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TLE Reflection

There are many things that I have learned in TLE - Cookery

this 3rd Quarter, there are challenges that I have faced too. It
was not easy to overcome but I still believe myself, challenges
are coming up like fast trains that was very unexpected.

There are many skills that I have acquired, from making

stocks to making soup. I treasure this quarter because there
are many things that I have learned, new techniques, new
cooking skills and etc. I have gained more confidence in
cooking because of this quarter because soups are very
essential in every culture, so I am very happy that I have
learned about this. As from what I’ve said, there are many
challenges that I have faced. I was very confused at first
about soups and stocks because it was new to me, Im never
good at cooking soups because it requires intricate
measurements, good timing and etc. Inspite of the challenges
I’ve faced, there many knowledges I have gained, especially
about the types of soups, stock, and sauces and new cooking
techniques like making stock, simmering it till the stock is
flavorful. It actually developed my personal growth too, I have
become motivated and my mindset was changed about
cooking this type of dish because, at first I was doubting
myself that I can do this and due to the lack of trust in
myself. But now I am confident about my cooking skills and
more. For my future goals, I have thoughts on making a
successful business because I really enjoyed this type of
cooking like I didn’t even get exhausted about it because I
really enjoyed it.

In conclusion, I have learned many things in 3rd quarter. I

would be enlightened to learn more in the upcoming quarter
and is very excited. Even though there are some
shortcomings, I would still get up and stand proud. This was a
very interesting quarter, Im excited for the next quarter.

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