
towards the scene.

'Joonghyuk! Joonghyuk! Yoo Joonghyuk!' Kim Dokja repeats on his mind as he moves towards
Yoo Joonghyuk's car. He tries to pry open Yoo Joonghyuk's crashed car and hold Yoo Joonghyuk
but he feels people pulling him away.

He doesn't really know what happened but he sees himself in the hospital running as Yoo
Joonghyuk is laying in the medical bed being pushed by several nurses and some doctors. He
found out that the driver who crashed into Yoo Joonghyuk's car is Yoo Joonghyuk's own brother.
Kim Dokja wants to laugh at it. Fate is so fucking funny!

While waiting for Yoo Joonghyuk's operation to end, his friends and Yoo Joonghyuk's relatives
started to come. They were all talking to him, crying, but he didn't really understand anything
about it. He just found himself listening to the doctor telling them that Yoo Joonghyuk is in a coma
and that he might never wake. But there's still a chance that he will wake up. There's just also a
possibility that he might have memory loss, or his body would be paralyzed. It depends on the
person. As for SP, he's okay. He just needs to wake up and recuperate when he does. but nothing
life threatening for him.

Kim Dokja felt like his whole world was crumbling down. He took everything all by himself and
asked Yoo Joonghyuk's relatives to let him take care of Yoo Joonghyuk. Of course he didn't get to
take back the offer to him. Now, he will really never be apart from Yoo Joonghyuk.

"What are you implying?" Kim Dokja grits his teeth.

"Do you feel like someone is watching you when you're sleeping? Do you often leave things and
don't remember even doing it? Do you sometimes find him in a somehow different position, but
somehow still the same? You do, don't you? Can I smoke?" SP asks as he takes out his lighter.

Kim Dokja is sweating at the idea forming in his mind. What does this guy even mean?

"No, you can't." Kim Dokja answers. He looks at Yoo Joonghyuk from his back. He's still sleeping

"Okay… Do you know how much my brother loves you? So much that it can make him do things
just for you?" SP says as he tucks away his lighter in his pocket.

"What are you saying?" Kim Dokja feels like his throat is closing. He can't even find the voice to

"It's okay. I think you know the answer. You think about it with yourself. or even with Yoo
Joonghyuk himself." SP stands. Kim Dokja is looking at him, still finding the words to say.

"Before I go. I just want to say that on that day he called me, and let me know it had to happen."

"Stop fucking with me." Kim Dokja also stands. He wants to pull apart SP's frown. It's like he's
being played with or rather, he was played with.

"You know, he's my dearest brother. So if I could help him, I would. Goodbye." SP says as he
turns around and lets himself leave.

Kim Dokja, heart beating fast, looks back at Yoo Joonghyuk again. He slowly walks toward Yoo
"Don't make me hate you, Joonghyuk-ah. If you're pretending, you can stop pretending right now. I
promise I'll forgive you." Kim Dokja waits for Yoo Joonghyuk to move or whatever. He waits for
seconds until it becomes minutes. He sheds a tear and leans forward. He kisses Yoo Joonghyuk's

He laughs at himself for believing what SP had planted on his mind. Stupid Kim Dokja, easily
getting fooled. Why would Yoo Joonghyuk subject himself to something threatening like that? for
him? That's bullshit.

He presses his face onto Yoo Joonghyuk's chest and listens to his heartbeat while hugging Yoo

"Stop playing with me, Yoo Joonghyuk. I really miss you. Stop sleeping and wake up soon." Kim
Dokja whispers. And listens to Yoo Joonghyuk's soft breathing for a while and slowly pulls
himself away from Yoo Joonghyuk.

Kim Dokja breathes deeply and balls his fist. "Okay! That was heavy! but at least it has already
passed!" Kim Dokja wipes his snot and pats the hem of his shirt.

"Okay! Let's move on. Do you want me to read for you Joonghyuk-ah? Of course you do! Wait for
me here while i get the book from last time." Kim Dokja smiles and walks away.

He hums as he walks inside the other room. Where did he put the book? He thinks to himself.

While in the other room, where Yoo Joonghyuk is sleeping, the man suddenly opens his eyes and
stares at the room where Kim Dokja is inside. The man just stares. He doesn't seem like someone
who's been sleeping for two whole years.

End Notes

From my thread: Vegetative YJH + KDJ

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