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Fashion Business Management

FM108: First Year Experience I

Hot Topic: Introduction to The Fashion Industry

The assignment is graded and worth 5% of your grade

The fashion industry is always evolving. In order to keep current, each student will be responsible to
present to the class articles and engage with the class with questions during the semester of a new
development in the fashion industry.

● To become self-reliant in researching the business of fashion.
● To understand retail business practices from a holistic POV, including retail strategies,
product, supply chain, customer journey marketing and how they are woven together.
● To learn and apply professional communication in presentation, discussion, debate and

SCOPE: Each week 2-3 students will research present current industry trends related to the topic
focus for the week reflected in the syllabus. Each student will present a summary of 2 articles that
relate to the same topic and engage with the class with discussion questions or activity that is
pertaining to the subject for the assigned weeks lecture:

FORMAT: Each student will present a 3-4 minutes oral & visual presentation in class with an
interactive class discussion questions or activity.

● Give an overview of the articles

● State and connect the implications for the weekly subject/chapter to the articles
● Create interactive class discussion questions or activity.
● Create the visual presentation in Canva, Google Slides, PowerPoint and etc
● For the visual presentation - balance the verbiage and images. DO NOT put everything
you are discussing on the slides, just add bullets of key points.
● Presentation skills are very important, make sure you have note cards, not reading from
the screen, laptop or phone
● No written assignment
● The findings must be presented in a professional manner, and complete
knowledge of the subject matter is expected. If you do not fully understand the
articles, please choose other articles you can clearly explain.
● Articles are first come first serve, check & post your articles on Padlet.

1) PADLET POST: Attach the visual presentation on the post. Be sure to use citations as needed
and include references in APA format.
● Post to Padlet no later than midnight the night prior to class.

Fashion Business Management
FM108: First Year Experience I


a) Visual Presentation: Create a visual presentation to illustrate key points and visuals in your
oral presentation.
● Give an overview of the articles
● State and connect the implications for the weekly subject/chapter to the articles
● Create interactive class discussion questions or activity.
● Create the visual presentation in Canva, Google Slides, PowerPoint and etc
● For the visual presentation - balance the verbiage and images. DO NOT put everything
you are discussing on the slides, just add bullets of key points.

b) Oral Presentation: Present emerging information, trend or related ideas that relate to the topic
of the week within any facet of the retail industry. This should be current articles must be no
later than 3-6 months to present date, relatable and connected to the focus topic for the
class. This should be informative and conducive to future exploration in the form of opinions,
debate, and exploration. Include opportunity for class to ask clarifying questions.

c) Discussion and/or Activity: Lead an interactive discussion and/or activity with the class. This
can be a Q&A session, a debate, survey/poll exploration, exercise, or activity, etc. that relates
to your topic trend presentation.

*See attached rubric for evaluation expectations.

Exceeds Standard Meets Expectations Approaches Standard Needs Improvement

Presentation & Delivery 25 25 22 19 16

Shows superior knowledge of Specific data or facts were Specific data or facts were Specific data or facts
the topic and supporting often referred to when occasionally to referred were not referred to
components. Specific data or necessary to support the when necessary to support when necessary to
facts were always referred to analysis and conclusion. the analysis and support the analysis and
when necessary to support the Clear flow of ideas. conclusion. Ideas flow conclusion. Hard to
analysis and conclusions. Very Demonstrates interest in understandable, but focus follow the flow of ideas.
clear and concise flow of ideas. topic and engagement with is lost at times. Limited Lack of enthusiasm and
Demonstrates passionate the class. evidence of interest in and interest.
interest in the topic and engagement with the topic
engagement with the class.
Visual Presentation 25 10 8 7 6
Visuals extended Use of visuals related to Limited use of visuals No use of visuals.
comprehension of the the information concepts & loosely related to the
information concepts & trends trends. information concepts &
in unique ways. trends.

Fashion Business Management
FM108: First Year Experience I
Class Discussion, 20 25 22 19 16
Q&A/Activity Appropriate and imaginative Appropriate activity Limited use of activities to Little or no attempt to
activity discussion used to discussion used to clarify clarify understanding. engage the class in
extend understanding in a understanding. Questions Questions and discussion learning.
creative manner. Excellent and discussion addressed addressed surface Limited response to
discussion points that important information that features of the topic. questions and
elucidated material to develop developed understanding. Satisfactory response to discussion with no
deep understanding. Good response to class class questions and reference to
Excellent response to student questions and discussion discussion with limited theory/research.
comments and discussion with with some connection reference to theory and
appropriate content supported made to theory/research. research.
by theory/research.
Preparedness 15 10 8 7 6
Completely prepared, Mostly well prepared, Somewhat prepared, Not prepared,
well-rehearsed and delivered rehearsed and delivered rehearsed and delivered rehearsed, or delivered
with significant confidence, with confidence, clarity, with general confidence, with minimal
clarity, and strong level of detail. and good level of detail. clarity, and appropriate confidence, lacked
level of detail. clarity and any level of

Individual Presentation 15 10 8 7 6
Skills Holds the attention of the entire Consistent use of direct Displays minimal eye Holds no eye contact
classroom with the use of direct eye contact with audience, contact with audience with audience as entire
eye contact and seldom looking but still returns to notes. while reading mostly from report is read from
at notes. Speaks with Speaks with variation of the notes. Speaks in notes. Speaks in low
fluctuation in volume and volume and inflection. uneven volume with little volume and/or
inflection to maintain audience or no inflection. monotonous tone which
interest and emphasize key causes audience to
points. disengage.

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