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Lesson 34
Negative Character

Intermediate I
negative /‘nɛɡətɪv/ adj. 消极的
anxious /‘æŋkʃəs/ adj. 焦虑的
boring /‘bɔrɪŋ/ adj. 无聊的
careless /‘kɛrləs/ adj. 粗心的
dependent /dɪ’pɛndənt/ adj. 依靠的
emotional /ɪ‘moʃənl/ adj. 易激动的
forgetful /fɚ‘gɛtfəl/ adj. 健忘的
passive /‘pæsɪv/ adj. 被动的
selfish /‘sɛlfɪʃ/ adj. 自私的
 Adjective – Negative Character

 As opposed to positive adjectives, there are

negative adjectives.

 Negative
 used to describe someone or something that is bad
 Adjective – Negative Character

 Anxious
 worried
 I saw my sister's anxious face at the window.

 Boring
 not interesting or exciting
 It's boring to sit on the plane with nothing to read.
 Adjective – Negative Character

 Careless
 not taking or showing enough care and attention
 A careless driver is a danger to the public.

 Dependent
 relying on another for support
 It's very easy to become dependent on sleeping pills.
 Adjective – Negative Character

 Emotional
 easily affected by feelings or emotion
 I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony.

 Forgetful
 likely to forget
 My grandma is getting very forgetful in her old age.
 Adjective – Negative Character

 Passive
 not participating
 His passive attitude makes me angry.

 Selfish
 concerned only with oneself
 I think he is very selfish, because he is mainly concerned with himself.
1. Line up the adjectives with its correct meaning.

 anxious relying on another for support

 boring concerned only with oneself
 dependent worried
 forgetful likely to forget
 selfish not interesting or exciting
2. Identify the positive adjectives and negative adjectives.

 generous
 calm
 harmful
 wise
 stupid
 ugly
 free
 unkind
1. Line up the adjectives with its correct meaning.

 anxious relying on another for support

 boring concerned only with oneself
 dependent worried
 forgetful likely to forget
 selfish not interesting or exciting
2. Identify the positive adjectives and negative adjectives.

 generous positive
 calm positive
 harmful negative
 wise positive
 stupid negative
 ugly negative
 free positive
 unkind negative

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