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Do you like snacks?

What kinds of snacks are popular in your country?
Do you think eating snacks is good for your health?
Morsel (n)– small delicious bit or piece of food
Ex: When I’m eating a cookie, I consume every last scrumptious morsel.
goodies– delightful snacks
delectable(adj)= delicious
Indulge oneself in something=
Ex: I indulge myself in such delectable snacks.
Who gave you your name?
Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?
Do you like your name?
In your country, do people feel that their names are very important?
Are there many Vietnamese people who have the same name as you?
To mess one’s name up: đọc sai tên ai đó
Hard to pronounce: khó để phát âm
(To) denote: có nghĩa là
Ex: My name denotes beauty and sophistication.
During the course of my life, I’ve met many ppl who have….
Back in highschool, QK

1. What do you usually do on your birthdays?
2. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?
3. How do people often celebrate birthdays in your country?
-all-time favourite: sở thích muôn thuở (n/ adj)
Ex: my all- time favorite gift is flowers/ handmade gifts/ money…
- It’s the thought that counts
-give someone something as a small birthday treat: tặng ai đó món gì làm quà sinh nhật.
-throw a birthday party: tổ chức 1 bữa tiệc sinh nhật
- have a blast= have fun
- have a trip/ have a getaway
- important event/ ….
- a chance for gatherings
- precious time (n)

Do you like geography?
Have you ever studied geography at school?
Are you good at reading a map?
Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?
-Have a knack for: giỏi cái gì đó
-master(v): learn thoroughly
-dream destination: địa điểm mơ ước
Ex: The USA has always been my dream destination.
Did you do puzzles in your childhood?
When do you do puzzles, during a trip or when you feel bored?
Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles? Which is more difficult for you?
Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?
● intellectual (adj): liên quan đến trí thông minh
● to analyse (v): phân tích
● cue (n): manh mối, gợi ý
● mental capacity (noun phrase): năng lực trí tuệ
What are some of the things that you can cook?
Do you like cooking?
How often do you cook?
What dishes are you best at cooking?
Does anyone in your family like to cook?

fussy eater: someone who is very picky about the food and doesn't eat everything.
home-cooked food: food cooked at home, usually implies that food is healthy.
mouth-watering: delicious, appetizing.
Sweets & Cakes
1. Do you like to eat sweets?
2. Do you like sweets more or less now compared to when you were
3. Do you eat cakes or sweets after a meal?
have a sweet tooth (idiom): thích đồ ngọt
pastry (noun): bánh ngọt
cut down on something (phrasal verb): cắt giảm cái gì
1. What stress do people usually face?
2. Why do people who work feel stressed and don’t just quit their jobs
● to live a stress-free life: sống một cuộc sống không còn căng thẳng
● to dampen your spirits: làm giảm tinh thần của bạn
● stress resilience: khả năng phục hồi sau một giai đoạn căng thẳng

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