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TERBARU (untuk nama2 journal nya nani aku ngisi di ppt)

 discourse analysis
 Basic ideas in discourse analysis
1. textual analysis (writing) : cohesion, coherence
2. conversational analysis (speaking) : utterance and communicative

Definition of discourse analysis :

According to Brown and Yule (2008:13)
discourse analysis is an analysis of the language used which looks at the function of
language and what language is used for.
Basically, analysis is one of the objects carried out
to reveal the identity of the object. ( source :
%20Markesot%20Bertutur%20Lagi%20%28MBL%29.pdf )

simple def :

1. cohesion : Cohesion is the relations of meaning which exist within the text and justify
it as a text. Cohesion is lexical and grammatical unity within a text. Without cohesion,
a text will not make meaning.

simple def : cohesion refers to the grammatical and lexical thinking that holds a text
together and contributes to its meaning

There are two types of cohesion : lexical and grammatical

lexical cohesion : lexical cohesion refers to how the writer uses lexical elements
we can achieve cohesion lexically through : repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym,
a. repetition : repeating the same words
i.g : cats are cute, i like cats
b. synonym : a word that means exactly the same as another word
i.g : John saw a snake under the table. the serpent was probably hiding there
for a long time.
c. antonym : two words with opposite meaning
i.g : old movies are boring, the new ones are much better.
d. hyponym : a word that denotes a subcategory of a more general class.
i.g : i like mango. The fruit is sweet and delicious.
e. meronym : a word that denotes part of something but which is used to refer to
the whole of it.
i.g : more workers are needed. we need more hands to finish the work.

Grammatical cohesion : refers to the grammatical relation between text elements.

we can achieve cohesion grammatically through : anaphora, ellipsis, substitute,
a. anaphora : is when you use a word referring back to another word used
earlier in a text or conversation
i.g : Jimmy was brilliant. he got the best score
b. ellipsis : words or phrases are deleted from a sentence, but their meaning can
still be understood from the context.
i.g : full sentence : i want to go but i can’t go
ellipsis : i want to go but i can’t.
c. subtitutions : refer to the use of a word to replace another word
i.g : original sentence : : My sister bought a new lipcream. the lipcream is
substitutions : My sister bought a new lipcream. it is expensive.
d. conjunction : part os speech that connect words, phrases, clauses, or
sentences (and, or, but)
i.g : I read novel and magazine


tadi baca2 blm ada yg pas)

coherence is what makes a text semantically meaningful. ia a coherent text,
ideas are logically connected to produce meaning.

cohesion refers to the grammatical and lexical linking that holds a text
together and contributes to its meaning.

a text may be cohesively connected, yet may still be incoherent.

there are two types of cohesion : lexical and grammatical.

2. conversational analysis (speaking) : utterance and communicative acts

Utterance and communicative acts are indispensable concepts in

spoken discourse. Utterances are used to perform communicative acts.
Communicative act is structured according to the three levels of
speech act: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act because it
is believed that utterance performs action at each level of speech act.

ini di salin nanti di ppt ( aku gabisa nyalin disini nok)

Locutionary :

The importance :

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