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First of all I would like to pay my great respect to Lok Kru the director of KYI.

Respected to all honorable

judges, teachers, contestants and all the audience.

Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is sambath a level 5

contestant morning/afternoon class. Today I’m so proud of myself to be chosen in this

competition to present a remarkable topic which is about Lack of warmth before I go deeply to the

main point, I would like to define 1 keys words first. First it is warmth according to the oxford dictionary
warmth mean a high temperature that is comfortable but not hot:
what does lack of warmth mean? You know lack of warmth is the very important thing for kids

including me when I am 8 years old that thing is happen in my life. And I ask where is mom and dad my

grandma said they are working busy. I understand there but I want some love from family

not only stay home and do housework like that one day I saw a kid she is 6 years old

if I compare my mom and her very different her mom took sometime for her daughter but my mom only
work if you are me what your feeling I feel not good every day cause miss family. All night I was cried
sleep not well my mom and dad leave me 10 year and am jealous all kid. Do I have enough love from
mom no I haven’t got bit love.

Ok my stories is end but if you get this happen let someone or teacher let they know if you don’t tell it
will be affect for your study and your brain your friend they complain about you after they say

You only think about that your feeling abnormal too.

Now my presentation has come to the end. thanks everyone for paying attention to listen to my speech.

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