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Topic 7
III Quater

Part 1
1. Describe your hometown?
2. What do you like most about your hometown?
3. What do you not like about it?
4. Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?

Cách trả lời

Describe your hometown?

As you might know already, Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, and there’s sooo many nice
things to talk about. This is a metropolitan city obviously, so you can meet people from
many places around the world. That being said, it also means that the city is quite packed!
- metropolitan (a): đa văn hóa sắc tộc

Cách trả lời

What do you like most about your hometown?
The most lovable thing that I've found in my city recently is that it's heart-warming. The
whole city itself is very familiar, neighbors caring for neighbors, roadside tea stalls, the
memories that I have with it. I've learned to love and appreciate all of those little things. I
am so in love with seeing, enjoying and discovering the city. I see it as an adorable and
gentle city, and I hope you will feel that too when you get a chance to visit our city.
- heart-warming /´ha:t¸wɔ:miη/ (adj) : nồng hậu, ấm áp
- lovable /'lʌvəbl/ (adj): dễ mến
- neighbor caring for neighbor /ˈneɪ.bɚ ˈker.ɪŋ fɚ ˈneɪ.bɚ/ : hàng xóm tương trợ lẫn
- roadside tea stall /ˈroʊd.saɪd tiː stɑːl/ (n phrase): quán nước vỉa hè

Cách trả lời

What do you not like about it?

The best thing for me personally is that there are countless coffee shops around Hanoi, it’s a
paradise for coffee lovers like me! And if you are a fan of this drink, the signature Egg Coffee
can win you easily! Another thing to love about HN is the people here, the Hanoian are very
friendly to foreigners!
- countless: a lot

Cách trả lời

Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?

I don’t remember exactly… I suppose I did learn about Hanoi and its names throughout
various dynasties (triều đại) in the past at elementary school and secondary school.
- dynasties: triều đại
Ice cream
Part 1

1. Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?

2. Do you like ice cream?
3. Can you make ice cream yourself?
4. Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?

Cách trả lời

Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?

Yes, of course. During my younger years, I usually indulged in ice cream that was either
a surprise from my parents or through a visit to cream stores. And you know, those
moments had never failed to fill me with immense joy and excitement.
- indulge in sth (phrase) = thưởng thức, tận hưởng một điều gì đó
- fill sb with sth (phrase) = khiến ai đó tràn ngập một cảm xúc nào đó

Cách trả lời

Do you like ice cream?

Yes, absolutely! Ice cream is one of my favorite desserts. I love the variety of flavors and the
creamy texture. It’s a treat that helps you cool off on a hot summer day, and it’s always a hit
with kids.
- Texture (n.): cảm giác trong miệng của một món ăn
- Cool off (v.): làm mát
- A hit with sb (n.): được ai đó ưa chuộng

Cách trả lời

Can you make ice cream yourself?

Unfortunately not, but I’ve looked at a recipe before, and it seemed rather easy. The basic
ingredients you need are cream, sugar, and vanilla extract. You’ll also need an ice cream
maker, which can be found at most kitchen stores. Once you have all you need, you’re
supposed to mix them together and let the machine churn the mixture for about 20
- Vanilla extract (n.): chiết xuất vani
- Churn (v.): khuấy
- Mixture (n.): hỗn hợp

Cách trả lời

Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
Yes, there are actually many ice cream shops near my home that range from a small
neighborhood store to a well-known ice cream chain. But whatever their size, those ice
cream stores ensure that local residents can always relish this delightful treat whenever
they crave for it.
- range from A to B (phrase) = (về số lượng, kích thước, giá trị,...) trải dài, dao động từ
A đến B
- relish (v) = tận hưởng
- crave for sth (phrase) = khao khát điều gì đó
Part 1

1. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

2. What were your primary school teachers like?
3. Have you ever had bad teachers before?

Cách trả lời

Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

Since I was a child, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher and now my dream has
become true. I have been an English enthusiast since I was a child. But I do not want to
keep this knowledge to myself, I just want to convey the knowledge to my students and
inspire them to have an interest in learning English.
• Enthusiast (n): Người đam mê
• Convey (v): Truyền đạt
• Have an interest in St (ph.v): Yêu thích cái gì

Cách trả lời

What were your high school teachers like?

When I was in high school, my all-time favorite teacher was Ms Trang, who was my
English teacher. I can describe her as a person who has a heart of gold and always puts
students first. She is also an extremely qualified and experienced teacher and she inspired
me to have passion for learning English.
- All-time favorite (adj): Luôn luôn yêu thích
- A heart of gold ( Một trái tim vàng, ý là cô rất tốt bụng
- Put sb first (ph.v): Đặt ai lên trước
- Qualified (adj): Có trình độ
- Experienced (adj): Có kinh nghiệm
- Have passion for something (ph.v): Có niềm đam mê với cái gì

Cách trả lời

Have you ever had bad teachers before?

Yes, I had a Math teacher who did not leave me with much of a good impression. He did
not pay much attention to students and he was not so eager to give students a hand in
solving some tricky homework and answering the questions.
• Leave somebody with much of a good impression (ph.v): Để lại nhiều ấn tượng tốt.
• Eager (adj): Thiết tha
• Give somebody a hand ( Giúp đỡ ai đó
• Tricky (adj): Hóc búa
Part 2
Describe your ideal house

You should say:

You should say:

where it is
what it looks like
when you would like to live in
And explain why you would like to live in it
Part 2 Sample
When I think about my dream house, the first thing that comes to mind is a shophouse. A shophouse is a type
of building commonly found in Southeast Asia that is typically used for commercial purposes on the ground
floor and residential purposes on the upper floors.

My ideal shophouse would be a three-story building, with the ground floor serving as a space for a small café
or bookstore. The upper floors would be my living quarters, with the second floor being the main living area
and the third floor serving as a bedroom and study area.

The interior of the shophouse would have a modern, minimalist design with clean lines and a neutral color
palette. Large windows would be installed to allow natural light to flood the space, and there would be plenty
of plants and greenery to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere.
Part 2 Sample
One of the things I love most about shophouses is the open-air courtyard or balcony that is often found on the
upper floors. I would love to have a small outdoor space where I could relax and enjoy the fresh air. In terms
of location, I would want my shophouse to be in a vibrant and lively neighborhood, with plenty of local
shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions nearby. I love the idea of being able to step outside my front door
and be in the midst of all the action.

All in all, my dream shophouse would be a unique and inspiring living space that reflects my personality and
style. It would be a place where I could work, relax, and entertain guests, and it would be the perfect
sanctuary to come home to after a long day.
Part 2 Vocabulary highlights

commercial purpose: mục đích thương mại

residential purpose: mục đích nhà ở
living quarters: nơi ở
minimalist (a): tối giản
neutral color pallete: bảng màu trung tính
flood (v): tràn ngập
calming (n): êm dịu
vibrant (a): sống động
be in the midst of: ở giữa
sanctuary (n): nơi trú ẩn
Part 3

1. What kinds of houses are popular in your country?

2. What is the difference between the houses that young people and old
people live in?
3. What are the differences between houses and apartments?
4. Do people usually buy or rent a house? Why?

Cách trả lời

What kinds of houses are popular in your country?
Well, I believe it ranges wildly depending on the locations in Vietnam. For example, if you live in Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City, where the vacant ground is a rare commodity, you’d most likely encounter apartments in high-rise
buildings for leasing. These would of course be equipped with at least one or several lifts to accommodate the needs
of their residents. However, if you’re in Da Nang or other coastal cities in central Vietnam, flats would primarily be
around 5 stories, and their acreage tends to be a lot bigger than those in megacities.
- vacant ground: bãi đất trống
- commodity: hàng hóa
- high-rise: cao tầng
- leasing: cho thuê
- accommodate the needs of their residents: đáp ứng nhu cầu của cư dân
- acreage: diện tích

Cách trả lời

What is the difference between the houses that young
people and old people live in?
There are several factors that differentiate the accommodation of the elderly and the
young. In terms of houses for those still in working age, they would opt for inner-city
residence, which is easy to commute to work on a daily basis. This is totally because of
their hectic schedule at work that requires them to go to work as quickly as possible. On
the other hand, retired people would tend to prefer a mansion or a villa near the outskirts,
separated from the fast-paced corporate life that they used to ‘endure’ back in the day.
These people, I think, would prioritize their inner peace above all else.
- fast-paced corporate life: nhịp độ nhanh của cuộc sống công ty

Cách trả lời

What are the differences between houses and apartments?

In my opinion, there are two primary differences between these 2 kinds of accommodation.
First of all, apartment owners simply do not have roof rights, which means they are all
partial owners of the common space in the building. Secondly, unless one lives in a private
mansion, houses do not regularly consist of a swimming pool, while most high-end flats
provide their residents with that amenity. There could be more reasons but for me, those
two are the main ones.
- roof rights: quyền sử dụng mái nhà
- amenity: tiện nghi

Cách trả lời

Do people usually buy or rent a house? Why?

This is totally dependent on the individuals and their income. On the one hand, a high-income or wealthy
person would, most of the time, purchase a house with full accredited proof of ownership. This would
provide them stability, and sometimes, it could be a form of long-term investment. On the other hand, those
who are in the lower side of the income scale would most likely rent accommodation because buying one
means having to spend a huge sum of capital expenditure, which they simply cannot afford to. Of course,
there can be other personal preferences. For example, some people want to move from place to place,
shifting accommodation every now and then, and buying a house is cumbersome in that situation.
- accredited proof of ownership: bằng chứng về quyền sở hữu được công nhận
- stability: sự ổn định
- capital expenditure: chi tiêu vốn
- cumbersome: cồng kềnh

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