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1514 HME 311

Baking has always been one of my favorite things to do at home, especially when
we are all required to stay indoors during a lockdown. Despite the fact that I may
not be very excellent at it, anytime I use my own creativity and expertise to produce
a good, I feel content and fulfilled. As a result, I began to value baking more
because of the immeasurable amount of effort that goes into it.

This first semester, we were tasked by our professor to observe the process of
baking made by the students from the other program. The cakes that they were
able to produce will be used for a contest that would be held at the Baguio Country
Club. Unfortunately, we were not able to witness the contest itself at the venue but
we were able to observe it at the laboratory. Gladly, the students were kind enough
to let us observe and ask them a few questions despite the pressure they were
feeling because of our presence. We were very curious and invested in the baking
process because we knew that the outcome would be great.

We were fortunate that they let us watch them build their masterpiece. I witnessed
their creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication as they worked hard to create their
cake. The need to make things as accurately as possible has become clearer to me
as a result of our experience. from the preparation steps to the mixing techniques to
the correct oven temperature setting, etc. When baking in class, I often seemed to
be moving quickly through each phase, which led to my misinterpreting certain
steps or leaving out important information. I discovered that if we want to create
something amazing, we should constantly be patient with the process and not rush
things. The most essential thing is to remember to appreciate what we are doing
while concentrating on what is more crucial—learning a new talent and making an
effort to consistently improve it over time.

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