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NAME:___________________________________________________________________ DATE:_____________

1st Quarter – Quiz #2 in SPFL-Chinese Mandarin 7

A. Identify the final sound and tone of the audio recording.

1. __________________________ 6. __________________________

2. __________________________ 7. __________________________

3. __________________________ 8. __________________________

4. __________________________ 9. __________________________

5. __________________________ 10. ________________________

B. Identify if the meaning for the following Chinese terms is true or false. Write DUÌ if it is correct and CUÒ if not.

____________11. 军 jūn means "peace." ____________16. 很 hěn means "very."

____________12. 准 zhǔn means "standard." ____________17. 天 tiān means "sky."

____________13. 安 Ān means "happy." ____________18. 明 míng means "bright."

____________14. 黄 huáng means "yellow." ____________19. 心 xīn means "heart."

____________15. 两 liǎng means "two." ____________20. 欢 huān means "understand."

zhù nǐ hǎo yùn


Parent’s Signature

Prepared by:

SPFL Teacher


1. 军(jūn) ün
2. 准(zhǔn)
3. 懂(dǒng)
4. 黄(huáng)
5. 元(yuán) üan
6. 安(ān)
7. 天(tiān)
8. 心(xīn)
9. 上(shàng)
10. 穷(qióng)
11. 军 jūn means "peace." (False)
12. 准 zhǔn means "standard." (True)
13. 安 Ān means "happy." (False)
14. 黄 huáng means "yellow." (True)
15. 两 liǎng means "two." (True)
16. 很 hěn means "very." (True)
17. 天 tiān means "sky." (True)
18. 明 míng means "bright." (True)
19. 心 xīn means "heart." (True)
20. 欢 huān means "understand." (False)

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