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1 Keyword in headline Default Typically your H1 or H2. Searcher is ‘in the right place’.

Consider the traditional funnel, you have a top, middle and

2 Intent vs specificity Default
bottom. Keywords and ads should narrow/compliment.
3 Capitalise Each Word Default Capitalise the ‘First Letter Of Each Word’ for improved legibility.

4 Call to Action Default Get someone to take action. Repeat on your destination page.

5 Imperative verb Optional Tells someone to do something. A command.

6 Competitor comparisons Optional You don’t have to name your competitor to call them out.
It’s okay to have the keyword/key element in your headline and a
7 Use repetition Optional
description line too.
Sometimes a bigger ad isn’t better. Don’t force yourself to use all
8 Ignore H3 and/or D2 Optional
the text space.
Consider what the prospect really wants. What result are they
9 Show results Optional
getting from you?
Default (for Mention the location in your ad. Include a local number call
10 Proximity
local) extension.
11 Punctuation Preferred Use symbols - !, ?, %, £/$/€ - to stand-out from other advertisers.
Use recency to persuade and convince searchers you are the
12 Timely Preferred
right option.
13 DKI Optional Not perfect, but can be used as a quick fix and/or for testing.

14 Fear of missing out Optional Countdown to an event, sale or launch.

15 Features and benefits Preferred Highlight what it is and what it does. The positive outcome.
Avoid the temptation to include all features and benefits. Focus
16 Single focus Preferred
on the most appropriate for this searcher/audience.
Present the solution your product/service provides. Surveying
17 Problems and solutions Preferred
customers is a good source of ‘solution’ inspiration.
18 Social proof Optional Show authority, reviews, testimonials and trust signals.
Talk to - and not at - your prospect. If you mention an award,
19 Award winning Optional
make it specific to the customer’s needs.
Use pre-qualifying language in your ads (and keywords). Weed
20 Pre-qualify Preferred
out the wasted clicks.
Analyse top ranking competitor ads and pages for positive
21 Sentiment Optional
sentiment ideas for your own ads.
If you are going to use puns in your adverts - make them very
22 Puns Optional
good or purposely bad. Puns need to be on brand too.
If you mention something specific in your ad copy, a feature, a
23 Continuity Default
price, an outcome, etc – show it on your destination page.


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