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02/06/2023, 17:15 2.1.

Notes [ ± 60 min ]

2.1. Notes [ ± 60 min ]

Site: Eduvos Learning Management System Printed by: Jordan Oor

Course: ACCSB1-22 Date: Friday, 2 June 2023, 5:15 PM
Book: 2.1. Notes [ ± 60 min ] 1/22
02/06/2023, 17:15 2.1. Notes [ ± 60 min ]

Table of contents
1. Learning outcomes

2. Collaborative Project / Case Study / Relevance Connection:

3. Intrapersonal Communication
3.1. Other Forms of the Self
3.2. Personal identity
3.3. Identity in groups
3.4. Self-Concept
3.5. Developing a Self-Concept
3.6. Theories of the Self-Concept
3.7. Social Comparison
3.8. Self-fulfilling Prophecies
3.9. Self-concept and intrapersonal communication
3.10. The Self in the Digital Age
3.11. Digital Identity
3.12. Personal Branding
3.13. Intrapersonal Variables
3.14. Cultural and Gender Differences
3.15. Perception of Others
3.16. Perceptual Inaccuracies
3.17. Conclusion 2/22
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1. Learning outcomes

By the end of this lesson you should be able to:

Discuss the concept of the self and its various parts.

Explain the role of self-concept in the formation of identity and communication with
Examine the influence of digital platforms on identity development and explain the
potential impact of social media on personal branding.
Understand the impact of intrapersonal variables on the development of the self.
Analyse the role played by culture and gender in the perception of the self and others.
Identify the factors that influence perception of the self and others that lead to perceptual

Prescribed Reading
Steinberg, S. and Angelopulo, G. eds. 2015. Introduction to
Communication Studies for Southern African Students. 2nd ed.
Cape Town: Juta & Co.

Chapter 7, pp 141 – 158 3/22
02/06/2023, 17:15 2.1. Notes [ ± 60 min ]

2. Collaborative Project / Case Study / Relevance Connection:

Watch the video in the link below:

VistaPeakpe. 2015. Positive Self Concept. Video [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 October 2022] 4/22
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3. Intrapersonal Communication


The self may be understood as being ‘a composite of personality, characteristics, attitudes,

values and beliefs and habits that make us unique’. It is also social which means that ‘grows
out of contact with others and functions primarily to guide our communication’ (Stewart
1990, p. 115). Identity can be explained as ever changing and dynamic. This means that the
identity one forms at any given time will inevitably change as one ages. Identity much like
the ‘self’ is influenced by local and social connections with the people you surround yourself
with. Initially, this takes the form of the family unit and later, identity is influenced by social
circles (Steinberg 2015, p. 143). 5/22
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3.1. Other Forms of the Self

Physical self
Emotional self
Intellectual self
Moral self 6/22
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3.2. Personal identity

Identity in context

By nature, humans are wired to categorise. They tend to categorise all information. From an
early age we learn to identify simple categories and later to categorise in more complex
sets. Social identity theory focuses on the way people see themselves as members of a
group/category through comparison with other groups. Identity theory suggests that role
expectations are fulfilled and roles are thus negotiated and co-ordinated between those
parties involved in the encounter. We may in fact have many identities. Some examples are
vocational identity — crucial to one’s vocational development and technology identity —
explaining how well students are able to use the tools provided in the learning environment
(Steinberg 2015, p. 145). 7/22
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3.3. Identity in groups

Identity does not exist in isolation. An identity is formed from birth straight through
adulthood. This happens primarily through observing parents and then later on friends in
larger social settings. A social identity is later developed and this means that people within
the same group will see things the same way as members of the group (Steinberg 2015, p.
146). 8/22
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3.4. Self-Concept

This is everything that people think and feel about themselves. This includes the outer
appearance, physical and mental capabilities, attitudes, opinions, beliefs as well as
strengths and weaknesses — the whole self. This mental image of ‘who we are’ is
communicated to others through our behaviour in a given situation (Verderber 1990;
Steinberg 2015, pp. 146 - 147). 9/22
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3.5. Developing a Self-Concept

Self-concept is shaped by our relationships with others. The way we perceive ourselves
depends largely on how we believe others see us. The link we have to others is through
communication. From birth, it is clear how people see us through their verbal and nonverbal
communication. Interactions with parents and siblings, peers and teachers, employers and
colleagues allow us to internalise their views about us so that they form part of how we see
ourselves (Steinberg 2015, p. 147). When constantly receiving positive feedback from
others regarding physical appearance or personal achievement, a more positive view of
yourself and thus a positive self-concept and confidence in communicating with others will
result. In contrast, when feeling negative about yourself and the views other people have of
you, the more negative your self-concept will be (Steinberg 2015, p. 147). 10/22
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3.6. Theories of the Self-Concept

Looking-glass self

The theory about the development of self-concept based on the feedback received from
others. The premise of this theory is that we evaluate ourselves based on how ‘we think’
others perceive and evaluate us (Bakare & Ntshwe 2010, p. 46).

Watch the video in the link below to get further understanding on the looking-glass self-

khanacademymedicine. 2015. Charles Cooley- Looking glass self | Individuals and Society |
MCAT | Khan Academy. Video [Online]. Available
at: [Accessed: 6 October 2022] 11/22
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3.7. Social Comparison

Suggests that when forming a self-concept, we measure ourselves against others in order
to determine how we are doing. These comparisons happen in two ways. Firstly, they are
used to determine how similar/different we are to people. Secondly, we use them to
determine how superior/inferior we are to others (Steinberg 2015, p. 148).

Watch the video in the link below to get further understanding on the social comparison

Productivity Guy. 2020. What is Social Comparison Theory | Explained in 2 min. Video
[Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 6 October 2022] 12/22
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3.8. Self-fulfilling Prophecies

Occur when our expectations of an event help create the very conditions that allow the
event to happen. What we believe about ourselves often comes true because we expect it
to come true. E.g. believing you will fail a science exam. Poor study habits and low marks
will reinforce negative feelings (low expectations) (Steinberg 2015, p. 149). 13/22
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3.9. Self-concept and intrapersonal communication

People often come to understand who they are by internalising positive and negative
messages. This process involves taking in information and ‘shifting’ it around to various
parts of the brain to make sense of it, and then either acting on it or storing it for future use.
There are five main elements in intrapersonal processing, all of which overlap to some
extent namely:

Schemata, or perceptual sets
Encoding 14/22
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3.10. The Self in the Digital Age

The Internet (social media) has changed traditional social interaction. Interaction with others
helps shape our identity. This is extended to the digital world. To what extent is identity now
influenced in and by a digital world?

Figure 1.1 – Representational Image for Digital Media 15/22
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3.11. Digital Identity

The digital world allows for different ‘masks’ and role-play. This makes it harder to determine
the difference between real people vs. an online presence. Social networks represent
relationships, which has an impact on identity development. This new kind of ‘self’ in the
social media sphere has blurred the lines between the online vs. the offline self (Steinberg
2015, p. 151). 16/22
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3.12. Personal Branding

Branding is made possible by social media and the internet. Therefore individuals may also
be regarded as brands. An individual’s online presence becomes their ‘digital fingerprint’
and allows for potential employers or blind dates to check their brand online (Groskop,
2008). 17/22
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3.13. Intrapersonal Variables

There are a number of intrapersonal factors which create biases in our interpretation of
ourselves, others and events around us. These are labelled as ‘intrapersonal variables’ that
influence communication (Steinberg 2015, p. 153).

Prejudices 18/22
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3.14. Cultural and Gender Differences

Research shows that culture influences perception and one’s view of oneself (Verderber &
Verderber 2001). The concept of independence will influence different societies based on
what that society values as important. For example, the Western view of the self-
independent entity regards the individual as the most basic social unit. Therefore, a child
growing up in this context will have a positive self-concept if he/she achieves complete
independence. However, most African and Eastern cultures see the family as the most
basic social unit. This means that a child being raised with these values will pride
themselves on remaining around family and also moving onto having family units of their
own. Therefore, they too will develop a positive self-concept based on culture (Steinberg &
Angelopulo 2015, pp. 155 - 156). In the same way, roles for men and women are decided
by culture. In some instances women are expected to be homemakers and mothers rather
than pursuing a career. Women who see themselves as having these skills will feel good
about themselves. In the same vein, women who see themselves as career driven will have
a positive selfconcept if their career growth is successful (Steinberg 2015, p. 156). 19/22
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3.15. Perception of Others

There are many factors, which explain why our perception of others and of ourselves are
inaccurate. Sometimes our perceptions of others are distorted. This is why an awareness of
perceptual inaccuracies can help improve our relationships (Bakare & Ntshwe 2010, p. 48). 20/22
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3.16. Perceptual Inaccuracies

There are so many factors influencing perception that we cannot take our perceptions for
granted. We have to consider whether they are correct. At times our impressions are so
inaccurate that our understanding of people and situations is distorted. An awareness of
how inaccuracies in our perception of others occur can help improve our relationships.

Emotional state
Selective perception
Fundamental attribution error
False consensus
False consistency
Primacy effect
Halo effect
Stereotyping 21/22
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3.17. Conclusion

This unit began by providing an understanding of the self and that there are in fact many
selves. It then proceeded to discuss identity formation within the family unit and then within
a social context. It has been established that no identity can be formed in isolation, but that
society influences how one’s identity is formed.

Three theories of self-concept — the looking-glass self, social comparison and self-fulfilling
prophecies explained how our self-concept is shaped by others in various contexts. We
established that internalising positive and negative messages can be a complex
undertaking and we then provided a structure to best understand intrapersonal processing
— decoding, schemata, integration (perceptual sets), memory, decoding.

The unit explored digital identity in the sphere of social media and the internet. A new online
‘self’ has emerged as a result. Personal branding spoke to the ‘digital fingerprint’ you leave
whenever you post a picture or update a status. It becomes your reputation online where
potential employees or love interests may check out your brand.

Intrapersonal variables — values and attitudes, beliefs, opinions and prejudices create
biases in the way we interpret others. Perceptual inaccuracies — emotional state, selective
perception, fundamental attribution error, false consensus, false consistency, primacy effect,
halo effect and stereotypes account for the many reasons why we tend to inaccurately
perceive others. 22/22

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