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Task 1

Please translate all the sentences below from English to Bahasa

1. Why don’t you have your lunch first?
2. I recommend you to buy the item.
3. You ought to obey your parents.
4. You had better run than walk.
5. I suggest you to stop smoking before other people around you get sick.
6. What about going to the market now?
7. I don’t think you should buy a new motorcycle.
8. You should learn and practice English more often.
9. Maybe you should find a private teacher to help you in learning physics..
10. I suggest you to help your sister doing the homework.

1. Why don’t you have your lunch first?

(Kenapa kamu tidak makan siang dahulu?
2. You should not force yourself too hard.
(Kamu sebaiknya tidak terlau memaksakan dirimu terlalu keras.)
3. I recommend you to buy the item.
(Aku merekomendasikan mu untuk membeli barang tersebut).
4. You ought to not care about it.
(Kamu seharusnya tidak mempedulikan tentangnya).
5. You ought to obey your parents.
(Kamu seharusnya menghormati kedua orangtuamu).
6. You had better run than walk.
(Kamu lebih baik berlari daripada berjalan).
7. I suggest you to stop smoking before other people around you get sick.
(Aku sarankan kamu berhenti merokok sebelum orang lain di sekitarmu
8. What about going to the market now?
(Bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke pasar sekarang?)
9. Maybe you should change the habbit.
(Mungkin kamu harus mengubah kebiasaan tersebut)
10. I don’t think you should buy a new motorcycle.
(Aku tidak berpikir bahwa kamu harus membeli sepeda motor baru)
11. You should learn and practice English more often.
(Kamu harus lebih sering belajar dan mempraktikkan Bahasa Inggris).
12. Maybe you should find a private teacher to help you in learning physics.
(Mungkin kamu harus mencari guru privat untuk membantumu belajar
13. I suggest that you should not hide the problem from your parent.
(Aku sarankan kamu untuk tidak menyembunyikan masalahmu dari orang
14. I suggest you to help your sister doing the homework.
(Aku sarankan kamu untuk membantu adikmu menyelesaikan tugasnya.)
15. Should you take a break first before continuing the work?
(Tidaklah sebaiknya kamu istirahat terlebih dahulu sebelum melanjutkan

Task 2
Give your solutions towards the following problems. Use should/ought to/can

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