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Higher Education:

Learning Agreement form

Adriana Crimiz
Academic Year 2021/2022

After the Mobility

Table D - Traineeship Certificate by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise

Name of the trainee: Cirmiz Adriana

Name of the receiving Organisation/Enterprise: Manisa Celal Bayar University, TR MANISA01

Sector of the receiving Organisation/Enterprise: Higer Education Institution

Address of the receiving Organisation/Enterprise, website: Şehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Campus 45140 - Yunusemre – MANİSA

Start and end of traineeship: from 05.07.2022 to 05.09.2022

Traineeship title: Internship in Faculty of business.

Detailed programme of the traineeship period including tasks carried out by the trainee: To search information about diferent
types of financial products and services.
To analyze different types of information.
Search, analyze and differentiate the economy in Turkey and Romania.
Understanding different types of financial instruments.
Team work with the aim of researching major economic changes, selection of information and data.

Knowledge, skills (intellectual and practical) and competences acquired (achieved Learning Outcomes): developing the ability to
communicate orally and in writing in English, planning and monitoring work for achieveing more success, developing teamworking
spirit, developing analytical and critical thinking in economic area, Constructing and presenting arguments, General research skills,
finding creative and innovative solutions.

Evaluation of the trainee:

Skill Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Academic skills /Expertise
Analytical skills
Decision-making skills
Strategic-organisational skills
Communication skills
ICT skills
Foreign language skills
Teamwork skills
Innovative and creative skills

 In accordance with the Internship Contract

Name and signature of the supervisor at the receiving Organisation/Enterprise:

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