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Republic of the Philippines

Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology

Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies




A Thesis

presented to the

Faculty of the Graduate School

Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of

Science and Technology

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Education

Major in Administration and Supervision



Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies


Chapter One INTRODUCTION ................................... 1

1.1 The Problem and It’s Background ....................... 1

1.2 Theoretical Framework ................................ 2

1.3 Conceptual Framework .................................. 3

1.4 Statement of the Problem .............................. 5

1.5 Hypothesis ............................................ 6

1.6 Scope and Limitations ................................. 6

1.7 Significancance of the Study .......................... 8

1.8 Definition of Terms ................................... 9

Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW .............................. 11

2.1 Local Literature ......................... ............ 12

2.2 Foreign Literature .................................... 14

2.3 Local Studies ......................................... 23

2.4 Foreign Studies ....................................... 23

2.5 Synthesis.............................................. 26

Chapter Three RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY .............. 30

3.1 Research Desin ........................................ 31

3.2 Population and Sampling ............................... 32

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

3.3 Demograpic Profile Table ............................. 33

3.4 Research Instruments ................................. 34

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure ............................. 37


Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies


The Problem and Its Background

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a critical aspect

of the education sector as it helps educators to stay up to

date with the latest pedagogical approaches and teaching

methodologies. It is a systematic process of learning that

supports educators in enhancing their knowledge, skills, and

attitudes, enabling them to improve their performance and

deliver quality education to students.

The City Schools Division of Biñan recognizes the importance of

CPD and has implemented various practices in selected public

elementary schools to enhance the professional development of

their teachers. These practices include workshops, seminars,

conferences, training programs, coaching, and mentoring, and

collaborative learning. These practices aim to support teachers

in enhancing their subject matter knowledge, pedagogical

skills, and classroom management strategies.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of

these CPD practices in selected public elementary schools in

the City Schools Division of Biñan and identify areas for

improvement. The study will involve conducting surveys,

interviews, and focus group discussions with teachers, school

administrators, and education experts to gather data on the

current CPD practices and their impact on teacher performance

and student learning outcomes.

The findings of this study will serve as a basis for developing

an enhancement program that will further strengthen the CPD

practices in the selected public elementary schools in the City

Schools Division of Biñan. The enhancement program will provide

tailored professional development opportunities that meet the

unique needs of the teachers and the schools, ultimately

leading to improve student learning outcomes.

Theoretical Framework
Practices in continuous professional development (CPD) in

selected public elementary schools in the City Schools Division of

Biñan can be constructed based on several relevant theories and

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

One important concept is the idea of lifelong learning,

which emphasizes the need for individuals to continually

improve their knowledge and skills to adapt to changing

circumstances and remain competitive in their chosen

profession. This concept underscores the importance of CPD for

teachers, who need to continually update their teaching

strategies and techniques to meet the evolving needs of their

students and the education system.

Another relevant concept is the idea of reflective

practice, which involves regularly reflecting on one's

experiences and critically analyzing them to improve

performance. This concept can be applied to CPD by encouraging

teachers to reflect on their teaching practices, identify areas

for improvement, and seek out relevant professional development

opportunities that can help them enhance their skills and


In addition to these concepts, several theories can inform

the framework for CPD practices in selected public elementary

schools in the City Schools Division of Biñan. One such theory

is adult learning theory, which posits that adults learn

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

differently than children and require different teaching

strategies and approaches. This theory suggests that CPD

programs should be designed with the unique learning needs and

preferences of adult learners in mind.

Another relevant theory is social learning theory, which

emphasizes the importance of learning through observation and

interaction with others. This theory suggests that CPD programs

should provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate and

learn from each other, such as through mentoring programs or

peer coaching.

Finally, the concept of transformational learning can also

inform the framework for CPD practices in selected public

elementary schools in the City Schools Division of Biñan. This

concept involves a fundamental shift in a person's beliefs,

attitudes, and perspectives, which can be achieved through

experiences that challenge their existing assumptions and

beliefs. CPD programs can be designed to provide teachers with

transformative learning experiences that enable them to

approach their teaching practices in new and innovative ways.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Overall, practices in continuous professional development

in selected public elementary schools in the City Schools

Division of Biñan should be based on the concepts of lifelong

learning and reflective practice, as well as the theories of

adult learning, social learning, and transformational learning.

By incorporating these concepts and theories into CPD programs,

schools can create a culture of ongoing learning and

improvement that benefits both teachers and students.

Conceptual Framework

The framework of this study is presented in Figure 1. It

is guided by the model input, process and output (IPO).

The Input (I) of the study includes the professional

profile of the respondents in terms of: Educational Background,

Employment Status, Length of Service, Eligibility,

Specialization, Related Seminars and Trainings Attended. It

also includes the school administrator and teachers assess the

practices in continuous professional development as to Formal

Education, Trainings, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops,

Informal Learning, Professional Meetings, Professional Learning

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Community, Research and Paper Presentation, Institutional

Activities, and Community Involvement.


1. Professional profile
of the respondents
in terms of:
2. 1.1 Educational
3. 1.2 Employment Status
4. 1.3 Length of Service
5. 1.4 Eligibility
6. 1.5 Specialization
7. 1.6 Related Seminars
8. 1.7 Trainings Attended
2. How do the school
administrators and Descriptive Method
teachers assess the
practices in
continuous  Questionnaire Enhancement
professional  Research Program
development as the
following:  Analysis of Data Recommendation
2.1 Formal Education  Statistical
2.2 Trainings,
Conferences, Seminars treatment
and Workshops
2.3 Informal Learning
2.4 Professional
2.5 Professional
Learning Community
2.6 Research and Paper
2.7 Institutional
2.8 Community
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies


Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study

The Process (P) comprises Descriptive Method,

Questionnaire, Research, and Analysis of Data and Statistical


The Output (O) includes the basis for Enhancement Program

and Recommendation for the teachers and school heads for

continuous professional development.

Statement of the Problem

The study will assess the extent of implementation of

DepEd Order No. 35 Learning Action Cell (LAC) and teachers’

performance in Public Elementary Schools as basis for

professional development plan.

Specifically, it will answer the following sub- problems:

1. What is the professional profile of Science and

Mathematics teachers in terms of:

1.1 Length of service;

1.2 Related Seminars and Trainings attended;

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

1.3 Educational Background;

1.4 Employment status;

1.5 Eligibility; and

1.6 Specialization?

2. What is the extent implementation of DepEd Order No.35

Learning (LAC) as assess by the school administrators and

teachers as to:

2.1 Objectives;

2.2 Content;

2.3 Program of Activities;

3. What is the teachers performance in Public Elementary

Schools as to:

3.1 Classroom Observation

3.2 Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form


4. Is there significant relationship between the professional

profile and the teachers’ performance in Public Elementary


5. Is there a significant correlation between the extent of

implementation of DepEd Order No.35 Learning Action Cell

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

(LAC) and the teachers’ performance in the Publis

Elementary schools?

6. Based on the findings, what professional development plan

may be proposed for implementation?


There is no significant relationship between the

professional profile and the teachers’ performance in Public

Elementary schools.

There is no significant correlation between the extent of

implementation of DepEd Order No.35 Learning Action Cell (LAC)

and teachers’ performance in Public Elementary schools.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the study covers the extent of implementation

of DepEd Order No.35 Learning Action Cell (LAC) and Teachers’

Performance in Public Elementary Schools as a basis for

Professional Development Plan. That’s why this study aims to

assess the extent of implementation of DepEd Order No.35

Learning Action Cell (LAC) and Teachers’ Performance in Public

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Elementary Schools as a basis for Professional Development Plan

in the Division of Biñan City, Laguna in terms of Classroom

Observation and rating in Individual Performance Commitment and

Review Form (IPCRF).

The research study was conducted during the first

semester, school year 2018- 2019.

Significance of the Study

This study would be beneficial to the following:

Students. As it aims to help improve the conditions of

teaching through the LAC at school is understood that

when teachers feel valued and supported in the workplace,

teachers will more likely to be motivated to better perform

their roles.

Faculty. Teachers feel valued, appreciated, and

supported as they strive to effectively improve the quality of

learning in their classrooms. An opportunity for personal and

professional growth as they inculcate new learnings from the

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Program Coordinators. This offers them a new teaching

methodology and technique. Assured that the transfer of

learning would be easier, thus increasing the students’

academic performances and practical skills.

School Administrators. This aids as an emerging tool for

the principals to continuously inspire their faculty and open

their eyes to seeing new and exciting opportunities to help

their teachers grow and develop professionally.

Future researchers. They will be inspired to develop

appropriate and more well- planned LAC session suited to the

trend of education for the teachers to cope with it.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in the study, which are

defined theoretically and operationally to facilitate better


Content. This refers to the subject matter taught by the

teacher in Grade V from its definition, principle and

application of the learned knowledge.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Evaluation. This was designed to enable students

demonstrate the attainment of the learning outcomes relative to

each topic in the multimedia instructional material in teaching

Grade V pupils.

Evaluation tools. This refers to a test given at the end

of each topic /lesson in the subject taught using multimedia as

instructional material.

Extent. This refers to the degree of effectiveness of

multimedia as instructional material in teaching Grade V


Time Allotment. This refers to the specified time frame

for each lesson of the subject using multimedia as

instructional material.

Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF). It

is a tool use by the public school teachers in rating the

quality of performance expected of them using the standards.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter provides review of related literature and

studies both local and foreign which have relevance

understandings to the present study.

Local Literature

Despite the popularity of traditional forms of

professional development, many are discouraged from

participating in these activities due to budget constraints

(Leu, 2004). The data in the Teaching and Learning

International Survey (TALIS) conducted in 2013 shows that

teachers are more likely to participate in professional

development in countries where they receive better financial

support for these activities (TALIS, 2013). Moreover, in their

study on school-based professional development activities in

the Philippines, Gallos and Herrington (1997) discovered that

one of the reasons why there is a low participation rate among

teachers in the country’s professional development programmes

is because attending these conferences and workshops is very

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

costly. Teachers are required to go to designated training

centres that “require them to travel, which entailed time away

from school, and expenses such as transportation costs” (Gallos

& Herrington, 1997, p. 184) and sometimes, accommodation


The educational reform initiatives that involve teachers’

professional development are proliferating as policymakers are

starting to pay attention to the quality of teaching as a

crucial factor that significantly affects student achievement

(Gumus, 2013).

Besides increasing the number of years in the basic

education sector, the Department of Education also formulated a

new curriculum design which aimed to enhance the global

competitiveness of the Filipino graduates. Beginning from the

kindergarten and the first three years of the primary

education, the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-

MLE) will be used. This means that instructional materials and

the mode of teaching will be localised. Teachers will be using

the mother-tongue or the language first learned by the child as

the medium of instruction. Many researchers, especially

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

language experts, argue that the MTB-MLE is an effective way to

help children transition their learning from Filipino to

English, as their cognitive and reasoning skills are developed

when they learn how to operate equally in different languages

(Renomeron, 2014).

Yap (2015) argues that PLCs are effective social

infrastructure to support collective and individual learning of

teachers that lead to instructional reforms, instructional

reforms that create growing public clamour as people demand

better and efficient education (Norwood, 2007). Also, for a

developing country that capitalises on the useful knowledge

available in the society, the Philippines is indeed on the

right track as it begins to develop PLCs in schools.

Collectively, the studies presented in this chapter provide

evidence that the principal holds a crucial role in the

professional development and learning of teachers. The

principal’s awareness of this role is critical in the

development of professional learning communities in schools,

resulting in students’ achievement. In order to understand this

thoroughly, this review provided various discussions on three

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

themes of serious importance: the principal’s leadership,

professional development, and professional learning

communities. So far, this chapter has focused on highly

theoretical assumptions in these areas. It is now necessary to

describe the methodology used for this investigation.

Foreign Literature

The collaborative learning is identified as the main

strategy for professional growth in school systems in the USA

(Wei et al., 2010). In fact, a state policy is in place that

supports teacher collaboration. In Delaware, a state mandate

exists that all schools provide 90 minutes of weekly

collaborative time where teachers and principals spend time

together to examine their student data and work out strategies

to address students’ needs (Buttram & Farley-Ripple, 2016).

In addition, in the rural Appalachian schools in the

Kentucky region, Barrett, Cowen, Toma, and Troske (2015) found

out that in order to make teaching an attractive profession in

rural communities, policymakers have devised programmes that

improve the teaching workforce.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

More than being a basis for teachers’ professional

development, the NCBTS also outlines seven domains that

constitute effective teaching.

Researchers have different views of the world. In dealing

with research, it is helpful to understand these views. The

research paradigm tells us the researcher’s way of thinking and

how he or she makes meaning of the world. It is how the

researcher views the reality. It is asking the question—is

there one reality or multiple realities? The research paradigm

serves as the roadmap for the research. It tells us how the

research should be conducted and what types of conclusions

could be drawn (Lochmiller & Lester, 2017).

Local Studies

Ectuban (2013) said that the proper utilization of this

tool could positively increase teachers’ motivation, help

produce quality learning, and thus be of quality enhancement

rather than cost saving. Furthermore, by integrating technology

into instruction, teacher presentations come alive and teachers

are better able to capture and keep the attention of students.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Biong (2013) argues that the seven domains integrated in the

NCBTS describe what an ideal professional teacher should be.

The Department of Education (2006) enumerates the seven domains

as: social regard for learning; learning environment; diversity

of learners; curriculum; planning, assessing, and reporting;

community linkages; and personal growth and development. Each

of these domains represents standards that refer to teachers as

the facilitator of learning. In the seventh domain that is

teachers’ professional growth and development, the NCBTS puts

emphasis on personal growth and continuous improvement of

teachers. It argues that personal growth and continuous

improvement begin when teachers give high regard to the

nobility of the teaching profession. Being in a noble

profession, it is crucial that every teacher is aware of the

need to continuously uphold the “dignity of teaching such as

caring attitude, respect and integrity” (Department of

Education, 2011, p. 22). The result of having this awareness is

the creation of accountability for teachers to continuously

improve themselves. The same NCBTS document contends that when

teachers become seriously engaged in their own professional

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

growth, they begin creating professional learning communities

where they participate in discussions to improve teaching


More than being a basis for teachers’ professional

development, the NCBTS also outlines seven domains that

constitute effective teaching. Biong (2013) argues that the

seven domains integrated in the NCBTS describe what an ideal

professional teacher should be. The Department of Education

(2006) enumerates the seven domains as: social regard for

learning; learning environment; diversity of learners;

curriculum; planning, assessing, and reporting; community

linkages; and personal growth and development. Each of these

domains represents standards that refer to teachers as the

facilitator of learning. In the seventh domain that is

teachers’ professional growth and development, the NCBTS puts

emphasis on personal growth and continuous improvement of

teachers. It argues that personal growth and continuous

improvement begin when teachers give high regard to the

nobility of the teaching profession. Being in a noble

profession, it is crucial that every teacher is aware of the

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

need to continuously uphold the “dignity of teaching such as

caring attitude, respect and integrity” (Department of

Education, 2011, p. 22). The result of having this awareness is

the creation of accountability for teachers to continuously

improve themselves. The same NCBTS document contends that when

teachers become seriously engaged in their own professional

growth, they begin creating professional learning communities

where they participate in discussions to improve teaching


The Enhanced Basic Education Act was passed into law. This

law introduced several reforms in the basic education sector.

These reforms included an increase in the number of required

years in basic education, from 10 years to 12 years, as well as

the use of the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in

teaching different content areas in Grades 1 to 3 (Aquino,

2013). As the NCBTS is currently being reviewed to make it more

congruent with the teacher quality requirements of the K to 12

reform, the Department of Education simultaneously introduced

the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) for

teachers in 2013.
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

In the previous section, it has been mentioned that

schools in the past have principals whose main function is

managing the school organisation. As the lead figure of the

school, the principal is expected to create a conducive

workplace for teachers (Darling-Hammond, LaPointe, Meyerson, &

Orr, 2007) and provide the best learning experiences for the

students (Ediger, 2014).

Grimmett (2014), on the other hand, challenges this line

of thought, as she differentiates professional learning from

professional development. According to her, professional

learning does not necessarily mean professional development

unless the latter leads to sustained changes in teaching

practices and in the way teachers participate and contribute to

the development of their colleagues. Despite this argument, it

is evident that Avalos (2011) and Grimmet (2014) share a common

stance that professional learning is considered useful for

teachers’ professional development when learning consistently

manifests in teachers’ professional practice, as shown in their

relationship with their students and with their colleagues.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

The Enhanced Basic Education Act was passed into law. This

law introduced several reforms in the basic education sector.

These reforms included an increase in the number of required

years in basic education, from 10 years to 12 years, as well as

the use of the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in

teaching different content areas in Grades 1 to 3 (Aquino,

2013). As the NCBTS is currently being reviewed to make it more

congruent with the teacher quality requirements of the K to 12

reform, the Department of Education simultaneously introduced

the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) for

teachers in 2013.

As Nunez (2014) argues, the RPMS helps the strategic,

responsive, and effective delivery of services of all levels of

the Department of Education so that it can effectively

implement the K to 12 strategies in improving the quality of

education in the Philippines. Nunez (2014) argues that the RPMS

is a systematic approach in managing the performance of the

Department of Education employees to help them continuously

grow and consistently improve their performance at work. The

objectives of the RPMS include the alignment of individual

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

roles and targets with the department’s mission and vision,

tracking each individual’s performance systematically,

providing mentoring opportunities to every employee through

feedback, and developing people as a whole (“Results-based

Performance Management System (RPMS) for DepEd,” n.d.). As a

tool for people development, the RPMS provides uniformed

metrics for every Department of Education employee category.

For example, teachers will be evaluated according to their set

goals and targets for the academic year as outlined in the

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF).

One of the components of the teachers’ performance

commitments in the IPCRF is staff development. In this

component, staff development performance is measured according

to the frequency of the training, seminars, and professional

development workshops they have attended for the entire

academic year (Blanquera, 2014). Staff performance is also

measured against the number of attendance at the required

division training demonstrations, participation in school

teaching demonstrations, the number of units earned in the

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

graduate school, and their membership in professional


As a teacher appraisal tool, the RPMS promotes employee

development by engaging teachers in a continuous learning

process that enables them to achieve their personal objectives

within the context of the business goals (“Results-based

Performance Management System (RPMS) for DepEd,” n.d.). The

RPMS document argues that quality performance is achieved in an

environment that requires application of what is learned and

reinforces measurable outcomes. As part of the school policy

reform concerning teachers’ performance, the implementation of

RPMS is one of the Department of Education’s initiatives in its

continuous commitment to improving and providing quality

education to every Filipino learner (Malipot, 2014).

Improved quality of education and increased student

performance, as Yap (2015) argues, becomes easily attainable if

schools are to become professional learning communities (PLCs).

In the next section, PLCs will be given much attention, as it

has become a “catchphrase for reforming schools and classroom

instructions” (Yap, 2015, p. 535). With the advent of so many

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

school reforms in the Philippines, understanding PLCs may

actually be very helpful for teachers.

Foreign Studies

In this work I focus on knowledge embedded in practice and

view changes as indicative that organizational learning

occurred (Argote, 2013). At a practical level, the ability to

learn and adapt is critical to the performance and long term

success of organizations. Because organizational learning

occurs over time, studying organizational learning requires

time and series of longitudinal data. However, we need to be

aware, that behavioural approaches to analysing learning need

to be sensitive to other factors that might affect change in

behaviour (Argote, 2013).

Regula Kyburz-Graber (2013) summaries a strand of

environmental education research which developed as a reaction

to social requests concerning environmental problems:

• promoting individual behavioural change through

improving strategies and research

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

• enhancing environmental awareness through environmental

literacy, usually closely linked to natural literacy

• enhancing humans relationship to nature and ecological

awareness through experiencing nature

• promoting action competence through action oriented


• promoting ethical reflection and awareness of cultural

context and diversity

• becoming a critical thinker through transformative and

critical education

It is not uncommon for public schools to suspend classes

for a couple of days or weeks depending on the expanse of the

typhoons’ devastation. These natural calamities and disasters

are threats to the people’s well-being, as it derails

socioeconomic progress and requires complex recovery

interventions (Frankenberg, Sikoki, Sumantri, Suriastini, &

Thomas, 2013). For example, in November 2013, the Eastern

Visayas region was badly hit by typhoon Haiyan. Haiyan was one

of the strongest typhoons ever recorded to hit land (Lum &

Margesson, 2014). It damaged 2500 public schools and destroyed

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

12, 400 classrooms (“Two years after Typhoon Haiyan, the school

rebuilding goes on,” 2015).

Humada-Ludeke (2013) defines PLC from an organisational

perspective, where it is viewed as a whole-school reform

requiring commitment and active participation of each member to

improve student learning. While student learning should be the

primary focus for PLCs, it should include shared values, shared

leadership, shared accountability in the development of

curriculum and instruction, and reflective dialogue for it to

be effective (Roberts & Pruitt, 2009; Wahlstrom & Louis, 2008).

In South African schools, low rates of collaborative

teaching practice are dependent on the African culture. For

example, the legacy of apartheid has severely impacted teaching

practices, as proven by poor performance of schools (Steyn,

2013). Steyn (2013) argues that apartheid has led to many

African teachers’ social inequality and poor content knowledge.

Despite research evidence showing teachers’ interdependence

through collaborative learning, she points out that teachers

are still found working in isolation.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Teachers working in isolation are also perceived to be the

major problem in most schools in Asian countries such as

Malaysia and Korea (TALIS, 2013). In the Teaching and Learning

International Survey (TALIS) conducted in 2013, it is noted

that even though there is high participation rate in

professional development activities such as workshops and

seminars, participation in a network where teachers work

collaboratively to mentor and coach each other is significantly



The lack of continuing professional development of

teachers is evident in the studies conducted by the

researchers. This was shown when the participants were asked

about their views and experiences on the National Competency-

based Teaching Standards (NCBTS) and the Results-based

Performance Management System (RPMS) as educational policies

that support professional development of teachers. The

participants revealed that the lack of continuing professional

development of teachers is attributed to the barriers in the

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

implementation of these policies. These barriers included

overwhelming responsibilities, strong-respect for hierarchical

authority, a ratings-focused performance appraisal system, and

insufficient pre-service training of teachers. Another factor

that is attributed to the lack of continuing professional

development of teachers is the many different professional

development (PD) activities teachers engage in. The researchers

described the barriers that are keeping them from successfully

implementing these policies. These barriers include

overwhelming responsibilities, strong culture of hierarchy, a

ratings-focussed teacher appraisal system, and insufficient

pre-service training. Researchers shared a common

disappointment on teachers feeling stressed and anxious of the

quantity of evidence they were required to comply with the

NCBTS and the RPMS. They argued that this resulted in teachers

not being fully committed to their own professional


Besides being used as a tool for professional development

of teachers, the RPMS also serves as a system for their

performance appraisal. School principals evaluate teachers’

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performance based on evidence of competencies measured against

agreed performance targets. This evidence is justified through

verifiable documents, certificates, and testimonies. The

ratings that teachers achieve through RPMS serve as the basis

for their compensation, bonuses, and chances of getting

promoted to a higher position in the organisation. When asked

about how they view RPMS as a tool to support teachers’

professional development, there were some negative comments

elicited. There are study that also revealed that a minority of

the participants felt that insufficient pre-service education

of teachers is one of the barriers in successfully implementing

the NCBTS and RPMS. One interviewee noted there were teachers

who were struggling in their roles because of the insufficient,

if not lacking, of pre-service education before entering the

profession. She argued that those teachers who did not go

through rigid training to become educators were lacking the

basic skills for them to perform their duties well.

The overall response shows that the most common types of

professional development activities teachers engage in are:

attending international, local, or district conferences and

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seminars, LAC sessions, in-service training, and school-based

mentoring. International, local, or district conferences and

seminars are made available to all educators throughout the

academic year. These conferences, however, are normally held in

venues that are not easily accessible for teachers. This means

that those who would like to participate in these conferences

and seminars would have to spend a considerable amount of money

not only for the registration but also for the accommodation

and transportation. Nevertheless, many teachers are still

encouraged to participate in these professional development

activities. Despite of limited funding to send teachers to

these conferences researchers believed that this is one of the

big issues why not all teachers are able to participate.

However, they cited that it is a good opportunity for those who

were able to attend to become trainers and share their learning

with their colleagues. A unique professional development

activity that most teachers in the Philippine public schools

engage in is the School Learning Action Cell, which is more

commonly known as Learning Action Cell or LAC sessions. In the

implementation of LAC in school emphasized that the teachers

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who have the opportunity to attend training, seminars, and

conferences outside the school play a significant role in the

LAC sessions. Openness to change is one of the values that

researchers believe to be important in the creation of LAC or

any other means for Professional Development of the teachers.

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This chapter presents the research design, population and

sampling procedure, research instruments, data gathering

procedure, and data analysis procedure.


The study will assess the extent of implementation of

DepEd Order No. 35 Learning Action Cell (LAC) and teachers’

performance in Public Elementary Schools as basis for

professional development plan.

According to Jackson (2009), the descriptive method of

research, participants answer questions administered through

interviews and questions. After participants answer the

questions, researchers describe the responses collected. This

method is essential in proving the value of facts, focusing

attention to the most important thing to gather and collect

significant appropriate data. Likewise, stresses current

condition with the assumption that things will vary.

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The study goes the following stages: first, the

conceptualization of the problem and formulation of hypotheses

among the teachers of Grade V in the District V of Division of

Biñan City, Laguna; second, preparation and adaption of the

instruments that will be used in research; third,

administration of the Questionnaire by the help of the Grade V

teachers in the District V of Division Biñan City, Laguna then

the researcher will evaluate the answers in the questionnaire;

and finally, analysing and interpreting of data to know the

correlation between the demographic profile of the teachers and

the extent of implementation of Learning Action Cell (LAC, how

the School Heads and the Teachers assess the extent of

implementation of Learning Action Cell (LAC).

Population and Sampling

This research utilized a combination of purposive and

convenience sampling method. Purposive sampling technique is a

type of nonprobability sampling where the researcher

deliberately selects particular elements or subjects for a

study so as to make sure that the elements have certain

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characteristics as representative of the population in this


There were (5) groups of respondents that were utilized to

ensure an in- depth analysis on the assessment of the extent of

implementation of DepEd Order No. 35 Learning Action Cell (LAC)

and assess the extent of implementation of DepEd Order No. 35

Learning Action Cell (LAC) and teachers’ performance in Public

Elementary Schools as basis for professional development plan.

As shown in the Table 1 the (5) groups of respondents are

from the (5) schools in the District V of Division of Biñan

City, Laguna. The respondents in San Vicente Elementary School

were sixty- nine (69) teachers, Tomas A. Turalba Memorial

Elementary School were fifteen (15) teachers, Tamayo Elementary

School were twenty- two (22) respondents, Platero Elementary

School were sixty- five (65) teachers, and Mamplasan Elementary

School were fifty- eight (58) teachers served as the

respondents of the study. There are total of 232 respondents

that will answer the questionnaire given for the researcher to

gather information regarding the study.

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Population and Sampling


(District V of Division of Biñan City, Laguna)

Name of School Population Percentage

Mamplasan E/S 58 100%

Platero E/S 65 100%

San Vicente E/S 69 100%

Tamayo E/S 22 100%

Tomas A. Turalba Mem. 15 100%


TOTAL 232 100%

Respondents of the Study

The respondents composed of teachers from Schools Division

of Biñan City in the District V. Table 2 shows the respondents’

demographic profile
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Table 2

Demographic Profile (Educational Attainment)

Educational Attainment # of Respondents Percentage

Techvoc 2 5.26

Degree 28 75.68

Masters 7 18.91

Doctorate 0 0

Total 37 100

Table 2.1


Specialization # of Respondents


English 5 13.51

Mathematics 4 10.81

Filipino 5 13.51

Science 7 18.92

EPP 2 5.41

AP 2 5.41
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MAPEH 3 8.11


Total 37 100

Table 2.3

Length of Service

Length of Service Private Public Percentage Percentage

26 years & above 0 3 0 8.11

21 – 25 years 0 5 0 13.51

16 – 20 years 1 7 2.70 18.92

11 - 15 years 1 6 2.70 16.22

6 – 10 years 4 9 10.81 24.32

5 years & below 31 7 83.78 18.92

Total 37 37 100 100

Research Instruments Used

A survey questionnaire will be the primary source of

information. The researcher will review related topics, search

for relevant variables and any information that could be useful

in the construction and preparation of the questionnaire.

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There were two sets of questionnaires used in this study.

The first questionnaire was used to assess the extent of extent

implementation of DepEd Order No.35 Learning (LAC) as assess by

the school administrators and teachers as to: Objectives;

Content; and Program of Activities.

The second part of the questionnaire will intend to obtain

information regarding the challenges encountered throughout the

implementation of LAC in the District V in the Division of

Biñan City, Laguna.

The second questionnaire is intended for the School Heads

to assess the teachers in implementation of LAC in their

respective schools.

The survey questionnaire will be validated by pool of

research experts from the Division of Binan City, Laguna. They

will be composed of a School Head, and Education Program

Supervisor (EPS), both specialized on language instruction, and

the Division’s Research Coordinator.

Thereafter, the recommendations of the validators will be

incorporated in the survey questionnaire. After its

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reconstruction and revision, the final draft of the

questionnaire will be printed.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will secure written permission to conduct

the study and administer survey from the Schools Division

Superintendent of Division of Binan City, Laguna. A letter of

consent will also be sent to the School Head of the

participating schools. After obtaining the approval, the

researcher will make arrangement with the School Head on the

conduct of distribution and retrieval of questionnaire.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools will be used in this


Weighted mean and standard deviation are to be used to

determine the respondents’ assessments of teacher’s performance

after the implementation of LAC in the school they are into in

and the challenges encountered in the implementation.

The following 5- points Likert’s Scale will be used to

interpret the results of the assessment:

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Equivalent Point Scale Challenges Encountered

5 4.50 - 5.00 Highly Challenging

4 3.50 – 4.49 Challenging

3 2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Challenging

2 1.50 – 2. 49 Least Challenging

1 1.0- 1.50 Not Challenging

To determine the significant relationship between the

School Head and teachers’ assessments in using multimedia as

instructional material in teaching Grade V pupils in District V

of Division of Binan City, Laguna and the challenges

encountered on the teachers effectiveness in teaching Grade V

using multimedia, the t-test is to be used.

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Jones, M., & Harris, A. (2014). Principals leading successful

organisational change: Building social capital through
disciplined professional collaboration. Journal of
Organizational Change Management, 27(3), 473–485.
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Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Malipot, I. (2014, September). DepEd pursuing controversial

RPMS amid protests. Manila Bulletin, p.15.

Nguyen, T. Q. T. (2015). Conducting semi-structured interviews

with the Vietnamese. Qualitative Research Journal, 15(1), 35 –


Nunez, S. (2014). Results-based Performance Management System

(RPMS) for DepEd. Retrieved from


Ponterotto, J. G. (2013). Qualitative research in multicultural

psychology: Philosophical underpinnings, popular approaches,

and ethical considerations. Qualitative Psychology, 1(S), 19 –


Renomeron, D. (2014). Mother Tongue Based - Multilingual

Education (MTBMLE) in the Philippines. Retrieved from

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Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

Plowright, D. (2013). To what extent do postgraduate students

understand the principles of mixed methods in educational

research? International Journal of Multiple Research

Approaches, 7(1), 66–82.

Punch, K. F., & Oancea, A. (2014). Introduction to research

methods in education (2nd edition.). London, England: SAGE.

Rouikera, C. (2013). The impact of a professional development

programme on the effectiveness of school leaders in Solomon

Islands (Master’s thesis, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New

Zealand). Retrieved from

Schultz, J. R. (2013). The elements of leadership. Global

Business and Organizational Excellence, 32(6), 47–54.
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Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Graduate Studies

TALIS. (2013). Teaching in focus (OECD Report). Paris, France:


Shorter, T. (2013). Teacher appraisal— its relationship to

motivation, collegial relationships, and pedagogical change in
an early childhood context in Aotearoa New Zealand (Master’s
thesis, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand).
Retrieved from

Shouse, R. C., & Ma, C. (2015). Leadership and creativity in

East Asian schools. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(4), 491–

Steyn, G. M. (2013). Building professional learning communities

to enhance continuing professional development in South African
schools. Anthropologists, 15(3), 277-289. Retrieved from

The Importance of School Learning Action Cell (SLAC). (2015).

Retrieved from

Two years after Typhoon Haiyan, the school rebuilding goes on.
(2015). Retrieved from
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Yap, R. A. (2015, May). Building professional learning

communities with the aid of activity theory. Paper presented at
the 7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics
Education, Philippines. Retrieved from
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Yin, R. K. (2013). Case study research: Design and methods (5th

ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

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Direction: Please read the items below and place a check in the

box to indicate your answer on the space provided.

Part I: Personal Profile

Category of Respondents: ( ) Teacher ( ) School


Name (Optional):


Position/ Designation (If applicable):


Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Civil Status:

( ) Married ( ) Single

( ) Widow ( ) Widower

( ) 25 years below ( ) 41 -45

( ) 26- 30 ( ) 46 - 50

( ) 31- 35 ( ) 51 yrs. & above

( ) 36- 40

Educational Attainment:

( ) Doctorate Degree

( ) Master’s Degree with Doctoral units

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( ) Master’s Degree

( ) Baccalaureate Degree with MA units

( ) Baccalaureate Degree

( ) others, please specify __________________________

Teaching Experience:

( ) 1 – 10 years ( ) 31 years & above

( ) 11- 20 yaers

( ) 21- 30 years

Administrative Experience:

( ) 1- 10 years ( ) 31 years & above

( ) 11- 20 years

( ) 21- 30 years

Seminars Attended:

( ) International ( ) Local

( ) National ( ) School-Based

( ) Regional

Position/ Rank

( ) School Principal ( ) Officer-in-charge

( ) Teacher-in-Charge ( ) Master Teacher

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Part II

Assessment of the variable such as objectives, content,

program of activities, evaluation tools, and time allotment. A

(5) point Likert Scale method as criterion which serves as the

basis for interpretation of data used to indicate the

assessment to namely: 5 for Excellent (E); 4 for Very

Satisfactorily (VS); 3 Satisfactorily (S); 2 for Fair (F); and

1 for poor (P).

The survey questionnaire was validated in terms of content

of substance by the adviser experienced teachers and

administrator and likewise the survey questionnaire was

subjected to dry run or pre listing to validate of confirm its

understandability and complexity to the target respondents.

5- Excellent(E)

4- Very Satisfactory (VS)

3- Satisfactory (S)

2- Fair (F)

1- Poor (P)
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5 4 3 2 1
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1.1 Content knowledge and its

application within and across

the curriculum areas

1.2 Research-based knowledge and

principles of teaching and


1.3 Positive use of ICT

1.4 Strategies for promoting

literacy and numeracy

1.5 Strategies for developing

critical and creative thinking

as well as other higher- order

thinking skills

1.6 Mother-Tongue, Filipino and

English in teaching and


1.7 Classroom communication

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2.1 Learner safety and security

2.2 Fair learning environment

2.3 Management of classroom

structure and and activities

2.4 Support for learner


2.5 Promotion of purposive learning

2.6 Management of learner behavior


3.1 Learners’ gender needs,

strengths, interests and


3.2 Learners linguistic, cultural,

socio-economic and religious


3.3 Learners with disabilities,

giftedness and talents

3.4 Learners in difficult

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3.5 Learners from indigenous groups


4.1 Planning and management of

teaching and learning process

4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with

learning competencies

4.3 Relevance and responsiveness of

learning programs

4.4 Professional collaboration to

enrich teaching practice

4.5 Teaching and learning resources

including ICT


5.1 Design, selection, organization

and utilization of assessment


5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of

learner progress and

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5.3 Feedback to improve learning

5.4 Communication of learner needs

progress and achievement to key


5.5 Use of assessment data to

enhance teaching and learning

practices and programs



6.1 Establishment of learning

environments that are

responsive to community context

6.2 Engagement of parents and the

wider school community in the

educative process

6.3 Professional ethics

6.4 School policies and procedures


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7.1 Philosophy of teaching

7.2 Dignity of teaching as a


7.3 Professional links with


7.4 Professional reflection and

learning to improve practice

7.5 Professional development goals


Content E VS S F P

5 4 3 2 1

1. Easily access on the lessons.

2. Use of powerpoint presentation to

execute the lessons.

3. Has a clear understanding of the


4. Shows the mastery of the subject

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5. Allows learner to acquire knowledge



Time Allotment
5 4 3 2 1

1. Finishes the lessons on time.

2. Waste allot of time in


3. Maximize time in the execution of

the lesson.

4. Convenient to deliver the lessons.

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