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First Course in the Finite Element

Method SI Edition 6th Edition Logan

Solutions Manual
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Chapter 7

7.1 For the simple 4 noded elements it is a violation of displacement compatibility to have a
mid-side node. Some of the elements have mid-side nodes in this model. Use ‘transition’
triangle to go from smaller to larger rectangular elements.

7.2 The mesh sizing is not fine enough in the reentrant corner region at C. We need smaller
elements near point C and small radius at C.
7.3 Based on the formulation used here we cannot have ν = 0.5 for the plane strain case as the
denominator in the material property matrices [D] (see Equation (6.1.10) and [K] (see
Equation (6.4.3) becomes zero. A penalty formulation see Reference [7] can be used to
avoid this problem.
7.4 The structure is plane strain if this section represents a cross section of a long structure in
which the loads do not vary in the z direction.
The structure is a plane stress problem if this section is a thin plate type structure with
loads in the plane of the structure only.
Also see Section 6.1 for descriptions of plane stress and plane strain and examples of
7.5 When abrupt changes in thickness or E’s occur from element to element.
7.6 Unit thickness
7.7 (a) Best aspect ratio.
7.8 See answer to Problem 6.20.
7.9 (a) No, as replacing a portion of the patch by a different material with different mechanical
properties will in general produce non-uniform strain under constant state of applied
stress. For rigid body mode tests, however, different mechanical property materials still
result in rigid body displacement.
(b) Yes, the patch can be arbitrary in shape. If we apply a test displacement field of ux = 1,
uy = 0 at the external nodes of a patch of say 4 elements and set the internal nodal force
to zero, then solve for the displacement components at internal node i, these
displacement components should agree with the value of the displacement function at
that node. Also the strain function or field should vanish identically at any point over
each element.
(c) Yes, we can mix triangular and quadrilateral elements in a 2-d patch test as long as the
material properties are the same.
(d) No. Mixing bars with plane elements would alter the constant strain states as the plane
element and bar are of different structural types.

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(e) The patch test should be applied when developing new finite elements, to determine if
the element can represent rigid body motion as well as states of constant strain when
these conditions occur.
7.10 Using Mathcad
A = 1  10–4 E = 200  109 L1 = 0.6 L2 = 1.4

1 –1 0 3.333 107 – 3.333 107 0

E 7 7
[k1] = –1 1 0 [k1] = [k1] A [k1] = – 3.333 10 3.333 10 0
0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0
E 7
[k2] = 0 1 –1 [k2] = [k2] A [k2] = 0 1.429 10 –1.429 107
0 –1 1 0 –1.429 107 1.429 107

3.333 107 – 3.333 107 0

7 7
[k] = [k1] + [k2] [k] = – 3.333 10 4.762 10 –1.429 107
0 –1.429 107 1.429 107

Set these 3 values to defined quantities of u1 = u3 = 1 for the rigid body patch test
u1 = 1 u3 = 1 F2 = 0
Guess at F1, F3, and u2 as shown below.
F1 = 1 u2 = 0 F3 = 1
Given Use the given command to create a solve block.
F1 u1
F2 [ k ] u2 Use control and equal sign here.
F3 u3
u2 = Find (F1, u2, F3) Use the ‘Find’ command to find F1, u2, and F3.
F1 = 0 u2 = 1 F3 = 0
The rigid body motion patch test is satisfied as u2 = 1.
Now check the constant strain test. Let u(x) = x for the nodes at the boundaries, i.e.,
u1 = 0 and u3 = 2, Verify that u2 (x = 0.6) = 0.6.
u1 = 0 u3 = 2 F2 = 0 Initial these values
F1 = 1 F3 = 1 u2 = 0 Guesses for these values.
F1 u1
F2 = [ k ] u2
F3 u3

u2 = Find (F1, u2, F3) Use the ‘Find’ command to solve for F1, u2, and F3.

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F1 = – 2  107 F3 = 2  107 u2 = 0.6
Now upon solving the system of equations u2 = 0.6 as it should to satisfy the patch test
for constant strain.




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The largest principal stress is 2.23 MPa located at the inner fillet.


Model Parameters
Implant Material Modulus of Elasticity 12 GPa
Bony Material Modulus of Elasticity 7.5 GPa
Implant Depth below Bony Material 2.5 mm

400 Mesh Density

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The largest principal stress is 234 MPa located in the implant material where it meets the
top of the bony material.

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The figure above is the maximum principal stress. The maximum is 3505 . The
m^ 2
location of maximum stress occurs at the corners of the hole (with 1 mm radii)


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The largest principal stress is 66336 Pa located at the bottom of the center span of the



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The largest von Mises stress of 6.17 MPa occurs at the top and bottom inside edges of the
hole. The second largest principal stress of 5.78 MPa occurs at the elbow between the
smallest cross section and where the taper begins.


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Figure 1: Mesh with Boundary Conditions and Nodal Force

Figure 2: The von Mises stress plot for canopy hook  kN
mm 2


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Figure 4: von Mises stress of bracket with 1.25 cm radius at re-entrant corner.

The largest von Mises stress is 335 MPa located at the re-entrant corner of the bracket.

Zoomed in view of the finite element model of the bracket using 600 mesh density in
Algor program.

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The pivot hole is fixed as shown in Figure 1. The loads were each distributed across 5 nodes with
the total sum of the 5 nodal forces equaling the given point force of 240 N. Other loads
were handled in a similar fashion as indicated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The design, mesh and boundary conditions for the Crimper

As you can see in Figure 2, the maximum von Mises stress was calculated to be
approximately 50 MPa. The standard yield strength for steel is approximately 250 MPa.
This chosen thickness of 20 mm is sufficient to provide a FOS greater than 1.5.

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Figure 2: The von Mises Stress for the Crimper

The model is shown first with the boundary and loading conditions then applied. The
nodes of the far left hex were constrained from all movement.
Next a material was chosen and an initial guess at the thickness t was made. ASTM A-36
was chosen. A thickness of 3.8 mm was chosen as this is an easy number to work with
and it is compatible with the other wrench dimensions. A pressure of 2631.6 Pa was
applied. The largest von Mises stress was 166.6 MPa as shown.

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