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Mayra: Hey, Alonso, it's been a while! How have you been?

Alonso: Mayra! I'm good, thanks. Life's been busy, you know how it is. What about you?

Mayra: I hear you. I've been swamped with work too. But I wanted to catch up. How's your new

Alonso: It's been great, actually. I'm loving the new company, and the team is fantastic. How's your
photography project coming along?

Mayra: That's awesome to hear! My project is slowly taking shape. I just did a shoot last weekend,
and I'm excited about the results. By the way, have you seen the new art exhibit in town?

Alonso: Oh, no, I haven't had the chance yet. What's it about?

Mayra: It's a mix of contemporary art and interactive installations. I think you'd really enjoy it.
Wanna go this weekend?

Alonso: Sounds intriguing! I'm in. Saturday afternoon?

Mayra: Perfect! Saturday it is. I'll send you the details later. Anyway, how's your dog, Max?

Alonso: Max is doing great. He sends his love. How about your cat, Whiskers?

Mayra: Whiskers is his usual playful self. He's always up to some mischief. Anyway, I've got to run to
a meeting now. Catch you later, Mario!

Alonso: Sure thing, Mayra. Looking forward to Saturday. Take care!

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