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Basic Chinese
2021.10.30 第一課 chapter one
The rules to learn Chinese especially in Hong Kong
 一字一音 One word one syllable
 表形不表音 Refer to the shape of the stuff but not the sound
 九聲六調 Nine tones and six modes
 文白異讀 Two or more pronunciations / expressions when we say
or write
 中英夾雜 Both Chinese and English can appear in a sentence
One word one syllable

 e.g.聽(listen)
 Credit to:

 the word can be divided into so many

 it only pronounces as one syllable:ting3
Refer to the shape of the stuff but not the sound

 e.g. 草(grass)
 the word can be divided the shape into
three parts:「艸」、「日」、「十」,
but only 「艸」is radical,means the words
is about plants,and it looks like the grass
on the land,but other parts should combine
it as「早」 (zou2) to pronounce the similar
sound to「草」(cou2),but not「日十」
Nine tones and six modes

三 九 四 零 五 二 七 八 六
saam1 gau2 sei3 ling4 ng5 ji6 cat1 baat3 luk6

陰平 陰上 陰去 陽平 陽上 陽去 陰入 中入 陽入
Two or more pronunciations / expressions when we say or write

 e.g. 口語:你 晏晝 打算 食 咩?
 文字:你 午飯的時候 打算 吃 甚麼?
 What do you want to eat for lunch?
 e.g. Hug vs Embrace
Both Chinese and English can appear in a sentence

 e.g. 口語:你 send 咗 封email 俾 客 未?

 文字:你 發了 電郵 給 客戶 嗎?
 Did you send the email to the customer?

一 二 三 四 五
1 2 3 4 5

六 七 八 九 十
6 7 8 9 10
Sing the song and remember the numbers

 一 二 三 , 三 二 一
 One Two Three, Three Two One
 一 二 三 四 五 六 七
 One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
 二 三 四,四 三 二
 Two Three Four, Four Three Two
 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
 Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
 十一Eleven 二十一Twenty-one
 十二Twelve 三十四Thirty-four
 十三Thirteen 四十七Forty-seven
 十四Fourteen 五十八Fifty-eight
 十五Fifteen 六十九Sixty-nine
 十六Sixteen 一百零一One hundred and one
 十七Seventeen 八百零二Eight hundred and two
 二千三百Two thousand and three hundred
 一萬零五十 Ten thousand and fifty
Speaking chain
Enrichment words

歡迎welcome 對唔住/對不起 百 hundred 年year

你好hello 你呢how about 千 thousand 歲years old
早晨good morning 多謝thanks a lot 萬10 thousand 週末
唔該thanks 拜拜/再見byebye 億 100 million
Read the words and remember the days

 一 個 星 期 有 七 日
 There are seven days in a week

 星 期 一 至 星 期 日
 Monday to Sunday

 一 至 五 , 係 平 日
 Monday to Friday are working day

 星 期 六 日 係 假 日
 Saturday and Sunday are holiday
Read the words and remember the days

 一 個 月 有 三 十 日
 There are 30 days in a month

 一 個 月 有 四 五 週
 Four to Five weeks in a month

 有 時 多 , 有 時 少
 some months have more weeks, some months have not

 十 二 個 月 有 長 短
 there are different between the twelve month
Monday to Sunday

 星期一/週一Monday
 星期二/週二Tuesday
 星期三/週三Wednesday
 星期四/週四Thursday
 星期五/週五Friday
 星期六/週末Saturday
 星期天/週日Sunday
Different month

 一月January 七月 July
 二月February 八月 August
 三月March 九月 September
 四月April 十月 October
 五月May 十一月November
 六月June 十二月December

 Write down Monday to Sunday in Chinese

 Do the penmanship for twice

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