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Fransita Fun English

Syllabus Grade 5



This syllabus contains 13 units and it is divided into 2 semesters. The focus of grade 3 is still on speaking and listening but there is more work on reading

and writing now that students have developed some literacy skills. In reading students move on from recognition and reading of words and phrases to

reading short sentences. Inwriting, they continue to copy words, phrases and sentences but also write familiar words, phrases and very short sentences on

their own. Language content extends according to the topics and moves beyond a focus on nouns and adjectives to include a range of verbs. With more

language, the activities are more varied and challenging but remain active, personalized and enjoyable. For example, students can now understand longer

and more complex stories. The main goal is the start of basic communication on every day and familiar subjects.

Unit 6: The Jungle
Unit Outcomes: Students will be able to talk about jungle with the animals.
Vocabulary: Jungle, animals and classroom language.

Competency Content/Language item Learning activities

Students will be able to: A. Listening and Speaking
 Students greet their classmates/teacher and respond to
 Use social expressions
the greetings
correctly of jungle in past.  Listening of song or a story about ‘jungle’
 Students sing song or play a game related with animals.
 Telling the jungle animals like tiger, leopard, jaguar
 Comprehend the other  Students mention the example of jungle animals,
and etc.
students’ story orally rainforest animals, tropical rainforest animals, safari
 Telling the rainforest animals like mammals, birds, animals, zoo animals.
reptiles and etc.  Students pay attention to the picture and mention the
 Use social expressions
 Telling the tropical rainforest animals like term orally in pairs.
amphibians, cats, snake species and etc.  Students ask and give information about their favorite
 Telling the safari animals like buffalo, cheetah, zebra, animals based on the category of the jungle in pairs
giraffe and etc.  Students report it in front of the class.
 Telling the zoo animals like flamingo, golden eagle,
swan and etc.

B. Reading
 Read aloud a short  Students take turn to read an article of past activity.
dialogue Read aloud an article related to animals based on the

 Write a short C. Writing

conversation about a  Write a short story about animals based on the jungle  Students take turns to read a dialogue and act it out in
healthy living. individually. front of the class in pairs.
 Make a short story about  Write a short dialogue about jungle with the animals in
a healthy living pairs.
D. Speaking
 Tell a conversation about past acctivity in pairs.

Speaking and listening
- The students write a short story about jungle with the animals orally.
- The students listen to the story that the teacher reads and answer the questions individually.


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