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Unit 2 Lesson 1:

Introduction to Carpentry

Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Essential Questions 3

Bench Marks 3

General Notes 4

Overlook 5

Blueprint 6

Gear Up! 12

Check Up 17

Production Time 18

Recap 19

Bibliography 22

Glossary 22

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Carpentry As a Way of Life


Fig. 1 ​Carpentry tools SOURCE:

Trees are one of the best gifts of mother earth. And carpenters developed the wood produced
from trees to build magnificent creations. Due to the versatility of wood, carpenters
transformed this amazing material to furniture and sculptures. The elegance, sturdiness, and
beauty attracts humans to carpentry work making it a good business opportunity. In this
chapter, you will learn about basic concepts in carpentry, relevance of carpentry, career
opportunities, characteristics of a carpenter, carpentry products, services, potential
customers, and carpentry business ideas.

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Essential Questions
● What is carpentry?
● What are the basic concepts in carpentry?
● What is the relevance of carpentry?
● What are the different career opportunities in carpentry?
● What are the characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits of a carpenter?
● How to assess the characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits of a
● What are the different products and services available in the market?
● Who are the potential customers of businesses in carpentry?
● What are potential business ideas in carpentry?

Bench Marks
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● Define carpentry and carpenter
● Discuss basic concepts in carpentry
● Identify the relevance of carpentry
● State the different career opportunities in carpentry
● Enumerate career opportunities in carpentry
● Recognize characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits of a carpenter
● Enumerate the characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits of a carpenter
● Compare one’s characteristics to that of a carpenter
● Generate a business idea involving carpentry
● Conduct SWOT analysis in generating a business idea in carpentry
● Identify various products or services available in the carpentry market
● Enumerate products or services available in the carpentry market
● Create innovative products or services in carpentry
● Determine potential customers in carpentry market
● Create a profile of potential customers

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● Enumerate potential business ideas in carpentry
● Create a business plan for the carpentry business idea

​ eneral Notes

● The word carpentry comes from the Anglo-Norman French word “carpentrie”
● Carpentry is ubiquitous which means that it is virtually everywhere.
● Cabinets and wardrobes are type of furniture that serves as storage for clothes and
● Filipinos are hardworking, creative, and natural entrepreneurs that is why the
Philippines manufactures high-quality furniture.
● SWOT analysis is the most common tool to compare and contrast the internal
aspects of the strengths and weaknesses and the external aspects of the
opportunities and threats.
● Carpenters may join an official apprenticeship program and upon graduation, they
may be called a journeyman carpenter.
● A master carpenter is a title earned by a carpenter who has finished extensive
training and professional studies. He will also receive a master certification.
● Green carpentry is an important career opportunity in carpentry because humans
need to do their part in protecting the environment in every way possible.
● Geometry is a branch of mathematics that revolves around measurement and the
relationship of shapes. It is applied in the actual practice of carpentry.
● Target market is a marketing term that pertains to the desired demographic of
customers of your business.

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Fig. 2 ​Carpenter working on a project SOURCE:

When you take a look at your surroundings, you will see a lot of carpentry works. Everything
that is made out of wood is a product of the expert hands of a carpenter. Now, look around
the classroom and pick a carpentry product. It could be the blackboard, a chair, or a table.
Draw this carpentry product on a piece of paper with the art material of your choice. Get a
partner from among your classmates and show the illustration you made. Discuss the
following with your partner: materials used in creating the product, design of the carpentry
product, and the procedure on how the carpentry product was created. Be prepared to also
share your discussions with the class as a pair.

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Fig. 3 ​Carpenter in the workshop SOURCE:

Carpentry is the trade or art of creating things from wood. Carpentry is ubiquitous since you
can find carpentry products everywhere. In fact, if you are sitting on a wooden chair right now,
that is a very good example of a carpentry product. The insides of the columns in your
classroom are strengthened by wooden foundations as well. Thus, the importance of
carpentry is that it provides humans with carpentry products to be used as furniture and a
house which is a basic need. Carpentry also paves way in the improvement of our economy by
providing jobs for numerous carpenters all over the country. Carpentry products such as
furniture and wooden fixtures remain to be constant export items to other countries.
There are several main services in the practice of carpentry: creation of woodworks,
construction, design, and repair. Construction happens when a carpenter engages in the
building of houses or buildings. Carpenters are usually tasked to construct wooden frames or

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foundations in the construction sites. Design is a type of service that requires carpenters to
apply artistic touches on wood to create aesthetically pleasing pieces. And lastly, repair is
performed by carpenters whenever there is apparent damage on the woodwork or existing
carpentry products.
In the Philippines, carpentry is most seen in the furniture industry. The Department of Trade
and Industry regards the furniture industry as one of the most labor-intensive and artistic

Characteristics of a Carpenter

Fig. 4 C
​ arpenter working in a construction site SOURCE:

A carpenter is the general term for a carpentry practitioner. Due to the complexity and
intricacies of different types of wood, a carpenter must have the knowledge on the
characteristics of each type of wood and a wide array of techniques in carpentry. For example,
a softer timber must be handled delicately to avoid deterioration even before the project is
over. A carpenter must also have a strong grasp of measurement to accurately and precisely
perform carpentry. To be more specific, a carpenter must be knowledgeable in geometry and
actual application of the subject in actual practice.

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As the carpentry industry continues to develop, the role of carpenters remains relevant in the
society for three main reasons: first, quality carpentry products are on demand; second,
carpentry services are sought after on a daily basis; and lastly, both the carpentry products
and carpentry services contribute largely to the Philippine economy.

Needless to say, a carpenter must possess several characteristics to succeed in their field. A
carpenter must be artistic, observant, analytical, logical, articulate, fit, knowledgeable,
resourceful, compassionate, and dexterous. He must also possess good time management,
organizational skills, and good work ethics.

Table 1 provides a summary of these characteristics.

Characteristic Significance in Carpentry

Artistic must be able to create the design, layout, and blueprint of the

Observant must be able to examine the wood to be used for the woodwork

Analytical must be able to analyze and estimate the portion of woodwork to

work on

Logical must be able to apply theoretical knowledge into practice in a logical

manner to minimize errors and follow the directions accurately and

Articulate must be able to communicate well with the requests of the clients and
possess good communication skills

Fit must be able to carry heavy materials

Knowledgeable must be able to hold broad knowledge in the construction industry

and carpentry

Resourceful must be able to construct woodworks with different kinds of wood

such as plywood and lumber

Compassionate must have genuine care and understanding towards clients

Dexterity must have efficient manual capabilities of both hands

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Time Management Skills must be able to produce quality work in an efficient and timely

Organizational Skills must be able to maintain a clean and organized environment to work
in so as to avoid unexpected errors due to clutter

Good Work Ethics must have an overall excellent work ethics to maintain the smooth
flow of operations since carpentry is a highly sophisticated work

Carpentry as a Way of Life: Careers, Products, Services, Businesses

Fig. 6 C
​ arpenter using a saw to cut wood SOURCE:

The common misconception in the field of carpentry is that the career path that you can take
is limited to the hands-on interaction with woodworks. In fact, carpentry branches out to
different fields in carpentry including marketing and teaching.

The main products in carpentry are: Furniture or woodworks such as tables, chairs,
bookshelves, wardrobes, ships, props for movies and plays, and houses.

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Table 2 presents a summary of the different career opportunities in carpentry.
Career Opportunity Details

Self-employed Takes on carpentry projects that he chose himself from

Carpenters various clients. Self-employed carpenters are often called

Home/Building Involves the creation of wooden foundation or bases of

Construction houses and buildings. Carpenters who engage in this line of
work are also called formwork carpenters.

Finish Carpentry It is a career opportunity that requires high levels of accuracy

and artistry. They create different woodworks, instrument,
furniture, and other products that require exact
measurements, otherwise, the product will deteriorate.

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Construction Tasked to give knowledgeable carpentry advice and
Consultant information regarding construction or creation of woodworks.
Their clients are usually other carpenters who desire to
double check their carpentry.

Trim Carpenter Is tasked to perform ornamental works such as doors or

windows by molding or trimming.

Cabinetmaker Specializes in the creation of cabinets and wardrobes.

Ship’s Carpenter Is an expert in building ships or vessels and its parts.

Scenic Carpenter Builds props and backdrops out of wooden materials for
theater performances, live performances, television sets and
even movies.

Private Household Is a type of carpenter employed by a private household which

Carpenter means that he tends to their carpentry needs. He may be
staying with the household or on-call.

Shop Owner A carpenter who ventures the entrepreneurial world is a shop

owner. He maintains a store where clients can purchase
carpentry products or tools.

Marketing and Sales Involves the direct interaction of the carpenter and clients. A
carpenter in marketing and sales sells the carpentry products
to the clients by explaining the integrity and efficiency of these

Field Supervisor Is tasked with managing the construction of a house or a

building. He may direct other workers on how to accomplish
their tasks. A field supervisor is also called a foreman.

Repair Carpentry Focuses on the repair of already existing carpentry products

with apparent damage to make them useful or aesthetically
pleasing again.

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Green Carpentry A type of carpentry that utilizes recycled materials in their

Trainers A carpenter who dedicates his time to the next generation of

carpenters by teaching them the principles and techniques of
the art.

​ ear Up!

The Carpenter in You

Now that you know the different characteristics of a carpenter, it is time to focus on your
characteristics. SWOT analysis is the most common tool to compare and contrast the internal
aspects, or the strengths and weaknesses, and the external aspects, or the opportunities and
threats. In this section, you are going to assess your skills, talents, and abilities by creating a
SWOT analysis. By creating a SWOT analysis, you can easily compare your strengths and
weaknesses to the characteristics of a carpenter. In the diagram below you need to list your
strengths and weaknesses and provide opportunities and threats. Follow the guide questions
in each pane.

Strengths Weaknesses
What are my positive qualities that can help What are the things I need to improve on to
me in the field of carpentry? be a carpenter?

Opportunities Threats
Enumerate the instances where the positive What will happen if the points on
qualities that you listed above will help you improvement that you listed above will not
succeed in the field of carpentry. be achieved?

Table 3. SWOT Analysis

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Now, compare your own SWOT analysis to Table 1. How many characteristics do you share
with a carpenter? Whether you share a lot of characteristics with a carpenter or none of the
characteristics, there is room for improvement in both instances. These abilities and traits can
be harnessed through hard work and dedication.

Your Own Carpentry Business: Customer Profiling and Business Plan

Fig. 6. ​A storefront of an auto shop Source:

A business plan is a complete overview created by the business owner that contains all the
details regarding the business that can serve as a guide throughout the whole business set-up
process. It must specify your target market, objectives, manpower, inventory, costing,
forecast, business name, and other legal formalities.

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All great businesses start by ​identifying the target market of the business. It is generally the
compass that will point your business in the right direction. Simply put, you must specify the
customers that you wish to cater to. Generally, there are eight types of customers in the
carpentry industry:
● Investors
● Corporations and organizations
● Woodworks Collectors
● Woodworks Manufacturers
● Foreign Countries
● Construction Managers
● Homeowners
● Stores

Investors are those who wish to create their own line or brand of carpentry products.
Corporations and organizations are entities that purchase different types of carpentry
products to aid their own business objectives. For example, a marketing company would
purchase furniture such as desks and desk chairs that can serve as a workplace for
Woodworks collectors ​are carpentry product enthusiasts that procures furniture or wooden
ornaments to decorate their home or display in a gallery for others’ perusal. ​Woodworks
manufacturers ​are big companies that requires the services of a carpenter to create designs
of carpentry products. And in turn, these manufacturers will breathe life into the design and
reproduce them on a large scale basis to be sold in department stores or warehouses.
Foreign Countries are customers of Philippine export products which are furniture since they
prefer the meticulous integrity and the native design of the local products.
Construction Managers ​require services of carpenters in their own construction projects. If
not the services, ​construction managers sometimes get the wooden raw materials from
carpenters to add to their project.
Homeowners ​require the services of carpenters for household repairs or house upgrade.
Lastly, ​stores will play the part of a reseller. For example, hardware stores can ask you to
supply auto parts for the general market.
After picking your type of customer, the next step is to ​create your business objective​. Your
business objective will help you define the identity of your business. It can also delimit the
scope of your services to match your capital. For example, if you only have enough capital to

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run a furniture shop, then it will only be limited to repairs and will not engage in
improvements anymore.
Once you have established your business objective, you must ​determine the manpower that
you need which means that you have to specify the number of people in your staff. Then,
make a list of your inventory​. The inventory should contain all your wooden materials such
as timber and lumber, tools, equipment and machinery.
The next step is costing​. The main purpose of setting up a business is to produce a profit. You
must be able to identify the amount of money that the customers must compensate you for
the services and products that you will provide. After costing, comes forecast. A ​Forecast is an
analysis of the supply and demand for your business. It provides a detailed plan for every
month of the year. After that, don’t forget to ​name your carpentry business ​that best suits
its personality.
Last but not the least, ​secure the necessary permits from the government to legally operate
in your desired community.

Try This!
1. Give five characteristics of a carpenter.
2. How many types of customers are there in the carpentry industry?
3. A field supervisor is also called a _________.
4. The first step in creating your own business is __________.
5. What is the main purpose of setting up a business?

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Tinker Time!

Fig. 7. ​Automotive technician at work Source:

Your task is to draw carpentry products. It may be a wooden fixture, an ornament, a ship or a
piece of furniture. Your goal is to design these products that you think customers would like.
As a designer of the carpentry product, you must prepare an explanation why you think the
product will attract customers. You need to convince your teacher that you were able to apply
the learnings from this unit to your drawing and explanation. The context you find yourself in
is an actual designing of carpentry products that carpenters experience on a daily basis. Your
teacher will judge your work if you meet the following requirements: a drawing and an

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Check Up
A. If the statement is true, type T and type F if the statement if false.
1. Being a trainer is a career opportunity in carpentry.
2. The Department of Trade and Industry handles the furniture industry.
3. One of the characteristics of a carpenter is analytical.
4. Carpentry is the same as finish carpentry.
5. A carpenter must possess a set of characteristics to succeed in this field.
6. A carpenter does not have to communicate with his clients and focus only on
the creation of woodworks.
7. Carpentry is limited to repairs.
8. The business plan does not need to indicate forecast.
9. There are a lot of misconceptions about career opportunities in carpentry.
10. If you do not possess the characteristics of a carpenter, there is no way that this
field is your future.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. Define carpentry.
2. Enumerate the types of customers in the carpentry industry.
3. Give at least five characteristics of a carpenter and explain why it is relevant to the
practice of carpentry.
4. Give at least five career opportunities in carpentry and describe each.
5. Define carpenter and give three examples.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. What can an aspiring carpenter do to improve his skills in carpentry?

2. What makes a good business plan?
3. Why do you need to identify your target market or customers first before you can
start your business plan?
4. How is carpentry important to the country’s economy?
5. What is the importance of Green Carpentry?

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Production Time
Designing My Own Carpentry Shop

Your task is to design your own carpentry shop from scratch. Your goal is to create a
carpentry shop that can operate in the Philippine setting. As the creator of this shop,
you must be as detailed as possible in putting your shop into life. You need to convince
your teacher that you were able to apply the learnings from this unit to this project. The
context you find yourself in is the same scenario that a young carpenter experiences in
their career. You will create a business plan and an artistic interpretation of your shop -
it can be in the form of an illustration, graphic design, or a three-dimensional model.
Your work will be judged by your teacher if you meet the following requirements: a
detailed business plan following the format in this unit and a substantial compliance in
the artistic interpretation.

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Characteristic Significance in Carpentry

Artistic must be able to create the design, layout, and blueprint of the

Observant must be able to examine the wood to be used for the woodwork

Analytical must be able to analyze and estimate the portion of woodwork to

work on

Logical must be able to apply theoretical knowledge into practice in a logical

manner to minimize errors and follow the directions accurately and

Articulate must be able to communicate well with the requests of the clients
and possess good communication skills

Fit must be able to carry heavy materials

Knowledgeable must be able to hold broad knowledge in the construction industry

and carpentry

Resourceful must be able to construct woodworks with different kinds of wood

such as plywood and lumber

Compassionate must have genuine care and understanding towards clients

Dexterity must have efficient manual capabilities of both hands

Time Management Skills must be able to produce quality work in an efficient and timely

Organizational Skills must be able to maintain a clean and organized environment to work
in so as to avoid unexpected errors due to clutter

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Good Work Ethics must have an overall excellent work ethics to maintain the smooth
flow of operations since carpentry is a highly sophisticated work

Career Opportunity Details

Self-employed Takes on carpentry projects that he chose himself from

Carpenters various clients. Self-employed carpenters are often called

Home/Building Involves the creation of wooden foundation or bases of

Construction houses and buildings. Carpenters who engage in this line of
work are also called formwork carpenters.

Finish Carpentry is a career opportunity that requires high levels of accuracy

and artistry. They create different woodworks, instrument,
furniture, and other products that require exact
measurements, otherwise, the product will deteriorate.

Construction Tasked to give knowledgeable carpentry advice and

Consultant information regarding construction or creation of woodworks.
Their clients are usually other carpenters who desire to
double check their carpentry.

Trim Carpenter Is tasked to build ornamental works such as doors or windows

by molding or trimming.

Cabinetmaker Specializes in the creation of cabinets and wardrobes.

Ship’s Carpenter Is an expert in building ships or vessels and its parts.

Scenic Carpenter Builds props and backdrops out of wooden materials for
theater performances, live performances, television sets and
even movies.

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Private Household Is a type of carpenter employed by a private household which
Carpenter means that he tends to their carpentry needs. He may be
staying with the household or on-call.

Shop Owner A carpenter who ventures the entrepreneurial world is a shop

owner. He maintains a store where clients can purchase
carpentry products or tools.

Marketing and Sales Involves the direct interaction of the carpenter and clients. A
carpenter in marketing and sales sells the carpentry products
to the clients by explaining the integrity and efficiency of these

Field Supervisor Is tasked with managing the construction of a house or a

building. He may direct other workers on how to accomplish
their tasks. A field supervisor is also called a foreman.

Repair Carpentry Focuses on the repair of already existing carpentry products

with apparent damage to make them useful or aesthetically
pleasing again.

Green Carpentry A type of carpentry that utilizes recycled materials in their


Trainers A carpenter who dedicates his time to the next generation of

carpenters by teaching them the principles and techniques of
the art.

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Burnett, John. (2003). “​Core Concepts of Marketing​.” New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Koel, Leonard. (2009). ​ “Carpentry.” ​Orland Park: Amer Technical Pub.

Department of Trade and Industry. “​Securing the Future of Philippine Industries.​” Accessed
November 21, 2018. url: http://

Department of Labor and Employment. “​Carpenter.​” Accessed November 21, 2018. url:

Riley, J.W. (1905). ​“Carpentry and Joiner.” N

​ ew York: The Macmillan Company.


Business plan​ is a complete overview created by the business owner that contains all the
details regarding the business that can serve as a guide throughout the whole business set-up

Cabinetmaker​ specializes in the creation of cabinets and wardrobes.

Carpenter​ is the general term for a carpentry practitioner.

Carpentry ​is the trade or art of creating things from wood.

Construction​ happens when a carpenter engages in the building of houses or buildings.

Corporations and organizations a ​ re entities that purchase different types of carpentry

products to aid their own business objectives.

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Design​ is a type of service that requires carpenters to apply artistic touches on wood to create
aesthetically pleasing pieces.

Finish Carpentry ​is a career opportunity that requires high levels of accuracy and artistry.

Forecast ​is an analysis of the supply and demand for your business.

Geometry​ is a branch of mathematics that revolves around measurement and the

relationship of shapes. It is applied in the actual practice of carpentry.

Green Carpentry​ is a type of carpentry that utilizes recycled materials in their projects.

Home/Building Construction i​ nvolves the creation of wooden foundation or bases of houses

and buildings.

Investors a
​ re those who wish to create their own line or brand of carpentry products.

Marketing and Sales​ involves the direct interaction of the carpenter and clients.

Master carpenter ​is a title earned by a carpenter who finished extensive training and
professional studies.

Repair​ is performed by carpenters whenever there is apparent damage on the woodwork or

existing carpentry products.

Repair Carpentry​ focuses on the repair of already existing carpentry products with apparent
damage to make them useful or aesthetically pleasing again.

Self-employed Carpenters​ takes on carpentry projects that he chose himself from various
clients. Self-employed carpenters are often called freelancers.

Scenic Carpenter ​builds props and backdrops out of wooden materials for theater
performances, live performances, television sets and even movies.

Ship’s Carpenter​ is an expert in building ships or vessels and their parts.

Shop Owner ​is a carpenter who ventures the entrepreneurial world.

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SWOT analysis​ is the most common tool to compare and contrast the internal aspects of the
strengths and weaknesses and the external aspects of the opportunities and threats.

Target market​ is a marketing term that pertains to the desired demographic of customers of
your business.

Trainer​ is a carpenter who dedicates his time to the next generation of carpenters by
teaching them the principles and techniques of the art.

Woodworks collectors​ are carpentry product enthusiasts that procures furniture or wooden
ornaments to decorate their home or display in a gallery for others’ perusal.

Woodworks manufacturers a ​ re big companies that require the services of a carpenter to

create designs of carpentry products.

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