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NSTP CWTS identifying specifically what you, as human

being, don’t accept about yourself; knowing
GIVE THE IMPORTANCE OF NSTP CWTS TO that you are doing the best you can; taking a
YOU AS A STUDENT good hard look at your honesty level.
As a student, the NSTP CWTS program is • In relation, you experience self-disclosure
necessary as it will help us to learn many of the when you reveal yourself to others and
core principles of life and be ready for whatever encourage others to show interest and
opportunities that come our way. This program is concern in you. However, the moment you
so beneficial for us because it is one way to learn share burden and responsibilities with others
and train to become well-disciplined and and you become sensitive to each other's
effective leaders of tomorrow. Leaders are the need you manifest self-expression.
people that can motivate others to move in the
same direction. They are the ones who will guide SELF TALK
us to success and give us hope for the future. To
be leaders in real life, we need a character- • Self-talk is the way you talk to yourself, or your
building program that could strengthen our inner voice. You might not be aware that
personalities and decision-making skills. As a you're doing it, but you almost certainly are.
result, we're more confident and focused on This inner voice combines conscious
things that really matter, and not just based on thoughts with inbuilt beliefs and biases to
our emotions but on facts and solid data. create an internal monologue throughout the
Furthermore, this program will provide students day.
like me with valuable experience to learn, build Levels of Self-talk
leadership skills, and interact with peers from 1. Negative Acceptance
other places. Students from all places, o These are items you tell yourself that
backgrounds, languages, and educational are negative reinforcements or
systems are needed in the program because they negative beliefs about yourself. (I
are diverse. This is because they provide a fresh can’t, if only or wish I could. But,)
perspective and will help to further the growth 2. Recognition and need to change
and development of this program tremendously. o These are the "I need to... or "I ought
Moreover, the NSTP CWTS program is of great to..." or " I should...”. These statements
benefit to students in terms of being able to learn always end up with the subconscious
and train in life management. This is what makes "but I’m not going to do anything to
this program different from others, since the do anything about it."
whole approach serves up an experience that 3. Decision to change
encourages them to be responsible, organized, o Here you recognize the need to
self-disciplined, and ready to face real-world changes and begin to do something
situations about it.
4. The better you
SELF AWARENESS o These are the "I am”. phrases that
facilitate change. Here you say "I have
• Self is an aspect of human being that reflects a... "I will..." " I do"
the individual's emotional, psychological, 5. Universal Affirmation
spiritual and total personality. o This level is considered "oneness" with
God. Like a Buddhist monk
• Self-awareness means to accept one's self,
one's strengths and weakness to the extent
that one develops a clear picture of
personhood; to reveal oneself to others by
Knowing yourself is a process. It is about
investing or taking risks towards growth and
discovering who you are as a person—the true
to express one's feelings, consonant and
you. The journey is unpredictable and deeply
dissonant in a loving concern.
engaging as it confronts you with your deepest
• Self-acceptance is to let the individual
fears, self-doubts, vulnerabilities, and
understand and accept himself before others.
insecurities. Knowing yourself entails allowing
In doing so, it helps in building up confidence
yourself the freedom to make mistakes as you
and risk-taking interpersonal relationship.
explore your own nature. It is about listening to a
The process of acceptance includes

deeper calling and knowledge within and 2 ASPECTS OF PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE FOR
following your heart. Being conscious of your EVERY PERSON.
basic beliefs, priorities, and dreams (even if you
are still unsure) is a crucial part of knowing who 1. Map of Reality- an understanding of what
you are. Knowing oneself entails accepting your life is all about, a nature and the cosmos
tolerances and limitations as well as your 2. Hierarchy of Values- a perception of
passions and fears, desires and dreams, thoughts which things are more important than
and feelings, and passions and anxieties. others.

VALUES Classification of values means that we

must review which values should guide
• refer to everything from eternal ideas to our life. Value means what is worthwhile.
behavioral actions. The act of valuing is If happiness is worthwhile, then it’s a
considered an act of making value value. If giving time to the family is
judgments, an expression of feeling, or the worthwhile, then it’s a value. If playing
acquisition of and adherence to a set of basketball is worthwhile, then it’s a value.
• come from the Latin word “valere”, which THERE ARE THREE KINDS OF VALUES
means “to measure the worth of something.”
• elements of life prevailing in any society. They 1. Universal Values- values that are valued
lie at the core of a person’s life. They color by all human beings due to the intrinsic
his/her choice. They shape and determine an nature of these values or by virtue of
individual or group decision whether to like being human beings. (ex. truth,
or dislike, favor or disfavor, change or not to happiness, inner peace, love, kindness,
change. justice, respect, courage and
FORMATION OF VALUES 2. Cultural Values- values that are
dependent on the social norms, religious
• We start forming values in our childhood. beliefs, and other environmental
First, we learn to appreciate things that fulfill situations of people.
our basic needs, but we value especially 3. Personal Values- these are values are
those people that provide them to us. Their worthwhile to a particular individual and
behavior towards us becomes the main differ from person to person.
reference of what is valuable.
• Thus, our character and personality are VIRTUE
molded through the attitudes and behavior of
the people who raise us, whether they’re our • refers to human excellence. Moral virtues are
parents or other relatives. Their behaviors excellences of character acquired through
determine in large part what will the formation of good habits and are
subsequently become our most important necessary for happiness.
beliefs and principles.
• Those who play a leadership role in our lives (Two Kinds of Virtues— Nicomachean
are most powerful at conveying to us their Ethics of Aristotle)
values. They are our parents, elder siblings,
grandparents, some relatives, teachers, peers 1. Intellectual Virtues (excellences of
we admire, professors, and bosses. the mind) which includes art,
• However, to convey something, we must first science, speculative wisdom,
possess it. Values, are only conveyed through practical wisdom, intuitive reason.
the example of our daily attitudes and 2. Moral Virtues (excellences of
behaviors. They can seldom be formed by character), the virtues that make up
explaining them or through a list of what is good character, are numerous
considered correct or incorrect. Memorizing which includes justice, temperance,
their theoretical meaning does not guarantee fortitude or courage and prudence
their implementation.

FILIPINO VALUES AND THE GOOD shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
CITIZENSHIP VALUE CLUSTER promote the common good, conserve and
develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves
• Faith in God and our posterity, the blessings of independence
o be God fearing and live according to and democracy under the rule of law and a
His will regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality,
• Unity and peace, do ordain and promulgate this
o work together and share with one Constitution.
o place the good quality above one's
own (Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution)
• Work 1. Pagkamaka-Diyos
o be diligent and earn an honest living. 2. Pagkamaka-tao
• Respect for life 3. Pagkamaka-bayan
o Recognize the absolute value of 4. Pagkamaka-kalikasan
human life and human dignity of
every person. • "Pagkamaka-Diyos" simply means that we
• Truth respect and love God. This, in turn, shows us
o stand up for the truth and avoid how to value ourselves and our place in the
intrigue and mudslinging world. It only means that we do not stray away
• Justice from the values that shaped our culture---but
o Do not oppress or take advantage of rather, restore those values. Furthermore, as
anyone time passes by, we have an increasing
• Freedom number of people who do not live up to basic
o assert your right to be able to do the standards such as civility and decency.
right things • “Pagkamakatao” means being sensitive to
• Love individual, social, and cultural differences.
o look after the good and welfare of Moreover, a person who possesses the core
one another value makatao demonstrates contribution
• Equality towards solidarity.
o treat one another as brothers and • "Pagka-Makabayan", or patriotism.
sisters being children of one God Patriotism, or Pagka-Makabayan, is having a
and one nation strong love and interest in your country and
• Peace working hard to improve it in all aspects. We
o live and work together in harmony
have a responsibility to ourselves and our
• Promotion of the common good
countrymen, which we should always be
o put the welfare of the greater
aware of. Respecting ourselves as well as our
number of people over one's own.
Do not be greedy and selfish countrymen and nation are just some of the
• Concern for family and future generations effects of patriotism.
o look after the welfare of your family • "Pagkamaka-kalikasan". We should
and future generations conserve and preserve the environment
• Concern for the environment around our homes and natural resources. A
o keep your surroundings clean and pagkamakalikasan is a Filipino who is
conserve our natural resources committed to giving back to the environment.
• Order When we say "Maka-Kalikasan," we mean that
o respect the human rights of one this person cares for Mother Earth and the
another and comply with your duties environment and does his best to keep it
and responsibilities clean, healthy, and pristine.
CONSTITUTION The values we uphold as a people must be turned
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the into specific acts in everything that we do. If we
aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and consistently do this, all our actions will help
humane society, and establish a Government that improve our country. And it is the repeated

realization that all these acts improve the as well as by the projects’ scopes and
Philippines, no matter how small and individually objectives.
insignificant they might be, that will give us that
sense of nationhood that has so far eluded us.
Hope for our country lies in the faith and tenacity PATRIOTISM
of ordinary Filipino citizens who can become • Along with love, patriotism is the feeling of
pride, devotion, and attachment to a
heroes by practicing the truly heroic deed of
homeland, as well as a feeling of attachment
being responsible every day.
to other patriotic citizens. The feelings of
VOLUNTEERISM attachment may be further bound up in
factors like race or ethnicity, culture, religious
• act or practice, or principle of contributing beliefs, or history.
one's time, talents, and resources freely to
worthwhile purposes without tangible NATIONALISM
compensation • holds that each nation should govern itself,
free from outside interference (self-
PEACE EDUCATION determination), that a nation is a natural and
ideal basis for a polity, and that the nation is
• promotes the knowledge, skills and attitudes
the only rightful source of political power.
to help people prevent conflict occurring,
• Nationalism may manifest itself as part of
resolve conflicts peacefully, or create
official state ideology or as a popular non-
conditions for peace.
state movement and may be expressed along
• Peace education activities promote the
civic, ethnic, cultural, language, religious or
knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help
ideological lines. These self-definitions of the
people either to prevent the occurrence of
nation are used to classify types of
conflict, resolve conflicts peacefully, or create
social conditions conducive to peace.
• Core values of nonviolence and social justice
are central to peace education. Nonviolence
is manifested through values such as respect
for human rights, freedom and trust. Social
justice is realized by principles of equality,
responsibility, and solidarity.
• In order to achieve these ideals, peace
education programs across the world
address a wide range of themes. These
include nonviolence, conflict resolution
techniques, democracy, disarmament,
gender equality, human rights,
environmental responsibility, history,
communication skills, coexistence, and
international understanding and tolerance of
• Peace education can be delivered to people
of all ages, in both formal and informal
settings. Programs exist at local, national, and
international levels, and in times of peace,
conflict, and post-conflict.
• To create public dialogue different factions of
society are often brought together in peace
education programs – these typically include
civil society groups, schools, tribal leaders
and the media. Yet due to the many areas
covered by peace education, initiatives are
primarily determined by culture and context,

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