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Name: ________________________

Chapter 3 Assessment _____

Try your best and show your work. ​ ​ 22

Target Mastery
L P M /4 points

Target 1: I can Sam has 9 legos. Jason has 4 legos.

use strategies
to solve How many legos do they have altogether?
addition word
problems up to
Please show your work.

_________ ​Legos

Ricky saw 5 giraffes and 7 zebras. How many

animals were there in all?

Please show your work.

_________ ​Giraffes
Target Mastery
L P M /​ 4 points

Target 2: I can
solve problems
addition of 3
whole numbers.

Target Mastery
L P M / ​4 points

Target 3: I can 2 + 9 = ________ 8 + 3 = ________

add in any

9 + 2 = ________ 3 + 8 = ________

Target Mastery
L P M / ​4 points

Target 4: I can Use the number line to solve.

use a number
line to count on
and solve an
equation. 7 + 3 = _________

Use the number line to solve.

2 + 10 =
Target Mastery
/ ​6 points

Target 5: I can Start with the greater number. Count on to add.

count on from
the greater
number to find
the sum.
Chapter Three Summary:

Target Progress

Key: L or 1= Limited progress towards learning target

P or 2 = Progressing towards learning target
M or 3 = Meets learning target

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