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(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In)

Didn't Get Her Name

Written by

Shakeenan Griffin
Kevin Hatcher

Copyright (c) 2023


(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In)


ALFONZO (Italian male, mid 20s) is sitting in a booth across

from GIRL (Black female, mid 20s).

I'm so happy we're doing this. I've
been having too much fun with you,
and honestly I think I wanna tell my
ma about you.

Funny you say that, because I just
told my mom about you last night.

Fuck outta here. I been told my mom
about you. I was just didn't wanna
seem too corny or anything.

Aww. No, not at all. you're the
perfect amount of corn. Plus what is
this, our 3th, 4th official date?

I've lost count at this point.

They both laugh.


ALFONZO (cont'd)
So what did you say to your mom?

I basically told her how I met this
really cute boy who reminds me of
Tommy from Power. But his name is:
(in an Italian accent)
"Alllllfonzo!", and she said as long
as your not a killer or drug dealer
like Tommy from Power she's cool with

Hahaha. Nah. You're sweet.

What about you?
(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 2.

(playing it cool)
You know. Just that I met the most
beautiful girl in the world, who can
actually make me laugh, and inspires
me. And her...

Alfonzo catches sudden choke in his throat mid-sentence.

without intention, his eyes lock viciously on the girl.

ALFONZO (cont'd)
(Italian gibberish)

Heh... right... I'm gonna go order
another latte.

Yeah, you too. I mean- get it while
it's hot.

Girl slides out of booth. Alfonso tracks her with his eyes
until shes no longer in sight, then slides further into the
booth so hes no longer in sight.

ALFONZO (cont'd)
(under his breath)
Fuck! What is her name?

Dumbfounded, Alfonzo snatches his phone out his pocket and

opens Instagram. it's already loaded on the girls profile.

Girls username reads: strawmerry.shortkate5789

The decor light above the booth shines directly on the

phone. Alfonzo focuses on the screen and dissects the
letters in the girls username.

ALFONZO (cont'd)
(under his breath)
Strawmerry shortcake... shortkate.
Merry Kate? uugh fuck me!

Girl suddenly slides back into the booth. Alfonzo puts his
phone under the table.

I'm back. They said it shouldn't take
long to make.
(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 3.

Welcome. So, I have a question. And
you're going to hate me for asking
this. But what...wh-

Alfonzo's face transitions to the slightest shade of red as

the overhead lamp gives him a damp forehead. Takes an
indiscrete exhale and returns to normal shade.


Mary Kate, who's idea was that?

Oh what1!? is Mary Kate to basic for
you, "Alfonzo".

Alfonzo lights up.

Oh no I fuck with it. But Mary Kate
is the kinda name that gets around a
lot, whenever people are picking
names. I'm curious how YOU got it.

Alfonzo takes a non-nonchalant lean-in closer to the girl.

But it's actually a very awkward unsubtle lean-in, that the
girl tries to ignore.

The girl confused by his strong interest.

I'm pretty sure its the same story as
everyone else. Dad wanted to name me
Mary, after his mother, Mom wanted to
name me Kate, after her mother. so
they called a truce and made my
middle name... Mary Kate.

Alfonzo's position doesn't change. A pulsing vein run down

the middle of his forehead.

Girl looks towards the BARISTA impatiently.

GIRL (cont'd)
I think they're about to call my
(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 4.

Alfonzo looks over at the barista eagerly. This could be his

"get out of jail free" card.

I have an order for La- ACHOOO!

Two inches behind Alfonzo's head, on the other side of the

joining booths, a MAN, bald head, fat neck, large build,
sneezes his brains out.

The mans overbearing sneeze is too much for Alfonzo to hear

the barista. But not an issue for the girl.

Yep, that's me! Do mind grabbing it?
I have to run to the bathroom.

Girl quickly slides out of her side of the booth and hurries
to the bathroom. Alfonzo is STILL in the same seated
position. his red, sweaty, agitated complexion returns as he
remains frozen hunched over the booth table

The man on the other side of the booth, obliviously scarfs

down a bagel as he laughs at Seinfeld playing on his phone.
The mans obnoxious laugh brings Alfonzo back.

Alfonzo walks up to the front counter and sees three coffees

before him. The names read: "LAYLA" "LOLA" "LILA"

Alfonzo lets out a soft and stressful cry.

He looks around. No one seems to be coming for the cups.

He bends over to examine the cups carefully, as if he is

defusing a bomb. He rubs his temples.

The barista, young, tiny, assertive, suspicious of Alfonzo,

walks over to help.

What's the name on the order?

Shut up!

The barista puts his hands up and backs away.

A LADY awkwardly slides her arm in front of Alfonzo to grab

the cup labeled "LILA".

Excuse me.

Alfonzo drops to his knees and looks up at her in praise.

(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 5.

Thank you. Enjoy your coffee Lila.

Lila hurries away.

Alfonzo stands up and looks around. Trying to be discrete,

he puts his hand over his mouth and mimics the voice of the

ALFONZO (cont'd)
(slightly muffled)
I have an order for Layla.

He looks around. No response.

ALFONZO (cont'd)
Order for Lila.

No response again.

ALFONZO (cont'd)
(a bit louder)

He turns around to the crowd.

ALFONZO (cont'd)
Come on people! Ain't nobody named
Layla or Lila in here?!

Sir, is there a problem?

There's gonna be a problem if I don't
find out the name of the girl who's
sitting over there.

Alfonzo extends his arm to point at the booth he was seated


There's no one over there.

Alfonzo looks at the empty booth, then back at the barista.

He swings his extended arm around to grab the barista by the
shirt and pull him in close.

Everyone is the coffee shop looks at the commotion.

(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 6.

Listen man, I don't have time for
jokes. I'm on a date with a girl who
ordered one of these two coffees and
I need to figure out her name before
she gets back form the bathroom or my
ass is FUCKED!

Wait!... You don't remember the name
of the girl you're on a date with?

Alfonzo lets go of the barista and throws him back as he

releases his collar. The barista fly's back and hits the
ground. The customers gasp.

Alfonzo grabs the cup labeled "LOLA" and starts to walk away
but hesitates. He chucks the cup behind the counter, grabs
the other cup, and walks back to his seat.

Behind the counter, a different barista slips on the spilt

coffee and a small number of patrons jump out of their seat
to help, while the rest of the patrons stare at Alfonzo
walking back to his seat.

Alfonzo returns to the booth. He carefully slides back into

his side of the booth and carefully places the drink
labeled, "Layla", in front of him. He catches his breath and
adjust his hair, while staring intently at the drink.

Girl returns to the booth, cheerful, and slides into her

side of the booth. She acknowledges Alfonzo, but over his
shoulder she notices a crowd of people grouped at the front

Whats going on?

I don't know... weird coffee shop I

Yeah I'm ready to go anyways. My
social anxiety is starting to kick
in, I feel like everybody is staring
at me.

All of the patrons are staring. But at Alfonzo

(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 7.

Alfonzo and the girls gather their. Eager, Alfonzo begins to

stand up before the girl. suddenly a loud chime goes off at
the front of the coffee shop as a new patron walks through
the door. Alfonzo notices immediately and his entire body
drops back into his seat.

Approaching the front counter is Alfonzo's friend, ANDY,

tall, buff build, Adidas track suit.

Before Andy can approach the front counter barista, he

quickly notices Alfonzo way in the back. Andy smiles in
shock and waves at Alfonzo. Alfonzo shoots his head into the
booth, acting like he didn't see the giant familiar man
waving at him.

Andy walks over to the booth to approach Alfonzo and the


HOW WE DOIN?! You act like you cant
see me you bastard, you too good for
me now that you got a lady?

Andy slaps Alfonzo on the back with his giant meaty hand,
then gently reaches over to shake the girls hand.

ANDY (cont'd)
Nice to meet you sweety, how you
doin? I'm Andy, best friend of Al
over here. Id kill him tho if our
moms weren't cousins.

Andy makes the girl giggle. Alfonzo looks at his friend with
murderous intent but also with eyes of helplessness.

Andy notices Alfonzo's face. Andy knows that face all too
well and gives Alfonzo a look of reassurance.

ANDY (cont'd)
Alright well I won t get in the way
of you guys, I just had to say hi to
my mans over here.

Nice meeting you! Andy was it?

Yes ma'am, and you are?

(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 8.

Nice to meet you Layla, see you

Andy and Alfonzo dapp each other up. As Andy walks away he
gives Alfonzo a side-eye that says, "You owe me".

That's a really funny friend you got

Yeah he's a good friend

Layla notices Alfonzo's exhausted mood.



Yeah Layla?

You went through all of that?

Alfonzo's eyes widen.

LAYLA (cont'd)
If you couldn't remember my name you
should've just asked me. Like you
said. Some names get around.

Alfonzo laughs.


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