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Jan Mark Arlis C.

Toring 11 - BJR

My Limitations My Plan towards Transcendence

Doubtful in making decisions on I'm in the midst of mastering the art of

basketball and life establishing realistic goals, deconstructing
them into smaller, easily manageable
steps. I'm fully engaged in the process of
enhancing my skills and deepening my
knowledge in the areas where I've felt
self-doubt, and this commitment is
steadily bolstering my self-assurance.

Afraid of speaking in front of people Pareha lageee ta areee ok rna

Low self-esteem Engaged in developing self-compassion

and switching out self-criticism for
self-affirmation. I've consciously
surrounded myself with a network of
supportive and positive influences, and
I'm directing my energy towards
recognizing strength and boosting my

Process Questions:
1. While life often presents us with challenges, flaws, and constraints, I am unwavering in
my determination not to let these barriers deter me from pursuing my aspirations and
hinder my plan towards Transcendence.
2. It all depends on your point of view, but I see my limits as a blessing because they force
me to learn important lessons and provide me chances to grow as a person. Getting past
these restrictions can be a great source of inspiration and tenacity. With these
constraints, they can strengthen our personal relationships by teaching me to be modest
and sympathetic to those who also experience difficulties.
3. Having a clear target will help me navigate this lifelong road with purpose, direction, and
the ability to set challenging goals. Every day, I strove to improve myself so that I
wouldn't experience that setback and would instead use it as fuel to pursue my life's
purpose and ambitions.
4. H

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