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edTPA Planning Task 1 – Assessments

Lesson 1 Assessment
Rubric for homework video assignment
Objective: As a result of this lesson, students will be able to, using a metronome, play a two-
measure rhythm on a single pitch in time with a staccato articulation.
Student Directions:

Directions: you will record yourself playing the rhythm below while having a
metronome on. Read the line for your instrument.
In order to receive full credit, you need to:
1. Have a metronome on at 60 bpm during your recording (1 point)
2. Play the rhythm in time with the metronome (3 points)
3. Play the correct rhythm (4 points)
4. Use a staccato (short) articulation (2 points)
5. Use plenty of air support so your sound is clear (2 points)
Percussionists: use a practice pad for your recording and read from the concert
snare drum line.
If you do not have access to your instrument: you may clap for your video
submission. Read the concert snare drum line.

Scoring guide used for grading: The student…

1 2 3 4
Time Did not use a Used a Used a Used a metronome
metronome or metronome and metronome and and played all
used a started in time but started in time down beats in time.
metronome and observed a but rushed ahead
did not start in different pulse of or dragged the
time. throughout the time.
entire recording.
Rhythm Played an entirely Misinterpreted Misinterpreted Interpreted all
different rhythm. the value of more the value of just rhythms accurately.
than one note, but one note.
not the entire
Articulation Did not use Used an Used a supported Used a supported,
articulation. unsupported articulation with short articulation.
articulation with no attention to
no attention to
Student music referenced in the directions:
Lesson 2 Assessment
Homework writing assignment
Student Directions:

Listen to the music in the following video:

Santa Teresa High School Concert Band 2018-03-28 "Sunchaser"
(Citation at the end)
Using what you learned from Wednesday’s lesson and Monday’s lesson, answer the
questions about the video below. Make sure to answer all parts of each question.
Type your answer into the submission box below and use numbers to show me which
question you are answering.

1. Is the ensemble keeping a steady beat? [1 point] How are you able to tell? [2

2. Identify one point in the video where the ensemble changed tempo (provide
the time of the video where the change occurred). [1 point] How did the
ensemble make this tempo change smoothly? [2 points]

3. Why does an ensemble need a steady pulse when playing tempo

changes? [2 points]

Scoring guide used for grading (found inside the boxes following the question):
1. Is the ensemble keeping a steady beat? [1-A] How are you able to tell? [1-B]
Question 1-A: “Yes” 1 point

Question 1-B: The student should mention that the ensemble is in time with the conductor OR
that the ensemble is all playing together OR that that the ensemble’s beats all line up. 2 points

2. Identify one point in the video where the ensemble changed tempo (provide the time of the
video where the change occurred). [2-A] How did the ensemble make this tempo change
Prompt 2-A: I will accept [Option A: any time between 0:42 and 0:46], [Option B: any time
between 1:47 and 1:53], or [Option C: any time between 3:23 and 3:28] as a correct answer. 1

Question 2-B: For Option A or Option C, the student should mention that the conductor gave
the ensemble prep beats to see what the new tempo would be. For Option B, the student should
mention that the ensemble had prepared this section to already know what the new tempo
would be. If the student mentions that the ensemble had rehearsed the tempo change a lot or
that they listened to one another and felt the tempo, I will accept that for any Option. 2 points

3. Why does an ensemble need a steady pulse when playing tempo changes?
Question 3: The student should mention that a steady pulse is needed for a successful tempo
change because the audience will not understand the tempo change without everyone in the
ensemble playing the same pulse. 2 points

8 total points

Santa Teresa High School [SantaTeresaMusic]. (2018, March 29). Santa Teresa High School
Concert Band 2018-03-28 "Sunchaser" [Video]. YouTube.
Lesson 3 Assessment
Video performance
Students will:
1. Learn the melody listed for their instrument.
2. Once comfortable the melody, practice playing it along with the conducting video before
3. When ready to submit, open the linked google drive into a new tab and open the video for
their corresponding instrument.
4. Hit record on the Canvas assignment page, then change the tab to the video and play the
5. Starting just after the prep beat, play along with my conducting in the video on the
melody shown in the video.
6. Make sure to follow along with the ritardando and use a staccato articulation when
Citation for the video for this assignment:
mquill2. (2023, October 29). Alto Saxophone [Video]. YouTube.
Student Directions:

Directions for practicing:

1. Open a Google Drive link and open the video with your instrument name.
2. Pause the video and spend time learning the melody on it.
3. After you have learned the melody, start the video and practice playing the
melody in time with the conducting.
Directions for submitting:
1. When you are comfortable playing in time with the conductor, go back to the canvas
assignment and start recording.
2. Change the tab over to your video and start it.
3. Play the melody in time with the conductor without stopping.
4. After you have finished and the video has ended, you can return to the canvas
assignment and submit your video.
You have all weekend to complete this assignment, so please send me any of your
questions through a canvas message or email.

How to earn full credit:

1. Play in time with the conductor. Make sure to play the ritardando in time, too.
2. Play all the correct notes, rhythms, and use a staccato articulation.

(An example of the video the students are meant to watch is provided in the citation on the
previous page.)
The student…
1 2 3 4
Time Did not start in Started in time Started in time Played all beats
time or play any with the with the in time with the
beats in time. conductor but conductor but conductor and
They did not did not play any rushed ahead or observed the
observe the other beats in dragged behind ritardando.
ritardando. time. They the beat slightly.
observed the They observed
ritardando. the ritardando.
Notes & Played no Missed more Missed just one Played all
Rhythms correct notes or than one note or note or just one correct notes and
rhythm. rhythm. rhythms.
an entirely
different rhythm.
Staccato Did not play all Did not play all Did not play all Played all notes
Articulation notes short and notes short and notes short but short and with
did not articulate played with a did play with a light articulation.
their notes. heavy light articulation.

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