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(Teaching and Assessment of
Second Semester 2022-2023

Submitted by:

Almonibar, Meryelle D.
BSED-English 3A

Submitted to:
Evora H. Dioneza
Subject instructor
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

LESSON PLAN IN GRADE 8 (Using Parallel Structures) through 4’As Method


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify at least two sentences that do not have parallel structure from a
b. list of sentences;
c. Define parallel structure and explain why is it important to use in writing;
d. Correct at least three sentences that do not have parallel structure by adding
e. parallel elements; and
f. Write a sentence using parallel structure.


a. Topic: Using Parallel Structures

b. Reference: Book: "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
- This classic reference book on writing and grammar includes a section on
parallel structure and provides clear examples of how to use it effectively.
"Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing" by Mignon Fogarty -
This popular podcast and book series covers a wide range of grammar
and writing topics, including parallel structure.
c. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Whiteboard and markers, Handout
with examples of sentences and without parallel structures, worksheet with
practice exercises.
d. Values Integrated: Cooperation

a. Preliminary Activities
✓ Prayer
✓ Greetings
✓ Energizer
✓ Checking attendance
✓ Recall classroom rules


• Activity
The teacher will ask the students if they ever heard of parallel structures. The
teacher will write a sentence on the board that does not have parallel
structure (e.g. “I like to play soccer, going for a run, and eat pizza”). The
teacher will ask the students to identify what is wrong with the sentence, and
how it could be improved.
• Analysis
The teacher will introduce the concept of parallel structure and provide
students with a handout containing examples of sentences with and without
parallel structure. The teacher will go over in each example and ask students
to identify which sentences have parallel structure and which do not. The
teacher will provide the definition of parallel structure to the students and
explain why it is important to use in writing.
• Application
The teacher will distribute a worksheet with practice exercises that ask
students to identify and correct sentences that do not have parallel structure.
The teacher will allow the students to work independently or in pairs to
complete the worksheet. The teacher will collect the worksheets.
The teacher will give students a final sentence to practice with and ask them
to rewrite it using parallel structure. The teacher will collect their sentences
whether they have correctly applied the concept of parallel structure.
V. Assignment
The teacher will let the students write a short paragraph or essay using parallel
structure to demonstrate their understanding of the concept. The teacher will
let the students write their essay at home.

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